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Haya warriors :-)
atm im leveling a BW, try and see if its for me, atm is it really fun to play BW, but.. how will combustion be on the later levels? atm im level 4, and combustion dont hit me that hard, but how is it later on? I fear its something that kills u alot
combustion worth the while?
Havent played OB yet, but i know from a PW tester its always a certain percent of your health, so it will always do the same ''amount'' of damage, if you know what I mean, so its alright.
From my time as a Sorcerer Ican tell you that in the hectic nature of a keep seige(especially when you get inside) dont expect alot of heals to come your way. So if you arent paying alot of attention you will take yourself out alot.
Or perhaps its just me...
hmm, i dont wanna die extreamly alot, coys thats no fun. But does it hit u alot of times?, i have to say at my level it hit more than i thought
at 100/100 its 50% of the time you do any attack. However its also 50% chance to crit with +100% crit dmg so its a tradeoff.
Its a matter of Balance.
FYI, I don't post much on here...
Anyways, I have my bright wizard up to level 18 in OB. Combustion can hurt you a lot depending on your play style. Playing a BW, I am always on the move unless I'm casting a 3 sec or so spell such as fireball or fiery blast.
For me, I die quite a bit because of combustion blacklash add-ups.
For me in fights I usually start like this if I'm at a distance from the enemy(s):
1) I use two DoTs to start with an enemy player because these are instant casts and can be done on the move. I may also TAB/move to another enemy player and DoT them as well.
2) I also follow up with the ability "Sear" because it is a fast cast spell. "Sear" build 25 or so combustion which is quite a lot given the max is 100. So, in about the first 10 second of battle or so I've could have already built up quite a bit of combustion "Sear+Blood Boil+Ignite".
3) Most likely, I follow up with a nuke with either fireball or fiery blast. I'll detonate instead if they are on the runaway.
This only your first enemy that may or may not be dead yet. You can either "Meltdown" and have combustion go back to 0 or continue with full DPS. I don't want to repeat 30 second again of what I did that may not have even killed the target enemy. I want to kill the enemy before they can runaway or get healed or kill me first or get kill by other enemy players.
Combustion backlash does 320+ damage to me at 90-100 combustion, and I have around 2800hp at level 18. As the battle goes to 20 second you can be at 3/4 HP or less without any heals. This all with no enemy players on you. Should an enemy player engage you'll most likely try to move back, but if your HP is less than 1/4 you'll become slowed and die depending various factors. Or if you get snared or rooted, enemy players will go after you first because you are a caster and easier to kill. If you get heals and don't get hit my enemy players a lot, you basically can own by staying at 70-100 combustion.
Now, factor in should you get engaged by a melee after the above. You either faithfully let them kill you or go down trying. If you chose to fight back, chances are you'll try to gain distance from enemy and also use your close range spells. These close range spells build even more combustion than you primary nukes fireball and fiery blast. They are also instant casts. If you spam these and are at 90-100 combustion, ouch blacklash adds up again. Usually at this point, I die if I don't have help, enough life, or good distance from them to run.
Basically, combustion backlash adds to your death if you got no heals and don't mange your combustion. Like people have said, BWs are glass cannons. But, they are fun to play.
BTW, I like the combustion mechanism because it does help in balancing the class and group PvP game.
how will u compaire BW with Engineer? both ranged dps, who is moste fun play with?
to me the BW is more fun than the Engineer...atleast at low levels its a mixed bag of preference at high levels.
Engineer's do get a throw back morale ability at rank 8 so that is cool to suddenly throw some tank off a cliff lol
I haven't played an engineer yet so I can't compare, but IMO, I think the engineer character looks cooler overall than the BW. As you mentioned both are range DPS. Their functions and spells/abilities are basically similar: good range dps, AOE dps, two or so group buffs, root, and etc.
Hard to pick. Any nice review from both BW and Engineer?
The problem with the engineer compared to a bright wizard is that the BW has big blasts he drops, a wide range of spells with all these cool fire effects. Bascially he's the class that'll make you go "oooh". The engineer, however, is also pretty fun but most of his abilities involve either plopping down a turret (which kinda looks cool to start, but doesn't do a whole lot) or throwing grenades/rifle attacks. Thus you get alot of abilities which are neat, but don't have that cool factor, and don't have the raw power of a BW.
To sum it up, Bright Wizard = flashy and raw power, Engineer = more strategic subtle attacks. It's very rare (I've found) that people will attack an engineer over a bw in pvp, and you don't have to stay close to your turret so you can place it in a good spot to try and pin people down, while you go over to a safer spot and set up a crossfire.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
They are so not all. They're ranged DPS but their playstyle and damage is completely different a BW blows an engineer's DPS away.
The thing about combustion is that its like a critical hit buff and at the same time a backlash debuff.
I have died many times in RvR getting carried away with spamming skills while not using meltdown (meltdown resets combustion and does some damage to the enemy)
The thing to be careful with, is knowing how much each attack spell raises your combustion. The aoe that casts a ring of fire around you raises it 20 points for example, and is insta cast with almost no cooldown. I usualy use it running from several attackers and end up nuking myself to death. Its also a good skill to use to raise combustion before the enemy arrives, as you need no target to use it. So ill pump up my combustion, get a few rounds off, then meltdown.
WHen your combustion is in the range of 60-80 i find myself hitting 400+ crits often, while backlashing little. When its 80-100 ill backlash a few times, as long as you have full health, and are not being attacked, casting a few fireballs or fireblasts at 100 combustion is worth taking the hits, ive killed many players in 3-4 shots doing this, although it leaves me half dead.
This works the exact same way for sorcs, just with diffrent skill sets.
Also once you get 3 mastery points, you can get an added effect for your sear skill (the fast casting medium direct damage skills that rasies combustion quickly) the effect is that it heals you while damaging the opponent, in my opinion a great skill to be casting at 100 combustion.
With combustion, the more you play with it the more youll like it.
Heh, killed myself a "few times" with combustion. Everytime you meltdown you basically nerf yourself., however the longer you run hot the easier it is to go boom..
I usually throw in a meltdown after my initial burst of dot's/ranged attacks. The damage on the meltdown is lower than your worst dps spell so it sucks to waste time casting it but the amount of damage you do to yourself if you don't hurts, alot. Even using meltdown often I still rank in at or near the top of total damage dealt in pvp scenarios at the end so its not a deal killer.
One side note, the main problem in my opinion with the combustion is the graphic used to represent its lvl. Theres no numerical value, its just a skull graphic that goes from nothing to ringed in yellow-orange-red-reddish purple flames. Now sounds great and all but its not that easy to keep track of your combustion lvl during a hectic fight, and the colors cover the range of 1-100 with red kicking in at around 20-40, somewhere in there. Only way you can tell your at max combustion is when the skulls reddish purple and its eyes light up. Would like to have a numerical indicator worked into the graphic like some of the other classes have so its easier to tell at a glance where I'm at.
Other than that its kinda fun knowing you could blow yourself up..adds a lil excitement. Kinda like some of the crafting you could do in daoc, go over your ability and sometimes....boom, your dead.
its always fun to spam scorch earth and watch the combustion kill you before the enemy![:) :)](
So basicly its fun to have a ability that hurts urself? cants ee the fun in that. hope someone here can help me see its a good thing its there, cous ofther than that i like the BW very much :-)
My experience with the level 31+ RVR was everyone huddles into a large group and it's very hard to know who to target so its better to all group up so when playing as a healer you can keep people alive. Bright Wizards will get alot more heals than melee classes though because in RVR its the battle of the ranged and melee if they try to take on the giant group in RVR will just die straight away even with like 4 healers on them.
Bright Wizards tend to just stand back with the healers and spam AOE anyways.
It'll look like this where you have two sides of ranged and all the melee standing with them because if they try to run over they'll be owned.