based on the speed that its going at they probably patching iin batches its what i would do.....I dunno if it is wise to keep hammering the server tho although thats what i did until i got in.
Give them a few minutes... What may happen is that they're running a DB script to authorize several thousands accounts... It can take some time. We will have access shortly. Right now I can not patch either.
Some timeouts are short . In the business I'm in (Credit card processing) we picked 30 seconds as our timeout, but frankly, all of our stuff is done in less than 4 seconds, so we could pick that and be fine. A short timeout is possibility, but it could be as the others have said, that they're batching in access as well.
Patcher is running fine for me, a little lag, but well in all honesty how many people are patching right now? Their connection has to be commiting suicide at this point lol.
I suspect launcher/patcher sees a timeout of the auth server as an auth failure, just not saying it that way.
So, keep trying.
It is up and you can patch. 201MB patch.
Im glad I was in CB, no problems with regestering OB codes like most of you guys have.
Still not in...
EDIT: Jade, what login info did you use?
based on the speed that its going at they probably patching iin batches its what i would do.....I dunno if it is wise to keep hammering the server tho although thats what i did until i got in.
ok well as soon as I posted i tryed again and it started to patch, wish me luck!?
its 8:30 EST in orlando FL right now so maybe they fixed it or what not!
I've been patching for about 5 mins
But things usually don't time out instantly O.o - I get that error right away, I see the patching screen for less than a second and than it says that.
you login with the account name you put in for beta when you registered on the eamythic master site.
Has anyone been able to get into the actual game? I can, but I still have my preview weekend two chars avalible. Am I to assume that:
A) The preview client does not work with the open beta and there's actually two different games (with servers for both)?
Preview two chars stay over till the OB?
Give them a few minutes... What may happen is that they're running a DB script to authorize several thousands accounts... It can take some time. We will have access shortly. Right now I can not patch either.
anyone else still getting authetication failed or just me?
I wonder if they are bringing OB keys online in waves.
Ok guys, don't worry! They're just loading them all up I guess!
I couldn't log in until about a minute ago, and now it's patching!
Some timeouts are short . In the business I'm in (Credit card processing) we picked 30 seconds as our timeout, but frankly, all of our stuff is done in less than 4 seconds, so we could pick that and be fine. A short timeout is possibility, but it could be as the others have said, that they're batching in access as well.
nope, no luck here.
Op is telling the truth. The patcher is just lagging a tiny bit.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
in also patching as i type
if it doesnt work change your game password and give it like 10min then try and log. I think thats what worked for me, or they fixed something.
or maybe to meny ppl trying to log in. im just so happy its downloading the patch for me finally /cry happiness's doing something now...albeit sloooowly.
I am now patching, I myself wasn't able to log in with my account till now 8:36am, so just keep trying and eventually you'll be able to get in!
still no luck =/ - When did u guys get ur beta keys/activate them? Maybe they are authorizing them in waves and they aren't up to mine yet ><
It just now let me in, lets see if it sticks.
Patcher is running fine for me, a little lag, but well in all honesty how many people are patching right now? Their connection has to be commiting suicide at this point lol.
Patching as i type here, US East coast region.
btw can we run open beta on 2 comps, like a desktop and notebook at same tiem
60% though patch so far so good! im sooooo happy!!!!!!!!