buy a PC if you want to run games. Mac's are for artyfarty metrosexual gaylike people who think they can design, but actually they can't so the make it up buy using an artyfarty wannabee design computerthingy called the mac.
buy a PC if you want to run games. Mac's are for artyfarty metrosexual gaylike people who think they can design, but actually they can't so the make it up buy using an artyfarty wannabee design computerthingy called the mac.
buy a PC if you want to run games. Mac's are for artyfarty metrosexual gaylike people who think they can design, but actually they can't so the make it up buy using an artyfarty wannabee design computerthingy called the mac.
buy a PC if you want to run games. Mac's are for artyfarty metrosexual gaylike people who think they can design, but actually they can't so the make it up buy using an artyfarty wannabee design computerthingy called the mac.
You're an idiot.
I wish I was, life would be so much easier
The only OS you are aware of is Windows, the only computer you have is a PC (and you fail to realize a PC = Mac), and presumably you just became aware of the internet. Congratz John McCain. Welcome to
MACs are really computers, I've seen them in real life. However, if you play to play games as a major part of your recreation, MAC is not the way to go. Game companies are smart enough to develop for the deployed base, and unfortunately for Apple fans, the deployed base is Windows in the home computer world. As mentioned above if you have a modern MAC with an Intel chipset, just use bootcamp and a copy of Windows XP and you are good to go for gaming.
I have Mac I do everything on it business wise and personal wise, then I have my home built machine that I only game on. And I'm not in the Arts or digital editing business. I just enjoy the operating system and the reliabiity that I personally have received from my Mac. Do I wish it could play games, of course, but I know it can't so I just run that gaming rig with nothing but the cheapest MS OS I can get and games on it. And yes I do understand that I'm going ot have to buckle down and get Vista so I can have DX 10.
YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. yes you can run WAR on your Mac if you have Leopard 10.5 with Bootcamp, will require you have a Windows XP or Vista Disk.
I have Mac I do everything on it business wise and personal wise, then I have my home built machine that I only game on. And I'm not in the Arts or digital editing business. I just enjoy the operating system and the reliabiity that I personally have received from my Mac. Do I wish it could play games, of course, but I know it can't so I just run that gaming rig with nothing but the cheapest MS OS I can get and games on it. And yes I do understand that I'm going ot have to buckle down and get Vista so I can have DX 10.
Free your mind. Why buy windows or mac OS when linux is FREE?
Please, go here: That's the present and future of games on mac / linux.
buy a PC if you want to run games. Mac's are for artyfarty metrosexual gaylike people who think they can design, but actually they can't so the make it up buy using an artyfarty wannabee design computerthingy called the mac.
You're an idiot.
I wish I was, life would be so much easier
The only OS you are aware of is Windows, the only computer you have is a PC (and you fail to realize a PC = Mac), and presumably you just became aware of the internet. Congratz John McCain. Welcome to
I have Mac I do everything on it business wise and personal wise, then I have my home built machine that I only game on. And I'm not in the Arts or digital editing business. I just enjoy the operating system and the reliabiity that I personally have received from my Mac. Do I wish it could play games, of course, but I know it can't so I just run that gaming rig with nothing but the cheapest MS OS I can get and games on it. And yes I do understand that I'm going ot have to buckle down and get Vista so I can have DX 10.
Free your mind. Why buy windows or mac OS when linux is FREE?
Please, go here: That's the present and future of games on mac / linux.
My girlfriend has a mac. Tried bootcamp, ran into "files too large" issue during partition that basically said to wipe the drive and try to repartition on a clean install of leapord. not willing to do that.
I looked into Wine before, noticed that there are issues with Direct X and wine. Not only that, but you cant directly install DirectX. Wine has DirectX drivers built in, but their stability is questionable. Heres more from their website:
3.3. Does Wine support DirectX? Can I install Microsoft's DirectX under Wine?
Wine itself provides a DirectX implementation that, although it has a few bugs left, should run fine. Wine supports DirectX 9.0c at this time. Plans for DirectX 10 are underway.
If you attempt to install Microsoft's DirectX, you will run into problems. It is not recommended nor supported by Wine HQ to attempt this. You can install the runtime, but it will not run. The runtime needs access to the Windows drivers, and Wine cannot access them for obvious reasons. The only native Microsoft DLLs that could be useful anyway are the d3dx9_xx.dll type ones, and these require you to accept Microsoft's license. Additionally these DLLs are now part of the Wine tree. So, as Wine improves these DLLs will only become less relevant.
That said, there are some guides out there which describe how you can install Microsoft's DirectX. I reiterate: It is not recommended nor supported by Wine HQ to attempt this. Furthermore it is considered off topic in Wine HQ support mediums (such as the forums). Please use a clean Wine configuration folder before seeking help. (You may need to rm -rf ~/.wine and re-install your Windows applications.)
1- When you buy a mac , its a pre built system, thus you are already paying more, combined that you are also paying for the mac brand name, more money to spend on things that dont actually help your system
2- As stated above there are Direct X issues, Now combined that with the fact that im sure direct X has a issue or 2 that arnt huge , but adding another layer on top of that adds more crap that you dont need. And combined with no Direct x 10 support well it just keeps moving down the list
3- MAcs are very anti upgrade, since they do there own thing and how they go about. While im not saying you cant upgrade, some are very restrictive. They always want ya to just buy a whole new mac like its a console.
4- Why buy a Mac when i PC can do everything a mac can and then some and save you money. I dont honestly see why you would limit yourself and give yourself more trouble so you can do what a PC can.
Now this next one is more targeted to non hacking mac people
5- Macs are a platform that is and has been based on the idea of people who dont understand PC's. While this is not completely true, but its marketing shows this one
Before everyone gets into a hoot
I have used a mac, i have used linux and i have used Windows
all for different reasons. I stick with windows because it has all the gaming shit i need. Linux was for industrial reasons, and the mac was because it was someones.
buy a PC if you want to run games. Mac's are for artyfarty metrosexual gaylike people who think they can design, but actually they can't so the make it up buy using an artyfarty wannabee design computerthingy called the mac.
YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. yes you can run WAR on your Mac if you have Leopard 10.5 with Bootcamp, will require you have a Windows XP or Vista Disk.
yes i do war is made for windows it can't run on mac unless you have bootcamp whitch makes so u can run windows so in turns the game was made to run on windows not on mac with out boot camp
buy a PC if you want to run games. Mac's are for artyfarty metrosexual gaylike people who think they can design, but actually they can't so the make it up buy using an artyfarty wannabee design computerthingy called the mac.
You're an idiot.
I wish I was, life would be so much easier
The only OS you are aware of is Windows, the only computer you have is a PC (and you fail to realize a PC = Mac), and presumably you just became aware of the internet. Congratz John McCain. Welcome to
meh, I only run Windows for games, linux for the rest, I have an Atari which I use to make music on and I code unix for a living, sorry, I just hate Macs.
*and sorry to the OP for the comment I made, topic has a valid question, I just had a very bad day*
I have Mac I do everything on it business wise and personal wise, then I have my home built machine that I only game on. And I'm not in the Arts or digital editing business. I just enjoy the operating system and the reliabiity that I personally have received from my Mac. Do I wish it could play games, of course, but I know it can't so I just run that gaming rig with nothing but the cheapest MS OS I can get and games on it. And yes I do understand that I'm going ot have to buckle down and get Vista so I can have DX 10.
Free your mind. Why buy windows or mac OS when linux is FREE?
Please, go here: That's the present and future of games on mac / linux.
My girlfriend has a mac. Tried bootcamp, ran into "files too large" issue during partition that basically said to wipe the drive and try to repartition on a clean install of leapord. not willing to do that.
I looked into Wine before, noticed that there are issues with Direct X and wine. Not only that, but you cant directly install DirectX. Wine has DirectX drivers built in, but their stability is questionable. Heres more from their website:
3.3. Does Wine support DirectX? Can I install Microsoft's DirectX under Wine?
Wine itself provides a DirectX implementation that, although it has a few bugs left, should run fine. Wine supports DirectX 9.0c at this time. Plans for DirectX 10 are underway.
If you attempt to install Microsoft's DirectX, you will run into problems. It is not recommended nor supported by Wine HQ to attempt this. You can install the runtime, but it will not run. The runtime needs access to the Windows drivers, and Wine cannot access them for obvious reasons. The only native Microsoft DLLs that could be useful anyway are the d3dx9_xx.dll type ones, and these require you to accept Microsoft's license. Additionally these DLLs are now part of the Wine tree. So, as Wine improves these DLLs will only become less relevant.
That said, there are some guides out there which describe how you can install Microsoft's DirectX. I reiterate: It is not recommended nor supported by Wine HQ to attempt this. Furthermore it is considered off topic in Wine HQ support mediums (such as the forums). Please use a clean Wine configuration folder before seeking help. (You may need to rm -rf ~/.wine and re-install your Windows applications.)
Please check the website, name the MMO you are playing and it probably plays under wine. Everything from Eve online and EQ2 plays down to WoW, Warcraft 3 and dreamlords. You are never supposed to use microsoft's directx. As for warhammer, one of the links I posted showed the current status of the game. Currently it installs and you can play it, except the player textures are lumps on the ground (which I bet will be fixed soon, it looks like a simple fix based upon the bug report).
Google of all people are backing wine, that's how big its getting.
I currently play portal, TF2, WoW, Eve Online, all in linux, all using wine.
I hate macs for a few reasons. 1- When you buy a mac , its a pre built system, thus you are already paying more, combined that you are also paying for the mac brand name, more money to spend on things that dont actually help your system 2- As stated above there are Direct X issues, Now combined that with the fact that im sure direct X has a issue or 2 that arnt huge , but adding another layer on top of that adds more crap that you dont need. And combined with no Direct x 10 support well it just keeps moving down the list 3- MAcs are very anti upgrade, since they do there own thing and how they go about. While im not saying you cant upgrade, some are very restrictive. They always want ya to just buy a whole new mac like its a console. 4- Why buy a Mac when i PC can do everything a mac can and then some and save you money. I dont honestly see why you would limit yourself and give yourself more trouble so you can do what a PC can. Now this next one is more targeted to non hacking mac people 5- Macs are a platform that is and has been based on the idea of people who dont understand PC's. While this is not completely true, but its marketing shows this one Before everyone gets into a hoot I have used a mac, i have used linux and i have used Windows all for different reasons. I stick with windows because it has all the gaming shit i need. Linux was for industrial reasons, and the mac was because it was someones.
Everything you said is advertising and hype, the same thing could be said about dell or hp. You are not comparing MAC vs. PC, you are comparing OS X vs. Windows.
Go back to Diablo II
If you have bootcamp and an Intel mac you can still run the software through windows via bootcamp.
You will need one of the newer macs though with at least 2gb of RAM and it runs very nicely.
buy a PC if you want to run games. Mac's are for artyfarty metrosexual gaylike people who think they can design, but actually they can't so the make it up buy using an artyfarty wannabee design computerthingy called the mac.
Playing EVE Online
(PM me for the EVE 21-day trial program)
Best bet is Wine.
:: Edit:::
It looks like it installs and run, model don't show up (yet). Hopefully it's an easy fix.
You're an idiot.
Buy a real computer.
You can get one refurbished for cheap that will play WAR just fine.
Buy a real computer.
You can get one refurbished for cheap that will play WAR just fine.
Did you know you currently have a root kit installed on your computer?
You're an idiot.
I wish I was, life would be so much easier
Playing EVE Online
(PM me for the EVE 21-day trial program)
You're an idiot.
I wish I was, life would be so much easier
The only OS you are aware of is Windows, the only computer you have is a PC (and you fail to realize a PC = Mac), and presumably you just became aware of the internet. Congratz John McCain. Welcome to
MACs are really computers, I've seen them in real life. However, if you play to play games as a major part of your recreation, MAC is not the way to go. Game companies are smart enough to develop for the deployed base, and unfortunately for Apple fans, the deployed base is Windows in the home computer world. As mentioned above if you have a modern MAC with an Intel chipset, just use bootcamp and a copy of Windows XP and you are good to go for gaming.
I hope this helps.
I have Mac I do everything on it business wise and personal wise, then I have my home built machine that I only game on. And I'm not in the Arts or digital editing business. I just enjoy the operating system and the reliabiity that I personally have received from my Mac. Do I wish it could play games, of course, but I know it can't so I just run that gaming rig with nothing but the cheapest MS OS I can get and games on it. And yes I do understand that I'm going ot have to buckle down and get Vista so I can have DX 10.
I'm running bootcamp on my Macbook Pro. Plays all windows games, no problem.
Will play: not WAR, HELLO KITTY ONLINE!!11one
Playing: EVE
Played: EQ (+all expansions too), Asheron''s Call 2, Anarchy Online, Planet Side, EQ2, WoW (+TBC), EVE
YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. yes you can run WAR on your Mac if you have Leopard 10.5 with Bootcamp, will require you have a Windows XP or Vista Disk.
yes you can run WAR on your Mac if you have Leopard 10.5 with Bootcamp, will require you have a Windows XP or Vista Disk.
and for th OP, you are not superior because you have a PC, so stop with the smartass comments
Use wine.
It's what everyone running linux does. Time for some reeducation.
Free your mind. Why buy windows or mac OS when linux is FREE?
Please, go here: That's the present and future of games on mac / linux.
You're an idiot.
I wish I was, life would be so much easier
The only OS you are aware of is Windows, the only computer you have is a PC (and you fail to realize a PC = Mac), and presumably you just became aware of the internet. Congratz John McCain. Welcome to
Fucking ROFL!
Free your mind. Why buy windows or mac OS when linux is FREE?
Please, go here: That's the present and future of games on mac / linux.
My girlfriend has a mac. Tried bootcamp, ran into "files too large" issue during partition that basically said to wipe the drive and try to repartition on a clean install of leapord. not willing to do that.
I looked into Wine before, noticed that there are issues with Direct X and wine. Not only that, but you cant directly install DirectX. Wine has DirectX drivers built in, but their stability is questionable. Heres more from their website:
3.3. Does Wine support DirectX? Can I install Microsoft's DirectX under Wine?
Wine itself provides a DirectX implementation that, although it has a few bugs left, should run fine. Wine supports DirectX 9.0c at this time. Plans for DirectX 10 are underway.
If you attempt to install Microsoft's DirectX, you will run into problems. It is not recommended nor supported by Wine HQ to attempt this. You can install the runtime, but it will not run. The runtime needs access to the Windows drivers, and Wine cannot access them for obvious reasons. The only native Microsoft DLLs that could be useful anyway are the d3dx9_xx.dll type ones, and these require you to accept Microsoft's license. Additionally these DLLs are now part of the Wine tree. So, as Wine improves these DLLs will only become less relevant.
That said, there are some guides out there which describe how you can install Microsoft's DirectX. I reiterate: It is not recommended nor supported by Wine HQ to attempt this. Furthermore it is considered off topic in Wine HQ support mediums (such as the forums). Please use a clean Wine configuration folder before seeking help. (You may need to rm -rf ~/.wine and re-install your Windows applications.)
any idea how stable directX is using Wine?
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
I hate macs for a few reasons.
1- When you buy a mac , its a pre built system, thus you are already paying more, combined that you are also paying for the mac brand name, more money to spend on things that dont actually help your system
2- As stated above there are Direct X issues, Now combined that with the fact that im sure direct X has a issue or 2 that arnt huge , but adding another layer on top of that adds more crap that you dont need. And combined with no Direct x 10 support well it just keeps moving down the list
3- MAcs are very anti upgrade, since they do there own thing and how they go about. While im not saying you cant upgrade, some are very restrictive. They always want ya to just buy a whole new mac like its a console.
4- Why buy a Mac when i PC can do everything a mac can and then some and save you money. I dont honestly see why you would limit yourself and give yourself more trouble so you can do what a PC can.
Now this next one is more targeted to non hacking mac people
5- Macs are a platform that is and has been based on the idea of people who dont understand PC's. While this is not completely true, but its marketing shows this one
Before everyone gets into a hoot
I have used a mac, i have used linux and i have used Windows
all for different reasons. I stick with windows because it has all the gaming shit i need. Linux was for industrial reasons, and the mac was because it was someones.
You're an idiot.
My thoughts exactly.
YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. yes you can run WAR on your Mac if you have Leopard 10.5 with Bootcamp, will require you have a Windows XP or Vista Disk.
yes i do war is made for windows it can't run on mac unless you have bootcamp whitch makes so u can run windows so in turns the game was made to run on windows not on mac with out boot camp
You're an idiot.
I wish I was, life would be so much easier
The only OS you are aware of is Windows, the only computer you have is a PC (and you fail to realize a PC = Mac), and presumably you just became aware of the internet. Congratz John McCain. Welcome to
meh, I only run Windows for games, linux for the rest, I have an Atari which I use to make music on and I code unix for a living, sorry, I just hate Macs.
*and sorry to the OP for the comment I made, topic has a valid question, I just had a very bad day*
if your mac runs on intel proc.
if your mac is a real mac
Playing EVE Online
(PM me for the EVE 21-day trial program)
Free your mind. Why buy windows or mac OS when linux is FREE?
Please, go here: That's the present and future of games on mac / linux.
My girlfriend has a mac. Tried bootcamp, ran into "files too large" issue during partition that basically said to wipe the drive and try to repartition on a clean install of leapord. not willing to do that.
I looked into Wine before, noticed that there are issues with Direct X and wine. Not only that, but you cant directly install DirectX. Wine has DirectX drivers built in, but their stability is questionable. Heres more from their website:
3.3. Does Wine support DirectX? Can I install Microsoft's DirectX under Wine?
Wine itself provides a DirectX implementation that, although it has a few bugs left, should run fine. Wine supports DirectX 9.0c at this time. Plans for DirectX 10 are underway.
If you attempt to install Microsoft's DirectX, you will run into problems. It is not recommended nor supported by Wine HQ to attempt this. You can install the runtime, but it will not run. The runtime needs access to the Windows drivers, and Wine cannot access them for obvious reasons. The only native Microsoft DLLs that could be useful anyway are the d3dx9_xx.dll type ones, and these require you to accept Microsoft's license. Additionally these DLLs are now part of the Wine tree. So, as Wine improves these DLLs will only become less relevant.
That said, there are some guides out there which describe how you can install Microsoft's DirectX. I reiterate: It is not recommended nor supported by Wine HQ to attempt this. Furthermore it is considered off topic in Wine HQ support mediums (such as the forums). Please use a clean Wine configuration folder before seeking help. (You may need to rm -rf ~/.wine and re-install your Windows applications.)
any idea how stable directX is using Wine?
Please check the website, name the MMO you are playing and it probably plays under wine. Everything from Eve online and EQ2 plays down to WoW, Warcraft 3 and dreamlords. You are never supposed to use microsoft's directx. As for warhammer, one of the links I posted showed the current status of the game. Currently it installs and you can play it, except the player textures are lumps on the ground (which I bet will be fixed soon, it looks like a simple fix based upon the bug report).
Google of all people are backing wine, that's how big its getting.
I currently play portal, TF2, WoW, Eve Online, all in linux, all using wine.
Everything you said is advertising and hype, the same thing could be said about dell or hp. You are not comparing MAC vs. PC, you are comparing OS X vs. Windows.