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Yup. WAR must be a "WoW clone." Not only to do well long-term, but to even have a chance in the first place!
Why? To be quite honest, Blizzard's attempt at the MMORPG genre has been nothing short of amazing. Notice I didn't say "innovative." I didn' use that term because Blizzard really didn't do anything new, they just copied then made advancements in their own right. The end result is a multi-billion dollar juggernaut.
WAR can succeed for the same reason. Take what was done before, add your own twist, do it better than the rest, and pray for the best. So far they have succeeded in my opinon, at least in this area. WAR is different enough to distance itself from WOW, but, similar enough to cater to the lovers of the genre.
People are tired of WoW. It's a great game, but ... its old. WOTLK offers nothing new. Same rep grind, same gear grind, same leveling grind....
So, why not try something else? Many have tried to take that group of bored gamers away from blizzard the last few years. Most have failed however because they were either to ambitious or their game was just way off the charts being so unfamiliar the masses didn't take to it. Vanguard, AOC, etc. They had a chance but failed to deliver when the time was right. Now, its WAR's turn.
I see WAR as the best alternative to WoW in the past few years. Is it going to steal the thunder? Maybe not. But, it does cater to the "I'm tired of WoW" crowd, which, I myself am a part of.
Good luck Mythic. You will need it!
I think it's a bit of a 2 edged sword really.
By making it so similar to WoW they make it very easy for people to switch games with minimal disruption and allow people feel at ease in the new environment. This is good for people who maybe haven't previously played a wide variety of mmo's or games in general, or play WoW very casually. A lot of WoW's customers would into fall into this category.
However this a is bad for people who have played a lot of games which are very similar over the last few years and need something a bit different to excite them.
Also unless it is at least of very similar quality to WoW in terms of polish, general fun and replayability then people will not keep paying the subscription.
I see it's main market as being kids 10-18 who's older siblings play or have played WoW and want a mmo that's similar in complexity but under a different IP.
Anyone one else most likely won't want to play it either because they are bored with this type of game or will just continue to play WoW. A lot of people might buy it at launch but I don't see it holding subs long term.
AOC was more of a WOW clone than WAR is and it failed, I fail to see what you are talking about.
AOC is the same exact game as WOW other than the simon says combat and the graphics engine. WAR is nothing like WOW except for the graphics and combat system.
War didn't have to be as similar to Wow as it is now.
1984 released a company named GW the brilliant "Warhammer fantasy roleplaying system". The big RPG game at the time who was selling a lot more than anything else was "Dungeons & Dragons", a level based very simple system and at the time quite old. GW made the game leveless with a for the time, high possibility to customize your character.
They also focused the game on a specific world and made great and quite andvance adventures for the players. WHFRPG sold well because it was new and fresh. We had never seen anything like it on the market even though the basic roleplaying games like "Runequest" didn't have levels either.
And now we are back again where we started, all the games are D&D clones again. But instead of using the brilliant system Mythic copies the old system which GW got away from in the first place. WTF, War could be a lot more, we are all waiting for the next big game after wow, the one that will blow all old games away... and it sure isn't anything similar to all the other games on the market.
Don't get me wrong here, I don't say War sucks but it could be so much more. (editet a typo)
I'd say Warhammer Online sees further by standing on the shoulders of giants. Just like World of Warcraft was basically a result of taking all the popular MMORPGs out there (especially EverQuest derivatives) and streamlining the whole experience.
Mythic/EA is basically pulling turnabout on Blizzard here. Blizzard's made a lot of their bucks by taking other people's games and doing it better. (Warcraft? That was Dune 2 - there was a lawsuit over that, which Blizzard won, kicking off the RTS genre.) Now, Mythic's taken Blizzard's game (and a lot of other MMORPG ideas) and made it better.
It doesnt neccessarily need to be a WoW clone, its just a tried and tested combination. But it shows that the game is very much so this already - as the core gameplay itself is almost identical to WoW's despite what many WAR fanboys will say.
WAR will definitely sell alot, but only time will tell if it continues that success. Either way it will never be of a major threat to Blizzard, but it is a large threat to smaller MMOs.
either you haven't played AOC then or you haven't played wow. Cause what you are saying is WRONG.
aoc has instances in the start ?? i mean wtf is that about?
the pvp sux, there is no end game, (there isn't even a game @ lvl 60), I don't see any similarities from wow.
You mean like LOTR did?
Yeah, I agree here. WAR should have used an adaptation of WHFRPG role-playing system rather than a bit more polished rehashed version of WoW/D&D... which is the dogs tbh.
However... the rest of the game is teh awesomez.
Could it have been better - Yes, ofc. Is it any good then? It's great!
Sadly, nothing in life is perfect but that doesn't mean that there isn't some pretty good stuff out there.
Personally, I'll keep playing WHFRPG occasionally with my RL mates for some in-depth immersion and real character development. WAR is good for my "bash people in the head" days. No need to cry a river cause there is no "one game to rule them all".
You should have posted this like 1-2 years ago. Your sentiments are late. Really late.
You know i could care less what Blizzard does !
They Killed all feeling i had when they added Arenas to make up for PVP-end game..
Im geting sick of all this talk about Warhammer is a copy of wow.
Just play WOW you wont be missed BY me, really IF that game is FAR better and if it owns warhammer, then by all means.
Keep saying it will never get own by anyone,
Blizzard will one day make a new game and that will be the END for wow casuse they will do just like they done with the old games they have, patch a few times and so on. So the one will kill WOW will be Blizzard Not any new game.
Time to play ? World of Warcraft with 10 more lvls of same world, mixed with more of the same stuff..
More islands and land , oh me o my what shall me do? grind to 80.. no thank you.
It's ok i Understand,
Have fun !
Your use of the term "clone" loose and not really correct since clone is something that's exactly the same. If WAR would've been a clone it would then have been the same as WoW; no balance in PvP, focus at PvE, boring PvP arenas, focus on gear, farming etc. And should you create a clone of WoW you won't attract many new customers since no one will pay money for something they already got. However I do agree that it needs to be similar to WoW but still different enough to set itself apart if you want it to become successful and mainstream.
All MMOs are clones of each other. You quest and kill stuff to level a character and to get better gear to level more.
I never understand these threads.
Nor I. There will be similarities people can draw across all MMOs and each will have them in relation to other games.
The only thing I will say in defense of this post (I personally don't think there is clone anywhere in WAR) is that some similarities are good. People don't have t leave a 'comfort zone' and can more readily be acclimatize to a new game. If they do, they are for more likely to stay.
If WAR was a WoW clone I wouldn't play, that's for sure. if you want PVE raiding there are tons and tons of games with that sort of theme. Luckily, so far, WAR isn't one of them.