Between Vanguard and Age of Conan; I welcome a game that's scaled back graphics enough to support massive amounts of people on screen without FPS drops. So far, that's what I've gotten with WAR.
It depends on what light you look at it. If you look at WAR as having intentionally aimed for WoW's simplicity and accessibility; it looks as if they drastically overshot toning down graphics and couldn't possibly make up for it due to not well...possessing Blizzard's legendary artistic stylizations.
Lookin' at it from a standpoint of WAR's two big features though: RvR and Public Quests which have nothing at all to do with WoW, would you REALLY want Age of Conan level graphics?
Another thing, Mythic is proven capable of updating thier graphics engine as time progresses, and accessibility changes permit. Dark Age of Camelot received a new client every year or so at the start of things, but this might not be the case with WAR if they're adamant about keeping accessibility similar to WoW, they probably won't raise the bar since Blizzard has no plans to.
Anyway; I forced antialiasing and some other stuff in my Nvidia control panel as suggested in this thread; and everything does look a lot better. I hope Mythic was being honest about certain graphic settings being forced during beta, regardless of sliders; but I'm a bit too cynical nowadays towards the whole "miracle patch" explanation of a-week-before-launch fallacies.
Originally posted by Thillian Originally posted by onlinenow225 Originally posted by Blodpls Is there a good game in there as well if I look hard enough?
Can you define your self what a "good" game is to you and ill answer your question.
But from that responce i take it you want a Sanbox game. Good luck there will never be a good sandbox game. Thats the past, and is the past for a reason.
Why do people keep saying that if you don't like WAR go back to WoW or wait for a good sandbox. There are so many reasons to not like WAR, but like other non-wow non-sandbox games. Combat? Lock target auto aim is definetly not the best, but Mythic is too chicken to risk developing their own. THe response time in combat is too slow and feels clunky. Classes diversity is horrible. Basically almost every class has half of his abilities to add some points, and other half to spend these points. That's boring and stupid and it means to mindlessly button smash all the time. Where are responsive actions? Like attacks that triggers when you dodge, or when you critically hit, or when you press your abilities in certain order to make a combination. PvP RvR whatever is all about waiting in the queue and then fightning in the same instanced small zone for about 10 minutes. World PvP? .. fanboys keep saying it's gonna improve during later levels. Noone fought in open zone in CB during the period when everyone got level 31 character. Some factions are absolutely inbalanced in popularity. Dwarves against orcs. On every realm, there will be much more orcs than Dwarves. The bar will be red all the time. I better not mention graphics quality and the irritating opening music in main menu.
For the idiot who can't see one post above him. Graphics are not bad. Look at those pictures. Its a beta, game will release with more graphic options. That day i will post some really high res pictures for you and make you shut the fuuck up for real good. Till than keep whining. And bookmark this thread so that i can laugh at your face.
I think WAR's graphics are nice, they come close to LOTRO graphics in some areas and are better then LOTRO grphics in other areas.
They are better then WoW graphics.
They are not so good as AoC graphics, but do we really want instancing and zoning every 5 minutes?
Also, you can't handle AoC or Crysis type of graphics with 100 people on your screen, not even with a quad core at 4000 mhz with 8 GB RAM and 3x SLI GTX280, not if you set the quality to max with 16 AA and AF
Well mayb it would be playable, but there are not that many people that can afford such a monster PC ...
Nope, the graphics are nice, they are more then good enough for me, they match lotro graphics overall ( character models are better, effects are on par, landscape is almost as good as lotro, lotro does have an edge with directx10 )
And I thought that LOTRO graphics were great !
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site : Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
Sure, they have orcs, goblins, elves, and shit, but what does war have that most fantasy games lack? What little thing makes WAR and WOW so hated graphics wise?
Hmm..Oh, that's right. A good and original look as far as MMOs go.
Wanna see good graphics? Force AA/AF in your driver settings as high as your PC can handle. Create an Order Human character. You'll end up in the starting village with burning houses, plenty of trees and vegetation, high res buildings, good lighting, all that stuff. Plus the texture bug isn't as visible as in say Destruction Orc starting area. Most people play Destruction and many play greenskins, run around the first Orc zone which has plenty of rock and mountain riddled with the texture bug and cry bad graphics. Play some other races and areas and then judge. Play some scenarios like Nordenwatch for example which I think looks excellent (especially castles building and walls) then judge. Go to capital cities Aldorf and Inevitable and then judge the graphics. Also remember this is Beta and things will hopefully be improved for Live ie graphics will be even better. I'm not discussing Animations here I think we all agree they need attention. Environmental graphics however are very good imho once the texture bug's been eliminated and it's only Beta. Beats WoW hands down anyway.
I am looking still not seeing nothing impressive. Look at my system specs, Well established to play any graphical game to date. This is just another WoW tactic game which is Low Res graphics so alot of CPU can play it so it will have a broder spectrum for players. Its WoW 2.0 because wow has years on it now so the low res graphics of wow are just horrible but these are the revamp to them which are as horrible just a little updated so that you can make any computer sold today can play it.
If you're interested in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game because you think it'll look good, you've sort of missed the point of the genre.
Warhammer Online, much like the World of Warcraft which every MMORPG seeks to imitate these days, is a game built to be played on a large number of people's computers. Consequently, the graphics are diminished to the point where a greater number of players can play it.
That said, they did the best job they could in their confines. Warhammer Online doesn't look bad. It just doesn't look like Crysis - and that's understandable considering how few people can actually play Crysis at a great frame rate.
How about some screenshots or videos for those of us not in the beta.
This is about the best fan made video currently available. I'm not sure what settings it was taken at, but it looks pretty damn good to me. As for the model animations, well, it's clunky and lacks fluidness. However, if fluid character and NPC movements means increased latency, I think I'd rather play the game than bask in how realistic the game is, ala Age of Conan.
It's also impossible to get any good idea about what anything really looks like, because it flashes between scenes every second or two. It's worse than an MTV commercial.
____________________________________________ im to lazy too use grammar or punctuation good
How about some screenshots or videos for those of us not in the beta.
This is about the best fan made video currently available. I'm not sure what settings it was taken at, but it looks pretty damn good to me. As for the model animations, well, it's clunky and lacks fluidness. However, if fluid character and NPC movements means increased latency, I think I'd rather play the game than bask in how realistic the game is, ala Age of Conan.
It's also impossible to get any good idea about what anything really looks like, because it flashes between scenes every second or two. It's worse than an MTV commercial.
You just can't please everyone. . .
It's a Jeep thing. . . _______ |___| \_______/ = |||||| = |X| \*........*/ |X| |X|_________|X| You wouldn't understand
That looks like a screen shot from WoW (a four year old game) with all the settings turned down.
I don't think so. I don't see a brightly lit, blocky saturday-morning cartoon world and 7-polygon characters.
See, I can use hyperbole too! Except my only exaggeration was the 7-polygon characters. They probably use 12.
I'll give you that some of the character models look a bit better (emphasis on some), but otherwise, the environments are a dead ringer for WoW (if not worse), and the animations are pretty bad.
I'm still missing the part where the gameplay is significantly different.
____________________________________________ im to lazy too use grammar or punctuation good
That's a bad screenshot. I posted some decent ones on pg2, but nobody said a damn thing about them. If you guys think this game looks like shit or like wow then post screenshots supporting your argument. Here's a couple at 4x AA/AF. I've played WOW since beta and it doesn't have half the detail or atmosphere that WAR has. Considering this game plans to have many people on the screen at the same time, this level of detail will tax most systems.
MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR Playing: WAR Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online
I think the game looks great as it is, but there should be more options when the game goes live. From the latest patch notes:
Improved Graphics Options
We've got some great plans for improved graphics options as we continue through launch. Our number one priority is player performance. It's important in an RvR game for performance to be smooth and allow the game to be accessible to as many people as possible. In order to achieve our goals, we had to ensure a certain level of compatibility between devices. With all of the combinations and options available, we wanted to keep things simple and accessible to everyone.
With that in mind, we have a fix that may improve the ability of higher end machines to load textures, and we will continue to smooth out the process of the way textures load on your screen. In addition to this, we are exploring other options to add which will further enhance the graphics for mid to high range computers. If you find that your textures seem blurry or ‘popping’ visit this site for help.
MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR Playing: WAR Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online
Wanna see good graphics? Force AA/AF in your driver settings as high as your PC can handle. Create an Order Human character. You'll end up in the starting village with burning houses, plenty of trees and vegetation, high res buildings, good lighting, all that stuff. Plus the texture bug isn't as visible as in say Destruction Orc starting area. Most people play Destruction and many play greenskins, run around the first Orc zone which has plenty of rock and mountain riddled with the texture bug and cry bad graphics. Play some other races and areas and then judge. Play some scenarios like Nordenwatch for example which I think looks excellent (especially castles building and walls) then judge. Go to capital cities Aldorf and Inevitable and then judge the graphics. Also remember this is Beta and things will hopefully be improved for Live ie graphics will be even better. I'm not discussing Animations here I think we all agree they need attention. Environmental graphics however are very good imho once the texture bug's been eliminated and it's only Beta. Beats WoW hands down anyway.
I am looking still not seeing nothing impressive. Look at my system specs, Well established to play any graphical game to date. This is just another WoW tactic game which is Low Res graphics so alot of CPU can play it so it will have a broder spectrum for players. Its WoW 2.0 because wow has years on it now so the low res graphics of wow are just horrible but these are the revamp to them which are as horrible just a little updated so that you can make any computer sold today can play it.
When you have huge 100vs100 fights in open world, with everybody spamming flashy skills, you cannot afford to have Crysis-esque graphics.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently Waiting For: Nothing, found my addiction for awhile
Currently Playing: Warhammer Online - Oblivion, Warrior Priest, Averheim; Team Fortress 2
Crysis have good graphics. Some places in War are better than others but we really need a MMO with state of the art graphics and War really don't cut that. I have seen the order area ant it looks ok, no problem. It does not look Crysys good however, it looks more LOTRO good. There's really no big reason for MMOs to look 5 years older than any other game. And no, I ain't bashing War but all MMOs. We want more!
You will NEVER see state of the art graphics ina MMO. So dont even bother wishing for it :L
I just forced AA and AF with my graphic card as some have been saying. Wow. Big difference for me. I think the graphics look great. Also good performance on highest settings. This game is good.
MMO graphics being 10 years behind the times!? have you seen AION? the graphics for that game look awsome.....check it out if eye candy is your thing.
asian games don't count. every char of certian race looks exactly the same. So sure you might have 50 players on the screen but since every warrior looks exactly the same, besice maybe the color of hair and every healer looks exactly the same, then it is just reusing the same textures. All asian imports do that, looke how good L2 looks when it came out compared to everything else.
Who cares how a game looks though? I'd rather have a crappy looking fun game any day over a state of the art holy shit, did you see that boring as hell crappy game. war is ok looking and fun to play, i wouldn't care if they had eq1 graphics as long as I enjoy playing the game.
Between Vanguard and Age of Conan; I welcome a game that's scaled back graphics enough to support massive amounts of people on screen without FPS drops. So far, that's what I've gotten with WAR.
It depends on what light you look at it. If you look at WAR as having intentionally aimed for WoW's simplicity and accessibility; it looks as if they drastically overshot toning down graphics and couldn't possibly make up for it due to not well...possessing Blizzard's legendary artistic stylizations.
Lookin' at it from a standpoint of WAR's two big features though: RvR and Public Quests which have nothing at all to do with WoW, would you REALLY want Age of Conan level graphics?
Another thing, Mythic is proven capable of updating thier graphics engine as time progresses, and accessibility changes permit. Dark Age of Camelot received a new client every year or so at the start of things, but this might not be the case with WAR if they're adamant about keeping accessibility similar to WoW, they probably won't raise the bar since Blizzard has no plans to.
Anyway; I forced antialiasing and some other stuff in my Nvidia control panel as suggested in this thread; and everything does look a lot better. I hope Mythic was being honest about certain graphic settings being forced during beta, regardless of sliders; but I'm a bit too cynical nowadays towards the whole "miracle patch" explanation of a-week-before-launch fallacies.
Can you define your self what a "good" game is to you and ill answer your question.
But from that responce i take it you want a Sanbox game. Good luck there will never be a good sandbox game.
Thats the past, and is the past for a reason.
Why do people keep saying that if you don't like WAR go back to WoW or wait for a good sandbox.
There are so many reasons to not like WAR, but like other non-wow non-sandbox games.
Combat? Lock target auto aim is definetly not the best, but Mythic is too chicken to risk developing their own. THe response time in combat is too slow and feels clunky.
Classes diversity is horrible. Basically almost every class has half of his abilities to add some points, and other half to spend these points. That's boring and stupid and it means to mindlessly button smash all the time. Where are responsive actions? Like attacks that triggers when you dodge, or when you critically hit, or when you press your abilities in certain order to make a combination.
PvP RvR whatever is all about waiting in the queue and then fightning in the same instanced small zone for about 10 minutes. World PvP? .. fanboys keep saying it's gonna improve during later levels. Noone fought in open zone in CB during the period when everyone got level 31 character. Some factions are absolutely inbalanced in popularity. Dwarves against orcs. On every realm, there will be much more orcs than Dwarves. The bar will be red all the time.
I better not mention graphics quality and the irritating opening music in main menu.
For the idiot who can't see one post above him. Graphics are not bad. Look at those pictures. Its a beta, game will release with more graphic options. That day i will post some really high res pictures for you and make you shut the fuuck up for real good. Till than keep whining. And bookmark this thread so that i can laugh at your face.
I think WAR's graphics are nice, they come close to LOTRO graphics in some areas and are better then LOTRO grphics in other areas.
They are better then WoW graphics.
They are not so good as AoC graphics, but do we really want instancing and zoning every 5 minutes?
Also, you can't handle AoC or Crysis type of graphics with 100 people on your screen, not even with a quad core at 4000 mhz with 8 GB RAM and 3x SLI GTX280, not if you set the quality to max with 16 AA and AF
Well mayb it would be playable, but there are not that many people that can afford such a monster PC ...
Nope, the graphics are nice, they are more then good enough for me, they match lotro graphics overall ( character models are better, effects are on par, landscape is almost as good as lotro, lotro does have an edge with directx10 )
And I thought that LOTRO graphics were great !
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site :
Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
I'm still not seeing the comparison to wow here.
Sure, they have orcs, goblins, elves, and shit, but what does war have that most fantasy games lack? What little thing makes WAR and WOW so hated graphics wise?
Hmm..Oh, that's right. A good and original look as far as MMOs go.
I am looking still not seeing nothing impressive. Look at my system specs, Well established to play any graphical game to date. This is just another WoW tactic game which is Low Res graphics so alot of CPU can play it so it will have a broder spectrum for players. Its WoW 2.0 because wow has years on it now so the low res graphics of wow are just horrible but these are the revamp to them which are as horrible just a little updated so that you can make any computer sold today can play it.
That looks like a screen shot from WoW (a four year old game) with all the settings turned down.
im to lazy too use grammar or punctuation good
That looks like a screen shot from WoW (a four year old game) with all the settings turned down.
I don't think so. I don't see a brightly lit, blocky saturday-morning cartoon world and 7-polygon characters.
See, I can use hyperbole too! Except my only exaggeration was the 7-polygon characters. They probably use 12.
Welcome to Mag Mell in DAOC.
Trammies need to stop polluting the MMORPG landscape. They already have enough games in which to emote hugs and sell garbage by the banks.
That looks like a screen shot from WoW (a four year old game) with all the settings turned down.
Time to take the WoW goggles off. . .it's ok no one will poke fun at you.
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
If you're interested in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game because you think it'll look good, you've sort of missed the point of the genre.
Warhammer Online, much like the World of Warcraft which every MMORPG seeks to imitate these days, is a game built to be played on a large number of people's computers. Consequently, the graphics are diminished to the point where a greater number of players can play it.
That said, they did the best job they could in their confines. Warhammer Online doesn't look bad. It just doesn't look like Crysis - and that's understandable considering how few people can actually play Crysis at a great frame rate.
This is about the best fan made video currently available. I'm not sure what settings it was taken at, but it looks pretty damn good to me. As for the model animations, well, it's clunky and lacks fluidness. However, if fluid character and NPC movements means increased latency, I think I'd rather play the game than bask in how realistic the game is, ala Age of Conan.
It's also impossible to get any good idea about what anything really looks like, because it flashes between scenes every second or two. It's worse than an MTV commercial.
im to lazy too use grammar or punctuation good
This is about the best fan made video currently available. I'm not sure what settings it was taken at, but it looks pretty damn good to me. As for the model animations, well, it's clunky and lacks fluidness. However, if fluid character and NPC movements means increased latency, I think I'd rather play the game than bask in how realistic the game is, ala Age of Conan.
It's also impossible to get any good idea about what anything really looks like, because it flashes between scenes every second or two. It's worse than an MTV commercial.
You just can't please everyone. . .
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
That looks like a screen shot from WoW (a four year old game) with all the settings turned down.
I don't think so. I don't see a brightly lit, blocky saturday-morning cartoon world and 7-polygon characters.
See, I can use hyperbole too! Except my only exaggeration was the 7-polygon characters. They probably use 12.
I'll give you that some of the character models look a bit better (emphasis on some), but otherwise, the environments are a dead ringer for WoW (if not worse), and the animations are pretty bad.
I'm still missing the part where the gameplay is significantly different.
im to lazy too use grammar or punctuation good
MMO graphics being 10 years behind the times!? have you seen AION? the graphics for that game look awsome.....check it out if eye candy is your thing.
Ah, a bloodelf in Silvermoon city.
Ah, a bloodelf in Silvermoon city.
That's a bad screenshot. I posted some decent ones on pg2, but nobody said a damn thing about them. If you guys think this game looks like shit or like wow then post screenshots supporting your argument. Here's a couple at 4x AA/AF. I've played WOW since beta and it doesn't have half the detail or atmosphere that WAR has. Considering this game plans to have many people on the screen at the same time, this level of detail will tax most systems.
MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR
Playing: WAR
Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online
Yeah I'll admit my screenshot wasn't the best, the ones in the post above me look really good.
I took that screeny a few moments after flipping on AA/AF for the first time and promptly forgot to take any more.
I think the game looks great as it is, but there should be more options when the game goes live. From the latest patch notes:
Improved Graphics Options
We've got some great plans for improved graphics options as we continue through launch. Our number one priority is player performance. It's important in an RvR game for performance to be smooth and allow the game to be accessible to as many people as possible. In order to achieve our goals, we had to ensure a certain level of compatibility between devices. With all of the combinations and options available, we wanted to keep things simple and accessible to everyone.
With that in mind, we have a fix that may improve the ability of higher end machines to load textures, and we will continue to smooth out the process of the way textures load on your screen. In addition to this, we are exploring other options to add which will further enhance the graphics for mid to high range computers. If you find that your textures seem blurry or ‘popping’ visit this site for help.
MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR
Playing: WAR
Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online
I am looking still not seeing nothing impressive. Look at my system specs, Well established to play any graphical game to date. This is just another WoW tactic game which is Low Res graphics so alot of CPU can play it so it will have a broder spectrum for players. Its WoW 2.0 because wow has years on it now so the low res graphics of wow are just horrible but these are the revamp to them which are as horrible just a little updated so that you can make any computer sold today can play it.
When you have huge 100vs100 fights in open world, with everybody spamming flashy skills, you cannot afford to have Crysis-esque graphics.
Currently Waiting For: Nothing, found my addiction for awhile
Currently Playing: Warhammer Online - Oblivion, Warrior Priest, Averheim; Team Fortress 2
You will NEVER see state of the art graphics ina MMO. So dont even bother wishing for it :L
I just forced AA and AF with my graphic card as some have been saying. Wow. Big difference for me. I think the graphics look great. Also good performance on highest settings. This game is good.
Here are my two galleries from preview weekend and preview weekend 2 and now Open Beta, I forced AA on.
'Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of WARRRRR!!!'
asian games don't count. every char of certian race looks exactly the same. So sure you might have 50 players on the screen but since every warrior looks exactly the same, besice maybe the color of hair and every healer looks exactly the same, then it is just reusing the same textures. All asian imports do that, looke how good L2 looks when it came out compared to everything else.
Who cares how a game looks though? I'd rather have a crappy looking fun game any day over a state of the art holy shit, did you see that boring as hell crappy game. war is ok looking and fun to play, i wouldn't care if they had eq1 graphics as long as I enjoy playing the game.