I play on a very high pop euro server,and get queues every night. the 18 hour queue thing is what looks to be a bug. youll start up and it'll say estimated time 18hours 19 minutes and then some seconds. it drops down to the real time about 10 seconds later. a queue of 700 people takes 2 hours,and my usual queue of 140-160 takes around 30-40 mins. so unless your server has 5000+ players all waiting to get on at the same time,youre seeing the exact same bug as me and countless others.
A paying cutomer having to wait to join the game he has paid for, despite that being the only way that I have been told the game gets 'good'?
Does anyone really think the OP is being honest? People offered an alternative for his woes. Somehow, he then becomes the only person ever to have 15 hours in a server queue? All righty then. If you are done with the game, be done with it. If you are going to invent a story to smear the game, at least make it believable. If you want to give a higher population server an honest try, don't be obtuse about it. It's not too hard to find a high pop server that also isn't the server with the longest queue times.
Excuse me, please don't question my honesty, just because my honesty dosent suit your world view.
The fact is I re-rolled (again) on a FULL server and it tells me that I have to wait to play. Wait for hours.
This might not be true, it may drop, I have been told 10-15 mins here, that is AFTER someone loggs out.... That STILL isnt acceptable for a PAID game, seeing as I am repeatedly told the only way this game is good is on a FULL server.
I stated, quite plainly, that I wanted to give the game a final shot to get some VFM out of it. I am done when I say I am done. My purchase of the game gives me that right.
I havent been 'obtuse', and I havent been dishonest. Stop throwing out insults because you have no debate.
Holy Crap! break out the bottles of whine.
Listen, your blowing this crap wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out in space here.
You said it yourself, you re-rolled, meaning you had NO character at the time.
You didn't think to test MORE than just ONE server that was Full/Full.
If you play destruction, Full means wait, if you play order full means VIP pass.
That being said. If you gonna play destruction Full/Full isn't going to help you. Maybe a High/High.
For destruction I would even bet safe on a Med / Med.
If you aren't going to play destruction, take your pick hell all of them are good. Order needs all the help they can get against the zerg that is destruction.
I also play on Sylvania, but I play Order. It is a high pop server and I have never once had a queue time to get in nor have I ever had to wait over 3 minutes for a Scenario in Tier 1 or Tier 2 or Tier 3.
Think of it like the holy grail on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Originally posted by vesavius Originally posted by fiontar Does anyone really think the OP is being honest? People offered an alternative for his woes. Somehow, he then becomes the only person ever to have 15 hours in a server queue? All righty then. If you are done with the game, be done with it. If you are going to invent a story to smear the game, at least make it believable. If you want to give a higher population server an honest try, don't be obtuse about it. It's not too hard to find a high pop server that also isn't the server with the longest queue times.
Excuse me, please don't question my honesty, just because my honesty dosent suit your world view. The fact is I re-rolled (again) on a FULL server and it tells me that I have to wait to play. Wait for hours. This might not be true, it may drop, I have been told 10-15 mins here, that is AFTER someone loggs out.... That STILL isnt acceptable for a PAID game, seeing as I am repeatedly told the only way this game is good is on a FULL server. I stated, quite plainly, that I wanted to give the game a final shot to get some VFM out of it. I am done when I say I am done. My purchase of the game gives me that right. I havent been 'obtuse', and I havent been dishonest. Stop throwing out insults because you have no debate.
Take the 10 to 15 minutes wait in stride. It will be worth it for all the benefits of being on a full server. More RvR, quicker getting into scenarios, groups for PQ's. Believe me, it's worth a short wait. These days I haven't seen any ques for Phoenix Throne at all, so I am assuming that the wait on the other full servers has gone down as well.
Yah, the 18 hour queue only shows up until someone logs, then it drops to 10-15 minutes. They should really change that...
So, I need to wait until someone logs, and THEN wait 10-15 mins to play?
None of the fans that defend this game are seeing the problem in that? Having a random amount amount of time (min 10-15 mins) before I can actually play the game before I have paid for?
Not gonna repeat myself, but plz reread my OP and assume I have just posted it again.
This is so broken.
Remember WoW queues? How is says calculating (or whatever)? The 18 hour queue time is basically that. 10 minutes is a paltry wait.
Wait. Do you understand why the queues are there? I'm getting the feeling that you don't...
We didnt all start this hobby playing WoW. I am sorry you did and that has lowered your expectations.
Wait. I am getting the feeling you don't even understand my post, let alone what is acceptable in a paid gae,.
And I didn't either. I played DAoC for a good 5 years before only being able to stomach WoW for 8 months. WoW definitely did not lower my expectations. Hell, I got queues in DAoC. I've been playing MMOs for almost 8 years now, and I've gotten queues in every game I've played (minus my little forays into SWG, but that's a different story).
Okay. Why is the unacceptable in a paid game? You have yet you have a coherent argument for this spill from your fingers.
Because we pay a flat sub, and not by the amount we actually get to play.
I feel I have been very coherent, for those that have the ability to abosrb it.
I have played on a med/med server since the game launched. I am sure people are familier with my views so I won't repeat them here, but as an update... Couldnt get a group for PQs I said, roll on a full server they said.... Open world PvP was empty and lacklustre I said, roll on a full server they said.... Couldnt find an active guild of good people I said, roll on an full server they said... Noone talked/ cooperated/ socalised I said, roll on a full server they said... SO..... I decide to give WAR a final last gasp in a stupid effort to wring some VFM outta my box cost and roll on a full server... and you know what? 18 HOURS QUEUE TIME LMAO So... The option seems to be, at this point in the game's life... roll on a medium pop server and suffer a barren, souless, static, solo zerg game, OR wait wait wait. Considering the ONLY advice that gets given to me to solve the problems of this game i have seen is to re-roll on a full server, this game gets more and more of a joke to me. Tragic.
It's not 18 hours. If you would have waited a small, small bit you would see that the system requeries and thens says 2 hours, then says 30 minutes then says 10 minutes, etc.
It's as if the system looks at the server and says "ok we are 'x' amount of people away from letting anyone sign on.. oh wait, 100 people have logged... ok then now we are 'x' amount of people away.... etc.
I've never had to wait more than 10 or 15 minutes and I signed into a high pop server on purpose expecting lines.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Because we pay a flat sub, and not by the amount we actually get to play. I feel I have been very coherent, for those that have the ability to abosrb it.
This doesn't sound like a WAR problem anymore >_>.
Yah, the 18 hour queue only shows up until someone logs, then it drops to 10-15 minutes. They should really change that...
So, I need to wait until someone logs, and THEN wait 10-15 mins to play?
None of the fans that defend this game are seeing the problem in that? Having a random amount amount of time (min 10-15 mins) before I can actually play the game before I have paid for?
Not gonna repeat myself, but plz reread my OP and assume I have just posted it again.
This is so broken.
Remember WoW queues? How is says calculating (or whatever)? The 18 hour queue time is basically that. 10 minutes is a paltry wait.
Wait. Do you understand why the queues are there? I'm getting the feeling that you don't...
We didnt all start this hobby playing WoW. I am sorry you did and that has lowered your expectations.
Wait. I am getting the feeling you don't even understand my post, let alone what is acceptable in a paid gae,.
And I didn't either. I played DAoC for a good 5 years before only being able to stomach WoW for 8 months. WoW definitely did not lower my expectations. Hell, I got queues in DAoC. I've been playing MMOs for almost 8 years now, and I've gotten queues in every game I've played (minus my little forays into SWG, but that's a different story).
Okay. Why is the unacceptable in a paid game? You have yet you have a coherent argument for this spill from your fingers.
Because we pay a flat sub, and not by the amount we actually get to play.
I feel I have been very coherent, for those that have the ability to abosrb it.
Honey, I'm absorbing this better than -insert cheesy cliche about sponges or bounty or something-. Again, full servers are just that. They're full. Yes, the game is better experienced on a full server. But you can't, sadly, have everything.
On a full server, there are going to be wait times, it's the nature of the beast.
So quit whining, suck it up, and wait the 10 minutes, or go to a Med/Med or High/High server, and avoid those with the WARNING THIS IS A HIGH POPULATION SERVER WITH POSSIBLE WAIT TIMES.
People offered an alternative for his woes. Somehow, he then becomes the only person ever to have 15 hours in a server queue? All righty then. If you are done with the game, be done with it. If you are going to invent a story to smear the game, at least make it believable. If you want to give a higher population server an honest try, don't be obtuse about it. It's not too hard to find a high pop server that also isn't the server with the longest queue times.
Excuse me, please don't question my honesty, just because my honesty dosent suit your world view.
The fact is I re-rolled (again) on a FULL server and it tells me that I have to wait to play. Wait for hours.
This might not be true, it may drop, I have been told 10-15 mins here, that is AFTER someone loggs out.... That STILL isnt acceptable for a PAID game, seeing as I am repeatedly told the only way this game is good is on a FULL server.
I stated, quite plainly, that I wanted to give the game a final shot to get some VFM out of it. I am done when I say I am done. My purchase of the game gives me that right.
I havent been 'obtuse', and I havent been dishonest. Stop throwing out insults because you have no debate.
Holy Crap! break out the bottles of whine.
Cheap shot that has nothing to do with your point or ability to debate. Poor Form
You said it yourself, you re-rolled, meaning you had NO character at the time.
Yes, I re-rolled BECAUSE I had a character... If I hadnt had a character it wouldnt have been a reroll... Assumption makes an ass....
You didn't think to test MORE than just ONE server that was Full/Full.
If you play destruction, Full means wait, if you play order full means VIP pass.
Funny, I always roll order. A rune priest to be exact.
That being said. If you gonna play destruction Full/Full isn't going to help you. Maybe a High/High.
For destruction I would even bet safe on a Med / Med.
assumption makes an ass...
If you aren't going to play destruction, take your pick hell all of them are good. Order needs all the help they can get against the zerg that is destruction.
but I rolled a rune priest...
Assumption makes an ass...
I also play on Sylvania,
I don't...
Assumption makes an ass...
but I play Order.
So do I...
Assumption makes an ass...
It is a high pop server and I have never once had a queue time to get in nor have I ever had to wait over 3 minutes for a Scenario in Tier 1 or Tier 2 or Tier 3.
Think of it like the holy grail on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
You just chose "Poorly"
seeing as everyting you think and spout is based on assumption, I think I have given you enough time.
This whole business about having to wait for a product you pay for being unaceptable is a LOAD OF BS!
Even a pro has to take time to put a condom on you bfore you get serviced. Ever try calling your cable company to get service upgraded? Or, how about your credit card co?! Not only do you have to wade through computer phone bs before you get to talk to a human, that human you get to talk to barely speaks your language.
Waiting 10-15min to play an otherwise pretty damn good mmo......I think maybe you should grow up and stop playing games.
People offered an alternative for his woes. Somehow, he then becomes the only person ever to have 15 hours in a server queue? All righty then. If you are done with the game, be done with it. If you are going to invent a story to smear the game, at least make it believable. If you want to give a higher population server an honest try, don't be obtuse about it. It's not too hard to find a high pop server that also isn't the server with the longest queue times.
Excuse me, please don't question my honesty, just because my honesty dosent suit your world view.
The fact is I re-rolled (again) on a FULL server and it tells me that I have to wait to play. Wait for hours.
This might not be true, it may drop, I have been told 10-15 mins here, that is AFTER someone loggs out.... That STILL isnt acceptable for a PAID game, seeing as I am repeatedly told the only way this game is good is on a FULL server.
I stated, quite plainly, that I wanted to give the game a final shot to get some VFM out of it. I am done when I say I am done. My purchase of the game gives me that right.
I havent been 'obtuse', and I havent been dishonest. Stop throwing out insults because you have no debate.
Holy Crap! break out the bottles of whine.
Cheap shot that has nothing to do with your point or ability to debate. Poor Form
You said it yourself, you re-rolled, meaning you had NO character at the time.
Yes, I re-rolled BECAUSE I had a character... If I hadnt had a character it wouldnt have been a reroll... Assumption makes an ass....
You didn't think to test MORE than just ONE server that was Full/Full.
If you play destruction, Full means wait, if you play order full means VIP pass.
Funny, I always roll order. A rune priest to be exact.
That being said. If you gonna play destruction Full/Full isn't going to help you. Maybe a High/High.
For destruction I would even bet safe on a Med / Med.
assumption makes an ass...
If you aren't going to play destruction, take your pick hell all of them are good. Order needs all the help they can get against the zerg that is destruction.
but I rolled a rune priest...
Assumption makes an ass...
I also play on Sylvania,
I don't...
Assumption makes an ass...
but I play Order.
So do I...
Assumption makes an ass...
It is a high pop server and I have never once had a queue time to get in nor have I ever had to wait over 3 minutes for a Scenario in Tier 1 or Tier 2 or Tier 3.
Think of it like the holy grail on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
You just chose "Poorly"
seeing as everyting you think and spout is based on assumption, I think I have given you enough time.
Try again.
Was that good enough? Did I win?
You are seriously not putting any effort into anything your complaining about.
Also people sometimes are forced to make assumptions due to lack of information.
I didn't really assume anything, I gave both sides, assumptions would mean I thought one way or the other.
People could help you, if you didn't come off the way you are.
Hell seeing now that you are a rune priest, I could have offered you a very active guild, with nightly PQ's, Scenario's and Open RvR runs. Could have had you setup like a bandit.
But Alas I really do not think you want to even like WAR much less play it.
Listen I am sorry If i came off as being an ass, typing is hard to tell sometimes.
But if you are serious about wanting to give this game an honest shot, and you really need a place to do the PQ's and the RvR to enjoy the game send me a PM here on these forums and I will help you.
No strings attached, I will set you up.
If not, then noone can help you, you have to help yourself.
This whole business about having to wait for a product you pay for being unaceptable is a LOAD OF BS! Even a pro has to take time to put a condom on you bfore you get serviced. Ever try calling your cable company to get service upgraded? Or, how about your credit card co?! Not only do you have to wade through computer phone bs before you get to talk to a human, that human you get to talk to barely speaks your language. Waiting 10-15min to play an otherwise pretty damn good mmo......I think maybe you should grow up and stop playing games.
I am sorry your expectations have been lowered by your other other RL experiences. This dosent make it right.
This gamne chargfes a flat sub, it dosent charge by the minute. Every minute I don't get to play when I wanna is a waste of that sub.
A F2P game could be forgiven for this, but a paid game? No way.
None of the examples you thoughtfull give, while screaming in caps BS, apply.
btw, are you suggesting in your final sentecne that those who play games havent grown up? Lmao... I wondered why this all seemed so hard to get across!
Just move on like one of the previous posters stated. This game is not for you. Personally, I don't think any game will meet up to your expectations. I really enjoy the game. I don't over analyze the game like alot of people do. I just play for fun. But if you need people to hold your hand throughout the game to have fun, then move on.
If you have to go on a forum to try to get people to convince you to stay, then by all means, MOVE ON.
A paying cutomer having to wait to join the game he has paid for, despite that being the only way that I have been told the game gets 'good'?
People are seriously not gettin this?
Excuse me, please don't question my honesty, just because my honesty dosent suit your world view.
The fact is I re-rolled (again) on a FULL server and it tells me that I have to wait to play. Wait for hours.
This might not be true, it may drop, I have been told 10-15 mins here, that is AFTER someone loggs out.... That STILL isnt acceptable for a PAID game, seeing as I am repeatedly told the only way this game is good is on a FULL server.
I stated, quite plainly, that I wanted to give the game a final shot to get some VFM out of it. I am done when I say I am done. My purchase of the game gives me that right.
I havent been 'obtuse', and I havent been dishonest. Stop throwing out insults because you have no debate.
Holy Crap! break out the bottles of whine.
Listen, your blowing this crap wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out in space here.
You said it yourself, you re-rolled, meaning you had NO character at the time.
You didn't think to test MORE than just ONE server that was Full/Full.
If you play destruction, Full means wait, if you play order full means VIP pass.
That being said. If you gonna play destruction Full/Full isn't going to help you. Maybe a High/High.
For destruction I would even bet safe on a Med / Med.
If you aren't going to play destruction, take your pick hell all of them are good. Order needs all the help they can get against the zerg that is destruction.
I also play on Sylvania, but I play Order. It is a high pop server and I have never once had a queue time to get in nor have I ever had to wait over 3 minutes for a Scenario in Tier 1 or Tier 2 or Tier 3.
Think of it like the holy grail on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
You just chose "Poorly"
Try again.
Excuse me, please don't question my honesty, just because my honesty dosent suit your world view.
The fact is I re-rolled (again) on a FULL server and it tells me that I have to wait to play. Wait for hours.
This might not be true, it may drop, I have been told 10-15 mins here, that is AFTER someone loggs out.... That STILL isnt acceptable for a PAID game, seeing as I am repeatedly told the only way this game is good is on a FULL server.
I stated, quite plainly, that I wanted to give the game a final shot to get some VFM out of it. I am done when I say I am done. My purchase of the game gives me that right.
I havent been 'obtuse', and I havent been dishonest. Stop throwing out insults because you have no debate.
Take the 10 to 15 minutes wait in stride. It will be worth it for all the benefits of being on a full server. More RvR, quicker getting into scenarios, groups for PQ's. Believe me, it's worth a short wait. These days I haven't seen any ques for Phoenix Throne at all, so I am assuming that the wait on the other full servers has gone down as well.
Are you looking to play Order or Destro?
I play a lot of games...
have u ever thought it might be u
senarios are pretty easy to get into 5 minutes wait time useually
and iv been able to do every chapter PQ upto 6 so far with a lvl 12 WE.
So wait, why don't you just drop after the free month is over, move on, and stop complaining?
So, I need to wait until someone logs, and THEN wait 10-15 mins to play?
None of the fans that defend this game are seeing the problem in that? Having a random amount amount of time (min 10-15 mins) before I can actually play the game before I have paid for?
Not gonna repeat myself, but plz reread my OP and assume I have just posted it again.
This is so broken.
Remember WoW queues? How is says calculating (or whatever)? The 18 hour queue time is basically that. 10 minutes is a paltry wait.
Wait. Do you understand why the queues are there? I'm getting the feeling that you don't...
We didnt all start this hobby playing WoW. I am sorry you did and that has lowered your expectations.
Wait. I am getting the feeling you don't even understand my post, let alone what is acceptable in a paid gae,.
And I didn't either. I played DAoC for a good 5 years before only being able to stomach WoW for 8 months. WoW definitely did not lower my expectations. Hell, I got queues in DAoC. I've been playing MMOs for almost 8 years now, and I've gotten queues in every game I've played (minus my little forays into SWG, but that's a different story).
Okay. Why is the unacceptable in a paid game? You have yet you have a coherent argument for this spill from your fingers.
Because we pay a flat sub, and not by the amount we actually get to play.
I feel I have been very coherent, for those that have the ability to abosrb it.
It's not 18 hours. If you would have waited a small, small bit you would see that the system requeries and thens says 2 hours, then says 30 minutes then says 10 minutes, etc.
It's as if the system looks at the server and says "ok we are 'x' amount of people away from letting anyone sign on.. oh wait, 100 people have logged... ok then now we are 'x' amount of people away.... etc.
I've never had to wait more than 10 or 15 minutes and I signed into a high pop server on purpose expecting lines.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
Beacuse I paid money for the box.
As a customer that gives me the right to complain about poor product and poor CS.
This doesn't sound like a WAR problem anymore >_>.
Beacuse I paid money for the box.
As a customer that gives me the right to complain about poor product and poor CS.
What server are you on?
Beacuse I paid money for the box.
As a customer that gives me the right to complain about poor product and poor CS.
You are acting so ridiculous it isn't even funny anymore.....
So, I need to wait until someone logs, and THEN wait 10-15 mins to play?
None of the fans that defend this game are seeing the problem in that? Having a random amount amount of time (min 10-15 mins) before I can actually play the game before I have paid for?
Not gonna repeat myself, but plz reread my OP and assume I have just posted it again.
This is so broken.
Remember WoW queues? How is says calculating (or whatever)? The 18 hour queue time is basically that. 10 minutes is a paltry wait.
Wait. Do you understand why the queues are there? I'm getting the feeling that you don't...
We didnt all start this hobby playing WoW. I am sorry you did and that has lowered your expectations.
Wait. I am getting the feeling you don't even understand my post, let alone what is acceptable in a paid gae,.
And I didn't either. I played DAoC for a good 5 years before only being able to stomach WoW for 8 months. WoW definitely did not lower my expectations. Hell, I got queues in DAoC. I've been playing MMOs for almost 8 years now, and I've gotten queues in every game I've played (minus my little forays into SWG, but that's a different story).
Okay. Why is the unacceptable in a paid game? You have yet you have a coherent argument for this spill from your fingers.
Because we pay a flat sub, and not by the amount we actually get to play.
I feel I have been very coherent, for those that have the ability to abosrb it.
Honey, I'm absorbing this better than -insert cheesy cliche about sponges or bounty or something-. Again, full servers are just that. They're full. Yes, the game is better experienced on a full server. But you can't, sadly, have everything.
On a full server, there are going to be wait times, it's the nature of the beast.
So quit whining, suck it up, and wait the 10 minutes, or go to a Med/Med or High/High server, and avoid those with the WARNING THIS IS A HIGH POPULATION SERVER WITH POSSIBLE WAIT TIMES.
I paid $40 for this 2gb iPod. Why can't it hold as much music as the $500 160gb!?!
Excuse me, please don't question my honesty, just because my honesty dosent suit your world view.
The fact is I re-rolled (again) on a FULL server and it tells me that I have to wait to play. Wait for hours.
This might not be true, it may drop, I have been told 10-15 mins here, that is AFTER someone loggs out.... That STILL isnt acceptable for a PAID game, seeing as I am repeatedly told the only way this game is good is on a FULL server.
I stated, quite plainly, that I wanted to give the game a final shot to get some VFM out of it. I am done when I say I am done. My purchase of the game gives me that right.
I havent been 'obtuse', and I havent been dishonest. Stop throwing out insults because you have no debate.
Holy Crap! break out the bottles of whine.
Cheap shot that has nothing to do with your point or ability to debate. Poor Form
You said it yourself, you re-rolled, meaning you had NO character at the time.
Yes, I re-rolled BECAUSE I had a character... If I hadnt had a character it wouldnt have been a reroll... Assumption makes an ass....
You didn't think to test MORE than just ONE server that was Full/Full.
If you play destruction, Full means wait, if you play order full means VIP pass.
Funny, I always roll order. A rune priest to be exact.
That being said. If you gonna play destruction Full/Full isn't going to help you. Maybe a High/High.
For destruction I would even bet safe on a Med / Med.
assumption makes an ass...
If you aren't going to play destruction, take your pick hell all of them are good. Order needs all the help they can get against the zerg that is destruction.
but I rolled a rune priest...
Assumption makes an ass...
I also play on Sylvania,
I don't...
Assumption makes an ass...
but I play Order.
So do I...
Assumption makes an ass...
It is a high pop server and I have never once had a queue time to get in nor have I ever had to wait over 3 minutes for a Scenario in Tier 1 or Tier 2 or Tier 3.
Think of it like the holy grail on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
You just chose "Poorly"
seeing as everyting you think and spout is based on assumption, I think I have given you enough time.
Try again.
Was that good enough? Did I win?
Beacuse I paid money for the box.
As a customer that gives me the right to complain about poor product and poor CS.
-I asked what side you were looking to play on and you didn't answer - you rather added more complaining posts to answers to arguments...
-another person asked what server you are on and you did the same thing,,,
So...now i feel it is pretty obvious you don't want help - you just want to complain - good luck...
I play a lot of games...
Beacuse I paid money for the box.
As a customer that gives me the right to complain about poor product and poor CS.
-I asked what side you were looking to play on and you didn't answer - you rather added more complaining posts to answers to arguments...
-another person asked what server you are on and you did the same thing,,,
So...now i feel it is pretty obvious you don't want help - you just want to complain - good luck...
Indeed. Post #41 made it completely obvious the OP is just trolling.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
This whole business about having to wait for a product you pay for being unaceptable is a LOAD OF BS!
Even a pro has to take time to put a condom on you bfore you get serviced. Ever try calling your cable company to get service upgraded? Or, how about your credit card co?! Not only do you have to wade through computer phone bs before you get to talk to a human, that human you get to talk to barely speaks your language.
Waiting 10-15min to play an otherwise pretty damn good mmo......I think maybe you should grow up and stop playing games.
Excuse me, please don't question my honesty, just because my honesty dosent suit your world view.
The fact is I re-rolled (again) on a FULL server and it tells me that I have to wait to play. Wait for hours.
This might not be true, it may drop, I have been told 10-15 mins here, that is AFTER someone loggs out.... That STILL isnt acceptable for a PAID game, seeing as I am repeatedly told the only way this game is good is on a FULL server.
I stated, quite plainly, that I wanted to give the game a final shot to get some VFM out of it. I am done when I say I am done. My purchase of the game gives me that right.
I havent been 'obtuse', and I havent been dishonest. Stop throwing out insults because you have no debate.
Holy Crap! break out the bottles of whine.
Cheap shot that has nothing to do with your point or ability to debate. Poor Form
You said it yourself, you re-rolled, meaning you had NO character at the time.
Yes, I re-rolled BECAUSE I had a character... If I hadnt had a character it wouldnt have been a reroll... Assumption makes an ass....
You didn't think to test MORE than just ONE server that was Full/Full.
If you play destruction, Full means wait, if you play order full means VIP pass.
Funny, I always roll order. A rune priest to be exact.
That being said. If you gonna play destruction Full/Full isn't going to help you. Maybe a High/High.
For destruction I would even bet safe on a Med / Med.
assumption makes an ass...
If you aren't going to play destruction, take your pick hell all of them are good. Order needs all the help they can get against the zerg that is destruction.
but I rolled a rune priest...
Assumption makes an ass...
I also play on Sylvania,
I don't...
Assumption makes an ass...
but I play Order.
So do I...
Assumption makes an ass...
It is a high pop server and I have never once had a queue time to get in nor have I ever had to wait over 3 minutes for a Scenario in Tier 1 or Tier 2 or Tier 3.
Think of it like the holy grail on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
You just chose "Poorly"
seeing as everyting you think and spout is based on assumption, I think I have given you enough time.
Try again.
Was that good enough? Did I win?
You are seriously not putting any effort into anything your complaining about.
Also people sometimes are forced to make assumptions due to lack of information.
I didn't really assume anything, I gave both sides, assumptions would mean I thought one way or the other.
People could help you, if you didn't come off the way you are.
Hell seeing now that you are a rune priest, I could have offered you a very active guild, with nightly PQ's, Scenario's and Open RvR runs. Could have had you setup like a bandit.
But Alas I really do not think you want to even like WAR much less play it.
Listen I am sorry If i came off as being an ass, typing is hard to tell sometimes.
But if you are serious about wanting to give this game an honest shot, and you really need a place to do the PQ's and the RvR to enjoy the game send me a PM here on these forums and I will help you.
No strings attached, I will set you up.
If not, then noone can help you, you have to help yourself.
I am sorry your expectations have been lowered by your other other RL experiences. This dosent make it right.
This gamne chargfes a flat sub, it dosent charge by the minute. Every minute I don't get to play when I wanna is a waste of that sub.
A F2P game could be forgiven for this, but a paid game? No way.
None of the examples you thoughtfull give, while screaming in caps BS, apply.
btw, are you suggesting in your final sentecne that those who play games havent grown up? Lmao... I wondered why this all seemed so hard to get across!
Just move on like one of the previous posters stated. This game is not for you. Personally, I don't think any game will meet up to your expectations. I really enjoy the game. I don't over analyze the game like alot of people do. I just play for fun. But if you need people to hold your hand throughout the game to have fun, then move on.
If you have to go on a forum to try to get people to convince you to stay, then by all means, MOVE ON.
You must live a depressing life.