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So, I changed the CPU on my laptop. This is sort of a cause and effect guide.
I own a Dell Vostro 1500. (2.5Ghz, 4GB, 80GB, 8600m GT 256).
QUICK summary if you don't want to read:
CPU paste GOES bad (or becomes useless)
Just because the paste is applied one way by a manufacturer, doesn't mean it's right.
When I bought my machine it had a 1.6ghz chip in it. Now, this was fine for running almost EVERY game I've played (Vanguard, AC, WoW, WAR, TF2, ETC), however, I needed to upgrade to play COD 4. When I first bought COD 4, I figured the RAM I had would cover the lack of CPU. But, I coudln't get the COD 4 multiplayer to work, which was the only reason I bought it.. (which isn't very good, by the way.. if you are new).
Here, I go.. I take apart everything (almost ) to get to the CPU. Everything is in decent shape.. I pull out the CPU and notice how the thermal paste is spread on the heat sink, and to my surprise, there is NO compound on the die, just around the die.
I take note, and put in the new CPU.. and I spread the heat compund like I normally do. RIGHT ONTO THE DIE. put everything back together.. and now.. the laptop won't boot. I freeze.. I'm assuming it's a heating issue. Soo.. I take it back down to CPU again. This time I apply paste around the die and NOT onto the die. Put everything back together.. and now.. I'm booting just fine.
This is VERY odd. the computer is running, but the gaming tempatures are in the high 80's to low 90's. I'm sure all of you knwo this is VERY bad. I bought a laptop cooling pad (the thing that blows air into the fan that cools the cpu) and this dropped tempatures down about 3 degrees.
Well, last night, I decided that enough was enough. running this hot will RUIN the T9300 I got and that would be 330 bucks down the drain, so I took it back down to CPU again, scraped off the thermal paste and went to reply.. but, I ran OUT of my thermal paste (I used it to assemple 5 or so computers, and I just ran out) This was a GOOD thing. It turns out the CPU paste I was using.. was useless.
I went to radio shack and bought new thermal paste. I applied to directly to the cpu with a credit card, spread thin and even. And?? Now I'm running at 50 or so degrees in full game mode.
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Something to take note of is that too much thermal paste is a bad thing as well. It retains heat just like the heatsink and die do.
I do not see a reason for a computer not booting with too much thermal paste. The only thing I can think that would have happened is the CPU was not seated correctly or too much thermal paste in the center of the CPU caused it to seat incorrectly. This is all speculation, however, since I was not able to see it first hand.
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You wouldn't understand
Yeah.. this I know..
I don't think it was too much thermal paste.. I just think it lacked it's.. fluidity. Basically it had "settled" and wasn't doing it's job. Andby putting it around the die, it worked as sort of a head focucer.. focusing the heat onto the sink.. NOT very effective.
Oh.. and I should correct myself.. IT was booting.. but it was freezing up doing the load screen.
On a side note, do you know how to do full data transfer? I bought a new hard drive and need to clone the image on there and put in on the new drive.. and I don't wan tto go through the pain in the assness of re installing and updating.
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Maybe the heatsink cant handle how much heat the new CPU is outputting i mean think about it a 1.6ghz proc to a 2.5ghz is a big difference in everything even heat output. You may need a better heat sink is what i think.
Darkfalls so revolutionary it uninstalls itself.
Oh.. No things are fine. I've got it down to to an of 30 (which is bacially room tempature) for internet surfing.. and it's about about 50 for gaming. (which is about 122 degrees Feigherenhight.). This is a DRASTIC decrease from prior (near maxing out the CPU in terms of Temp.. a whooping 95.. or just shy of water boiling).
I just needed some new thermal compound. oh.. and they don't have any other heat sinks for the Vostro and I'm pretty sure that CPU is offered standard.
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