-Shes anti gay marriage So? Most conservatives are.
No, actually most religious Neo-Conservatives are. There was actually a time when the religious had not invaded the Republican party. There was a time when the Republican party believed in states rights and allowing the states to decide on issues such as this. There was a time when the separation of church and state was understood because it just makes sense. Those are the people I consider true conservatives. The kind that are from the Goldwater days, he warned us about this happening!
And that needs to be reinforced and enforced. The minute the religious nutters get in total control we'll be declaring Holy War in the name of Christ on all the heathen countries ( or if Obama is running the show at the time, we'll be declaring Jihad and recruiting Bin Laden ), and any freedoms we have left in this country will be stripped bare.
Which is why the federal government doesn't need to be in the business of recognizing marriages in the first place. Why should the federal government care who's married or not married?
If it's a religious institution then keep it just that, a religious institution. You don't like my church recognizing gays getting married, then walk down the road a ways and attend the next one. Ain't a free country just wonderful !!!!!
In the meantime quit giving privileges to one group of American's over another because they fit into a majority. This is not a democracy!
Instead you've got people hell bent on using the government to force people to act how they want them to. I find that pretty much mentally deranged and danged scary!
Well, Biden wasn't my first choice, I'd have loved Wesley Clark for VP. But the fact is, Obama's choice is obviously better thought out than McCain's. The proof is in what we've seen this past weekend as opposed to the previous weekend.
Personally, I liked John Edwards for VP. Of course, his political career is practically over now -ironically enough, it's because of his personal life.
Clark would have been a good choice, as well as Sam Nunn. Obama's selection of Biden for VP still leaves them available for Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State, two very strong cabinet selections in my opinion. I wonder if McCain would even select a new cabinet or just keep Bush's.
Well, Biden wasn't my first choice, I'd have loved Wesley Clark for VP. But the fact is, Obama's choice is obviously better thought out than McCain's. The proof is in what we've seen this past weekend as opposed to the previous weekend.
Personally, I liked John Edwards for VP. Of course, his political career is practically over now -ironically enough, it's because of his personal life.
Clark would have been a good choice, as well as Sam Nunn. Obama's selection of Biden for VP still leaves them available for Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State, two very strong cabinet selections in my opinion. I wonder if McCain would even select a new cabinet or just keep Bush's.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
Currently playing: LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too: Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
-Shes pro-life, not even wanting victims of rape/incest allowed to get an abortion. Rape/incest is iffy but outside of that the kid screwed up and there is no reason to kill a human being becuase they screwed up.
-Shes pro-gun, wanting children to have gun-safety lessions (That I support but..)
-Shes anti sex-education. (You want children to know how to safely handle a gun but not their reproductive organs?) Ok i do disagree with this.
-Shes anti gay marriage Thats just a rep thing. McCain needed her to have this few to get more of the right wing people.
-Shes against the listing of polar bears as an endangered species (probably so she can go rifle hunting for them) because their population has "increased because of conservation efforts". No its so they can drill for oil which they can't atm beuase of tree huggers wanting to protect polar bears.
-Shes against legalizing medical marijuana.What would it be used for?
-Shes infavor of capital punishment. (and is still pro-life? ...) If they get cap punishment they dererve it.
-She supports creationism (but thankfully still believes in teaching both creationism and evolution) Why does it matter what her personal belief is as long as shes doesn't keep one from being taught. THIS LADY IS INSANE! HELP ME OBAMA!!!
Hold on Snow Leopard, imma let you finish, but Windows had one of the best operating systems of all time.
If the Powerball lottery was like Lotro, nobody would win for 2 years, and then everyone in Nebraska would win on the same day. And then Nebraska would get nerfed.-pinkwood lotro fourms
AMD 4800 2.4ghz-3GB RAM 533mhz-EVGA 9500GT 512mb-320gb HD
-Shes against the listing of polar bears as an endangered species (probably so she can go rifle hunting for them) because their population has "increased because of conservation efforts". No its so they can drill for oil which they can't atm beuase of tree huggers wanting to protect polar bears.
Alaska is suing because polar bears were put on the threatened list solely to stop drilling, not that the bears are going extinct, since polar bear population has been increasing.
-Shes against the listing of polar bears as an endangered species (probably so she can go rifle hunting for them) because their population has "increased because of conservation efforts". No its so they can drill for oil which they can't atm beuase of tree huggers wanting to protect polar bears.
Alaska is suing because polar bears were put on the threatened list solely to stop drilling, not that the bears are going extinct, since polar bear population has been increasing.
Incorrect. Polar bear numbers are decreasing in many areas, and the rate of population growth overall is decreasing right now.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
To be honest, the only thing that troubles me about this election is the DNC's ineptitude when it comes to winning elections. I must admit that 2006 showed great promise for the progressive movement, as well as all of the special elections lost by the GOP since '06, and hopefully serves as a precursor to future outcomes.
However, cabinet positions are not even on the DNC's radar (although it should be -and I'm quite upset that it's not). Obama could only strengthen his position by revealing some cabinet considerations, while McCain would either have to abstain or risk suffering more brutally scrutinized decisions.
I wonder if Hillary would consider accepting HHS Secretary. Perhaps a pigeon hole for a U.S. Senator, but a position she could pour herself into for sure. We all know how dear public health is to her heart. America definitely needs an "all-star" cast to get this country back on track. It might be time for some political heavyweights to take one for the team. Broad, sweeping changes, led by the most reasonable political minds of our generation. That's what we need.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
-Shes against the listing of polar bears as an endangered species (probably so she can go rifle hunting for them) because their population has "increased because of conservation efforts". No its so they can drill for oil which they can't atm beuase of tree huggers wanting to protect polar bears.
Alaska is suing because polar bears were put on the threatened list solely to stop drilling, not that the bears are going extinct, since polar bear population has been increasing.
Incorrect. Polar bear numbers are decreasing in many areas, and the rate of population growth overall is decreasing right now.
Then plese explain WHY they wern't listed until this year....the year oil prices are so high. Why not last year? Why not 1990s? Pretty obvious to me. The population is twice as much as the 1960s but using fear of global warming, they got the bears listed THIS year.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is definitely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
To be honest, the only thing that troubles me about this election is the DNC's ineptitude when it comes to winning elections. I must admit that 2006 showed great promise for the progressive movement, as well as all of the special elections lost by the GOP since '06, and hopefully serves as a precursor to future outcomes.
However, cabinet positions are not even on the DNC's radar (although it should be -and I'm quite upset that it's not). Obama could only strengthen his position by revealing some cabinet considerations, while McCain would either have to abstain or risk suffering more brutally scrutinized decisions.
I wonder if Hillary would consider accepting HHS Secretary. Perhaps a pigeon hole for a U.S. Senator, but a position she could pour herself into for sure. We all know how dear public health is to her heart. America definitely needs an "all-star" cast to get this country back on track. It might be time for some political heavyweights to take one for the team. Broad, sweeping changes, led by the most reasonable political minds of our generation. That's what we need.
Obama could have wrapped this up by picking Clinton. I always am amazed by politicians. They really don't know what the average person is thinking.
The worst part...if Mccain is elected, and he dies for whatever reason (he is old and presidents get tons of stress...so anything can happen) then palin would be president. Now that is scary.
I don't really like Obama either...but oh well
We have Obama who helped sink 100mil into a black hole with a guy that created the Weather Underground and Palin who has fought aginst the status quo. I will go with the pork cutter. Slash and burn!
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
I'm going through the general NROTC commissioning program as a non-MECEP/OC - so active duty is four years down the road for me.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
I'm going through the general NROTC commissioning program as a non-MECEP/OC - so active duty is four years down the road for me.
Ahh,,,best of luck then. I didn't think of that. If not the Air Force, I would have went into the Navy.
Originally posted by Vemoi Originally posted by DrChicken Originally posted by Vemoi Originally posted by Arndur Originally posted by Midnitte -Shes against the listing of polar bears as an endangered species (probably so she can go rifle hunting for them) because their population has "increased because of conservation efforts". No its so they can drill for oil which they can't atm beuase of tree huggers wanting to protect polar bears.
Alaska is suing because polar bears were put on the threatened list solely to stop drilling, not that the bears are going extinct, since polar bear population has been increasing.
Then plese explain WHY they wern't listed until this year....the year oil prices are so high. Why not last year? Why not 1990s? Pretty obvious to me. The population is twice as much as the 1960s but using fear of global warming, they got the bears listed THIS year.
I never said anything about suing; They wanted to list them atleast 5 years ago, where can we see the population being double from what it was in 1960?
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
I'm going through the general NROTC commissioning program as a non-MECEP/OC - so active duty is four years down the road for me.
Ahh,,,best of luck then. I didn't think of that. If not the Air Force, I would have went into the Navy.
Thanks. I pretty much felt the same way - it was either Air Force or Navy. The Navy is a cruel mistress, but she can sure as hell show you a good time during shore leave.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
I'm going through the general NROTC commissioning program as a non-MECEP/OC - so active duty is four years down the road for me.
Ahh,,,best of luck then. I didn't think of that. If not the Air Force, I would have went into the Navy.
Thanks. I pretty much felt the same way - it was either Air Force or Navy. The Navy is a cruel mistress, but she can sure as hell show you a good time during shore leave.
I do hope that neither of you are enthusastic supporters of the illegal, immoral war and elected for branches of the service where you'd be unlikely to get your leg blown off by an IED.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
I'm going through the general NROTC commissioning program as a non-MECEP/OC - so active duty is four years down the road for me.
Ahh,,,best of luck then. I didn't think of that. If not the Air Force, I would have went into the Navy.
Thanks. I pretty much felt the same way - it was either Air Force or Navy. The Navy is a cruel mistress, but she can sure as hell show you a good time during shore leave.
I do hope that neither of you are enthusastic supporters of the illegal, immoral war and elected for branches of the service where you'd be unlikely to get your leg blown off by an IED.
Hey Sio, you been reading DKOS I see. I was in during the illegal, immoral war in Kosavo and Bosnia so, you will have to ask Clinton about that.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
I'm going through the general NROTC commissioning program as a non-MECEP/OC - so active duty is four years down the road for me.
Ahh,,,best of luck then. I didn't think of that. If not the Air Force, I would have went into the Navy.
Thanks. I pretty much felt the same way - it was either Air Force or Navy. The Navy is a cruel mistress, but she can sure as hell show you a good time during shore leave.
I do hope that neither of you are enthusastic supporters of the illegal, immoral war and elected for branches of the service where you'd be unlikely to get your leg blown off by an IED.
You know what... ever since I was a young boy I have had this strange preference for IEDs on boats, rather than their dirt-bound brethren. That and the fact that I always loved my colorful, floatable bathtub ships... Damn, those were some good ships.
Obama could have wrapped this up by picking Clinton. I always am amazed by politicians. They really don't know what the average person is thinking.
Obama's thought process for choosing his VP was obviously not campaign motivated. Sure, 35% of delegates wanted him to pick Clinton and only 6% wanted Biden, but he is the one that has to judge how effective that administration would be. It sounds like you see the VP nomination as a two month parade instead of a four year commitment.
McCain opted for a two month parade and Obama made the career decision. Which one displays better long term planning and judgment?
The mother didn't have a choice in having the baby; wouldn't you like a choice? I am not saying force her to keep and raise the child. Give it up for adoption, that's choice. There's a saying, "Your freedom ends, where my nose begins". It may be a very small nose, but it's still a nose. And no one has any right to take completely innocent life. She doesn't believe in sex before marriage and doesn't want children to know about sex, hence no sex education. SEE: question #3 By children, what exactly is that? 6-9 year olds? 10 year olds? If so, I agree with that stance. There is a correct age when children should learn about sex. And usually I think that age should be when they start getting interested. But in my opinion, I would rather learn about sex from my parents, than a complete stranger. And I see no problem with practicing and preaching abstinance. I've had sex...Never been married. But I definitely see the merits in it.
Perhaps not, but it could certainly ruin the environment and biodiversity of this planet. If they become extinct, or dangerously low in population, yes. But to my knowledge, they are not close to either.
If it's "harmless", then why ban it at all? Its used for people who suffer from illness such as chronic pain. I think you misunderstood me. I was saying I don't agree with her on that stance. Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol. -Shes infavor of capital punishment. (and is still pro-life? ...)
There's a difference between protecting the life of the unborn, and protecting the life of Jeffrey Dahmer. True, but ending a life is still ending a life; Let God or w/e religion they believe in deal the final judgement. And God will. But certain creatures that masquerade as humans give up their right to share the same existance with everyone else. As for ending lives, there is a difference between murder, and justice. The innocent, and the guilty. -She supports creationism (but thankfully still believes in teaching both creationism and evolution)
Oh wow, unlike most liberals, someone willing to teach both sides of the coin, and let the students decide. Evolution is fact; some religious nut who still believes in creationism is the same nut from The Mist who will sacrifice you to "God's Demons" to survive longer. Macro-Evolution is indeed not fact. THE INSANITY! Free thinking, what is she thinking?! Free thinking is fine, but the day you teach something without scientific fact is the day we let Bush run the country for another 4 years. Well then, I guess we'll be letting Bush run for another 4 years. We've taught without scientific fact for a long time. But many things that aren't scientific fact, does not make then unfactual, just unproven by science.
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
-Shes anti gay marriage So? Most conservatives are.
No, actually most religious Neo-Conservatives are. There was actually a time when the religious had not invaded the Republican party. There was a time when the Republican party believed in states rights and allowing the states to decide on issues such as this. There was a time when the separation of church and state was understood because it just makes sense. Those are the people I consider true conservatives. The kind that are from the Goldwater days, he warned us about this happening!
If anything, the amount of liberalism in the Republican party has increased.
The amount of separation of church and state has been more built up, not torn down. 80 years ago where was multiple times more religious laws in place in favor of Christianity than in today.
The amount of "religiosity" in the Republican and Democrat party was different, but more thorough. Instead of a facade to receive votes, it was personal beliefs that influence decision making.
I've seen you trying to propagate this belief that the spirituality in the political realm has grown more in recent years than it was in the past, but it's outright false.
Has there been more of a verbose outcry from the religion crowd? Undoubtedly. But that would be because of the growing secularity of the land, not of the increase in spiritual fortitude.
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
Originally posted by Finwe Originally posted by gnomexxx Originally posted by Finwe Originally posted by Midnitte
-Shes anti gay marriage So? Most conservatives are.
No, actually most religious Neo-Conservatives are. There was actually a time when the religious had not invaded the Republican party. There was a time when the Republican party believed in states rights and allowing the states to decide on issues such as this. There was a time when the separation of church and state was understood because it just makes sense. Those are the people I consider true conservatives. The kind that are from the Goldwater days, he warned us about this happening!
If anything, the amount of liberalism in the Republican party has increased. The amount of separation of church and state has been more built up, not torn down. 80 years ago where was multiple times more religious laws in place in favor of Christianity than in today. The amount of "religiosity" in the Republican and Democrat party was different, but more thorough. Instead of a facade to receive votes, it was personal beliefs that influence decision making. I've seen you trying to propagate this belief that the spirituality in the political realm has grown more in recent years than it was in the past, but it's outright false. Has there been more of a verbose outcry from the religion crowd? Undoubtedly. But that would be because of the growing secularity of the land, not of the increase in spiritual fortitude.
Well then, good day sir. Your failure to see anything wrong with this lady astounds me.
But many things that aren't scientific fact, does not make then unfactual, just unproven by science.
Perhaps but we should never take guess as fact; I wouldn't believe E=MC squared if it hasn't already been proven true. I'm sure your one of the people who believed global warming to be a farce? The only thing I support is gun safety which should always be an issue. Not supporting sex-education? This is truly like that episode of Family Guy where the principal fires Louis for teaching safe sex instead of crap like "if you have sex your penis will explode".
Obama could have wrapped this up by picking Clinton. I always am amazed by politicians. They really don't know what the average person is thinking.
Obama's thought process for choosing his VP was obviously not campaign motivated. Sure, 35% of delegates wanted him to pick Clinton and only 6% wanted Biden, but he is the one that has to judge how effective that administration would be. It sounds like you see the VP nomination as a two month parade instead of a four year commitment.
McCain opted for a two month parade and Obama made the career decision. Which one displays better long term planning and judgment?
You could say the same about Palin. She was barely on the radar. McCain needed to to go to the base which he did. Obama needed the "experience" ticket which he did. As a conservative I think he made a BIG mistake not picking Hillery. He would have wrapped it up. I was really thiking McCain may ask Hillery to be VP, which would have been really out of the park. Most of the other McCain picks would have been dead in the water beside Palin and Jindal. To say Biden is helping the ticket is dreaming.
I haven't been wrong since Reagan but this one, I don't know.
No, actually most religious Neo-Conservatives are. There was actually a time when the religious had not invaded the Republican party. There was a time when the Republican party believed in states rights and allowing the states to decide on issues such as this. There was a time when the separation of church and state was understood because it just makes sense. Those are the people I consider true conservatives. The kind that are from the Goldwater days, he warned us about this happening!
And that needs to be reinforced and enforced. The minute the religious nutters get in total control we'll be declaring Holy War in the name of Christ on all the heathen countries ( or if Obama is running the show at the time, we'll be declaring Jihad and recruiting Bin Laden ), and any freedoms we have left in this country will be stripped bare.
Which is why the federal government doesn't need to be in the business of recognizing marriages in the first place. Why should the federal government care who's married or not married?
If it's a religious institution then keep it just that, a religious institution. You don't like my church recognizing gays getting married, then walk down the road a ways and attend the next one. Ain't a free country just wonderful !!!!!
In the meantime quit giving privileges to one group of American's over another because they fit into a majority. This is not a democracy!
Instead you've got people hell bent on using the government to force people to act how they want them to. I find that pretty much mentally deranged and danged scary!
Personally, I liked John Edwards for VP. Of course, his political career is practically over now -ironically enough, it's because of his personal life.
Clark would have been a good choice, as well as Sam Nunn. Obama's selection of Biden for VP still leaves them available for Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State, two very strong cabinet selections in my opinion. I wonder if McCain would even select a new cabinet or just keep Bush's.
Personally, I liked John Edwards for VP. Of course, his political career is practically over now -ironically enough, it's because of his personal life.
Clark would have been a good choice, as well as Sam Nunn. Obama's selection of Biden for VP still leaves them available for Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State, two very strong cabinet selections in my opinion. I wonder if McCain would even select a new cabinet or just keep Bush's.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
Hold on Snow Leopard, imma let you finish, but Windows had one of the best operating systems of all time.
If the Powerball lottery was like Lotro, nobody would win for 2 years, and then everyone in Nebraska would win on the same day.
And then Nebraska would get nerfed.-pinkwood lotro fourms
AMD 4800 2.4ghz-3GB RAM 533mhz-EVGA 9500GT 512mb-320gb HD
Alaska is suing because polar bears were put on the threatened list solely to stop drilling, not that the bears are going extinct, since polar bear population has been increasing.
Alaska is suing because polar bears were put on the threatened list solely to stop drilling, not that the bears are going extinct, since polar bear population has been increasing.
Incorrect. Polar bear numbers are decreasing in many areas, and the rate of population growth overall is decreasing right now.
To be honest, the only thing that troubles me about this election is the DNC's ineptitude when it comes to winning elections. I must admit that 2006 showed great promise for the progressive movement, as well as all of the special elections lost by the GOP since '06, and hopefully serves as a precursor to future outcomes.
However, cabinet positions are not even on the DNC's radar (although it should be -and I'm quite upset that it's not). Obama could only strengthen his position by revealing some cabinet considerations, while McCain would either have to abstain or risk suffering more brutally scrutinized decisions.
I wonder if Hillary would consider accepting HHS Secretary. Perhaps a pigeon hole for a U.S. Senator, but a position she could pour herself into for sure. We all know how dear public health is to her heart. America definitely needs an "all-star" cast to get this country back on track. It might be time for some political heavyweights to take one for the team. Broad, sweeping changes, led by the most reasonable political minds of our generation. That's what we need.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
Alaska is suing because polar bears were put on the threatened list solely to stop drilling, not that the bears are going extinct, since polar bear population has been increasing.
Incorrect. Polar bear numbers are decreasing in many areas, and the rate of population growth overall is decreasing right now.
Then plese explain WHY they wern't listed until this year....the year oil prices are so high. Why not last year? Why not 1990s? Pretty obvious to me. The population is twice as much as the 1960s but using fear of global warming, they got the bears listed THIS year.
To be honest, the only thing that troubles me about this election is the DNC's ineptitude when it comes to winning elections. I must admit that 2006 showed great promise for the progressive movement, as well as all of the special elections lost by the GOP since '06, and hopefully serves as a precursor to future outcomes.
However, cabinet positions are not even on the DNC's radar (although it should be -and I'm quite upset that it's not). Obama could only strengthen his position by revealing some cabinet considerations, while McCain would either have to abstain or risk suffering more brutally scrutinized decisions.
I wonder if Hillary would consider accepting HHS Secretary. Perhaps a pigeon hole for a U.S. Senator, but a position she could pour herself into for sure. We all know how dear public health is to her heart. America definitely needs an "all-star" cast to get this country back on track. It might be time for some political heavyweights to take one for the team. Broad, sweeping changes, led by the most reasonable political minds of our generation. That's what we need.
Obama could have wrapped this up by picking Clinton. I always am amazed by politicians. They really don't know what the average person is thinking.
We have Obama who helped sink 100mil into a black hole with a guy that created the Weather Underground and Palin who has fought aginst the status quo. I will go with the pork cutter. Slash and burn!
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
I'm going through the general NROTC commissioning program as a non-MECEP/OC - so active duty is four years down the road for me.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
I'm going through the general NROTC commissioning program as a non-MECEP/OC - so active duty is four years down the road for me.
Ahh,,,best of luck then. I didn't think of that. If not the Air Force, I would have went into the Navy.
Alaska is suing because polar bears were put on the threatened list solely to stop drilling, not that the bears are going extinct, since polar bear population has been increasing.
Incorrect. Polar bear numbers are decreasing in many areas, and the rate of population growth overall is decreasing right now.
Then plese explain WHY they wern't listed until this year....the year oil prices are so high. Why not last year? Why not 1990s? Pretty obvious to me. The population is twice as much as the 1960s but using fear of global warming, they got the bears listed THIS year.
I never said anything about suing; They wanted to list them atleast 5 years ago, where can we see the population being double from what it was in 1960?
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
I'm going through the general NROTC commissioning program as a non-MECEP/OC - so active duty is four years down the road for me.
Ahh,,,best of luck then. I didn't think of that. If not the Air Force, I would have went into the Navy.
Thanks. I pretty much felt the same way - it was either Air Force or Navy. The Navy is a cruel mistress, but she can sure as hell show you a good time during shore leave.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
I'm going through the general NROTC commissioning program as a non-MECEP/OC - so active duty is four years down the road for me.
Ahh,,,best of luck then. I didn't think of that. If not the Air Force, I would have went into the Navy.
Thanks. I pretty much felt the same way - it was either Air Force or Navy. The Navy is a cruel mistress, but she can sure as hell show you a good time during shore leave.
I do hope that neither of you are enthusastic supporters of the illegal, immoral war and elected for branches of the service where you'd be unlikely to get your leg blown off by an IED.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
Ahh,,,best of luck then. I didn't think of that. If not the Air Force, I would have went into the Navy.
Thanks. I pretty much felt the same way - it was either Air Force or Navy. The Navy is a cruel mistress, but she can sure as hell show you a good time during shore leave.
I do hope that neither of you are enthusastic supporters of the illegal, immoral war and elected for branches of the service where you'd be unlikely to get your leg blown off by an IED.
Hey Sio, you been reading DKOS I see. I was in during the illegal, immoral war in Kosavo and Bosnia so, you will have to ask Clinton about that.
See it is crap like that last comment that is ridiculous. McCain (while not my choice for President) is defintely not Bush. So stop with the DNC Brainwashed talking points.
I'd rather not find out.
I'll be active U.S. Navy in 2012 - I'd rather not find out what would happen if either candidate got into office, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter.
You will be active in 2012? What kind of early enlistment have they got these days? I thought my 6 month delayed enlistment was a long time.
I'm going through the general NROTC commissioning program as a non-MECEP/OC - so active duty is four years down the road for me.
Ahh,,,best of luck then. I didn't think of that. If not the Air Force, I would have went into the Navy.
Thanks. I pretty much felt the same way - it was either Air Force or Navy. The Navy is a cruel mistress, but she can sure as hell show you a good time during shore leave.
I do hope that neither of you are enthusastic supporters of the illegal, immoral war and elected for branches of the service where you'd be unlikely to get your leg blown off by an IED.
You know what... ever since I was a young boy I have had this strange preference for IEDs on boats, rather than their dirt-bound brethren. That and the fact that I always loved my colorful, floatable bathtub ships... Damn, those were some good ships.
Obama's thought process for choosing his VP was obviously not campaign motivated. Sure, 35% of delegates wanted him to pick Clinton and only 6% wanted Biden, but he is the one that has to judge how effective that administration would be. It sounds like you see the VP nomination as a two month parade instead of a four year commitment.
McCain opted for a two month parade and Obama made the career decision. Which one displays better long term planning and judgment?
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
No, actually most religious Neo-Conservatives are. There was actually a time when the religious had not invaded the Republican party. There was a time when the Republican party believed in states rights and allowing the states to decide on issues such as this. There was a time when the separation of church and state was understood because it just makes sense. Those are the people I consider true conservatives. The kind that are from the Goldwater days, he warned us about this happening!
If anything, the amount of liberalism in the Republican party has increased.
The amount of separation of church and state has been more built up, not torn down. 80 years ago where was multiple times more religious laws in place in favor of Christianity than in today.
The amount of "religiosity" in the Republican and Democrat party was different, but more thorough. Instead of a facade to receive votes, it was personal beliefs that influence decision making.
I've seen you trying to propagate this belief that the spirituality in the political realm has grown more in recent years than it was in the past, but it's outright false.
Has there been more of a verbose outcry from the religion crowd? Undoubtedly. But that would be because of the growing secularity of the land, not of the increase in spiritual fortitude.
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
If anything, the amount of liberalism in the Republican party has increased.
The amount of separation of church and state has been more built up, not torn down. 80 years ago where was multiple times more religious laws in place in favor of Christianity than in today.
The amount of "religiosity" in the Republican and Democrat party was different, but more thorough. Instead of a facade to receive votes, it was personal beliefs that influence decision making.
I've seen you trying to propagate this belief that the spirituality in the political realm has grown more in recent years than it was in the past, but it's outright false.
Has there been more of a verbose outcry from the religion crowd? Undoubtedly. But that would be because of the growing secularity of the land, not of the increase in spiritual fortitude.
Well then, good day sir. Your failure to see anything wrong with this lady astounds me.
Perhaps but we should never take guess as fact; I wouldn't believe E=MC squared if it hasn't already been proven true. I'm sure your one of the people who believed global warming to be a farce? The only thing I support is gun safety which should always be an issue. Not supporting sex-education? This is truly like that episode of Family Guy where the principal fires Louis for teaching safe sex instead of crap like "if you have sex your penis will explode".
Obama's thought process for choosing his VP was obviously not campaign motivated. Sure, 35% of delegates wanted him to pick Clinton and only 6% wanted Biden, but he is the one that has to judge how effective that administration would be. It sounds like you see the VP nomination as a two month parade instead of a four year commitment.
McCain opted for a two month parade and Obama made the career decision. Which one displays better long term planning and judgment?
You could say the same about Palin. She was barely on the radar. McCain needed to to go to the base which he did. Obama needed the "experience" ticket which he did. As a conservative I think he made a BIG mistake not picking Hillery. He would have wrapped it up. I was really thiking McCain may ask Hillery to be VP, which would have been really out of the park. Most of the other McCain picks would have been dead in the water beside Palin and Jindal. To say Biden is helping the ticket is dreaming.
I haven't been wrong since Reagan but this one, I don't know.