So he gave her his account name/password when the couple were happily married. Sooo since he gave her this info to use, she didn't hack the account at all. If you give your name/password to any game, you are essentially giving them permission to use that account. So that is not hacking in any way.
As for her deleting his character n he cried to the cops about it...all I can say is LOL SUCKER!
He shoulda been smart enouph to change his account info before tossin her to the curb. And this is another lesson on why on-line relationships are just....odd.
If he gave her his login information, then he gave her permission to use his account. What she does with said account is irrelevent. I can't see how they have her on hacking charges since she didn't hack into anything. She just logged into his account, just as easily as if it were her own.
-------- "Chemistry: 'We do stuff in lab that would be a felony in your garage.'"
The most awesomest after school special T-shirt: Front: UNO Chemistry Club Back: /\OH --> Bad Decisions
So he gave her his account name/password when the couple were happily married. Sooo since he gave her this info to use, she didn't hack the account at all. If you give your name/password to any game, you are essentially giving them permission to use that account. So that is not hacking in any way.
As for her deleting his character n he cried to the cops about it...all I can say is LOL SUCKER!
He shoulda been smart enouph to change his account info before tossin her to the curb. And this is another lesson on why on-line relationships are just....odd.
If he gave her his login information, then he gave her permission to use his account. What she does with said account is irrelevent. I can't see how they have her on hacking charges since she didn't hack into anything. She just logged into his account, just as easily as if it were her own.
"Chemistry: 'We do stuff in lab that would be a felony in your garage.'"
The most awesomest after school special T-shirt:
Front: UNO Chemistry Club
Back: /\OH --> Bad Decisions