....let's skip the how and why it could occurr, what do you think would be the fallout from such a transaction.
Well honestly I think subs would increase by a lot. Many would return because FC isn't really considerd a professional company anymore lol. There would be more optimism regarding fix's and additional content. While I personaly do not like WoW even I have to say that Blizzard has done a great job. FC ...... well no one can say they have done a great job, not many are even willing to say they even tried to do a decent job.
lol. FC made me play a PC game religiously, something Blizzard has not even been close to. I think me and all other AoC fans would have a word or two against you here.
No worries, I know some out there can tolerate bad programing, I just can't. While I don't like Blizzards take on MMO's style wise, they are far superior to FC prgroming and managment wise.
I would rather have someone that atleast had a moderate understanding of programing working on the game rather than the current monkies in diapers just mashing keys at random.
Besides, you realise that AoC is going the WoW route now anyways. They have dumbed down combat already, there working on making items more important than skill next. So.... not really much difference if Blizzard did take over, the big difference would be
1) Better programers
2) Better managment
3) Loss of pixalated Boobs
4) Maybe the loss of the sad FFA PvP attempt FC made. (they tried lol but didn't quite get it right so it's sad and laughable)
So....... I guess since everything else will be better....... Your against it because of the loss of pixalated boobs......
In any case lol, Blizzard is by far the better of the two companies. I don't like there style, but atleast there chit works as intended for the most part.
The more I read of your posts GreyGhost, the more I realize that you have little understanding of what you are talking about. A software working flawlessly is not equivalent to that the programmers are fantastic. We are really back to, that if you try to program Pacman that is fare more easy than if you try to program a game with close to MovieTheater realism. AoC is 10 times more complex than other MMO's out there, so how can you say that the AoC programmers are subpar. In my eyes AoC's programmers are probably some of the more competent people out there right now.
The rest of your points are just plain out wrong and juvenile so I'll refrain to respond, but let me just tell you that your posting style and form are quickly moving toward what Lumache, orzo and other forum trolls are cranking out.
Your right, it's so complex they can't get it to work........
Seriously though lol the AI is sub par, the quests are pretty standard. Whats so complex?
The worse FC does the less I respect them. I guess my posts are reflecting that. Compare me to whom you will, I speak my mind. If you don't like it don't read it.
FC has been pretty horrible with the programing so far, if your saying thats only because AoC is to complicated for them.... then I really don't know what to say. If the game is to complicated for them, maybe they should have done something a bit more simple.
It's not just there programing either, there managment is just horrid. I mean the problems with 3.0 were explained in detail by many. They knew they were there. They released before the patch was ready, so there making the same mistakes over and over. I am fine with people making mistakes but for the love of all that is holy atleast try to learn from your mistake.
Anyways, I am lossing what respect I had left for FC so my posts are showing that I am sorry this upsets you.
By the Way it's GrayGhost not with an E, with an A.
Nobody is upset and by the way your last post which is as negative as the previous post is totally ok because you convey a opinion rather than erronous facts. As I said before you cant claim that the makers of tetris are fantastic programmers just because something is not up to par (in your oppinion) in AoC. I on the other hand play TL as I have played many other TL servers of other games and I do not see more bugs from FC than others. Pretty much the same, but there is one important difference and that is in fact that FC test more, which is a good thing.
Seriously explain whats so complex about AoC. What makes it more complex then WoW?
I can't belive you ask this question after having been going on and on about programming. If you do not realize why a complex graphics engine like in AoC is so impressive compared to WOW you have to read up a bit. Read up on 3D graphics, rendering en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_computer_graphics and you will understand at what cost the RL shaped objects in AoC comes comes with compared to the edged objects in WoW. Also the higher quality color scheme, reflections, shade adds on top of this. Every object in the universe of AoC requires 3D matrix array holding tensors that is 10000 times bigger than in WoW. Start to imagine you also want your items to animate or simply project the item from an different angle (which would happen if you run past it). You would have to rotate the whole monstrum of an tensor to make that happen. The computing power required to rotate an item is tremendous. Half ass Wow Code would get away with non optimal code because the task is not demanding that much processing power and memory in the first place. If Wow code is low performant, todays hardware would be able to handle that anyway and Blizz get easily away with it. Well that's not the case in cutting edge graphics like in AoC. Everything must be in top shape or it will not even run.
Moving on, why do you think AoC's animations are 10 times more fluent that in other games... Well it's because the objects or the matrixes mentioned before are projected to different angles (rotation) with much higher resolution. So not only is the computation involved in the rotation much more demanding but it is also done 10 times more often.
I could go on and on.. When a AoC character has so many more parameters to change in character creation, what do you think that does to the animation and above discussed tensors, when a sword look like a real sword what do you think would happen to the swords tensors... and so on and so on. My friend there is a reason for why AoC is +50 GB of software while WOW hardly is 10 even with it's much larger world that gradually have been expanded over the last 4 years.
I can't stand WoW myself, I use to think better of AoC then WoW, now I think less of it then WoW. There in the process of converting the game over to a WoW clone with pixelated partial nudity and gore. Whats so complex about that?
You do realize that pixelated nudity, means a nude character with poor resolution. That is absoluted not the case in AoC. Graphics are absolutely flawless. And by the way, the tensors and 3D matrix arrays I talked about before are going to be equaly complex regardless of your object in the worlds is a dwarfwoman or a big nippled AoC breast.
I played on TL as well and I still do on occasion on a friends account. Guess what, they are told by the testers the problems are there, repeatedly, half the time I can see the problems before ever playing it on TL just by reading the notes. They are beyond incompetent at times. I mean some of you fanboi's were trying to tell me I was wrong about reverse ganking, that AoE's wouldn't pose a problem and telling me I was wrong about many other things. This was before even playing it on TL. I then played it a week after my predicitions saw some of my concerns already posted so I left it be, there's no way a proffesional company would go live with it in the state it was. Yet they DID go live with it. The completely ignored there testers responses. I mean sure they let players test it for a good while. When the reports come in FC seems to simply say, well were programers and there just players, there's no way there are this many problems with it and they go live with it. When the rest of the community steps up and says WTF! Then FC plays moderator nazi and go into denial. Everythings working as intended, nothing to see here folks. Then when they start losing subs they go, Oh sorry we goofed, atleast were admitting it now, we will fix the problem soon. Some of the mods even go so far as to try and claim the reason the problems go live is because of the lack of testers on TL and the lack of QUALITY testers on TL.
I play TL as well and I see none of what you describe. We just have to agree to disagree here. As I said before, I have played on TL in other games also (WoW as well) and the amount of bugs are the same, with one difference FC test longer and eventually kill more of those bugs before they are patched to Live.
So I guess your right, they do test longer than some other companies. Most other companies I have done test servers for tend to get it mostly right the first time and there is little to fix. I don't always agree with the content of the patch but devs in general don't want feedback on the content just the technical side of it. They do listen and fix the problems for the most part atleast on there test servers.
No comment, see above.
Regardless, FC screws up and deny's it each and every time until it grows into a serious problem. They haven't learned jack in all this time. Once it becomes a problem the first people that tend to get blamed (By the mods atleast) are those on TL and those not on TL. When people that were on TL reply they already posted on the problem and reported as did many others the mods shut up. FC comes in and says theres a patch on the way it's on TL now. The problem is they do this each friggin time. Why have a TL if your not going to listen to the F'n people testing????
I am sorry Transporter I just don't see any proffesionalism from FC.
You are correct that the above and everything I post about AoC and FC are just my opinions. The problem is there are more people that agree with my opinion of FC and AoC than disagree, Atleast a good bit of my opinion.
Listen or don't listen it matters not to me. I've said what I wanted to say. You can disagree all you want, you can think FC and AoC are great all you want, the problem is of course that is just YOUR opinion.
No comment, this is rant
GrayGhost this is going to be my last reply to you because you prove over and over again that you are not reading what people write to you and you also talk very openly about stuff you really don't know too much about as for graphics rendering. I suggest you try to discuss gameplay in future instead of making up all this anti AoC propaganda. As I said above, opinions are supposed to be shared at this forum but nonfacts as well as ignoranze really are supposed to be supressed.
Ah well I guess you are saying AoC is complex because they sacrificed the game play for graphics. Thats fine, you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. It is also funny how you say my opinions need to be surpressed lol. I am sorry you see them as "nonfacts" but the problem is the evidence was there for anyone to see. All you had to do was actually play on TL instead of simply claiming you did, also if you check the TL boards once in awhile the post are usualy there until mods deleted ... sorry meant "Move" them. Denial won't change facts. Hmm you know what let me check something out.
Read this..........
"People forget to mention the criminal counter isn't just for killing or attacking people 7 levels or lower than you. You get a criminal counter for attacking or killing anyone that isn't a murderer/criminal you just get more counters for killing or attacking players 7 levels or lower that aren't murderers/criminals.
Mechanics wise it just is way to exploitable with AoE's not triggering a criminal counter. If you don't fight back after the AoE and there much higher level they can kill you penalty free. If you do fight back you get a criminal counter.
Thats not even mentioning how the 100% more pvp xp from killing murderers is going to help fight clubbing out. All in all play Age of Conan because you like the IP or the content. If you playing just for the PvP your not going to like it long if at all."
At the time AoE's were changed so they wouldn't flag you as a criminal. After this they were switched back to flagging you as a criminal. Want to know the beauty of that quote? I'll tell you anyways, It's a quote from me 10-10-08
So your telling me I could see some of these flaws as they were on 10-10-08 INCLUDING the PvP Xp exploit yet, testers on TL couldn't, Devs couldn't, you couldn't? And just so you can't call BS here's the link.......
Now, this is only on MMORPG.com and it was almost a month ago. I can't do links to TL forums since I don't have an active AoC account anymore so my post a month ago will have to do.
Regardless I saw the problem with AoE's and posted a few times on it, one for the original form that flagged the higher level player a murder and allowed lowbie players to reverse gank by jumping into the AoE on person to flag the higher lvl player a criminal, and posted on the opposite, if they made it so AoE's did not flag then higher levels could use that as a means to continue griefing lowbies.
Guess what this did happen lol. I could see it almost a month before 3.0 went live as could others. Your telling me no one testing it could see this comming? No Dev could see this comming? Yet I could a month before it went live?
PvP XP exploit.........I pointed that out to HA! Your telling me that my information is "nonfact" and should be surpressed and that no one saw these problems when even I did not playing the game atleast a month before the patch went live. Your telling me you test these patches and you can't see them, I don't even have an account anymore and I could see them. I posted about them. Others did on TL and on the official forums and on here. Deny all you want, the proof is out there and you are the one with unsupported statements, or I guess you prefer "nonfacts".
Anyways lol I saw the problems as did many others, I guess since I can't post links to the TL forums the above will have to do as an example. I guess that you can deny me saying that a month before 3.0 went live even though I have a link that leads you to the original post and all.
You are so mixed up that there is no coming back my friend. I don't even know where to start on your wall of text. And yes I do play TL, almost exclusively. Do I want to FIGHT with you.. Do I want to do the good old teenNerd-forumslap-fight... No, I will suffice to say that you are still very much off the facts.
You are also still very wrong on how Criminal points are dealt . There is no way you can get criminal counts for killing innocents that are >7 levels lower than you. For the exploit, no I did not catch it as did not the 100 other guys. Your point is moot and I encourage you to resub if you think you can test so much better. It would also probably be a good idea since you obviously enjoy the role of expert commentator on AoC from the passenger seat. Look if you have not played in a month, you have missed over 10 minipatches on TL so I think I would be a bit more carefull explaining how things work when you actually are quite outdated.
Ok lol, a month ago the talk was that the criminal system was going to work like this. You attack anyone not a murder/criminal you got a criminal debuff which lasted a short time. If you killed a player 7+ levels below you, then you got murder counters. AoE's were tossed back and forth between not counting against you (allowing for griefing and ganking in other ways) or counting against you (Allowing for reverse Ganking) they eventualy settled on counting against you (Allowing for reverse ganking which did in fact take place).
Bottom line I saw the issue's you claim no one saw, others that also say they play TL saw them and have said they posted about them. You claim they are liars, before you go "I never said that" I would like to point out that many have said they posted about these issue's on TL you claim no one did, which means you are calling several people liars. The fact that I could see it from mechanics alone leads me to believe them over you. I hope you can accept that. It would be very sad if you were right though, I mean that would mean the Dev's and TL testers are for more incompetent than I could imagine.
But w/e lol moving on, don't worry man I won't be comming back to this forum. As you can tell I am no longer waiting on server merge's, I no longer have an interest in this game. FC will never learn from there past mistakes if there still making them. You and others support there neglegence so I will leave you to the sub par performance and game you seem to enjoy so much. I can't believe you asked me to resub, not only that but you want me to go to TL lol. That will have me laughing for some time. In the past when I have been a dedicated tester like FC needs on there TL server I got compensated, some times with cash some times with free accounts. Your doing work for a company that makes you pay for the privledge and you have the audacity to insult my intellegence by asking me to pay to work durring my free time for a company that won't even listen when you point out the flaws. I'm out Trans lol was ok while it lasted I hope you continue getting enjoyment out of the game, just don't go around insulting others intellegence with asinine requests that others join in your pay to work program, or rather pay to work and be ignored program lol. To top it all off the forum mods even blame the TL players for the flaws making it to live lol. I don't know what to say lol, you can defend them after blaiming you.... thats a dedicated fan lol.
Take care guys, wish FC made a decent game but they didn't and they can't seem to fix it so I am moving on.
Seriously explain whats so complex about AoC. What makes it more complex then WoW? I can't belive you ask this question after having been going on and on about programming. If you do not realize why a complex graphics engine like in AoC is so impressive compared to WOW you have to read up a bit. Read up on 3D graphics, rendering en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_computer_graphics and you will understand at what cost the RL shaped objects in AoC comes comes with compared to the edged objects in WoW. Also the higher quality color scheme, reflections, shade adds on top of this. Every object in the universe of AoC requires 3D matrix array holding tensors that is 10000 times bigger than in WoW. Start to imagine you also want your items to animate or simply project the item from an different angle (which would happen if you run past it). You would have to rotate the whole monstrum of an tensor to make that happen. The computing power required to rotate an item is tremendous. Half ass Wow Code would get away with non optimal code because the task is not demanding that much processing power and memory in the first place. If Wow code is low performant, todays hardware would be able to handle that anyway and Blizz get easily away with it. Well that's not the case in cutting edge graphics like in AoC. Everything must be in top shape or it will not even run. Moving on, why do you think AoC's animations are 10 times more fluent that in other games... Well it's because the objects or the matrixes mentioned before are projected to different angles (rotation) with much higher resolution. So not only is the computation involved in the rotation much more demanding but it is also done 10 times more often. I could go on and on.. When a AoC character has so many more parameters to change in character creation, what do you think that does to the animation and above discussed tensors, when a sword look like a real sword what do you think would happen to the swords tensors... and so on and so on. My friend there is a reason for why AoC is +50 GB of software while WOW hardly is 10 even with it's much larger world that gradually have been expanded over the last 4 years. I can't stand WoW myself, I use to think better of AoC then WoW, now I think less of it then WoW. There in the process of converting the game over to a WoW clone with pixelated partial nudity and gore. Whats so complex about that? You do realize that pixelated nudity, means a nude character with poor resolution. That is absoluted not the case in AoC. Graphics are absolutely flawless. And by the way, the tensors and 3D matrix arrays I talked about before are going to be equaly complex regardless of your object in the worlds is a dwarfwoman or a big nippled AoC breast. I played on TL as well and I still do on occasion on a friends account. Guess what, they are told by the testers the problems are there, repeatedly, half the time I can see the problems before ever playing it on TL just by reading the notes. They are beyond incompetent at times. I mean some of you fanboi's were trying to tell me I was wrong about reverse ganking, that AoE's wouldn't pose a problem and telling me I was wrong about many other things. This was before even playing it on TL. I then played it a week after my predicitions saw some of my concerns already posted so I left it be, there's no way a proffesional company would go live with it in the state it was. Yet they DID go live with it. The completely ignored there testers responses. I mean sure they let players test it for a good while. When the reports come in FC seems to simply say, well were programers and there just players, there's no way there are this many problems with it and they go live with it. When the rest of the community steps up and says WTF! Then FC plays moderator nazi and go into denial. Everythings working as intended, nothing to see here folks. Then when they start losing subs they go, Oh sorry we goofed, atleast were admitting it now, we will fix the problem soon. Some of the mods even go so far as to try and claim the reason the problems go live is because of the lack of testers on TL and the lack of QUALITY testers on TL. I play TL as well and I see none of what you describe. We just have to agree to disagree here. As I said before, I have played on TL in other games also (WoW as well) and the amount of bugs are the same, with one difference FC test longer and eventually kill more of those bugs before they are patched to Live. So I guess your right, they do test longer than some other companies. Most other companies I have done test servers for tend to get it mostly right the first time and there is little to fix. I don't always agree with the content of the patch but devs in general don't want feedback on the content just the technical side of it. They do listen and fix the problems for the most part atleast on there test servers. No comment, see above. Regardless, FC screws up and deny's it each and every time until it grows into a serious problem. They haven't learned jack in all this time. Once it becomes a problem the first people that tend to get blamed (By the mods atleast) are those on TL and those not on TL. When people that were on TL reply they already posted on the problem and reported as did many others the mods shut up. FC comes in and says theres a patch on the way it's on TL now. The problem is they do this each friggin time. Why have a TL if your not going to listen to the F'n people testing???? I am sorry Transporter I just don't see any proffesionalism from FC. You are correct that the above and everything I post about AoC and FC are just my opinions. The problem is there are more people that agree with my opinion of FC and AoC than disagree, Atleast a good bit of my opinion. Listen or don't listen it matters not to me. I've said what I wanted to say. You can disagree all you want, you can think FC and AoC are great all you want, the problem is of course that is just YOUR opinion. No comment, this is rant
GrayGhost this is going to be my last reply to you because you prove over and over again that you are not reading what people write to you and you also talk very openly about stuff you really don't know too much about as for graphics rendering. I suggest you try to discuss gameplay in future instead of making up all this anti AoC propaganda. As I said above, opinions are supposed to be shared at this forum but nonfacts as well as ignoranze really are supposed to be supressed.
Ah well I guess you are saying AoC is complex because they sacrificed the game play for graphics. Thats fine, you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. It is also funny how you say my opinions need to be surpressed lol. I am sorry you see them as "nonfacts" but the problem is the evidence was there for anyone to see. All you had to do was actually play on TL instead of simply claiming you did, also if you check the TL boards once in awhile the post are usualy there until mods deleted ... sorry meant "Move" them. Denial won't change facts. Hmm you know what let me check something out.
Read this..........
"People forget to mention the criminal counter isn't just for killing or attacking people 7 levels or lower than you. You get a criminal counter for attacking or killing anyone that isn't a murderer/criminal you just get more counters for killing or attacking players 7 levels or lower that aren't murderers/criminals.
Mechanics wise it just is way to exploitable with AoE's not triggering a criminal counter. If you don't fight back after the AoE and there much higher level they can kill you penalty free. If you do fight back you get a criminal counter.
Thats not even mentioning how the 100% more pvp xp from killing murderers is going to help fight clubbing out. All in all play Age of Conan because you like the IP or the content. If you playing just for the PvP your not going to like it long if at all."
At the time AoE's were changed so they wouldn't flag you as a criminal. After this they were switched back to flagging you as a criminal. Want to know the beauty of that quote? I'll tell you anyways, It's a quote from me 10-10-08
So your telling me I could see some of these flaws as they were on 10-10-08 INCLUDING the PvP Xp exploit yet, testers on TL couldn't, Devs couldn't, you couldn't? And just so you can't call BS here's the link.......
Now, this is only on MMORPG.com and it was almost a month ago. I can't do links to TL forums since I don't have an active AoC account anymore so my post a month ago will have to do.
Regardless I saw the problem with AoE's and posted a few times on it, one for the original form that flagged the higher level player a murder and allowed lowbie players to reverse gank by jumping into the AoE on person to flag the higher lvl player a criminal, and posted on the opposite, if they made it so AoE's did not flag then higher levels could use that as a means to continue griefing lowbies.
Guess what this did happen lol. I could see it almost a month before 3.0 went live as could others. Your telling me no one testing it could see this comming? No Dev could see this comming? Yet I could a month before it went live?
PvP XP exploit.........I pointed that out to HA! Your telling me that my information is "nonfact" and should be surpressed and that no one saw these problems when even I did not playing the game atleast a month before the patch went live. Your telling me you test these patches and you can't see them, I don't even have an account anymore and I could see them. I posted about them. Others did on TL and on the official forums and on here. Deny all you want, the proof is out there and you are the one with unsupported statements, or I guess you prefer "nonfacts".
Anyways lol I saw the problems as did many others, I guess since I can't post links to the TL forums the above will have to do as an example. I guess that you can deny me saying that a month before 3.0 went live even though I have a link that leads you to the original post and all.
You are so mixed up that there is no coming back my friend. I don't even know where to start on your wall of text. And yes I do play TL, almost exclusively. Do I want to FIGHT with you.. Do I want to do the good old teenNerd-forumslap-fight... No, I will suffice to say that you are still very much off the facts.
You are also still very wrong on how Criminal points are dealt . There is no way you can get criminal counts for killing innocents that are >7 levels lower than you. For the exploit, no I did not catch it as did not the 100 other guys. Your point is moot and I encourage you to resub if you think you can test so much better. It would also probably be a good idea since you obviously enjoy the role of expert commentator on AoC from the passenger seat. Look if you have not played in a month, you have missed over 10 minipatches on TL so I think I would be a bit more carefull explaining how things work when you actually are quite outdated.
Ok lol, a month ago the talk was that the criminal system was going to work like this. You attack anyone not a murder/criminal you got a criminal debuff which lasted a short time. If you killed a player 7+ levels below you, then you got murder counters. AoE's were tossed back and forth between not counting against you (allowing for griefing and ganking in other ways) or counting against you (Allowing for reverse Ganking) they eventualy settled on counting against you (Allowing for reverse ganking which did in fact take place).
Bottom line I saw the issue's you claim no one saw, others that also say they play TL saw them and have said they posted about them. You claim they are liars, before you go "I never said that" I would like to point out that many have said they posted about these issue's on TL you claim no one did, which means you are calling several people liars. The fact that I could see it from mechanics alone leads me to believe them over you. I hope you can accept that. It would be very sad if you were right though, I mean that would mean the Dev's and TL testers are for more incompetent than I could imagine.
But w/e lol moving on, don't worry man I won't be comming back to this forum. As you can tell I am no longer waiting on server merge's, I no longer have an interest in this game. FC will never learn from there past mistakes if there still making them. You and others support there neglegence so I will leave you to the sub par performance and game you seem to enjoy so much. I can't believe you asked me to resub, not only that but you want me to go to TL lol. That will have me laughing for some time. In the past when I have been a dedicated tester like FC needs on there TL server I got compensated, some times with cash some times with free accounts. Your doing work for a company that makes you pay for the privledge and you have the audacity to insult my intellegence by asking me to pay to work durring my free time for a company that won't even listen when you point out the flaws. I'm out Trans lol was ok while it lasted I hope you continue getting enjoyment out of the game, just don't go around insulting others intellegence with asinine requests that others join in your pay to work program, or rather pay to work and be ignored program lol. To top it all off the forum mods even blame the TL players for the flaws making it to live lol. I don't know what to say lol, you can defend them after blaiming you.... thats a dedicated fan lol.
Take care guys, wish FC made a decent game but they didn't and they can't seem to fix it so I am moving on.
Don't you worry the only guy that have called anybody a liar here is you. ANd again you wrote up something that was not even remotely related to what I very dilligently answered you on before (as in gameplay is non complex in AoC). Look you have to converse man. Otherwise a discussion is pointless, regardless of how many lol lol lol you put in your text. If you move on great, thats what I would do if I found a game I did not like. If you want to be AoC expert, the only thing that makes sense is that you resub.
Finally there is a difference between insulting someone and challenging someone. If someone post away stuff that to you think is off the reality, there is nothing wrong about bringing that to the attention of the poster and other people in the forum.
I'm sure if they had the same budget and resources as Blizzard, they could have made a game just as good as WoW. "
But then "Hell no", there's more to making a good game than just throwing money at the project.. A crapload of money was spent on Vanguard, and look what happened there.
Sometimes the developers just plain suck, and have no idea how to make a fun game or even one with well thought out mechanics.
Well honestly I think subs would increase by a lot. Many would return because FC isn't really considerd a professional company anymore lol. There would be more optimism regarding fix's and additional content. While I personaly do not like WoW even I have to say that Blizzard has done a great job. FC ...... well no one can say they have done a great job, not many are even willing to say they even tried to do a decent job.
lol. FC made me play a PC game religiously, something Blizzard has not even been close to. I think me and all other AoC fans would have a word or two against you here.
No worries, I know some out there can tolerate bad programing, I just can't. While I don't like Blizzards take on MMO's style wise, they are far superior to FC prgroming and managment wise.
I would rather have someone that atleast had a moderate understanding of programing working on the game rather than the current monkies in diapers just mashing keys at random.
Besides, you realise that AoC is going the WoW route now anyways. They have dumbed down combat already, there working on making items more important than skill next. So.... not really much difference if Blizzard did take over, the big difference would be
1) Better programers
2) Better managment
3) Loss of pixalated Boobs
4) Maybe the loss of the sad FFA PvP attempt FC made. (they tried lol but didn't quite get it right so it's sad and laughable)
So....... I guess since everything else will be better....... Your against it because of the loss of pixalated boobs......
In any case lol, Blizzard is by far the better of the two companies. I don't like there style, but atleast there chit works as intended for the most part.
The more I read of your posts GreyGhost, the more I realize that you have little understanding of what you are talking about. A software working flawlessly is not equivalent to that the programmers are fantastic. We are really back to, that if you try to program Pacman that is fare more easy than if you try to program a game with close to MovieTheater realism. AoC is 10 times more complex than other MMO's out there, so how can you say that the AoC programmers are subpar. In my eyes AoC's programmers are probably some of the more competent people out there right now.
The rest of your points are just plain out wrong and juvenile so I'll refrain to respond, but let me just tell you that your posting style and form are quickly moving toward what Lumache, orzo and other forum trolls are cranking out.
Your right, it's so complex they can't get it to work........
Seriously though lol the AI is sub par, the quests are pretty standard. Whats so complex?
The worse FC does the less I respect them. I guess my posts are reflecting that. Compare me to whom you will, I speak my mind. If you don't like it don't read it.
FC has been pretty horrible with the programing so far, if your saying thats only because AoC is to complicated for them.... then I really don't know what to say. If the game is to complicated for them, maybe they should have done something a bit more simple.
It's not just there programing either, there managment is just horrid. I mean the problems with 3.0 were explained in detail by many. They knew they were there. They released before the patch was ready, so there making the same mistakes over and over. I am fine with people making mistakes but for the love of all that is holy atleast try to learn from your mistake.
Anyways, I am lossing what respect I had left for FC so my posts are showing that I am sorry this upsets you.
By the Way it's GrayGhost not with an E, with an A.
Nobody is upset and by the way your last post which is as negative as the previous post is totally ok because you convey a opinion rather than erronous facts. As I said before you cant claim that the makers of tetris are fantastic programmers just because something is not up to par (in your oppinion) in AoC. I on the other hand play TL as I have played many other TL servers of other games and I do not see more bugs from FC than others. Pretty much the same, but there is one important difference and that is in fact that FC test more, which is a good thing.
Seriously explain whats so complex about AoC. What makes it more complex then WoW?
I can't belive you ask this question after having been going on and on about programming. If you do not realize why a complex graphics engine like in AoC is so impressive compared to WOW you have to read up a bit. Read up on 3D graphics, rendering en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_computer_graphics and you will understand at what cost the RL shaped objects in AoC comes comes with compared to the edged objects in WoW. Also the higher quality color scheme, reflections, shade adds on top of this. Every object in the universe of AoC requires 3D matrix array holding tensors that is 10000 times bigger than in WoW. Start to imagine you also want your items to animate or simply project the item from an different angle (which would happen if you run past it). You would have to rotate the whole monstrum of an tensor to make that happen. The computing power required to rotate an item is tremendous. Half ass Wow Code would get away with non optimal code because the task is not demanding that much processing power and memory in the first place. If Wow code is low performant, todays hardware would be able to handle that anyway and Blizz get easily away with it. Well that's not the case in cutting edge graphics like in AoC. Everything must be in top shape or it will not even run.
Moving on, why do you think AoC's animations are 10 times more fluent that in other games... Well it's because the objects or the matrixes mentioned before are projected to different angles (rotation) with much higher resolution. So not only is the computation involved in the rotation much more demanding but it is also done 10 times more often.
I could go on and on.. When a AoC character has so many more parameters to change in character creation, what do you think that does to the animation and above discussed tensors, when a sword look like a real sword what do you think would happen to the swords tensors... and so on and so on. My friend there is a reason for why AoC is +50 GB of software while WOW hardly is 10 even with it's much larger world that gradually have been expanded over the last 4 years.
I can't stand WoW myself, I use to think better of AoC then WoW, now I think less of it then WoW. There in the process of converting the game over to a WoW clone with pixelated partial nudity and gore. Whats so complex about that?
You do realize that pixelated nudity, means a nude character with poor resolution. That is absoluted not the case in AoC. Graphics are absolutely flawless. And by the way, the tensors and 3D matrix arrays I talked about before are going to be equaly complex regardless of your object in the worlds is a dwarfwoman or a big nippled AoC breast.
I played on TL as well and I still do on occasion on a friends account. Guess what, they are told by the testers the problems are there, repeatedly, half the time I can see the problems before ever playing it on TL just by reading the notes. They are beyond incompetent at times. I mean some of you fanboi's were trying to tell me I was wrong about reverse ganking, that AoE's wouldn't pose a problem and telling me I was wrong about many other things. This was before even playing it on TL. I then played it a week after my predicitions saw some of my concerns already posted so I left it be, there's no way a proffesional company would go live with it in the state it was. Yet they DID go live with it. The completely ignored there testers responses. I mean sure they let players test it for a good while. When the reports come in FC seems to simply say, well were programers and there just players, there's no way there are this many problems with it and they go live with it. When the rest of the community steps up and says WTF! Then FC plays moderator nazi and go into denial. Everythings working as intended, nothing to see here folks. Then when they start losing subs they go, Oh sorry we goofed, atleast were admitting it now, we will fix the problem soon. Some of the mods even go so far as to try and claim the reason the problems go live is because of the lack of testers on TL and the lack of QUALITY testers on TL.
I play TL as well and I see none of what you describe. We just have to agree to disagree here. As I said before, I have played on TL in other games also (WoW as well) and the amount of bugs are the same, with one difference FC test longer and eventually kill more of those bugs before they are patched to Live.
So I guess your right, they do test longer than some other companies. Most other companies I have done test servers for tend to get it mostly right the first time and there is little to fix. I don't always agree with the content of the patch but devs in general don't want feedback on the content just the technical side of it. They do listen and fix the problems for the most part atleast on there test servers.
No comment, see above.
Regardless, FC screws up and deny's it each and every time until it grows into a serious problem. They haven't learned jack in all this time. Once it becomes a problem the first people that tend to get blamed (By the mods atleast) are those on TL and those not on TL. When people that were on TL reply they already posted on the problem and reported as did many others the mods shut up. FC comes in and says theres a patch on the way it's on TL now. The problem is they do this each friggin time. Why have a TL if your not going to listen to the F'n people testing????
I am sorry Transporter I just don't see any proffesionalism from FC.
You are correct that the above and everything I post about AoC and FC are just my opinions. The problem is there are more people that agree with my opinion of FC and AoC than disagree, Atleast a good bit of my opinion.
Listen or don't listen it matters not to me. I've said what I wanted to say. You can disagree all you want, you can think FC and AoC are great all you want, the problem is of course that is just YOUR opinion.
No comment, this is rant
GrayGhost this is going to be my last reply to you because you prove over and over again that you are not reading what people write to you and you also talk very openly about stuff you really don't know too much about as for graphics rendering. I suggest you try to discuss gameplay in future instead of making up all this anti AoC propaganda. As I said above, opinions are supposed to be shared at this forum but nonfacts as well as ignoranze really are supposed to be supressed.
Ah well I guess you are saying AoC is complex because they sacrificed the game play for graphics. Thats fine, you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. It is also funny how you say my opinions need to be surpressed lol. I am sorry you see them as "nonfacts" but the problem is the evidence was there for anyone to see. All you had to do was actually play on TL instead of simply claiming you did, also if you check the TL boards once in awhile the post are usualy there until mods deleted ... sorry meant "Move" them. Denial won't change facts. Hmm you know what let me check something out.
Read this..........
"People forget to mention the criminal counter isn't just for killing or attacking people 7 levels or lower than you. You get a criminal counter for attacking or killing anyone that isn't a murderer/criminal you just get more counters for killing or attacking players 7 levels or lower that aren't murderers/criminals.
Mechanics wise it just is way to exploitable with AoE's not triggering a criminal counter. If you don't fight back after the AoE and there much higher level they can kill you penalty free. If you do fight back you get a criminal counter.
Thats not even mentioning how the 100% more pvp xp from killing murderers is going to help fight clubbing out. All in all play Age of Conan because you like the IP or the content. If you playing just for the PvP your not going to like it long if at all."
At the time AoE's were changed so they wouldn't flag you as a criminal. After this they were switched back to flagging you as a criminal. Want to know the beauty of that quote? I'll tell you anyways, It's a quote from me 10-10-08
So your telling me I could see some of these flaws as they were on 10-10-08 INCLUDING the PvP Xp exploit yet, testers on TL couldn't, Devs couldn't, you couldn't? And just so you can't call BS here's the link.......
Now, this is only on MMORPG.com and it was almost a month ago. I can't do links to TL forums since I don't have an active AoC account anymore so my post a month ago will have to do.
Regardless I saw the problem with AoE's and posted a few times on it, one for the original form that flagged the higher level player a murder and allowed lowbie players to reverse gank by jumping into the AoE on person to flag the higher lvl player a criminal, and posted on the opposite, if they made it so AoE's did not flag then higher levels could use that as a means to continue griefing lowbies.
Guess what this did happen lol. I could see it almost a month before 3.0 went live as could others. Your telling me no one testing it could see this comming? No Dev could see this comming? Yet I could a month before it went live?
PvP XP exploit.........I pointed that out to HA! Your telling me that my information is "nonfact" and should be surpressed and that no one saw these problems when even I did not playing the game atleast a month before the patch went live. Your telling me you test these patches and you can't see them, I don't even have an account anymore and I could see them. I posted about them. Others did on TL and on the official forums and on here. Deny all you want, the proof is out there and you are the one with unsupported statements, or I guess you prefer "nonfacts".
Anyways lol I saw the problems as did many others, I guess since I can't post links to the TL forums the above will have to do as an example. I guess that you can deny me saying that a month before 3.0 went live even though I have a link that leads you to the original post and all.
You are so mixed up that there is no coming back my friend. I don't even know where to start on your wall of text. And yes I do play TL, almost exclusively. Do I want to FIGHT with you.. Do I want to do the good old teenNerd-forumslap-fight... No, I will suffice to say that you are still very much off the facts.
You are also still very wrong on how Criminal points are dealt . There is no way you can get criminal counts for killing innocents that are >7 levels lower than you. For the exploit, no I did not catch it as did not the 100 other guys. Your point is moot and I encourage you to resub if you think you can test so much better. It would also probably be a good idea since you obviously enjoy the role of expert commentator on AoC from the passenger seat. Look if you have not played in a month, you have missed over 10 minipatches on TL so I think I would be a bit more carefull explaining how things work when you actually are quite outdated.
Ok lol, a month ago the talk was that the criminal system was going to work like this. You attack anyone not a murder/criminal you got a criminal debuff which lasted a short time. If you killed a player 7+ levels below you, then you got murder counters. AoE's were tossed back and forth between not counting against you (allowing for griefing and ganking in other ways) or counting against you (Allowing for reverse Ganking) they eventualy settled on counting against you (Allowing for reverse ganking which did in fact take place).
Bottom line I saw the issue's you claim no one saw, others that also say they play TL saw them and have said they posted about them. You claim they are liars, before you go "I never said that" I would like to point out that many have said they posted about these issue's on TL you claim no one did, which means you are calling several people liars. The fact that I could see it from mechanics alone leads me to believe them over you. I hope you can accept that. It would be very sad if you were right though, I mean that would mean the Dev's and TL testers are for more incompetent than I could imagine.
But w/e lol moving on, don't worry man I won't be comming back to this forum. As you can tell I am no longer waiting on server merge's, I no longer have an interest in this game. FC will never learn from there past mistakes if there still making them. You and others support there neglegence so I will leave you to the sub par performance and game you seem to enjoy so much. I can't believe you asked me to resub, not only that but you want me to go to TL lol. That will have me laughing for some time. In the past when I have been a dedicated tester like FC needs on there TL server I got compensated, some times with cash some times with free accounts. Your doing work for a company that makes you pay for the privledge and you have the audacity to insult my intellegence by asking me to pay to work durring my free time for a company that won't even listen when you point out the flaws. I'm out Trans lol was ok while it lasted I hope you continue getting enjoyment out of the game, just don't go around insulting others intellegence with asinine requests that others join in your pay to work program, or rather pay to work and be ignored program lol. To top it all off the forum mods even blame the TL players for the flaws making it to live lol. I don't know what to say lol, you can defend them after blaiming you.... thats a dedicated fan lol.
Take care guys, wish FC made a decent game but they didn't and they can't seem to fix it so I am moving on.
GrayGhost this is going to be my last reply to you because you prove over and over again that you are not reading what people write to you and you also talk very openly about stuff you really don't know too much about as for graphics rendering. I suggest you try to discuss gameplay in future instead of making up all this anti AoC propaganda. As I said above, opinions are supposed to be shared at this forum but nonfacts as well as ignoranze really are supposed to be supressed.
Ah well I guess you are saying AoC is complex because they sacrificed the game play for graphics. Thats fine, you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. It is also funny how you say my opinions need to be surpressed lol. I am sorry you see them as "nonfacts" but the problem is the evidence was there for anyone to see. All you had to do was actually play on TL instead of simply claiming you did, also if you check the TL boards once in awhile the post are usualy there until mods deleted ... sorry meant "Move" them. Denial won't change facts. Hmm you know what let me check something out.
Read this..........
"People forget to mention the criminal counter isn't just for killing or attacking people 7 levels or lower than you. You get a criminal counter for attacking or killing anyone that isn't a murderer/criminal you just get more counters for killing or attacking players 7 levels or lower that aren't murderers/criminals.
Mechanics wise it just is way to exploitable with AoE's not triggering a criminal counter. If you don't fight back after the AoE and there much higher level they can kill you penalty free. If you do fight back you get a criminal counter.
Thats not even mentioning how the 100% more pvp xp from killing murderers is going to help fight clubbing out. All in all play Age of Conan because you like the IP or the content. If you playing just for the PvP your not going to like it long if at all."
At the time AoE's were changed so they wouldn't flag you as a criminal. After this they were switched back to flagging you as a criminal. Want to know the beauty of that quote? I'll tell you anyways, It's a quote from me 10-10-08
So your telling me I could see some of these flaws as they were on 10-10-08 INCLUDING the PvP Xp exploit yet, testers on TL couldn't, Devs couldn't, you couldn't? And just so you can't call BS here's the link.......
Now, this is only on MMORPG.com and it was almost a month ago. I can't do links to TL forums since I don't have an active AoC account anymore so my post a month ago will have to do.
Regardless I saw the problem with AoE's and posted a few times on it, one for the original form that flagged the higher level player a murder and allowed lowbie players to reverse gank by jumping into the AoE on person to flag the higher lvl player a criminal, and posted on the opposite, if they made it so AoE's did not flag then higher levels could use that as a means to continue griefing lowbies.
Guess what this did happen lol. I could see it almost a month before 3.0 went live as could others. Your telling me no one testing it could see this comming? No Dev could see this comming? Yet I could a month before it went live?
PvP XP exploit.........I pointed that out to HA! Your telling me that my information is "nonfact" and should be surpressed and that no one saw these problems when even I did not playing the game atleast a month before the patch went live. Your telling me you test these patches and you can't see them, I don't even have an account anymore and I could see them. I posted about them. Others did on TL and on the official forums and on here. Deny all you want, the proof is out there and you are the one with unsupported statements, or I guess you prefer "nonfacts".
Anyways lol I saw the problems as did many others, I guess since I can't post links to the TL forums the above will have to do as an example. I guess that you can deny me saying that a month before 3.0 went live even though I have a link that leads you to the original post and all.
You are so mixed up that there is no coming back my friend. I don't even know where to start on your wall of text. And yes I do play TL, almost exclusively. Do I want to FIGHT with you.. Do I want to do the good old teenNerd-forumslap-fight... No, I will suffice to say that you are still very much off the facts.
You are also still very wrong on how Criminal points are dealt . There is no way you can get criminal counts for killing innocents that are >7 levels lower than you. For the exploit, no I did not catch it as did not the 100 other guys. Your point is moot and I encourage you to resub if you think you can test so much better. It would also probably be a good idea since you obviously enjoy the role of expert commentator on AoC from the passenger seat. Look if you have not played in a month, you have missed over 10 minipatches on TL so I think I would be a bit more carefull explaining how things work when you actually are quite outdated.
Ok lol, a month ago the talk was that the criminal system was going to work like this. You attack anyone not a murder/criminal you got a criminal debuff which lasted a short time. If you killed a player 7+ levels below you, then you got murder counters. AoE's were tossed back and forth between not counting against you (allowing for griefing and ganking in other ways) or counting against you (Allowing for reverse Ganking) they eventualy settled on counting against you (Allowing for reverse ganking which did in fact take place).
Bottom line I saw the issue's you claim no one saw, others that also say they play TL saw them and have said they posted about them. You claim they are liars, before you go "I never said that" I would like to point out that many have said they posted about these issue's on TL you claim no one did, which means you are calling several people liars. The fact that I could see it from mechanics alone leads me to believe them over you. I hope you can accept that. It would be very sad if you were right though, I mean that would mean the Dev's and TL testers are for more incompetent than I could imagine.
But w/e lol moving on, don't worry man I won't be comming back to this forum. As you can tell I am no longer waiting on server merge's, I no longer have an interest in this game. FC will never learn from there past mistakes if there still making them. You and others support there neglegence so I will leave you to the sub par performance and game you seem to enjoy so much. I can't believe you asked me to resub, not only that but you want me to go to TL lol. That will have me laughing for some time. In the past when I have been a dedicated tester like FC needs on there TL server I got compensated, some times with cash some times with free accounts. Your doing work for a company that makes you pay for the privledge and you have the audacity to insult my intellegence by asking me to pay to work durring my free time for a company that won't even listen when you point out the flaws. I'm out Trans lol was ok while it lasted I hope you continue getting enjoyment out of the game, just don't go around insulting others intellegence with asinine requests that others join in your pay to work program, or rather pay to work and be ignored program lol. To top it all off the forum mods even blame the TL players for the flaws making it to live lol. I don't know what to say lol, you can defend them after blaiming you.... thats a dedicated fan lol.
Take care guys, wish FC made a decent game but they didn't and they can't seem to fix it so I am moving on.
Don't you worry the only guy that have called anybody a liar here is you. ANd again you wrote up something that was not even remotely related to what I very dilligently answered you on before (as in gameplay is non complex in AoC). Look you have to converse man. Otherwise a discussion is pointless, regardless of how many lol lol lol you put in your text. If you move on great, thats what I would do if I found a game I did not like. If you want to be AoC expert, the only thing that makes sense is that you resub.
Finally there is a difference between insulting someone and challenging someone. If someone post away stuff that to you think is off the reality, there is nothing wrong about bringing that to the attention of the poster and other people in the forum.
I'm sure if they had the same budget and resources as Blizzard, they could have made a game just as good as WoW. "
But then "Hell no", there's more to making a good game than just throwing money at the project.. A crapload of money was spent on Vanguard, and look what happened there.
Sometimes the developers just plain suck, and have no idea how to make a fun game or even one with well thought out mechanics.