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Hey everyone! I'm going to be building a gaming rig very soon, and I wanted to know if you had any ideas on ways I could improve it, or anything. I don't think I've changed it since I last posted here. So please let me know what you think. And if you have any suggestions to changing it, please keep in mind my budget; $1,100. Right now, it costs $998.98 with shipping and handling and all that good stuff. My parents need some money to buy my brother his Christmas gifts too! Haha. Here it is (I've already got my HDD and CD Drive):
Whoa! I have an idea on how to make this thing cheaper! Let me know what you think:
Thanks everyone for your help! I appreciate it very much!
Go with a P43 Motherboard, the HD4850, and a 500w PSU. Getting a 750w premium supply that your system will not utilize is a waste of money and energy, as higher watt supplies have lower effeciency with low watts.
The 4850 will beat the 8800gts 512 pretty soundly so its your best choice. Only issues is the mebo you are getting only sli's nvidia cards so you may want to look into a cross fire friendly mebo if you ever thought of adding a second video card after a few years.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine