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I found this movie on Youtube showing a battle in WWII online.
Im going to buy this game in a couple of days when i get my new computer! I tryed the trial and i just loved the game. If you are tierd of all the grind mmorpgs with the usuall go collect 3 of those, go kill 20 of those i think this game might be for you.
I dont really care about that the graphics arent top notch becouse the gameplay is so much fun and realistic. But if you do care about the graphics i can tell you they are going to improve them very soon from what ive heard. When i played the trial this spring there were no population issues and it was very easy to find big battles going on. The game is very realistic and deep and players themselves have to take ammunation, Tanks, trucks etc to the battle.
You can fight in the Infantry, the navy, you can drive tanks, aircracfts and field guns. You can do paradrops behind enemy lines.
I remember the first time i played the game. I started out as a french regular soldier in a field camp. In the field camp other players were preparing to assult a german town that was a couple of kilometers away. I was confused and i had no idea of what i should do. Then a troop carrying truck drove past me and the player who drived it screamed jump on! I jumped on and find that the truck was loaded with soldiers. We drove off and after a little while i could hear the fighting in the distance. As we got closer the fighting became louder and soon it felt as we were in the middle of it. The truck driver soon said we had to jump off becouse he couldent take us any closer to the front. We jumped off and the truck returned to the field camp to pick up more soldiers.
I was dropped off at a little hill overlooking the battlefield. I could see the german town and the french fire positions from the hill. Yellow stripes were everywhere in the air becouse of the heavy fire. I could here swooshing sound in near me and i had to take cover. The battle raged all night with the French assulting the town first right on and then from the flanks. I once found myself hiding in a bush after a failed assault on the town. While i was lying in the bush german patrols passed by just a few meters from me.
After the battle had raged for 4 hours i had to go to bed and the next morning i looked at the map the french owned the town.
All in all i think this is a great and very realistic game and i am looking forward to play it!
hope you enjoy it as much as I do, just hard for me now, trying to learn to be a good pilot. bombing i can do ok, strafe i can do ok, but dogfighting takes me every time
Welcome Aboard! I always enjoy reading new guy's view of this game:-) Join a squad as soon as you can. It eases the learning curve and just adds to the immersion. Black Knight Brigade is a new oriented squad that takes you in, shows you around and has no problem if you decide to try another squad. I am glad you had a great freebie time and welcome to the best kept secret on the net.
I am glad you all like the game, I did try it for about a week and just coudn't get in to it. I did care of the game play to much and I guess I was looking for this to be more like Battlefield or something but oh well.
Been there done that:
Asherons Call,SWG,AOC,D&D,COH,Anarchy Online,DAOC,EVE,Guild Wars,LOTRO,POTBS,WAR,WW2, and Rift
Sounds like a review from the originial WWIIOL... circa 2001.
More recent reviews would go more like this...
"I spawned into a truck in a bush and ran headlong into MG fire from a guy who was running around with a LMG like a assualt rifle."
"I spawned in a tank and died, because someone was camping the vehicle spawn, so I spawned in 12 more till there were no more."
"I ran for hours and seen no one, this game SUCKS!"
I love how all the positive reviews are from the allied side. Fanboy much? I can even fathom a positive review from the German side... "I spawned in a Panzerkampfwagon IIC and fired 120 AP rounds at a French tank and it didnt die.... it shot me once and I exploded! THIS IS AWESOME!" "I took a 109F4 up and hit a spitfire with 20 cannon rounds and it out ran me then out turned me, then did 20 loops and shot me in the head with 1 hit, AWESOME!" WAIT theres more!!!!!
"I spawned a bf110C and climbed to 6.5KM and tried to catch a DB7 bomber.... it out ran me and bombed the factories, then did a turn tighter than me and out ran me all the way back to its airfield. This game is GREAT!"
Sorry some things just need to be said.
So much crap, so little quality.
Try Red Orchestra, cheap $19.99 or $9.99 (no monthly). Not MMO, more like BF with 50 player servers. BUT, it's not like BF as it's iron sites only (no crosshairs), better aiming if rifle braced or prone, no bunny hopping etc. So the more realistic WWII combat I guess you were looking for as you tried WWIIOL, but without some of the disadvantages.
More info I posted on this thread.
Again this is not a game for everyone. You either love it or hate it but from the time I have played I have enjoyed the game. It really boils down to are you prepared to learn the game before you give up. Yes some Tier's are more slightly overpowered then the others in certain areas but this is what causes the fight to be more fun. Because as a tier unlocks the map moves about then again I have seen both sides win the war if it was so one sided only one side would ever win.
Woopin, I have to point out that the TIGER is not the most armored vehicle in the game.... the Churchill Mk 7 is.
The Tiger is the biggest tank in the game. Is it the best, far from it. 60mm front hull plate, that is penetrated by a tier 0 ATG 47mm ATG, at 1000m that 1 shot explodes it.... Being degunned by a British Grenadier in two shots. Being sapped while moving at 43km/h on a road....... well what else, oh and it is THE loudest tank in the game so you can hear it for 1.5KM in all directions. Unlike the Sherman 76 which is stealth... which makes me wonder if CRS has ever BEEN around a M4 Sherman.
As for you not seeing rambo LMGers, you havent been playing in the past oh 3 years have you? Cause the first 3 things to go out of a infantry spawn list in order are..... Snipers, Sappers, LMGs. Then SMGs, ATRs(because at that point there are more tanks in a AB than one side has players), Mortars, and then Rifles.
I admit I am biased, I played as German, because well the allied side was quite easy to me. Expecially at later tiers. Early on tier 1 its pretty even, tier 0 is more a allied tier, tier 2 is more german, tier 3 is all allied.
Hmm... need I get into the Flight Modeling.... DOC worked on Warbirds, so HE should know something about flightmodeling.... I dont think he learned anything from that experiance. Cause the current flight modeling is still VERY incomplete. From the twitchy rudder flop on the 109, to the dumbed down rudder on the spitfire in the upcoming Unity II patch. He likes to vaunt that Oh the game doesnt follow the spreadsheet flight model that other games... like IL2 or Aces High uses. But at least those two games have things closer than WWIIOL.
Sometimes I hate trashing the flaws in a game like this, but honestly I think it would be better off if someone else baught them out and made a NEW game from the ground up, and just started over. And did it right for once.
Cause WWIIOL is the McDonalds Cheese Burgers of WWII. They are good for the price, but without anyother choice its going to be the best you can get.
So much crap, so little quality.
I agree with the OP. When i used the trial, i also ended up in a camp with players preparing for a assult. We took a lorry towards the combat area. But on the way there, the charcter next to me got the truck. Panik struck everyone. We screamed to the driver to find cover.
It was really awesome. A totally different kind of gameplay then we are used to today.
Do you think anyone would even attempt the scope of ww2ol? If they could they would.
I am seriously thinking of joining . . .
Same, where can I sign up?
It's honestly like everyone logs onto WoW, and games like WoW, just to masturbate. Everyone plays by themselves, and when they don't, they get what they want and get off.
Originally posted by atziluth...
Ah yes when the unreasonable are faced with reason they must resort to personal attacks...When you are ready to move up from the kids table you can talk with the grown ups.
Somewhere on this sites home page should be an area for a freebie key code. If it is no longer in effect you can go to this url
The freebie sponsored by is still in this url
Guys, I joined the game in early 2003 and flew with VFA-25 in the dirty south waging war in Hawk 75s (P-36s) and Hawk 81s (P-40Cs) versus Bf 109 E4s/F4s and Bf 110s. The Axis dominated the early and mid wars of the game, no doubt about it. The thing is, even though you go to bed, the next time zone is up and fighting for the ground you lost/took. Often, a severe imballance of players would sway the map in the Axis favor. I didn't mind losing map after map as it was the gameplay , the squadron tactics (ain't it funny how in-game tactics end up mirroring real-life tactics?), and the friendships I formed. It was awesome being part of something so big.
I eventually left when I joined the Navy. Between boot camp, "A" school, and an IA assignment to Iraq, I just couldn't devote as much time as I wanted to. I'm not back and am loving every minute of it, even if VFA-25 is gone from the game.
There are two points I'd like to make. First, the premise of the game is somewhat flawed, though this isn't a severe weakness of the game now that some balancing has been achieved. By this, I mean that given the equipment and posture of the Germans from 1939-1941, the Blitzkrieg should find the Germans pushing the Allied forces to the Atlantic in every map. Thats no fun, but more realistic. I think the Rats are doing a splendid job of keeping the game interesting, fun, and challenging even after, yes, *seven* years.
The second point is that there is tremendous loyalty even amoungst the whining forum whores such as you've seen here. Why do they whine so much rather than just move on to another game? The reason in because even they love the game and recognize it for what it is: the most massively multiplayer, unique, and realisly fun simulation out there. Gents, people even argue about the historical accuracy of armor thickness on many pieces of equipment. Look at BF2. The damage model is cartoonish. WWIIOL's may be flawed, but the attempt at realism is convincing.
I love this game, and can't get enough. If you don't I really don't want to hear about it nor see you bashing the hard work of the Rats. Don't like it? Fine. Drop your rifle as a French infantryman would if *historically* accurate would do in the game and leave.
I highly recommend this game to any interested but caution that it takes patience, a willingness to learn, and a very real want to be a part of something larger to really enjoy this game. I remember that I died over and over again, not killing my first enemy aircraft until after 2 weeks of gameply.
VFA-25 Fist of the Fleet (pre 2008)
ANZACs (currently)
Do battles like that (the one shown in the OP link) happen often? I played trial and barely found anyone to shoot. If someone could assure me that there are people to kill and/or huge battles breaking out then i'd gladly subscribe and give it a proper go.
Yes Maggotscream.
Three days before intermission ( last week ) we had 3 planes with over 120 paras in drop on a town. You just need to get with a squad in the game that can show you the ropes and where to go and what direction to head.
Ops like that are fun, but they are rare, and far between. Admit it.
With the new 1.29 patch, server populations have improved, but the question still stands, will they stay up?
Doubtful. already alot of the old players who cameback for the 1.29 patch are disenchanted with the newness of it all, and are getting tired of the same old gameyness. Many of the common issues have STILL not been addressed.
-Cornflakes aka snowflakes graphics bug... what 5 or 6 years now I lost count.
-JU52, C47, P322-15(aka P38), and the P39, having incomplete or just plane odd flight models.... Example- Helo landing a C47 or JU52 on top of a vehicle spawn tent at a FB... Yea thats close to real. or Performing the "cobra" menuever in a P38.
But on the up side CRS is making a attempt at fixing the balance issue at tier 0....
109E1 at tier 0, with its amazing firepower of 4, YES 4, 7.9mm MGs... WOW!
and dont worry the otherside got new toys too...
The Spitfire Mk Ib.... no MGs, just 2, 20mm Hispano Cannons. With only 60 rounds per gun.
And the D520 aka Dewotine or just Dewo, was moved to tier 0....
At least they are trying.... *sarcasm*
But I guess one can only expect baby steps out of a game thats 7 years old.
So much crap, so little quality.
I suppose some people just aren't happy with anything.
CRS (the rats) are the only ones that can make this game work .After 7 Years and still up and running ,name any other company ,I can only think of maybe one Flying Lab ,but they are married to SOE. So they are not in the mix.
this game is hard to play even at first. maybe if i have more time i'll give it another try.
My main problem: the air balance is poor.
Many Allied pilots who have run 100s (or 1000s) of Air Force sorties have kill to death ratios of 4,5...9 +. Is it that only skilled people fly Allied? Hardly. Is it high command issues? No. The problem is that WW2 Online is poorly balanced in the air. It's a shame. Myself and a lot of my friends are totally turned off by the lack of balance in the "air game" of WW2 Online. It can be a lot of fun, but it needs some fixing.
I refuse to hop on Allied just to be able to fly more easily as it only contributes to the problem.
And to those who will get all mad and reply "L2P' and " U R WRONG", I have been playing off and on since 2001. I have seen the evolution of the game. I don't gripe about the ground gear or anything else in the game when it comes to Allied vs Axis...I want it to be "may the best man win" but I feel the air aspect detracts from this philosophy. Lets stop throwing in red herrings such as leadership and retarded individual examples. That's not the issue here. You have to be blind to think that the air game makes complete sense. Do not reply with, "I can be in a Spit and my pilot dies..." blah blah. I'm talking about the general feel of the air game, not subjective individual examples.
Unfortunately, this air imbalance controls a lot of the overall gameplay.
I encourage people to check out the game. I've turned on 80 people to the game in the past month. I will probably continue to play off and on.I have nothing personal against the devs or anyone else, I just think someone needs to take a step back and re-evaluate the direction that the air game is going as it is going to chase a lot of people away, or just make those who don't run play Allied.
Have a winner and don't go on a game over! Does your avatar make you powerful in real life? Check out the Mystical Enders gaming community.
The game is poorly balanced everywhere because its not a pvp game, its a re-enactment game. A bunch of old farts who want to play dress up soldier where historical accuracy take precedence over gameplay.
Ever heard the term FU and you Glass eye and the horse you rode in on. well if not, you just did. and ,,l, sideways twice..... by the way this is from and OLD GUY.... /
Bigtime..I assume that anyone over your age of 12 is an old fart..LOL! You simply do not have a clue and a click fest is gameplay to you. Historical accuracy is gameplay dummy.
.... Reloads the 2Lber with HE......Rubs 5 day Old beard....while resting against the yoke.
It's total allied easymode these days. If anyone says differently they are an allied player who doesn't want it changed.