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My experience with mmo's, and reviewing them on these forum, is extensive. I have played every MMO officially released in North America. Everything from EQ and WoW to RFO and Dungeon Runners. Go figure. I wasn't really interested in writing a review of this game until I saw all the absolute garbage coming out of peoples mouths. Like the guy who wrote a review of WAR before me who said the graphics are 10x better than WoW lol... ok comeon, clearly you know nothing about graphics. Not that I'm a wow fanboi, Im not, but these types of things aggravated me, so I'm going to spare you the fluff and give you the real goods.
First of all, some people have said, like the previous poster, that quests are unique and fun!!! They arent. Kill 6 of these or 5 of those or take this here. Its pretty standard. Do I think its bad? No. Innovative? HELL no. Some people also said the PvE is lacking... OK, I suppose if the game was billed as WoW2 the second coming then sure, but it wasn't, and it never was. Everyone has known all along it was a RVR / PvP centric game with a splash of PvE. In my opinion, thats exactly what it is.
The combat.. here we go. Not a lot lately actually has been said about this. I'm kind of surprised. Combat is definately a bit on the slow side... IF.. and this is a big IF.. you are comparing it to wow, or other faster paced games. There will be no Warlocks tossing 4 DOTS on you plus a fear and a seed within the first 3 seconds. Sorry, not happening. However, I dont think it is nearly as slow as some people are making it out to be. I think it is definately a bit more REALISTIC than most WoW clones' combat tends to be, but whether you like that or not is a matter of taste. I play a game to get out of the real world, not to compare its combat to real world mechanics. All in all, the combat is OK. Whether it will hold peoples attention longer than a month or 2, we'll have to see.
Graphics... I notice more than anything else this getting debated here lol. Some swear they are better than WoW or EQ2 or some even said better than AoC. Lets get something straight right now you graphic nuts. This games graphics are HORRIBLE... when compared to what they SHOULD have been able to do. However that said, they definately dont make the game unplayable. As a matter of fact, the graphics in this game dont really seem to add or detract from the gameplay one bit. Why? I cannot say for certain, but I'm sure some of you have some ideas. Being fair to the game, I would say the graphics are about what I expected. In the later part of the game, many many people will be on screen at once, actions calculated on the fly, etc... the graphics needed to be toned down. I understand that, and so should you guys, otherwise you need to play another game of AV with all ally and horde in drek's room at once throwing all spells out with high spell detail.. then you can come complain about how your heal went off in time you know it did!!!! hahahaa. It doesnt work. The technology just isnt here yet. Well, it is, but its not cost effective. But those of you saying its better than WoW's graphics.. cmon man, get a life.. anyone looking at a screenshot of the 2 will tell you that your a moron. Especially with WoW's new engine coming in the expansion (which before once again I am told I am a fanboi, I will tell you I am not even buying). Its not that the graphics were bad.. they were as expected. And all of us know that we were all worried about the graphics when the NDA was still up.. and all the usual excuses got thrown out there. Truth is, this was one area that was exactly as advertised, and exactly as we thought.. mediocre, but not horrible, and for the same reasons we thought they would be. Thats the facts, deal with it and stop lying to people. Lying on these forums about graphics is not going to get you more subscribers or people to play with.. It'll get a few more ppl to buy the game, and then come here and dog it when they realize they were lied to.
Now, on to more important things....
Its a wow clone. You bet your arse it is. And in my opinion thats GREAT.. they did a very good job with it. The mini map is improved, the maps labeled better, quests clearly marked, and the leveling a tad slower. Wow clone? sure. Bad thing? no way. It works people. Get over it. Fords and Chevys and even Lamborghinis, last time I looked, all have 4 wheels an engine and a tranny... are they all clones? hmmm not so much, now are they? If you think they are, I'll gladly trade my camaro for your lamborghini gellado anyday. Just send me a PM... God I hate ignorant people who think that just because something is alike its a ripoff or a bad thing.
The "battlegrounds", otherwise known as scenarios in WAR are... somewhat lacking, in my opinion. Although I give WAR praise for better than expected questing, gameplay, and mechanics, the little RvR scenarios that I have been able to try so far really dont grip me as anything more than AB all over again. hold this point, grab the other one, and 10 seconds later poof you score points. It doesn't really make.. sense. I loved the scenario itself, or I should say, the concept of it, and hopefully higher tiers will get better, but the first 2 did nothing for me. For example Khaine's scenario, the first one you can do. Very weak IMHO.. fun , yes, but weak nonetheless. The map is TINY.. I mean you could literally run all the way across it in .. .20 seconds or less. Give or take. There just isnt much substance to it. Its like going to a Subway and seeing all those topping and yummy meats and breads, and then realizing you only put like 4 things on your sub? yeah. U get my point. Theres just not that much to it.. its waaaaay too simple. At least AB or AV had 5+ major capture points.. but cmon, TWO????? 2???? thats the best we could do? Oh well, at least the PvP itself was fun.
All in all I'm going to give this one to EA/Mythic. It was and still is the cleanest release I have seen (and I have been part of them all). Nothing I have run into is groundbreaking however. It's all pretty standard fair. It is a clean, polished, all inclusive game. Is it next gen? hell no. Was it billed as such? Nope. The posters here tried to make it out as such. Thats not EA's or Mythics fault. A lot of people said they wanted a clean complete mmorpg that just delivered what it said it would, and played well. Well, WAR gives you that. What they said would be there is there, and in the manner in which it was said it would be presented. One of the few times I think that a developer actually delivered on what they said they would. Congrats for that. On the whole, I'm not sure how long the RvR, however, will be able to hold its audiences. Whereas games like WoW were doing relatively fine through its first expansion (with some people still begging for classic pre BC servers), I think it could be a huge make or break for WAR. Or maybe even the first major content patch. Crafting is limited to completely worthless, questing will only get you so far, the classes are pretty much equal on both sides as far as mechanics, unlike the uniqueness that wow had with shaman and palys when it first released. But content is limited in the long term here. I saw a few people sying there was TONS TO DO!! I COULD NEVER GET BORED!!!! True. But EQ and WoW were the same way. OMG I am lvl 5, time to go to town, explore! quest! get my professions!! omg how will i ever level herbalism at this rate lolzorz!!! OMG I want the enchants pst meh I have 3 silver!. Ok seriously.. it always seems like a lot in the beginning.. but we all know how that above scenario turned out. In the end, I think its a good game.. for a while. We'll see what kind of content updates we get, and what new systems and features get added in later. But for now, I think its as advertised, and you should play it for yourself. I'm playing it for now. How long? I have no idea. I would say anyone could get a few months out of it though if they give it a chance and enjoy PvP. After that, its a wait and see game. They did a great job with the release. Thats the big thing. The real question now though, is will they listen to the community and make the adjustments and advances i the game that make an MMO truely immersive? The Mythic part of me says they can do it and its gonna be a great ride. But the EA part.. dont get me started, they have the WORST customer service and developers of just about any company to date, and we all know it, which is why we were all pissed when we found out Mythic was erging with them for this title. Mythic seems to be however getting a lot of leadway, and if EA recognizes a good thing.. it'll stay that way. Thumbs up for now, but lots of improvements to go in the future.
All you other people stop spreading lies...... It's not going to help others or yourself.
I laugh at the "its a WoW clone" remarks. If anything its an everquest and DAoC clone.
Considering the warhammer lore is like 20 years old, and the known fact that blizzard tried to get game workshop to help them apply warhammer lore to wow, only to pull out, leaving blizzard to make their own warhammer lore up.
Such a closed minded view.
See play warhammer to level 15+ try doing the rvr scenarios, the open field rvr, the public quests, the pve and tell me with a straight face that its the same as boring and old wow. No one takes you seriously when you make claims like this.
Very comical your "unbiased" review. Most of your unbiased claimes are untrue, exaderated, or just assumed.