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Two questions:
First, I'm not currently subscribed so I can't post to the regular CoX forums or read them. That said, if anybody who follows the forum can answer these questions, I would appreciate it.
One: For the enemy editor, will you be able to make enemies with powers you choose or will you be limited to just taking existing chassis and giving them a new costume? It would be more freeing to make enemies with powerset powers, but the AI limitations would be substantial. That said, a few basic AIs (Blaster, Melee, Controller, Defender) would be great. Offensive power 1(single target), offensive power 2 (AoE), defensive power for a blaster, or Offensive power 1, Defensive powers 1 and 2 for a melee. Etc. While the effects and appearance of specific powers vary, the actual uses are basically similar. Whether its a broadsword slash, dragon kick, or hammer strike, its all a melee hit vs. 1 target.
Will the missions from the mission editor be incorporated into the actual game, for xp, or will it be 'danger room simulator' type missions with no xp? Will there be the ability to vote missions into the game if enough people approve them on the Danger room simulator?
Thanks for anything from the devs.
I hope someone answers I would like to know also.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
Don't know for sure, but it would be a very safe bet to not expect something that is going to blow your mind away. It is a safe bet you will get more of the same only you have put your spin on it.
Mission Maps: I suspect it will be using the same old maps.
Mobs: You get to pick mob types for the level of the mission.
Drops: No customized drops.
Boss: I highly doubt you will be making a customized looking boss for the first release of this tool.
Think small scale but hope for more. Having high expectations usually brings disappointment.
They said they are delaying it so you can create some mobs in the mission, so heres whats gonna happen.
1. Customizable costumes(possible enemy groups). But archetypes/sets of abilities to place onto enemies
2. Customizable costumes(possible enemy groups). With customizable power selections on each mob.
1. You design the maps, so chances are it will be extremely similar to base design in that you can use any of the tools to create a unique looking map, like a cave with a office that connects to a spaceship if you want. Also probably outside missions as a option.
2. Exp has not been mentioned. Probably will just be a generalized amount based on level.
3. Drops same as exp.
I'm pretty sure you can read the forums even without being subscribed. If you are logged in on a cancelled account it may give you problems. But delete the cookie and it won't recognize you, thus you can browse.
As I understand it option 2 is ready right now. But they didn't think players would be happy without the full customization of option 1. So that's why the mission builder was pushed back to i14 in first quarter 09.However, I would almost certainly say "no" on tweaking the AI. Castle has frequently complained that he has practically no control over the AI himself. So there's no way that we do.
Everything will give "some" xp. Normally player misisons will give a smallar amount than game-made ones. But if you get enough votes for your mission to get dev attention, they can "promote it" and make it official. At which point it gives full xp.Currently playing:
DC Universe
Planetside 2
Magic Online
Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.
i'm getting a tad sleepy (shift is finally almost over)... have we ever gotten concrete information on what is/isn't going to be part of the MA?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
You do not "design" the map. You select a map from the maps already in the game.
Select what type of mission. ie kill all, click glowy, kill so and so, save hostage.
You then select what enemy group populates the map. ie Tsoo, hellions, malta, crey.
You can also customise the boss (maybe Elite Boss) for the mission.
Thats pretty much all we know right now.
Wikked is correct. Inasmuch as we know thus far, we are basically going to be able to mix and match mission elements currently available in-game. However creating a new storyline is supposedly the big draw, though if it doesnt change content, I'm not sure what difference it makes. And that's coming from a writer.