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looking for a ghost warg, ( either the blue or red, dont matter)
legend of norrath in game loot card
I will pay up to 10 plat for one
Qeynosus mystic-RP
oowah -PvP Pro
Ratholameau - PvP Pro
Probably are going to fork over a lot more then 10 plat for that one. A lot more.
I'm sorry to say that the only thing that 10 plat will get you when asking to buy a ghost warg is laughed at. I'm not trying to be a jerk here but just letting you know what you would be in for if you tried to make that offer in LoN or EQ2. The absolute cheapest I've ever heard of one going for was well over 100 plat. Unless you actually play LoN and have some really good cards to trade for one your best bet is to get up as much plat as you possibly can. Log into LoN and look to see what people are asking for them and that should help give you a better idea of what your going to need to aquire to have a chance at a trade. Good luck and good hunting!!!
Even to trade in LON for the ghost warg, fire steed, etc you will need lots of money. Most players trading a mount want other expensive loot cards and sometimes unopened packs which average about $150 to aquire the trade items. You are better off buying a booster box of the set that has the desired loot card in it and hope you get lucky. I've seen the fire steed offered in game twice for plat. Each player was looking for a minimum 100 plat to start.