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Warhammer Online : Age of Reckoning: Hickman - Addressing the Cut Classes



  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Originally posted by Ironman2000

    Ok first off, please don't hate me for my "Xfire WoW Tag" lol.  Now i'm not bashing anything, but asking a legitimate question. 
    Shouldn't they have just pushed release back some to finish up whats missing?  I mean from what i'm reading it just seems like how sony (and i know this isn't a sony game, i'm just comparing to how sony operates) seems to run with their mmo's (but no where near as HORRIBLE lol).  You know, they release a game or expansion pack before the "Promised" content was ready to go instead of airing on the side of caution and pushing back release dates.
    Thoughts?  Opinions?
    Thanks :)
    PS: I have since decided to wait on MMO's to launch and be out for some time before I purchase them after being burned so badly with some of the "Junk" thats been pushed out lately (and no i'm not saying War is that at all)


    Warhammer/mythic is so far ahead of any Sony release it isn't even fair to mention them in the same breath. 

    While warhammer has a few bugs that may be annoying they are not game breakers.  All the core game mechanics work and are fairly well thought out.  The game play is fun and enjoyable. 

    Warhammer isn't perfect nor is it the best launch in history, but it is far more than acceptable from what I have seen now.  It looks like a supermodel compared to most games released post-WoW era, except LOTRO.  Well maybe not so pretty for Europe.... Sorry mates!


    Warhammer will grow up to be a very good to great game over the next year as it works out the kinks and design issues and hopefully a community developes.  Unlike Sony games it will not spend the next 1-3 years constantly redesigning the core aspects of the game that should have been finalized before launch.

    Honestly Sonys best release effort is somewhat comparable to Age of Conan.  It looks pretty and "has potential", but underneath it is one giant mess.  Notice I didn't specify a game, because you can apply that to anything that launched with the SOE brand on its box. 

  • "hundreds of thousands of hours of gameplay"

    23 year = 201 613.694 hours

    I kind of hate me for doing this but i will be the smartass anyway.  no one is going to be talking about this in 2031. were going to be playing Waterworld Online, only this time... its for realsies!

    i did enjoy warhammer beta though not having the blackguard was a downer. really glad i bought the pre order box from target so i did not have to pay for the whole thing.

  • daltaniousdaltanious Member UncommonPosts: 2,381

    Hmm ... about bugs ... have lv. 18, 15, 14, 12 ... and 3 classes lv. 8. All Empire. On other server 3 destr up to lv. 5 (essentially just to experiment, for serious work I prefer to be good guy :-)). Up to now I have NOT encountered any serious bug that would prevent me from playing. Ok, once I was unable to play one alt for one hour, I was always returned to char selection. And once one quest which required killing 7 mobs was fixed at 6/7 until I restarted client.

    And there was GOA problem with open beta.

    But as for lunch goes it was incredibly smooth, I can hardly remember one better. Client is super stable, especially compared to any other similar game I have played through years (and I'm not so young), support is pretty responsive (but to short for description), ... etc.

    Warhammer is doing really great. Also who needs that gold sellers? At lv. 18 my bright wizard already have money for mount.

    Of course, there is always something to improve. I'm also looking forward to missing classes, cities, ... but for now I'm satisfied.

    The only thing I really do not like is gathering and crafting which is really bad. I mean bad. Talisman making is incredibly time consuming (while my primary alt is lv. 9 in talisman, other is over 100 in alchemy) and expensive. And not rewarding. After destroying green, blue, ... items ... you can create talismans with minimal effect. But not only! They least from only FEW HOURS to few days! Not to speaking that in game about war there should be primarily armor and weapon crafting and not talisman making. And kind of mining. Ok for alchemy, but there should be for sure some kind of herbalism.

  • CendhariaCendharia Member UncommonPosts: 319

    Just want to say thanks again Jon for another good interview, with questions directed at the things that gamers want to know about their game.   Thank you Jeff for your honest answers, and here's hoping those classes shape up the way  you guys want..and we see them ingame..possibly a few months from now.

    Just want to mention I have four characters now, my main being a Witchelf in tier 3 ( LOVE THAT ARMOR!!)  and the others are mostly level ten for crafting and possibly to help out lower level guild membrs who joined late.

    I am on Vortex server, and frankly have to say...ADDICTED to this game.  *big smile*    I've already subbed for a few months to guess you'll have to put up with me  for a while yet!!! :D





  • CendhariaCendharia Member UncommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by gatheris

    funny that he completely ignored - not just side-stepped - but ignored the city part of the questions
    are they gone for good?
    has this been brought up anywhere else?


    Those questions weren't asked in "this" interview..and yes its been brought up before....if you have taken a good look at either the Inevitable City OR Altdorf  (take a flight master...go explore there if you haven't)   then you know ..what their standards are.......the Inevitable City is ENORMOUS...and evolving, same with Altdorf I would imagine...there is a ton of detail in each one, with more details added each rank up.

    What I saw mentioned before..think the Devs are playing around with the idea of rotating the the cities..two by two so that we always have different objectives to work on...and it doesn't get "boring'.   Sounds good to me, but...its not gonna be easy to siege those cities anyways...don't ever think it will be, will take alot of work, effort..coordination of the players.    Yes I said in working together.  :P

    Funny story..other night ( I am Destruction by the way)  I was wandering around in the Inevitable City..and went up Flesh Rot alley.........saw a plague pot that was being the person I am,   I clicked it.   Well!!!!!!!!!!!

    I unleashed a massive horde of little AGRO Nurgles on the City......omg...I fought them and fought them and fought them, til finally they overpowered me and I died.   But I was laughing my face off the whole time.

    Kudos to the Dev that thought that one was hilarious watching other players trying to side-step these angry little balls of infected mobs...hehehe 

    Too funny :D



  • CendhariaCendharia Member UncommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by Redmow

     I got out of it that the cities are not gone for good but rather the cut classes rate first before that along with other glitches and bugs.
     My only complaint was not seeing anything on improved chat. Of course, that question wasn't asked either.
     I agree about the RvR stuff. I've had times where my Chaos Chosen gets stomped and other times, I'm doing the stomping. Of course, I've had to change my play style. I took Chaos Chosen to heart and just rushed into battle maiming, killing and destroying. I try to be more of a team player now.
     But, getting a good defense set up or a good retaliatory strike going really needs a good chat system. I'm not talking about the scenarios but rather the RvR areas in the zones. We were getting stomped last night a few steps away from the war camp...the war camp was full of potential reinforcements. I had to /shout to get some help.
     Overall, I'm loving the game. Granted, I'm only rank 9 but so far so good except for a few things.


    Yes I was under the impression ( someone told me this) that we were supposed to have the ability to join the war effort ie:   /join Destruction chaat   or /join Order chat  ...but I tried it and you can't do that..or at least if there is an ability to do so..its not clear.   It really "should" appear as an option on the left hand side of the chat window along with...the other options of /say, /warband, /guild..etc. 

    After all....this is it not? :P


  • CendhariaCendharia Member UncommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by Robbgobb

    I want a gamma option. I have more issues with that than anything besides gold sellers and PQs being empty. I accept that RvR is going to be hit or miss. Cities at the moment is the least of my worries and classes would be nice but I am still exploring the ones that are there.


    I also have issues with darkness in my game, and at first was dead set on asking for a gamma slider, but I was told by another player to adjust the gamma and brightness through the desktop itself.   I have Nvidia so thats not a problem for me.   

    Have to agree though, the InEvitable City is very dark in places and usually in the places where its darkest, is a very large pit that you can fall in ..most times to your death. :P

    Since I did my desktop adjustments however, no more "pit falls" for me :D


  • CendhariaCendharia Member UncommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by Scalebane

    Originally posted by iceberg2ice

    funny how they are discussing about extra content when the game is so full of bugs and imperfections... and the warhammeralliance forum does not even allow posting about them... they should be looking at fixing the rushed unfinished buggy release first before even thinking about adding more content...


    Thats wonderful fan sites for you, thats why Mythic is using them to hide the problems, thats why they don't have their own forums, to hide from the problems, oh they go around looking at what people are saying (thats why whats his face in the interview probably seems kinda hurt from how people are judging the game so early)  but still i think they made things worse by having things spread out, then on their own forums, least some companies care enough about their playerbase that they give ya a home =P

    I'll just say that the game is in beta..oh wait..i kid i kid but still that was an excuse for a long time and things that should have been fixed never did get fixed if they don't have people staying on after the first free month its because they don't wanna pay for beta testing which with all the issues its starting to feel that way.

    I personaly will stay till my free month is up then cancel, i'll check back on the game when more problems are gone and the things that should have been released are in the game =)


    Thats absolutely silly..........really.   I have never seen a game's devs so upfront about stuff.   And as for the other poster stating its "not allowed" to post suggestions etc on Warhammer Alliance...thats not true either.   We had page after page of player suggestions stickied up top of that forum site.    The Devs and other team members ..DO check in there from time to time..and I am sure the suggestions are reviewed to see if they are viable or not.


  • CendhariaCendharia Member UncommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by banthis

    Originally posted by Ravanos

    Originally posted by LordDraekon

    Jeff, sometimes it's more a simple matter of giving paying customers what they want. It's sounds like the missing classes are on indefinite hold. That's cool. Take as long as you want, but don't be surprised when we take our dollars somewhere else while you dilly-dally around with this. You say that each of the classes you've released are unique in and of themselves. I think you're starting to believe your own hype. Each class within an archetype is basically the same as every other class in that archetype. The only real difference is cosmetic, different flashy effects, but nothing really unique. They all progress pretty much the same. Judging from what you released, I have to wonder if the missing classes just weren't finished, rather than not "fun enough". Frankly, what you released wasn't that great either.
    But hey, take your time. I'll just refrain from throwing any more money into WAR until you guys get your act together. This consumer isn't supporting an unfinished product.
    Nice interview, Jon. Thanks for pulling these guys out of their corner a little bit.


    i agree I hate the whole "it wasn't good enough" excuse to be honest ... especially since the barely let beta testers try out the classes or even suggest changes to them. i remember i asked if i could make a post asking for suggestions for the cut classes while in beta ... I was warned that they werent taking suggestions and if i pressed the issue they would revoke my beta slot.

    sorry but they should let the gamers decide if the class is good enough. also part of me would take a half assed black guard, instead of having to level up another character and switch when the black guard comes out.


    And there's the they push out unfinished medocre classes to see if the masses like them? Or do they hold them back to they're finished and less sucky?   Its a lose lose situation..personally we'd see way more flames & haters & trolls if the classes were there and unfinished.  Its obvious from the way they discuss the subject and the fact they weren't seen in beta after christmas last year that they were Not Complete nor probably near it.  While it sucks I can't play the choppa I'd rather not have him if he's going to be a lame peice of crap.

    None of you are ever happy when it comes to stuff like this..yous ay let the gamers decide but MOST gamers don't want to be given a peice of unfinished crap.  If they put them in you'd cry they suck if they leave them out you cry because you didn't get to decide well...which is the lesser evil?  To me not having them is the lesser evil...means I still have a chance at liking the class later on.


    Indeed...I agree and if I had my druthers...the only things Devs would listen to from CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM...not negative...this or that sucks and I am taking my marbles and going home...nonsense.

    The Devs of any game usually find themselves between a rock and a hard place....choices:   do they do the game the way they originally intended...or do they listen to the massive outpourings of sulk and tantrum...that happen every new game?   I think Blizzard gave in on this one.........hopefully Mythic sticks to their guns and puts the content into the game...that WORKS.....not because of players crying..but because thats the way it was intended.


  • CendhariaCendharia Member UncommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by Myrdek

    On the subject of the cut cities, why would anyone want them to put them in?
    I mean, let's be honest here, how much % of your gaming time have you spent in the 1 city? It's practically always empty so why would you want Mythic to spend a couple of millions in ressources to add 4 more?
    I think that's why he avoided the subject, he realises that it's just not worth the time and effort to put them in. At least, not until theres a reason to.
    I say focus on the bugs/issues and a way to improve population balance across the world, get the 4 cut classes back in and then you can think about other stuff. That way, people that are holding off like me might be able to play in 6-12 months :)
    Btw, anyone who says the game wasn't rushed is on drugs. Of course it was, even a monkey could figure that one out. Mythic was basicly stuck between releasing the game a bit early to not directly compete with Wrath of the Lich King or wait a few more months hoping that Blizzard drops the ball. We all know that Blizzard never fails so option 2 was a no go. Mythic was stuck between 2 lousy choices, they picked the only logical one


    Blizzard never fails...........omg ..*falls off her chair laughing her face off*

    I refrain from any further comment on this one...hehehehe



  • CendhariaCendharia Member UncommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by Redmow

     Bug filled? Sorry guys, I don't see that. Imbalance? Perhaps, but I am seeing people getting stomped and doing the stomping of all classes. Depends on the gamers grasp of battle and how well he or she understands their class.
     Healer standing up to a tank? I don't think so. Ranged vs. melee? I see ranged whooping peoples behinds if they don't close on them. But, if they do happen to close (because the range type is just standing there) yeah, they get whooped.
     My only main concern at this time is the chat...and maybe add some crafting instructions in the Lore Book. I have salvaging and I am dumb...I can't figure out what to do with those little wisp looking things I get out of stuff. hehe.
     But, in regards to all the people complaining, I pity all game devs of every game. People get outta hand real quick. But, I've seen the same things on all the games I've played....and I've been a gamer for a long butt time. It seems peoples patience has worn out.
     At least these devs have been forthright with us. Seems that hasn't paid off, either. So why should any dev be honest with anybody anymore? It doesn't pay. They get stomped if they do or don't.

    If you are salvaging.."some" fragments do look like "wispy things".    Fragments are the main ingredient to make talismans.   Talimans can be slotted into your armor.."if" it has slots for that.   The quality of the talismans vary from 8 2 days or more.


    I have been having fun with this craft.  Crafting a bunch up for the guild vault.  Freebies for guildies. ;)


  • CendhariaCendharia Member UncommonPosts: 319

    Originally posted by Trollstar

    Originally posted by budgetnudist

    Why do all the classes have to be right handed? Does anyone care about left handed people out there?


    Hey, I was thinking the same thing, whats up with that? 

    Cut classes will come back one day, let's just hope they don't try to include them in a paid expansion, that would pretty much suck.



    It has been stated a few times..that if and when these classes will be in a FREE UPDATE.   Starting to think people don't read interviews with the Devs.


  • CendhariaCendharia Member UncommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by Marontann

    there are alot of bugs, but not nearly as many as all the other mmos that hav come out the last 4-5 years. PQ's where the boss doesnt spawn, creatures that keep on standing and moving after its dead,  lagging, crashing out to windows without warning and stuff like that.
    Nothing major really
    What i do want to se in future updates is MORE CHOISES FOR THE PLAYERS!!!!! FFS if i want to have a 1h and a shield for my WP thats my bloody right, whose stupid idea was it to replace shield with a **** book!!
    And why ??? cant you dye all armor and not just rewards? am i supposed to choose between ugly armor for the stats or godlooking armor for the looks?
    Annoying as hell when the dev's are making all the choises for you, this is a mmorpg or did they miss that, immersion in to the game is important (for me at least).
    Also (while im on the subjekt) Ironbreakers can only use axes (as far as i can determine, i might be wrong) why??, totaly idiotic, if im a crazy dwarf and want to bash some skulls, i use whats bloody handy. I havent seen these stupid restrictions on the dest side (but then i dont play dest) but i have seen chosen wielding swords, 2h swords, axes, 2h axas, shields, hmm lot more choises there, hell give them hammers to i say, there must be some destro out there who likes big hammers.
    well other than that, the games fine, more than fine actually , damn fun really, but it could be soo much better if the dev's stopped trying to make all the decisions for the players
    just my 2 cent, no im of to kill me some orcs


    Know anything about Warhammer lore?  Or are you just complaining cause its "cool" to do so.   You might want to investigate into War lore and find out why a certain class wields a certain weapon and why.

    You signed onto to play the game of Warhammer: Age of Reckoning....not Warhammer:  I want it to be more of a clone of some "other" game I have played.


  • boingedboinged Member UncommonPosts: 161

    I quite like the fact that there are cut classes. It makes each race different and gives scenario matches in each land a different feel. Ok so people go and play in other lands but the majority are natives.

    I'm more interested in getting the capitals back (as long as players won't get spread too thin between them). I want to fight for my capital and that of the hated elves, not some chaos weirdos :)

  • xenogiasxenogias Member Posts: 1,926

    I love the game but I would like to point out one thing. The balance sucks in T1 and T2 yes. But dont gloss over why its not so bad in T3 and T4. Its not because players want to mingle. Its because the game forces you to other zones to level. Not going to argue if its a good thing or a bad thing. The fact is though the game forces races to mingle starting late tier2 and definitly tier3.

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,098

    I am suprised there was no mention about the population imbalance across pretty much every server out there!

    Has Mythic any ideas how to persuade more people to roll Order?

    As right now there are roughly 30 to 40% more Destruction players across the servers!

    One server the imbalance is worse then the other. But the imbalance is there.

    And if nothing will and can be done up till the majority ends up in Tier4.

    Then we can predict the outcome.

    On my server at this moment. Destruction pretty much controls whole Tier3 most of the day.

    Order is lucky if they can take 1 (and if getting enough people together, maybe even 2 keeps back) now and then.

    But with roughly 30 to 40% more destruction players, Order will not stand a chance in Tier4!

    It will be pretty much one-side RvR later on when this imbalance continues.

    And at this moment a lot of Order players even get fed up with losing all the time. As you play a game for fun. So what you going to do when you lose all the time? Exactly. Roll the other side who wins.

    So I am a lot more curious about when Mythic is going to ACKNOWLEDGE the population imbalance and the ideas they then have to adress this issue.

    As at this moment, THIS is basically the number 1 issue that's been discussed across the forums.


  • aesperusaesperus Member UncommonPosts: 5,135
    Originally posted by Guillermo197

    I am suprised there was no mention about the population imbalance across pretty much every server out there!
    Has Mythic any ideas how to persuade more people to roll Order?
    As right now there are roughly 30 to 40% more Destruction players across the servers!
    One server the imbalance is worse then the other. But the imbalance is there.
    And if nothing will and can be done up till the majority ends up in Tier4.
    Then we can predict the outcome.
    On my server at this moment. Destruction pretty much controls whole Tier3 most of the day.
    Order is lucky if they can take 1 (and if getting enough people together, maybe even 2 keeps back) now and then.
    But with roughly 30 to 40% more destruction players, Order will not stand a chance in Tier4!
    It will be pretty much one-side RvR later on when this imbalance continues.
    And at this moment a lot of Order players even get fed up with losing all the time. As you play a game for fun. So what you going to do when you lose all the time? Exactly. Roll the other side who wins.
    So I am a lot more curious about when Mythic is going to ACKNOWLEDGE the population imbalance and the ideas they then have to adress this issue.
    As at this moment, THIS is basically the number 1 issue that's been discussed across the forums.


    They already have a few systems in place for that.

    Does the population imbalance exist? Absolutely.  However it's hardly as bad as in most games out there. The game is hard capped for population, meaning it can never exceed a certain amount. This is as close as any game has come to forcing you to play the 'underdog'.

    As for people getting fed up w/ losing, that's primarily a PUG mentality situation.

    If you get pissed, and go roll Destro, it won't prevent you from losing. There are plenty of good Order guilds (if not better than most on Destro) out there that will give you a hard time if you come across them. While this game is casual-friendly, it's also a guild game. Zerging will only get you so far.

  • StraddenStradden Managing EditorMember CommonPosts: 6,696
    Originally posted by Guillermo197

    I am suprised there was no mention about the population imbalance across pretty much every server out there!
    Has Mythic any ideas how to persuade more people to roll Order?
    As right now there are roughly 30 to 40% more Destruction players across the servers!
    One server the imbalance is worse then the other. But the imbalance is there.
    And if nothing will and can be done up till the majority ends up in Tier4.
    Then we can predict the outcome.
    On my server at this moment. Destruction pretty much controls whole Tier3 most of the day.
    Order is lucky if they can take 1 (and if getting enough people together, maybe even 2 keeps back) now and then.
    But with roughly 30 to 40% more destruction players, Order will not stand a chance in Tier4!
    It will be pretty much one-side RvR later on when this imbalance continues.
    And at this moment a lot of Order players even get fed up with losing all the time. As you play a game for fun. So what you going to do when you lose all the time? Exactly. Roll the other side who wins.
    So I am a lot more curious about when Mythic is going to ACKNOWLEDGE the population imbalance and the ideas they then have to adress this issue.
    As at this moment, THIS is basically the number 1 issue that's been discussed across the forums.

    It surprised you that we didn't talk about imbalance in an interview about the cut classes? You have strange expectations, friend.

    Maybe check out launch interviews with both Jeff Hickman and Josh Drescher. Both addressed this issue and with the interviews only 10 days apart, it ddn`t make much sense to revisit the question and get the same answers.

    Jon Wood
    Managing Editor

  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,212
    Originally posted by Robbgobb

    I want a gamma option. I have more issues with that than anything besides gold sellers and PQs being empty. I accept that RvR is going to be hit or miss. Cities at the moment is the least of my worries and classes would be nice but I am still exploring the ones that are there.


    1.01 comes out this week. Their small "hotfixes" have done a lot, who knows what the first full patch will bring.

    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,098
    Originally posted by Stradden

    It surprised you that we didn't talk about imbalance in an interview about the cut classes? You have strange expectations, friend.
    Maybe check out launch interviews with both Jeff Hickman and Josh Drescher. Both addressed this issue and with the interviews only 10 days apart, it ddn`t make much sense to revisit the question and get the same answers.


    This is only part one isn't? Plus it's now 2 weeks after launch and it clearly shows things are NOT balancing out.

    Especially here in the EU most servers have Medium Order population against High / Max Destruction population.

    How are things going to balance out, when there are not enough new players joining the game anymore?

    Because for every 3 new players joining the game atm, 2 roll Destruction and 1 roll Order.

    Last weekend alone on my server I already had 4 people in my guild rerolling Destruction (with the standard excuse that RL friends had roll Destro).

    People play the game for fun! And when Destruction is constantly dominating in RvR, people get fed up and start rerolling Destro. Even if it means longer queue times. They don't care.

    I have read their interviews, and their answers were all predictionary as they were taking on the day / before launch.


    Finally, he told me that if they do find a server where everything has been done to try to balance things out and there is still a side that keeps winning and winning and winning... That's just a part of the game. "We're not going to punish people for being good at the game... At the end of the day, it's a game about competition.


    I wonder how long he thinks he can keep up this statement! Because on many EU servers (I am from EU) this is exactly happening right now. Destro is winning, winning and winning and winning on most servers. And that purely based on numbers. Simply because Order can't come up with enough numbers to counter them!

    It's nice you can manage to get 24 people together and work really well. But it's pointless when a zerge group of 60-80 Destro players come ran at you. And it's naive to think that, because Destro has more numbers that they automatically not work together.

    Because I am curious if they still feel the same, when many people keep rerolling Destruction and others just quit, because of frustrating game experience.

    If there is no one to hardly anyone left on Order side. Then I wonder if he still holds on to this statement. I personally hardly doubt that. Or they like to kill their own game.

    Because the hardcaps aren't working. Just have a look at the EU server list when loggin in with the EU client and you will see what I mean.


  • JalfordJalford Member Posts: 17

    Ok so ill post again.  Since people love to link bug posts and what not.  of course there is bugs in the game.  hell WOW has hundereds of new bugs pop into their game iwth every single patch.  Every single game that is a persistant online world has bugs.  Dosnt meant that its an unfinished game.


    bugs i have encountered(ive been in beta since aug 07, so i got some xp, and i hated the game up till launch cause of many problems i wont get into, thank god they fixed them, so i am not a fanboy)

    Pathing:some monster and pet pathing problems, the squig hearder is a little bit of a pain to play. other than squig pets, which is only some times, nothing that is more than a minor annoyance.

    Graphics:occationaly, the graphic models for armor will blur, monsters apear to sit still after u attack them, then they apear in front of you. Both rare.

    crashes: ive only crashed to desktop one time.  Hardly enough to consider it a problem.  My guess, is that people with old corrupted systems are having the majority of the crashing problems.

    lag: i get very little even when im in large scale open field battles.  Granted i have a very good comp, and i can see that on some older comps there will be problems,  but that is not a problem the game has, its a computer problem.  Large battles are very stable so far.  What slow down there is, is not enough to cause me problems.

    Quests: i havent run into any quests that were not finishable.  They few i have heard about were hotfixed almsot immediatly

    Skill: all work on all my classes.  There has been a few that had to be hotfixed, but non i experainced.  Dont know if you played AoC, but half your skills were bugged, and some classes still have these problems.

    Targeting.  Yes there is the target out of range bug, but ive never had it in PVP where it really makes a differance, and u simply have to walk forward a bit to solve the problem.  Seems to me like a graphics glich where a range mob looks like he is on top of you, but is in fact further back.  This is the only major bug i have had a problem with, and its solvable by moving forward.


    So after all that, is anything game breaking.  NO!!!!  Nothing.  I cant think of any of those bugs not being any game that have been out for 2+ years at some point.

    They are not haveing to patch 3 times a week like AoC did, the server have not gone down for more than a few hours, and never durring peak times....remember wow...they had to give us free time the server were down so much.

    This is the single smoothest MMO launch i ever seen.  People dont understand that if they delayed this game again, it might have failed.  They had to get it out before WoTLK came out, in order to draw the wow playerbase over to try it.  I for one was not going to play this for anything other than a hold over to WoTLK.  Being in beta i thought they would never fix all the problems the game had before launch.  But they did, and now this is the most fun i ahve had in a game in years. 

    rather than bitcing about a few classes not being(which dosnt make tht big of a differance anyway, we still get our PQs done in dark elf zone), and some non game breaking bugs, just try to enjoy the game.  Enjpoy the freedom of choice.  This game lets u advance through normal quest grinding, PQs, or RVR.  I never get boared cause i always mix them up.  Get out of tier 1, and see how the game opens up in tier 2.

    And even if the cities were in the game, it wouldnt be that much differant.  No tier 4 PVP will happen for at least another month on any kind of large scale.  You'll have people there, but it will be all small scale.  You need alot of people who are coordinated to take a city.  Plus, its going to take a while before we get tired of going after the same city.  That gives them plenty of time to get them ready.  They had to redesign some of the aspects of city siege near the end of beta.  This is why they didnt get in.   They chose to give us 2 great cities, rather than 6 crappy ones.  So the city layouts are done.  Id bet they would be in game in the next 3-4 months.

  • JalfordJalford Member Posts: 17
    Originally posted by Guillermo197

    Originally posted by Stradden

    It surprised you that we didn't talk about imbalance in an interview about the cut classes? You have strange expectations, friend.
    Maybe check out launch interviews with both Jeff Hickman and Josh Drescher. Both addressed this issue and with the interviews only 10 days apart, it ddn`t make much sense to revisit the question and get the same answers.


    This is only part one isn't? Plus it's now 2 weeks after launch and it clearly shows things are NOT balancing out.

    Especially here in the EU most servers have Medium Order population against High / Max Destruction population.

    How are things going to balance out, when there are not enough new players joining the game anymore?

    Because for every 3 new players joining the game atm, 2 roll Destruction and 1 roll Order.

    Last weekend alone on my server I already had 4 people in my guild rerolling Destruction.

    People play the game for fun! And when Destruction is constantly dominating in RvR, people get fed up and star rerolling Destro. Even if it means longer queue times. They don't care.

    I have read their interviews, and their answers were all predictionary as they were taking on the day / before launch.


    Finally, he told me that if they do find a server where everything has been done to try to balance things out and there is still a side that keeps winning and winning and winning... That's just a part of the game. "We're not going to punish people for being good at the game... At the end of the day, it's a game about competition.


    I wonder how long he thinks he can keep up this statement! Because on many EU servers (I am from EU) this is exactly happening right now. Destro is winning, winning and winning and winning on most servers. And that purely based on numbers. Simply because Order can't come up with enough numbers to counter them!

    Because I am curious if they still feel the same, when many people keep rerolling Destruction and others just quit, because of frustrating game experience.

    If there is no one to hardly anyone left on Order side. Then I wonder if he still holds on to this statement. I personally hardly doubt that. Or they like to kill their own game.

    Because the hardcaps aren't working. Just have a look at the EU server list when loggin in with the EU client and you will see what I mean.



    Order is actually doing quite well on my server, iron rock.  The number one PVP players are all order, they win 50/50 at least in scenarios, and the zones constantly bounce back and forth between us.  In the beginging destruction rolled them, but now, they have guilded up.  Most scenarios im in are oder premades, and i see alot of guilds running around taking BOs and keeps.  This si a game built aroudn teamwork, not zerging.  A smalle cooridinated group can kill a zerg everytime.

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,098
    Originally posted by Jalford

    Order is actually doing quite well on my server, iron rock.  The number one PVP players are all order, they win 50/50 at least in scenarios, and the zones constantly bounce back and forth between us.  In the beginging destruction rolled them, but now, they have guilded up.  Most scenarios im in are oder premades, and i see alot of guilds running around taking BOs and keeps.  This si a game built aroudn teamwork, not zerging.  A smalle cooridinated group can kill a zerg everytime.


    It's not only about zergs.

    For every warband we can come up with. Destro has 2 to 3 warbands against it.

    Sure we manage to take a keep and defend it. But there are 6 keeps total per Tier, starting from Tier2.

    So what good does it do, when Order is just able to manage to keep and defend 1 to 2 keeps, against Destro having 4 (and most of the day just all 6).

    We lose scenarios most of the time, because hardly anyone in Order rolls a tank. While half the Destro population is made out of tanks (Chosen and Black Orcs).

    But that is another discussion that will hopefully balance out, when Knight of the Blazing Sun comes back into the game, and more people will roll tanks.


  • TheSheikhTheSheikh Member Posts: 804

    Order is doing just fine on Ostermark as well. There isn't an imbalance problem, there is a ohmgosh we didn't win so lets give up and cry about it problem. Get yourselves organized and stop posting about it.

    As for the posts about the Cities and Bugs, read the damned title and the actual interview.

    Note #1 - Bugs are first priority

    Note #2 - This interview was about classes, not cities.


  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 32,963
    Originally posted by TheSheikh

    Order is doing just fine on Ostermark as well. There isn't an imbalance problem, there is a ohmgosh we didn't win so lets give up and cry about it problem. Get yourselves organized and stop posting about it.
    As for the posts about the Cities and Bugs, read the damned title and the actual interview.
    Note #1 - Bugs are first priority
    Note #2 - This interview was about classes, not cities.


    Yeah, I've seen that as well. People just crying because they didn't win or that they were trounced. So what? Get in there and do it again.

    The interesting thing is that though a whole organized team would be better, it only takes a few people to be organized about the objective and to be clear on what they need to do. The rest can just harrass the other team and be a general distraction.

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