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hello all. i'm curious about one thing. BILLS!
how much are you decided to pay (maximum) to play WoW??
how will you pay it??
do you have any "money source" ??
I currently support 6 EQ accounts. At $9.95 a month (for 6 month payments). With WoW, I'd only need 1 account to do the same thing. So, 1 account (or 2 if I have to pay for my wifes) I'd be willing to pay the same as what I pay EQ for 1 (or 2 accounts). Ands thats the normal EQ server, not the $40.00 per month fanboy server.
How do I do this? I have a ... are you sitting down? A JOB
Pays the bills and keeps me playing!
WoW Beta - Skirnir; Dwarven Mage (Beta Server, PvE)
Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitmos
My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
I dont have a job but i'm splitting the cost with my brother for 1 account which is like 4 chars each.
So i'd the max i'd pay for the monthly fee would be $30 or $15 each.
The max I will pay is $20, but I am pretty sure it will be below $15 like the many of the current MMORPGS. As of right now I have no way of paying it, seeing as I do not have a credit card. My brother might get one, and if he does, I will pay him the money and he will put both our WoW accounts on his c-card. If Blizzard comes out with pre-paid game cards, I might just buy those instead. Money isnt really an issue for me because I have two jobs and make a good amount of money, for an 18 year old.
When I played FFXI my parents let me put it on their credit card and I just payed them every month.
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
I would pay $20, but I think they most likely would have it $14.95 or so. They will probably lose a lot of paying customers if they do charge more than $15 , and I don't think they would want to jeopardize that with the other games on the market they are competing with. The fan base for this game ranges from teenagers in school with no jobs, or a part-time job to pay for their games and what not to grown adults who are bums living in their parents home and those that work for a living and pay their bills weekly. If they are smart, business wise, they will keep it below $15 like every other MMORPG. Just my opinion of course!
I paid $15 for SWG and I now dislike that game. SO I would gladly pay $15 for a game like WoW that I will enjoy...