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Ditch the spirit boxes?

So, I'm now at the Sea Palace and have access to lots of Sea king equipement boxes. But, I still have around 400+ Spirit equipment boxes. Should I just sell them all of and start focusing on equiping (and enchanting!) Sea king equipments?


  • nywlanasnywlanas Member Posts: 334

    hmm. well if you want, you could go about enchanting the spirit items up to lvl10 and not use the sea king boxes until you get to angkor wat where you get the angkor wat boxes and use that. but if you want new stuff, you could go with the sea king boxes. they also look pretty cool as compared to spirit boxes.

    or, you could reserve it for an apprentice once you reach lvl30. that's what i did. i saved all my beg/low materials and when i reached lvl30, i got apprentices so i could give it to them. :D

  • YuramikoYuramiko Member Posts: 176

    This is what I did, I sell those items at the market, It really does annoy me specially that I don't have yet a scroll allowing me to have a spare storage. If you wouldn't want to sell those items in the market, them create a new character then send those spirit boxes to oblivion.

  • kokoro-chinkokoro-chin Member Posts: 181

    Hmm... I am at level 26 at the moment... just a few levels before I reach 30... Maybe I'll take your advice nywlanas. I've opened and equip just some sea king equipments but some of my mercenaries are still using spirit equipments since I happen to have some +8 ones... I have a teensy question though - how does one have apprentices anyway?

  • wolvie3131wolvie3131 Member UncommonPosts: 196

    or you can do what I did with thos spirit boxes,

    go to Rome and gamble them away for a chance at better boxes. I gambled all 400 away and got about 60 or so of other type boxes that I could use at that lv or I could reserve (in my warehouse also in rome) fo later levels

  • muro_amimuro_ami Member Posts: 91

    You can just open the box and whatever item you got, wait to get the same item so that you can enchant them. Once you enchant them, you can sell it in the market for a higher price. Or you can do what I just did which is to give to my friends who just started playing the game. Kinda giving them help.

  • kokoro-chinkokoro-chin Member Posts: 181

    I really happen to enjoy enchanting immensely but I'm starting to realize that enchanting them to +10 and above is kinda tedious... Also, a friend told me to save my enhcant stones for enchantment of stronger equipments...

    I haven't tried gambling at Rome... Seems very interesting. I'll try that one out and maybe I'll get some interesting items as well. Thanks for the advice!

  • conqistadorconqistador Member Posts: 237

    between trading selling and using for enchants considering were talking about spirit boxes here, it is more proftable if you just use the boxes and enchant them to +4s and +5s...

    spirit equipments are dirt cheap, and these equipments could actually stay with you even up to level 35 with the proper ups..

    selling the boxes is not as priftable compared to enchanting them considering you have 400 boxes..

    trading them in goncourt is pretty risky and you dont need to trade them for sea king boxes if your spirit equips are upped to +4s and 5s

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