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What are some the incredibly stupid things you've done in Atlantica Online so far? Me? I got noble sacrifice for my main character, a shaman. Now noble sacrifice is a skill that heals the whole party - BUT IT KILLS THE SHAMAN! Now you can see how incredibly idiotic that is. Another is selling my old equipment to the 10 gold NPC guy, because I didn't want to use the market.
lol u sure beat me most stupid thing i've done is destroying important ring craft mats to make room space ... and they were a lot btw my IGN is Monsta on Macedon server
Now, noble sacrifice on a hero shaman should beats a lot in the list.
As for me, i sold jade for less than a hundred when i started and now, i'm buying them at the most at the market for a hefty amount of gold. (
oh i posted a similar thread to this some time ago. anyway, the 'noobest' thing i did was when i first got a material box from one of the quests by the atlantis sisters and she asked me to equip one of my mercenaries. before she told me that, i already opened the material box and i thought that was the point of the quest but then i still cannot click the complete button. so i battled again to seek a material a box. i already battled a heck of a lot of monsters when i realized that i just had to rightclick the material box i gained earlier.
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hmm my stupidiest done in atlantica is i sell my stuffs on the npc who buys it for 10 gold.. im not aware of the market on that time.. hehehe...
One funny thing also is that i use scrolls on the simple monster becasue of the scare to die in the game
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I saw someone with the title "Potion Addict" and asked how he got it. He replied with drink 1000 low hp potions. I bought 1000 potions and drank them, but never received the title.
A guildmate told me that you had to pick up the quest first at the npc near Athens. lol
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