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Is Dark Age of Camelot worth it?



  • Silens_NecoSilens_Neco Member Posts: 15
    True, it will be hard to start without knowing anyone or anything, but people say its not going to get fun till 40+ imo that is not true. Once you get around 22 depending on can have a lot of fun lvl'ing in thid and other bgs (except 25-29) It takes awhile yes, but if you are willing to spend the time..i found it a lot of fun.  I started over with nothing and not knowing anyone about 6 months ago...and in that time i have found a great guild, great people etc.  So if you are willing to put in the time..then it is worth it, but in any MMO you are going to have to put in the time.  If you are a new player to DAoC..then you need to start on a populated server, i know a lot of people that start the game and play on a lower populated server and wonder why they can't get gotta go where the people are.........but i guess it really depends on what you are looking for in an MMO...

  • GungoshGungosh Member Posts: 1

    depends on what player type you are.

    if you are a patient roleplayer, you will have fun playing daoc.
    if you are an impatient quickleveler, you won't.

    you need patience to find helping ppl and a guild.
    you need patience to reach max lvl.
    you need patience to achieve top items.

    dark age of camelot is a great game, but it's nothing for the impatient soloplayer, definitely not.

    but there are lots of friendly players and even roleplayers on the servers, you just need to find them ;)

    i played it since release, left when all friends left the game, came back with 1st expansion, did some soloing, and left the game again, but just because it's nothing for a soloplayer an i didn't want to spend time searching new fellows. if i would, i'd still play it.

    don't worry, be happy ;)

    don't worry, be happy ;)

  • frankyz669frankyz669 Member Posts: 50

    All MMORPG's can be classified as boring.
    Just ask my girlfriend.

    DAOC is a great game.
    You have to take the time and effort to learn it.
    Just like any of the others out there.

    Compared to EQ -- DAOC is better IMO because it is easier.
    EQ is more time consuming with bs like corpse recovery and travel.

    What I truly love about the game is that you can do the EQ type thing
    which is quest, hunt mobs, and do the grind to level.
    But if you get sick of doing that, you can Realm vs. Realm it and play against other humans. Not just a drone mob that doesn't think or react.

    On my server, all the realms are rather equal. The server as a whole is underpopulated compared to the others. It is Iseult. Look for Terpeh if you log.

    "I have live my life by these nine simple words: It sounded like a good idea at the time."
    --Livingston Taylor

    "I have live my life by these nine simple words: It sounded like a good idea at the time."
    --Livingston Taylor

  • ZoayZoay Member Posts: 24

    I've been playing DAoC pretty much since the Eu release, with some breaks alittle now and then to cool down.

    I've always been the solo person, which means one thing; Stealthers. And since Mythic has ruined the playing for stealthers more and more lately, I started playing other classes.

    And imo there is nothing as fun as playing my Cleric with a good full group (consists of 8 players) in Emain late at night :) But that's just the thing about daoc aswell, to have any chance you need atleast 1 good FG (Full group), and that isn't the easiest thing to get..

    That's why guilds consisting of 8-10 people usually pwn a zerg of 30 "random" people

    That's pretty much my picture of daoc lately ^^

    ~~ The one and only from the sundsvall elite ~~

    ~~ The one and only from the sundsvall elite ~~

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