It is picking up slowly.. Guilds have started cropping up and we'll see some alliances soon.
I too was puzzled at lack of /general chat but then realized that the major social spots from meeting new people and making friends are Public Quests and open RvR. There are some down times during those and they're a perfect opportunity to introduce yourself, comment on others playstyle (with compliments ofc ) and start building up that friends list.
Guilds do not recruit in /general in this game but it is customary to do so after a PQ or taking out an RvR objective.
/p = party channel
/wb = warband (raid) channel
/sc = scenario channel
/1= general but it is really crappy now due to npcs spamming it in quest hubs and color coding that makes most posts completely invisible in the sea of npc chatter.
Mythic should really put buttons for these channels into the UI. Those slash commands are completely unintuitive and confusing to new players, especially those new to MMOs (yes, there are some of those in WAR). In fact right now the chat window is definitely the weakest part in the whole, otherwise excellent UI.
The best thing for a new player looking for advice is to join the closest PQ group and start chatting. Nothing brings people together like battling a common enemy.
It's the worse community I've ever experienced in a MMO. No one talks, in five days of play, I haven't seen one thing said in the chatbox. It's crazy. I think all the players are WoW idiots that are selfish and only care about leveling up and being more uber than the next person. They don't have time to talk. It's horrible, I hope Chronicles of Spellborn is good.
Oh really? Or does it actually mean you are the worst social element ever known to the gaming world?
First, no one talked to you in the 5 days. That maybe true, so you blame and namecall the entire community as WoW idiots? Oh great. You moved to a new town and after 5 days you call everyone in the neighbor idiots because no one come to pay homage to you. Oh how brilliant how mature. Everyone must love you.
Second, what have you done to try to get people to talk to you. No one knows you, how can they talk to you. Do you try to get into a guild, do you spend time getting people to like you so they remember who you are. From the rash way you treat people, did you just log in and say "hey WoW idiot, talk to me and entertain me till I log off". If you did that, no wonder why no one talk to you.
Third, if everyone is new to game, everyone is in a state of confusion, learning, frustration, excitement, and playing it out. They are too busy playing to talk trash, like your mom is this or I pwned you type of WoW barren chats. That makes it a bad community? They do not have time to trash talk, but in the instances and PQs I hear people talking intelligently, enough information for me to participate. What more do you want? Endless rants and rambles that scrolls off the chat logs non stop, so much that you won't bother read as most are meaningless / useless random noise?
No one talks to you, people do talk to each other. The problem originates from you. Look at the mirror and start looking for the source of problem.
Oh, please. There is no element provided that promotes socializing in WAR. Between the PQs, lack of chat and purposefully fragmented community outside the game they are actually discouraging it. A lot of the fanboys over on WHA are even starting to ask for something more.
Oh please, read what I said. Where on earth am I saying WAR encourages socialisation? Don't put words in my mouth. For those of you with such a heavy prejudice: what is fanboy? Anyone who plays a game is a fanboy, and you who dare to speak up rude becomes mature and big? Look at the mirror again, and see carefully who you actually are. Just another nobody on earth trying to play a game. Don't call me or anyone else fanboy, cos you are nothing more or less than anyone of us are, except that you still have to learn the word "respect".
One one hand I do often join up with groups and people don't seem bothered about you jumping in on a kill, be it an enemy player or a mob, and the public quests make people naturally work together. On the other hand there isn't that much talking going on. Personally I don't have much time to talk as I'm bashing in faces and kicking people on the groin.
The game is pretty hectic and there is always something to fight, so I don't really feel like standing around chatting. I get all my online socialising needs covered by EVE: "the graphical enhanced chat interface".
Try joining Open Parties sometime. I met a few people just joining random parties and questing with them, or doing PQ's, or doing Open RvR. PQ's and RvR in general are good ways to meet others and chat it up. Also be helpful to others when they ask questions, or if they need help with something in general.
Eventually, you'll get to know lots of people - even if you don't talk, you may remember each other - and things usually just get better and better from there.
It is picking up slowly.. Guilds have started cropping up and we'll see some alliances soon.
I too was puzzled at lack of /general chat but then realized that the major social spots from meeting new people and making friends are Public Quests and open RvR. There are some down times during those and they're a perfect opportunity to introduce yourself, comment on others playstyle (with compliments ofc ) and start building up that friends list.
Guilds do not recruit in /general in this game but it is customary to do so after a PQ or taking out an RvR objective.
/p = party channel
/wb = warband (raid) channel
/sc = scenario channel
/1= general but it is really crappy now due to npcs spamming it in quest hubs and color coding that makes most posts completely invisible in the sea of npc chatter.
Mythic should really put buttons for these channels into the UI. Those slash commands are completely unintuitive and confusing to new players, especially those new to MMOs (yes, there are some of those in WAR). In fact right now the chat window is definitely the weakest part in the whole, otherwise excellent UI.
The best thing for a new player looking for advice is to join the closest PQ group and start chatting. Nothing brings people together like battling a common enemy.
Oh really? Or does it actually mean you are the worst social element ever known to the gaming world?
First, no one talked to you in the 5 days. That maybe true, so you blame and namecall the entire community as WoW idiots? Oh great. You moved to a new town and after 5 days you call everyone in the neighbor idiots because no one come to pay homage to you. Oh how brilliant how mature. Everyone must love you.
Second, what have you done to try to get people to talk to you. No one knows you, how can they talk to you. Do you try to get into a guild, do you spend time getting people to like you so they remember who you are. From the rash way you treat people, did you just log in and say "hey WoW idiot, talk to me and entertain me till I log off". If you did that, no wonder why no one talk to you.
Third, if everyone is new to game, everyone is in a state of confusion, learning, frustration, excitement, and playing it out. They are too busy playing to talk trash, like your mom is this or I pwned you type of WoW barren chats. That makes it a bad community? They do not have time to trash talk, but in the instances and PQs I hear people talking intelligently, enough information for me to participate. What more do you want? Endless rants and rambles that scrolls off the chat logs non stop, so much that you won't bother read as most are meaningless / useless random noise?
No one talks to you, people do talk to each other. The problem originates from you. Look at the mirror and start looking for the source of problem.
Oh, please. There is no element provided that promotes socializing in WAR. Between the PQs, lack of chat and purposefully fragmented community outside the game they are actually discouraging it. A lot of the fanboys over on WHA are even starting to ask for something more.
Oh please, read what I said. Where on earth am I saying WAR encourages socialisation? Don't put words in my mouth. For those of you with such a heavy prejudice: what is fanboy? Anyone who plays a game is a fanboy, and you who dare to speak up rude becomes mature and big? Look at the mirror again, and see carefully who you actually are. Just another nobody on earth trying to play a game. Don't call me or anyone else fanboy, cos you are nothing more or less than anyone of us are, except that you still have to learn the word "respect".
One one hand I do often join up with groups and people don't seem bothered about you jumping in on a kill, be it an enemy player or a mob, and the public quests make people naturally work together. On the other hand there isn't that much talking going on. Personally I don't have much time to talk as I'm bashing in faces and kicking people on the groin.
The game is pretty hectic and there is always something to fight, so I don't really feel like standing around chatting. I get all my online socialising needs covered by EVE: "the graphical enhanced chat interface".
Try joining Open Parties sometime. I met a few people just joining random parties and questing with them, or doing PQ's, or doing Open RvR. PQ's and RvR in general are good ways to meet others and chat it up. Also be helpful to others when they ask questions, or if they need help with something in general.
Eventually, you'll get to know lots of people - even if you don't talk, you may remember each other - and things usually just get better and better from there.