I've seen the hate on this game. I feel your pain. I've seen the last year for Warhammer go the same way. People hate because it's different.
Warhammer isn't different, that's what I "hate" about it.
It really is different. There isn't an MMO out right now that has a player versus player conflict intervowen throughout the game as much as WAR. It may not be to the extent that a lot of you are wanting it to be, but it is there.
WAR is very similar to WoW , LotrO and daoc (where RvR came from). I'm not flaming you, it's just that WAR isn't so "different" you made it sound like. It's quite mainstream actually
I like how you just mentioned 3 different games. You're saying that because its a culmination of 3 extremely successful games, its not a good game?
I don't know if you understand how ingredients work.
Flour, Water, Salt.
There are lots of recipes that call for these ingredients, but that doesn't make every product the same.
Bread is not the same as Cake
I don't know any sale/sub numbers for DAoC, but when the hell did LOTRO become "extremely successful"?
And Betelguez is correct, WAR isn't "different", just read any forum to find loads of posts/threads where players call it WoW 2 etc. I'm not saying I agree with all those posts, but for a lot of ppl, there's nothing new about WAR.
What becomes of DF is yet to be seen, I don't trust the hype and need to see it for myself before I can judge it, but that will probably never happen since I doubt it will ever be released.
Since all those games had over 500k Subscribers? Thats pretty successful in the MMO world, even though blizzard shattered those numbers.
LOTRO 500k subs? I don't know what you've been smoking, but it's causing you too see double, plus interest.
No one knows the sub numbers for sure, Turbine has never published them. MMOGCHART.com is usually considered the most reliable site when it comes to estimating subscription numbers, even this site posted an inteview with the guy behind that site a few months ago. This is their comment about LOTRO's numbers:
I estimate that as of August 2007 LotRO had approximately 200,000 subscribers. Inside sources place the number of active subscribers at 150,000 as of December 2007.
200k, and their chart shows that as LOTRO's max number of subs.
And if 200k is something you also consider as "extremely successful", then you should know that Brad said about Vanguard that they needed 250k subs to break even. Google the source for that one yourself if you want proof.
My bad on the LOTRO thing, last I heard on these forums they were saying close to a million subscribers, can never trust anything you hear these days. Maybe it is maybe it isn't.
Vanguard's budget was about 45 million. Thats why. In order for Vanguard to break even the first year, they would need about 250k subs, at 14.99 a month at 250,000 players a month. You have a revenue stream of 3,747,500 per month, at 12 months. Thats $44,970,000 in 1 year. After that year, it wouldn't have cost them that much to run it.
Even WoW only needs 200 million a year to stay afloat. All development costs and wages included. With just WoW's 2.5 million NA subscribers, it generates $449,700,000 yearly revenue.
Any non block buster MMO out there would be happy with 250k active subscribers. Warhammers cost of development, was a little under 100 million in under 3 years, Mark Jacobs said. He would like at least 1 million active subscribers. That would make the share holders happy.
I've seen the hate on this game. I feel your pain. I've seen the last year for Warhammer go the same way. Warhammer and Darkfall are criticized for the same thing. All this applies to both games. People hate because it's different. They hate because it doesn't take advantage of the latest and greatest hardware and graphics. They hate because of graphics and animations. They hate because of spell effects and interface. They say that it's not coming out this year, or the next year, or ever. They hate because of the publisher, they hate because of the studio. They hate because they're 10 years old, they hate because they're 50 years old. They troll to see you defend your hopes of a great game. They say its not in beta, they say its vaporware. They hate because its not WoW and they hate because its too much like WoW. But when its all said and done, will it affect how good the game is for you? Not a chance. You'll like it if the developers held up all their promises and made the best game they could make. This is how it was for Warhammer fans. Now you see we can boast about the current success of the game, and hopefully continue to laugh at the trolls in the future. I just want to let you know that I am going to reserve my judgement until it is released, and there will be lots of others too. Because we know exactly what its like. I hope Darkfall is a success, because ultimately any competition to any MMO will only bring about better MMO's. There is no reason there can't be multiple #1 MMO's for their given genre, be it Sci Fi or Fantasy or Super Hero. I may not play Darkfall, but I'll be playing the game I waited years for too, and thats all that matters, right?
You don't feel my pain as unlike yourself I have a life. What a moronic post, warhammer is too linear and predictable not much better than AOC, go crawl back to your hol;e please.
________________________________________________________ Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
ill give credit to WAR for attempting to have a semblance of PvP, with siege weapons and take-over-able cities. But it still is pretty WoW-ish, with auto attack, classes, running-through-players, bad AI, only a few mobs that are just modified a little, but still same base mobs...
Warhammer isn't different, that's what I "hate" about it.
It really is different. There isn't an MMO out right now that has a player versus player conflict intervowen throughout the game as much as WAR. It may not be to the extent that a lot of you are wanting it to be, but it is there.
WAR is very similar to WoW , LotrO and daoc (where RvR came from). I'm not flaming you, it's just that WAR isn't so "different" you made it sound like. It's quite mainstream actually
I like how you just mentioned 3 different games. You're saying that because its a culmination of 3 extremely successful games, its not a good game?
I don't know if you understand how ingredients work.
Flour, Water, Salt.
There are lots of recipes that call for these ingredients, but that doesn't make every product the same.
Bread is not the same as Cake
I don't know any sale/sub numbers for DAoC, but when the hell did LOTRO become "extremely successful"?
And Betelguez is correct, WAR isn't "different", just read any forum to find loads of posts/threads where players call it WoW 2 etc. I'm not saying I agree with all those posts, but for a lot of ppl, there's nothing new about WAR.
What becomes of DF is yet to be seen, I don't trust the hype and need to see it for myself before I can judge it, but that will probably never happen since I doubt it will ever be released.
Since all those games had over 500k Subscribers? Thats pretty successful in the MMO world, even though blizzard shattered those numbers.
LOTRO 500k subs? I don't know what you've been smoking, but it's causing you too see double, plus interest.
No one knows the sub numbers for sure, Turbine has never published them. MMOGCHART.com is usually considered the most reliable site when it comes to estimating subscription numbers, even this site posted an inteview with the guy behind that site a few months ago. This is their comment about LOTRO's numbers:
I estimate that as of August 2007 LotRO had approximately 200,000 subscribers. Inside sources place the number of active subscribers at 150,000 as of December 2007.
200k, and their chart shows that as LOTRO's max number of subs.
And if 200k is something you also consider as "extremely successful", then you should know that Brad said about Vanguard that they needed 250k subs to break even. Google the source for that one yourself if you want proof.
My bad on the LOTRO thing, last I heard on these forums they were saying close to a million subscribers, can never trust anything you hear these days. Maybe it is maybe it isn't.
Vanguard's budget was about 45 million. Thats why. In order for Vanguard to break even the first year, they would need about 250k subs, at 14.99 a month at 250,000 players a month. You have a revenue stream of 3,747,500 per month, at 12 months. Thats $44,970,000 in 1 year. After that year, it wouldn't have cost them that much to run it.
Even WoW only needs 200 million a year to stay afloat. All development costs and wages included. With just WoW's 2.5 million NA subscribers, it generates $449,700,000 yearly revenue.
Any non block buster MMO out there would be happy with 250k active subscribers. Warhammers cost of development, was a little under 100 million in under 3 years, Mark Jacobs said. He would like at least 1 million active subscribers. That would make the share holders happy.
WAR is a different kind of WOW.
You don't feel my pain as unlike yourself I have a life. What a moronic post, warhammer is too linear and predictable not much better than AOC, go crawl back to your hol;e please.
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
ill give credit to WAR for attempting to have a semblance of PvP, with siege weapons and take-over-able cities. But it still is pretty WoW-ish, with auto attack, classes, running-through-players, bad AI, only a few mobs that are just modified a little, but still same base mobs...
Apparently 08 didn't make it
Sorros of Forumfall.
I thought you were done here vindi???