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Ok , maybe this is just me, but I really think that the lack of a true or better said "normal" crafting system in this game is causing alot of the problems with the weak community. Sure I know that crafting on pretty much all MMO's can be tedious and a grindfest, but its actually kinda fun to me. I like having to go out to specific areas to get a certain resource or ingredients to help me make items. To me it adds something to the game that makes it feel like I'm actually doing something for the community in the game. Not just fighting and fighting and fighting. I give credit to M.Jacobs for trying to come up with something new, but its not working. Crafting really doesn't seem important at all in this game. You dont see anyone at all asking for speicifc items or armor, or weapons because we cant make them, which totally sucks IMO. I liked people making orders and saying, "Hey, I need this and this. Can you make it?" and me saying "Hell yea, just gimme some time to get everything I need." Then its even more fun to have to go out and get this stuff, and get into all kinds of fights with the opposing forces while trying to collect the resources. I LIKE CRAFTING Its fun to me and I know its alot of fun to others too. So thats my rant. I really think they need to implement a better and more useful crafting system where crafters actually feel needed by people. What do you guys think?
bah, crafting will be a secondary activity in MMOs, or at least most players care less about it. Most important things on a MMO are content and community. Now if you can craft stuff that is better than in-game items, then thats good, but in WaR thats a joke.
No one who bought this game, bought it for crafting.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Crafting is an afterthought at best for today's MMO companies because they can get away with it. As the dumbing down of MMOs continues, the masses still can't wait to fork over more cash to subpar games.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
I will repost almost exactly what I posted just the other day when this same question was brought up....(does anyone even look back past page 1 or 2 ?!?!).....
Mythic stated quite clearly OVER AND OVER that the crafting system was not meant to be deep and super time intensive but rather to augment the ongoing war. War is the focus at all times! To that end, I think they made a great system! Each craft/gather skill alone can do quite well ,but when all work together, they really start to shine! Sure I can make money off of things I salvage and sell and I can make some fairly good potions from what I scavenge and use my apoth on....BUT when I make use of materials from the other skills or I give them items I can make, then you can make some VERY potent potions and talisman.....and those are what will aid your side in turning the tide in the war. Weapons, armor and such can and should be picked up through quests and battle. That makes perfect sense in the world they created. Not sure what you think is weak or missing there?!?!?!?
If you want to sit around making door mats that lead to leather straps that lead to sword handles that you then sale to someone else going through their own parallel hell so they can work up and craft a sword that then no one really uses, then please, by all means, go enjoy that other game (whatever it may be) that gives you such a crafting "rush".
I'm a shoemaker in real life and I agree with the OP.
It pisses me off that I can't go home after work and play a game that emulates a job, don't we all want to make tons of crap items over and over and over again for no reason?
MMOs need less fun and more work!!
Z3R01 for president
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Bit lazy to post bit more but all i can say is that i expected much more from Mythic regarding Looting, Gathering, Item names, and alot of other things.
Holy Flamin' Frost-Brand Gronk-Slayin' Vorpal Hammer o' Woundin' an' Returnin' an' Shootin'-Lightnin'-Out-Yer-Bum!! ~Planescape: Torment~
brilliant and intelligent riposte
seriously, ppl who like crafting must be kids who never did any real job
Playing: Rohan
Played (from best to worst): Shadowbane, Guild Wars, Shayia, Age of Conan, Warhammer, Runes of Magic, Rappelz, Archlord, Knight online, King of Kings, Kal online, Last chaos
I did ! Oh hold on this isn't the ryzom forum. nevermind
Ok, well, I never said that I didn't understand what Mythic was going for with their thoughts on crafting. You are obviously someone who only likes to PVP and Quest. Well guess what , not everyone is like you. There are people, like myself, who get tired of PVP'ing and Questing sometimes and just wanna sit back and make some awesome items for friends, guildies, myself, or just to sell cuz its fun. Cuz like I said before I LIKE CRAFTING I enjoy the process. I like having to go out and gather shit and then create things that would be of use to others and myself.
Originally posted by Moretrinkets
bah, crafting will be a secondary activity in MMOs, or at least most players care less about it. Most important things on a MMO are content and community. Now if you can craft stuff that is better than in-game items, then thats good, but in WaR thats a joke.
Now as for this reply, I agree totally with you. I dont want to create the same crap I can find in the game. Unless its legendary items or unique Items that you cant find in-game. If it was the same crap you can find then it would be downright boring and pointless.
I did ! Oh hold on this isn't the ryzom forum. nevermind
Did you actually buy a Ryzom game box? i want one too!
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
WAR definitely could use some more crafting professions. I also hope Mark will reconsider allowing crafting of armor.
However, Talisman Making and Apothecary are actually better than I realized. I know Talismans are in huge demand and seem to sell well, but being successful at the trade seems to require a lot of work and support from others. Apothecary is better suited for the more independent types, though you will still need to acquire ingredients for some potions from others, since none of the gathering skills provide items for all the recipes.
Different mobs yield different harvesting drops, so you can indeed hunt for specific components.
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Lack of crafting killing WAR? are you serious?
When I said i had "time", i meant virtual time, i got no RL "time" for you.
I can agree with you on that. I havent done too much in Talisman Making but I have created some nice things with Apothecary. But its still not enough in my opinion. Like you said there should be more crafting professions. I wanna be able to make Armor and Weapons most of all. But hell anything extra would be nice. Its just no fun right now to create anything. And most of the things you make dont make as big a difference as a new set of armor for example with a higher armor rating and +strength +wounds +ballistic etc. Its a freakin awesome feeling when you make things like that and even better when you're guildies are wearing your armor cuz it rules and helps so much in PVP. I dont know about most of you , but for me there is a thrill to crafting as well as PVP.
Jeez... Not killing WAR , but just killing it for me in a sense cuz its missing something I feel is essential in an MMO and something I enjoy alot.....
The most boring and tedious time I have ever spent in WAR so far was grinding mats for Apothecary. I'd rather be killing players in RvR.
I've now found out I could have been buying higher level mats from the Guild Hall merchant or just standing in front of the normal merchants and using level 1 mats to level my crafting, but either way it typifies crafting in any MMORPG - boring tedium. WAR reduced the tedium but there's only so much you can do to make that game mechanic palatable.
Jeez... Not killing WAR , but just killing it for me in a sense cuz its missing something I feel is essential in an MMO and something I enjoy alot.....
What are you going to complain about next? the extra long grind crafting will be? Seriously people complian alot about things in an MMO, and then when they implement them in the game they will just find another thing to complain about it.
I have never seen anything useful come out of crafting in this game, because its not such a big part in the game, its something on the side to do when you max out level/content or whatnot.
Jeez... Not killing WAR , but just killing it for me in a sense cuz its missing something I feel is essential in an MMO and something I enjoy alot.....
What are you going to complain about next? the extra long grind crafting will be? Seriously people complian alot about things in an MMO, and then when they implement them in the game they will just find another thing to complain about it.
I have never seen anything useful come out of crafting in this game, because its not such a big part in the game, its something on the side to do when you max out level/content or whatnot.
Hmm.. i dont remember complaining about anything. I was just saying I was dissapointed with the direction they took on crafting. I love this game. I this its far better than WoW in so many ways. I just personally dont feel that players, like myself, who enjoy crafting have that role in this game. Thats all. So.....There.....
TO correct you first.....sorry, nope, I don't just PvP and quest....I do quests, jump in scenarious, do random PvE to explore and find unlocks, get in some open RvR later in the evening, etc....and all during that,I scavenge so that my alt that is my apoth can mix up potions in the morning when I have just a little time to get on. My main's scavenge is at around 200 now. My alt that is apoth is 165 and the potions I can make now are awesome for my main!
When you say "Its just no fun right now to create anything. And most of the things you make dont make as big a difference as a new set of armor for example with a higher armor rating and +strength +wounds +ballistic " I think you are looking at it in the complete wrong way. Yes, Yes, YES !!! The things you craft do exactly make a difference in ALL of those things! It's not that you need to make some "new" piece of armor or are able to enhance what you have or what others have! Through Talisman, you can make some GREAT enhancements! I am using a lot of slotted equipment and then put in STR and ARMOR talisman enhancements...they are awesome! Likewise, through potions, you can get some similar buffs on your stats (STR buff for an hour is great!). Furthermore, my apoth can now make some "nasty" little potions.....explosive, sticky, thorny, etc.....that can turn a battle at times or at least by some time if needed. A lto of people (I would say majority of players ) really have not gotten far into crafting.I usually end up handing out LOTS of "insta heal" potions right at the start of scenarios! haha
So maybe you should look at crafting another way in order to help you realize that it does actually lead to the same end......all the while, keeping in mind Mythic (a) does not want an overall complex crafting system (b) does not want gear to play too large of an impact on overall balance.
When I first logged into WAR one of the first things I checked out was crafting options and I was very surprised to find no true crafting. This to me is strange because although I was never a hardcore crafter in any other mmo I liked to have the option to dabble in it if I wished.
imo, if they gonna have crafting, atleast make it as a own game path like in vanguard & EQ2..
if not, just get rid of the whole thing.
Want to play: Lego Universe
I did ! Oh hold on this isn't the ryzom forum. nevermind
Did you actually buy a Ryzom game box? i want one too!
No I couldn't even really get into the game on the free trial. I was just lying like a dog.
I'm usually pretty big on crafting. I have maxed out crafters in several MMOs. And I have to say, I don't think a deep crafting system would add much to WAR. gear is so plentifull and easily obtained, I don't think allowing players to also craft gear would add much. In fact it would presumably take warm bodies out of PQs, RvR, and scenarious. RvR is already spotty, and PQs are really suffering. It's been more than a week since I got to actually roll on a bag in a PQ other than chapter 1.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
Explain what you mean by "no true crafting".
I'm enjoying Apothecary as much as any crafting I've done in any other game.
I like that you don't have recipes. Obtain components from harvesting, mob drops or the AH. Combine them in a basic manner to get minimal results and level up, or find the right combination to increase your odds at superior results.
I have scavenging as my gathering skill. It's easy to gather leaches and troll spittle for healing potions, scales for armor potions. Both very useful for leveling if you aren't a healer (this toon is a Shadow Warrior. BTW, I love troll hunting for mats).
I'm at Apothecary 60 and am starting to have to look for special ingredients from others to maximize some recipes, though I can still make my staples solo.
I feel I've only scratched the surface and am enjoying the added element to the game.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
I thank the gaming gods WAR has basic crafting.
I hated EQ2 for how it made me depend on crafters. I had to pay inflated prices just to have decent abilities.
I dont want to have to shop for hours so I can play a game. I dont want to travel half way across the world just to get armor and a weapon so I can pvp.
I hope mythic stands strong in there decision. No armor or weapon crafting in this game.
onemore thing, aside my opinion that crafting is boring
try Darkfall when it comes. This is the title just for you. you will be welcome in every guild, since i dont predict many crafters in DF, rather 95% PvP hardcores.
anyway, from what i have read, DF is so far the most crafter-friendly game and i dare anybody to prove me wrong
Playing: Rohan
Played (from best to worst): Shadowbane, Guild Wars, Shayia, Age of Conan, Warhammer, Runes of Magic, Rappelz, Archlord, Knight online, King of Kings, Kal online, Last chaos