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I downloaded the new WoW patch yesterday after work. After WoW finished updating, my computer seemed to freeze up. I tried to reboot, but now my computer will not boot up. It seems to start booting up, and sounds like it is trying to load- but nothing happens. It does not appear that the OS starts and nothing ever appears on the monitor. I am unable to get into the bios. I don't know if I explained this very clearly.
Does anyone know what the problem could be? I am running a quad-core intel with Vista 64.
Try hitting the restart button a couple times after its been about 20~30 seconds.
Make sure your monitor cables are plugged in and all the plugs in the case are secure.
Thanks for the suggestions. I tried restarting it well over a dozen times. I also unplugged it and tried a cold reboot several times without success. I know the monitor is working because I can see the monitor menu on the screen.
Anyone have any other ideas or suggestions?
Your problem isn't caused by WoW. Thats just a coincidence that you downloaded the patch.
It sounds like hardware failure to me. Especially since you're not seeing ANYTHING on screen on boot up.
I take it that even though there's nothing appearing on screen, you can still hear the fans inside your computer whirring away when you switch on the computer?
If you CANNOT hear the fans turning in your computer: Check the power sockets and that the power cable is plugged into the pc correctly. Then check for isolation switches having been accidentally turned off. Almost try COMPLETELY unplugging the power supply cable from the mains and wait for 20 - 30 secs before plugging it back in and trying to turn it on. I'm not talking about the monitor cable, I'm talking about the one that plugs into your base unit. Also, maybe even try a different mains socket and check the fuse in the power supply cable for the computer. Here's a handy tip, usually the monitor power cable is the same as the pc power cable. As you know the monitor is working you could swap it with the pc power cable to see if that is the problem.
If you CAN hear the fans turning when you switch it on: and you have the confidence and experience, my suggestion is try reseating your RAM and graphics card. Obviously use all necessary safety precautions when doing this. If this doesn't cure it, and if you have 2 or more memory strips installed, remove one and boot up the pc. If nothing changes, swap it with the memory stick still in place and boot it up again.
If you don't want to do any of this, find a techie who can help.
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Thank you for the help.
so good
Don't listen to him. WoW ruined your computer. First thing to do is toss it right in the garbage. Then get yourself a lawyer and SUE!
((LOL...just kidding.))
Obvious question, do you OC your hardware? Sounds like a hardware fault someplace. I suspect your graphics card to be the culprite. The next thing would be the motherboard, most likely north bridge chip. They go higher then 70% the time on mobos followed by the onboard LAN.
I do not know if it will help but have you tried clearing your CMOS using the onboard cmos jumper? Try that, just to see.
Who let you in the VIP section?
I was getting 5 beeps after turning on the computer. The fans would start up but the computer would never boot. I reseated the Ram, reconnected the video cards and power supply and tried a different surge protector. I was still getting the 5 beeps. I was thinking there was a problem with the video cards. I left everything overnight and tried again and the computer started up, but the OS would not load because it had errors somewhere. I used the Windows disk to repair the bad files and it is working fine now.
I'm not really sure what the problem was, but its seems alright now. Thank you everyone for your help.
You may have a bad 12v rail on your PSU. It could be going off spec enough to not be supplying the needed sustained 12v and or amps. Since you had it off all night and it worked the next day it could mean that the PSU had triggered a safety switch inside. These things happen to people who use SLI or crossfire setups with lower then recommended PSU power.
Glad your up and running again, it may fail again though. *shrug*
Who let you in the VIP section?
Sounds to me like you have a system crash caused by hardware failure, which caused corruption in the OS.
Glad to hear a repair fixed it though. Those things can usually end up in complete wipe and reinstall.
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