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I just decided to start playing FFXI. Before I start, I have a few questions which are listed below. Please excuse me if you can't tell what I'm asking, I don't know the slang and terms of FFXI yet. Thanks everybody.
1. Do many people RolePlay?
2. What are the bosses like? How tough are they?
3. Where is a good place to learn about the game ?
4. What is there to do exacly?
5.What is a good world to play on? Where can I learn about servers so I can chose one?
6. If possible, describe what the different group jpbs are like. (Tank, damage dealer, healer, support...)
The only advice I can give you as far as FFXI is concerned is - don't play it!
This game is group based. Okay, that's not a bad thing really. It can be good for a game that truely encourages group gameplay. But... this game takes it to the extreme.
Basically, if you don't have a group of equal level players... you don't level. if you don't level, you can't do quests. It's just that simple friend.
So, yeah, finding a group isn't so hard for you, so it isn't a problem? Wrong! It's a major 4ucking problem! Why? Because you can't just group up with any old person and expect that to be that. You have to have a Tank, a Nuke, and a Healer. You have to have these... you have to! Don't let someone tell you they can get by without it - it's a lie, unless they have some special Job unlocked that does two of those jobs at once.
So, the problem is getting one of each of these classes to the hunting ground. You'll spend 3 hours (or more, now since you won't find any low level players probably) finding the group, then you'll spend probably another hour waiting for them to get to you, then you'll spend another hour with this group, gaining minimal XP, for monsters that you should be able to kill by yourself.
*Sigh* This is a really great game - I wish I could stomach it. But the truth is, unless you know some people who play religionsly, or have at least two friends who will devote the time with you... I honestly wouldn't bother, and I would look for something else.
Oh yeah, that doesn't even talk about how hard it is to set the game up. You'll install the game, then spend about 2 hours updating the Online Service that allows you to talk to people and basically get into the game, spend another hour trying to figure out how to make an account, then spend about 20 hours on updating the game. So, the short of it is, you'll spend about 2 days just getting the game up and running, and then spend about 2 more days in the game and realise you can't go any further because you can't find anyone to play with.
To sum up what the over poster was trying to say...I think....hard to tell in that jumbled up mess (and ignoring all the lies and bashing) is that you have to have patients to play FFXI.
FFXI is not a carbon copy of other MMOs and it is more than just a game; its a world.
The first 10 levels of the game are for you to learn how to move about the world and interact with it. You will solo or duo during this time, and do a few missions and quests around the starting city you choose. After that you are pretty much 'forced' to party up with other adventures. ( you CAN SOLO, YOU CAN, don't believe anyone that says otherwise. You just have to play a Job that can solo and there are a few that can)
Finding a party in FFXI is a lot easier now with the level Synch system. Which lets higher level players come down to your level and party with you. I have not had to wait more than 20min to find a party ( or make my own, which you will have to do sometimes). There is not really a "Holy Trinity" for partying, there are so many jobs that can do dif. things and such you may end up with a DD as a tank ( I tank as a SAM/WAR if I have to ) being able to Sub Job makes it so you hardly group with the same combination. I recently restarted the game from scratch, so don't worry about being a new player in a old world. Others will take you under their wing if you put yourself out there and are willing to make friends.
The whole game is based off one rule: Interacting with the other players. If you cant do that then you will not like FFXI. You want to try and gain a reputation on the server you play on, make friends and network. Networking with your fellow players is the key to success, you WILL need to be friendly and helpful if you want to be successful.
Content...don't even get me started on content. There is so much content its unlikely you will finish everything in a year playing at least 4 hours a day (or more). read up on the stuff you can do beside level. To much to list. And End Game...FFXI doesnt have the normal 'End Game' it has 'Game' there is no 'End'...srsly don't bring the "WoW attitude" over to FFXI, it will only hold you back.
Quests and Missions, first of all you don't get experience for doing them. You are rewarded in story (meaningful story) and with items, extra bank slots, bag upgrades, teleport crystals and other useful things. This is prolly the only MMO that has a real story that impacts the world, srsly the story is wonderful if you get into it. I have been fishing, doing missions, unlocking areas and jobs for the past week, have not got a single experience point and i'm having a blast.
Controls are a little weird to get used to at first, but they are very very good after you learn them, come into FFXI with a open mind and it will be fine on that end. ( you don't use the mouse...well I do...but I also use a n52 and that allows me to play with my left hand )
Starting out in this world is rough, its a hard game, it takes time and dedication. But its also very rewarding. The community is wonderful ( if you are a nice person and you are eager to learn ) and is 2nd only to Ryzom in this regard.
Also, the game is easy to install and set up if you are not a complete idiot.
If I had to describe this game in one sentence it would be: "It's a Final Fantasy Game....only multiplayer."
PS: hope that clears up any misunderstandings and if you still have questions just ask. If you end up getting the game and starting on Leviathan shoot me a PM and ill try to help you out, like I said starting out can be rough.
Yeah just don't bring a WoW attitude to the game and you'll be fine. "Endgames" are for single player a MMORPG should go on forever.
If you like roleplaying lol then I guess I can install the game over and play with you. I could always use a good ol' chum to play with ("To Victory!!!").
Don't believe the stuff saying that this game was meant for multiplayer. You CAN solo things especially once you find a way to make money so that you can get the best items early on. The community is great and players are willing to help you unlike in other games. As with the final fantasy solo game the fanbase is not full of 10 yr old asshats or jerks, everyone is smart and intellectual so you'll enjoy yourself. Although I have met one or 2 asshats.
Everything is slow starting out, but there's a purpose for that. This is the type of game where you need to learn to play. You can't just jump in it and do everything.
Some of the bosses are extremely challenging, but not in a frustrating kind of way. The battles are amazing like in any other final fantasy game you've played.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Bingo. Exactly. Spot-On.
The *worst* thing a player can do when starting FFXI is attempt to play it as they would WoW, or LoTRO or any of the other so-called "casual friendly" MMOs.
I feel like a broken record with how often I make that recommendation to people, but it does bear repeating.
Go into FFXI with an open mind and build your playstyle for the game as it comes... Don't attempt to force your playstyle from another MMO into FFXI. It will not work.
The same goes for the End Game comment. That is a concept that post WoW players seem to have completely lost grasp of.
Single player games are designed to have an end game. MMOs - at least a good MMO - has no end because it's always expanding.
Single player games are short-term, 2-3 week affairs that you "finish" and move on from. MMOs were never designed to have an "end" and can potentially keep you playing for years without running out of things to do.
There's a reason why so many of the pre-WoW MMOs have people who've been playing them for 5, 6, 8 years, and are still going.
There's a reason why those who decide to try something new only return to their original game a short time later, citing "no depth", "too fast", "too easy", "crappy community" or "no community", etc. as their reasons.
Despite the claims of the newer crowd of MMO players, it's not because us "old-school" MMO players are masochists who like things to take forever, or treat them like a job.
It's because we're *not in a hurry to begin with*. We're enjoying the game and all it encompasses as we play it, no matter what we're doing.
Our idea of "fun" or "success" doesn't rest in how quickly we can reach end-game and get the most uber gear. That is a concept bred and nurtured purely from the impatient post-WoW, console-minded player who thinks everything should be faster and more soloable... ie. more like a console game or a FPS.
There is no finish line we're racing to cross. Our concept of "fun" comes from how much we're enjoying the journey, however long it takes.
Those issues simply don't exist (for the most part) with those who came to MMOs during the EQ, UO, AC days. Our enjoyment comes purely from playing the game and being part of the world and the community built around it.
MMOs now are designed almost like throw-away games. Extended repetitive end-game raid grinding notwithstanding, the concept of "longevity" is an obsolete concept in most newer MMOs.
People start them up already looking at reaching end-game quickly so they can be ready to hop to the next new MMO coming out next month, to repeat the same process over again.
Perhaps you have to come from the so-called "old-school" generation of MMO players to understand how completely odd that seems.
But anyway... Yeah :-p
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
I was a bit brash in what i said, but it was late and all that jazz. However, I will stand by most of what I said, because it was my honest experience with the game when I played it. Is it different now? Maybe... but I don't really know. I do know that there is a new tutorial type thing now, that wasn't there when I played, so maybe that helps the new players out some.
The problem with the groupign thing (like I said before) is you have to have a group. It is forced grouping, and the "solo" classes you spoke about before, from what I understand, have to be unlocked, which you don't do until you're level 30 in at least one other Job... which means you'll be forced to group until then, post lvl 10 (or thereabouts).
And about the "Holy Trinity" thing... again, maybe they've done some tweaking since I played, but that was only a year ago, so I'm not sure. Anyway, my experience in a group was pretty much this. If you didn't have a Tank of some sort, then your party would die because no one else can take the hit. If you don't have a Healer, then your party would die because your Tank needs to be healed... a lot. If you don't have a Nuke... it makes the process a lot harder than it needs to be, and your party still might die because your Healer will run out of Mana to heal the Tank before you kill the mob. -- Again, this was my experience in the game.
So then, you're talking to someone who is freshly starting the game. Most of the content in the game can't be done until you are at the very least, level 20, and probably level 40 if the truth were known. So, probably the first month or two of playing the game, will be the biggest grindfest of your life for leveling purposes, half of which you will spend looking for a group. Sure, finding a group might not be hard later on in the more advanced stages of the game, especially when you already have friends... But someone new coming into the game, not knowing anyone, having no proper gear, and no money to afford the inflated prices of the gear on the AH.... at this late period of the game's life - a noob player has a lot going against them, right out of the box.
Speaking of, and again, this might be different now, but setting up your account was a complete nightmare. It wasn't necissarily hard to understand, but you can easily get lost in the process. And the update was horrendous.
I didn't lie about my experience friend. I simply told the OP what I experienced with the game. If you had a different experience, then good for you. But I said what I said, because that's what happened to me.
On a brighter side, the game does have a lot going for it. You are correct when you say that no game can touch the content in this game. The world is friggin huge. It has amazing art design, and visuals that truely have stood the test of time. Nothing in the game feels... broken (which is a big plus). The music is pretty much better than anything else out there - but... well, it's Final Fantasy, so that would figure.
I really would like to love this game, but it's just a little too hardcore for me to even bother. I don't have that kind of time to play it, and I don't mean that condescendingly. Thus, my recommendation stands - don't bother with this game.
The problem with the groupign thing (like I said before) is you have to have a group. It is forced grouping, and the "solo" classes you spoke about before, from what I understand, have to be unlocked, which you don't do until you're level 30 in at least one other Job... which means you'll be forced to group until then, post lvl 10 (or thereabouts).
Well, it's your problem with it, perhaps. But not "a problem" in general.
It's a game focused on group effort. The group mechanics and even many quests or other activities are based around the combination of different skill sets, etc.
That's the way SE designed it and that's the way it plays. You either like it or you don't. There's no "problem" with it simply because it doesn't appeal to you, or anyone else.
And in another sense, there are ~500k players in FFXI, many who play it exactly for that reason and wouldn't have it any other way.
And about the "Holy Trinity" thing... again, maybe they've done some tweaking since I played, but that was only a year ago, so I'm not sure.
There are numerous different group setups that are viable now, depending on circumstances - such as what mobs you're fighting. I've been in parties where there was no "official tank". I've been in others where there's no one single healer responsible for keeping everyone alive, but 2 or 3 that were sorta sharing the duties. And various others.
It's as much a result of the players experimenting with the classes and seeing what they can do as it is SE putting in classes specifically suited to that role.
So then, you're talking to someone who is freshly starting the game. Most of the content in the game can't be done until you are at the very least, level 20, and probably level 40 if the truth were known.
Umm... "If the truth be known"...
... there's *plenty* of content from 1-20 and 1-40. You get your subjob unlocked at 18, you get your chocobo license at 20 and can start doing BCNMs. You start doing your rank missions as early as level 5 if you want. You can do numerous quests. You can do outpost runs. You can start crafting or digging or what-not. At level 30 you can begin doing the Chains of Promathia content by completing the Promyvions. Oh yeah... and there's leveling in there, too.
Need I continue?
All of those things are beneficial in one way or another to your character and are most certainly "content".
So, probably the first month or two of playing the game, will be the biggest grindfest of your life for leveling purposes, half of which you will spend looking for a group.
I'm going to nominate the above paragraph as an alternative definition for the term "gross exaggeration".
Even as a brand-new player to the game - at the NA PC launch when *everyone* outside of Japan was new to FFXI - it took me less than two weeks to hit 20 for the first time. And I'm a slow leveler. Nowadays you can do it inside of 2-3 days if you're dilligent enough.
Same goes for finding parties. There are slow times, but they are *not* nearly as bad as you (and others) portray them.
Sure, finding a group might not be hard later on in the more advanced stages of the game, especially when you already have friends... But someone new coming into the game, not knowing anyone, having no proper gear, and no money to afford the inflated prices of the gear on the AH.... at this late period of the game's life - a noob player has a lot going against them, right out of the box.
Again.. BS.
I'd say at least 80% of parties I've been in have been with people I've never met before... brand-new players or people who have been playing but I simply have never bumped into. And that has been at all levels - from level 10 right up to level 75.
Inflated prices of the AH? Oh, you mean the Jujitsu Gi I once bought for 450k that now goes for 50k? Or the Scorpion Harness that used to go for over 1 mil but you can buy, right this moment on Pandemonium, for around 140k? Are those the inflated prices you're talking about?
The economy *used* to be in really bad shape.. but SE has been dealing with the RMT very aggressively and the economy is now the least inflated it's been, even lower than it was when I first started.
I don't doubt it was bad when you played, but you really have to make sure your information is up-to-date before spouting it off as though it's current.
Also, with level sync, parties are easier to put together than ever - for new or experienced players.
Unforgiving for you.. Not unforgiving for everyone. And as I said earlier, with the addition of new classes and players experimenting more, many viable setups not based around that "holy trinity" build have surfaced.
I really would like to love this game, but it's just a little too hardcore for me to even bother. I don't have that kind of time to play it, and I don't mean that condescendingly. Thus, my recommendation stands - don't bother with this game.
This last paragraph amazes me.
Because you personally don't have the time and it's "too hardcore" for you... You'll recommend for others to not bother with it?
Basically, "It's not the kind of game I like, so you shouldn't play it either".
Do I even need to point out how ridiculous that is?
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
So I just picked this game up today and am a lvl 6 monk, currently, on Pandemonium. If you want to group up to level that'd be awesome. My toon's name is Immeril and I'm near .... the red town. Anyways, shoot me a tell if/when you start up, or anyone else that wants to group for that matter. So far it's kina boring soloing but that's nothing new for an MMO. Most people in the game seem to just ignore me and I haven't seen much of this player interaction and grouping yet, but I'm only 6 so I digress.
Woot! Go go Pandy
The "Red Town" would be San d'Oria. I assume you're an Elvaan, or did you go with something else?
In any case, I'll look ya up in game and perhaps say howdy.
Also... just fyi.. There's really no need to group up before level 10 or so. The game is deliberately designed to be solo'd for the first 10 levels, to allow you time to learn the game basics, learn your selected job, etc, before moving on to joining groups.
But anyway... Cool deal. Look forward to talking to ya in game
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Great posts Mike. It seems we think alike
I seen some of your other posts in other threads too. You're very informative. If this were the playstation forums I'd give Kudos
The problem with the groupign thing (like I said before) is you have to have a group. It is forced grouping, and the "solo" classes you spoke about before, from what I understand, have to be unlocked, which you don't do until you're level 30 in at least one other Job... which means you'll be forced to group until then, post lvl 10 (or thereabouts).
Well, it's your problem with it, perhaps. But not "a problem" in general.
It's a game focused on group effort. The group mechanics and even many quests or other activities are based around the combination of different skill sets, etc.
That's the way SE designed it and that's the way it plays. You either like it or you don't. There's no "problem" with it simply because it doesn't appeal to you, or anyone else.
And in another sense, there are ~500k players in FFXI, many who play it exactly for that reason and wouldn't have it any other way.
And about the "Holy Trinity" thing... again, maybe they've done some tweaking since I played, but that was only a year ago, so I'm not sure.
There are numerous different group setups that are viable now, depending on circumstances - such as what mobs you're fighting. I've been in parties where there was no "official tank". I've been in others where there's no one single healer responsible for keeping everyone alive, but 2 or 3 that were sorta sharing the duties. And various others.
It's as much a result of the players experimenting with the classes and seeing what they can do as it is SE putting in classes specifically suited to that role.
So then, you're talking to someone who is freshly starting the game. Most of the content in the game can't be done until you are at the very least, level 20, and probably level 40 if the truth were known.
Umm... "If the truth be known"...
... there's *plenty* of content from 1-20 and 1-40. You get your subjob unlocked at 18, you get your chocobo license at 20 and can start doing BCNMs. You start doing your rank missions as early as level 5 if you want. You can do numerous quests. You can do outpost runs. You can start crafting or digging or what-not. At level 30 you can begin doing the Chains of Promathia content by completing the Promyvions. Oh yeah... and there's leveling in there, too.
Need I continue?
All of those things are beneficial in one way or another to your character and are most certainly "content".
So, probably the first month or two of playing the game, will be the biggest grindfest of your life for leveling purposes, half of which you will spend looking for a group.
I'm going to nominate the above paragraph as an alternative definition for the term "gross exaggeration".
Even as a brand-new player to the game - at the NA PC launch when *everyone* outside of Japan was new to FFXI - it took me less than two weeks to hit 20 for the first time. And I'm a slow leveler. Nowadays you can do it inside of 2-3 days if you're dilligent enough.
Same goes for finding parties. There are slow times, but they are *not* nearly as bad as you (and others) portray them.
Sure, finding a group might not be hard later on in the more advanced stages of the game, especially when you already have friends... But someone new coming into the game, not knowing anyone, having no proper gear, and no money to afford the inflated prices of the gear on the AH.... at this late period of the game's life - a noob player has a lot going against them, right out of the box.
Again.. BS.
I'd say at least 80% of parties I've been in have been with people I've never met before... brand-new players or people who have been playing but I simply have never bumped into. And that has been at all levels - from level 10 right up to level 75.
Inflated prices of the AH? Oh, you mean the Jujitsu Gi I once bought for 450k that now goes for 50k? Or the Scorpion Harness that used to go for over 1 mil but you can buy, right this moment on Pandemonium, for around 140k? Are those the inflated prices you're talking about?
The economy *used* to be in really bad shape.. but SE has been dealing with the RMT very aggressively and the economy is now the least inflated it's been, even lower than it was when I first started.
I don't doubt it was bad when you played, but you really have to make sure your information is up-to-date before spouting it off as though it's current.
Also, with level sync, parties are easier to put together than ever - for new or experienced players.
Unforgiving for you.. Not unforgiving for everyone. And as I said earlier, with the addition of new classes and players experimenting more, many viable setups not based around that "holy trinity" build have surfaced.
I really would like to love this game, but it's just a little too hardcore for me to even bother. I don't have that kind of time to play it, and I don't mean that condescendingly. Thus, my recommendation stands - don't bother with this game.
This last paragraph amazes me.
Because you personally don't have the time and it's "too hardcore" for you... You'll recommend for others to not bother with it?
Basically, "It's not the kind of game I like, so you shouldn't play it either".
Do I even need to point out how ridiculous that is?
Are you dense? Do you even read what people say? Everything I said was completely true according to my experience with the game. Hell, I even bought it twice - both times I discovered what I didn't like about the game. And you know what? Both times, the reasons were exactly the same.
I'm not even going to go into a big essay about this, but yes, I will reaffirm my recomendation.
"I didn't like the game, so I recommend you don't try it. I didn't like the game because it had forced grouping and it took forever to find a group that worked."
I shouldn't have to spell it out to anyone... If you don't like forced grouping and waiting forever for a group, then you should not play this game. Moreover, don't take the word from someone who has been playing for five years, who has friends galore in-game, with probably a thousand linkshells at his disposal, thereby increasing his odds of successfully creating a group with equal level players a thousand times over, whose only experience with the game from a noob standpoint was back when the game launched five years ago, and there were thousands of other players who were also noobs and were looking for a group just the same. take it from someone who tried it recently, fresh and new, and came to this conclusion.
Lastly, I also didn't like the burrito supreme I ate from my local Taco Bell last night, so I recommend you don't eat there. I did not like my burrito supreme, because it tasted like shit. If you don't like your burrito supremes to taste like shit, then you should not eat at my local Taco Bell. That doesn't even mention the fact that I had to wait in line for 15 minutes, and then return it because they got my order wrong. You should listen to me, because I ate there last night and I have the most current and accurate opinion on how good the service and food is at my local Taco Bell. Could you eat at my local Taco Bell, even after hearing this information from someone with current and accurate first hand experience? Yes, you could eat there. But I don't recommend that you do.
The problem with the groupign thing (like I said before) is you have to have a group. It is forced grouping, and the "solo" classes you spoke about before, from what I understand, have to be unlocked, which you don't do until you're level 30 in at least one other Job... which means you'll be forced to group until then, post lvl 10 (or thereabouts).
Well, it's your problem with it, perhaps. But not "a problem" in general.
It's a game focused on group effort. The group mechanics and even many quests or other activities are based around the combination of different skill sets, etc.
That's the way SE designed it and that's the way it plays. You either like it or you don't. There's no "problem" with it simply because it doesn't appeal to you, or anyone else.
And in another sense, there are ~500k players in FFXI, many who play it exactly for that reason and wouldn't have it any other way.
And about the "Holy Trinity" thing... again, maybe they've done some tweaking since I played, but that was only a year ago, so I'm not sure.
There are numerous different group setups that are viable now, depending on circumstances - such as what mobs you're fighting. I've been in parties where there was no "official tank". I've been in others where there's no one single healer responsible for keeping everyone alive, but 2 or 3 that were sorta sharing the duties. And various others.
It's as much a result of the players experimenting with the classes and seeing what they can do as it is SE putting in classes specifically suited to that role.
So then, you're talking to someone who is freshly starting the game. Most of the content in the game can't be done until you are at the very least, level 20, and probably level 40 if the truth were known.
Umm... "If the truth be known"...
... there's *plenty* of content from 1-20 and 1-40. You get your subjob unlocked at 18, you get your chocobo license at 20 and can start doing BCNMs. You start doing your rank missions as early as level 5 if you want. You can do numerous quests. You can do outpost runs. You can start crafting or digging or what-not. At level 30 you can begin doing the Chains of Promathia content by completing the Promyvions. Oh yeah... and there's leveling in there, too.
Need I continue?
All of those things are beneficial in one way or another to your character and are most certainly "content".
So, probably the first month or two of playing the game, will be the biggest grindfest of your life for leveling purposes, half of which you will spend looking for a group.
I'm going to nominate the above paragraph as an alternative definition for the term "gross exaggeration".
Even as a brand-new player to the game - at the NA PC launch when *everyone* outside of Japan was new to FFXI - it took me less than two weeks to hit 20 for the first time. And I'm a slow leveler. Nowadays you can do it inside of 2-3 days if you're dilligent enough.
Same goes for finding parties. There are slow times, but they are *not* nearly as bad as you (and others) portray them.
Sure, finding a group might not be hard later on in the more advanced stages of the game, especially when you already have friends... But someone new coming into the game, not knowing anyone, having no proper gear, and no money to afford the inflated prices of the gear on the AH.... at this late period of the game's life - a noob player has a lot going against them, right out of the box.
Again.. BS.
I'd say at least 80% of parties I've been in have been with people I've never met before... brand-new players or people who have been playing but I simply have never bumped into. And that has been at all levels - from level 10 right up to level 75.
Inflated prices of the AH? Oh, you mean the Jujitsu Gi I once bought for 450k that now goes for 50k? Or the Scorpion Harness that used to go for over 1 mil but you can buy, right this moment on Pandemonium, for around 140k? Are those the inflated prices you're talking about?
The economy *used* to be in really bad shape.. but SE has been dealing with the RMT very aggressively and the economy is now the least inflated it's been, even lower than it was when I first started.
I don't doubt it was bad when you played, but you really have to make sure your information is up-to-date before spouting it off as though it's current.
Also, with level sync, parties are easier to put together than ever - for new or experienced players.
Unforgiving for you.. Not unforgiving for everyone. And as I said earlier, with the addition of new classes and players experimenting more, many viable setups not based around that "holy trinity" build have surfaced.
I really would like to love this game, but it's just a little too hardcore for me to even bother. I don't have that kind of time to play it, and I don't mean that condescendingly. Thus, my recommendation stands - don't bother with this game.
This last paragraph amazes me.
Because you personally don't have the time and it's "too hardcore" for you... You'll recommend for others to not bother with it?
Basically, "It's not the kind of game I like, so you shouldn't play it either".
Do I even need to point out how ridiculous that is?
Are you dense? Do you even read what people say? Everything I said was completely true according to my experience with the game. Hell, I even bought it twice - both times I discovered what I didn't like about the game. And you know what? Both times, the reasons were exactly the same.
I'm not even going to go into a big essay about this, but yes, I will reaffirm my recomendation.
"I didn't like the game, so I recommend you don't try it. I didn't like the game because it had forced grouping and it took forever to find a group that worked." Says you. I say different. Differing oppinions sure are crazy eh? That makes them just that, oppinions, not fact.
I shouldn't have to spell it out to anyone... If you don't like forced grouping and waiting forever for a group, then you should not play this game. Moreover, don't take the word from someone who has been playing for five years, who has friends galore in-game, with probably a thousand linkshells at his disposal, thereby increasing his odds of successfully creating a group with equal level players a thousand times over, whose only experience with the game from a noob standpoint was back when the game launched five years ago, and there were thousands of other players who were also noobs and were looking for a group just the same. take it from someone who tried it recently, fresh and new, and came to this conclusion.
Perhaps it was your server, but I have seen new people and I even leveled some jobs this past week and didn't have any trouble finding a party. Both of which were not part of the "Holy Trinity" you talk about. Also, I solo'd until I got a party on both of those jobs, so I was still getting exp, just at a slower rate. You can "wait" as long as you want for a party, or you can do something productive with your time. Like I did. Or, I would just stand around and seek for a party, whatever.
I've been playing since NA PC release as well, so that's over 5 years now. I don't have "tons" of friends or linkshells at my disposal. Don't assume that about anyone. I never forgot that I was a newbie at one time and don't look down on others because they are currently. It's a lot easier to make gil now than it was back then with something as easy as selling NPC gear to the AH.
Anyhow, with level synch, parties are 100x easier to come by a party because you can ask pretty much anyone above level 10 anyway. I know people that started new recently and didn't have the problem you had, and it was pre level synch. Soloing easy mobs give you a lot more exp than they used to. I've seen people go up to level 20 from just soloing before they get their subjob. So, what you say doesn't sound fresh and new, because there are definitely ways a new person could get around what you seem to dislike about the game.
Lastly, I also didn't like the burrito supreme I ate from my local Taco Bell last night, so I recommend you don't eat there. I did not like my burrito supreme, because it tasted like shit. If you don't like your burrito supremes to taste like shit, then you should not eat at my local Taco Bell. That doesn't even mention the fact that I had to wait in line for 15 minutes, and then return it because they got my order wrong. You should listen to me, because I ate there last night and I have the most current and accurate opinion on how good the service and food is at my local Taco Bell. Could you eat at my local Taco Bell, even after hearing this information from someone with current and accurate first hand experience? Yes, you could eat there. But I don't recommend that you do.
That's true. Unfortunately, that doesn't work here. One, because it's subject to change depending on the staff working there at the time. Unlike an MMO, where that only applies to the people you meet in it. The product is going to be the same experience for everyone. So you can say it sucks because you don't like the product, but everyone else might like it. That just has to do with what style you like apparently please hand me everything on a silver platter. Not everyone has that mentality.
Two, you can't give any fact that it's a bad game and people shouldn't play it, just that's it's not for you. So, eventhough people can have your similar views on a game, doesn't mean they aren't going to like it just because you don't. Just because you didn't like the burrito you stood in line 15 minutes for, doesn't mean no one else that was also standing in line for 15 minutes didn't like it either. That's why there must have been a line my friend, because obviously people must like to eat what they get from there.
To be the best, you must help each other become the best.
FFXI Character: Satimasu
FFXI Server: Valefor
FFXIV Character: Tamorae Fonteil
Are you dense?
Nope, actually I'm not.
And that's a rather ironic question coming from someone whose first post in this thread answered none of the OP's questions.
Do you even read what people say?
Yes, actually I do. And again, an ironic thing to ask, per the reason above.
Everything I said was completely true according to my experience with the game.
Fair enough. It was your experience.
Now, consider there are ~500k subscribers playing FFXI - old and new alike.
So, it should be obvious that a substantial number of people already do not share your point-of-view. In that light, making broad unqualified recommendations to "not bother with it" based entirely on subjective, personal gripes is rather short-sighted.
To put it another way...
Had you said:
"FFXI is a game with an emphasis on grouping. If you don't enjoy grouping and prefer to mostly solo in a MMO, then you may not enjoy FFXI"... would be a reasonable statement.
However, what you said in a nutshell is basically:
"I don't like the emphasis on grouping in FFXI, so I would suggest for others to not bother with it".
See the difference?
Hell, I even bought it twice - both times I discovered what I didn't like about the game. And you know what? Both times, the reasons were exactly the same.
Okay... so you've confirmed that the game isn't for you now twice, for the same reason. Fine. Now you can move on and find a game you do enjoy.
"I didn't like the game, so I recommend you don't try it. I didn't like the game because it had forced grouping and it took forever to find a group that worked."
Well... that's better, but still not quite "there" as an objective or well-qualified suggestion.
Even by saying "I didn't like it for these reasons and so you shouldn't bother with it", you're still presuming that others would have the same experience you did.
Moreover, don't take the word from someone who has been playing for five years, who has friends galore in-game, with probably a thousand linkshells at his disposal, thereby increasing his odds of successfully creating a group with equal level players a thousand times over... (to be continued)
I'm going to throw your opening questions back at you...
"Are you dense?" "Do you even read what people say?"
I stated in my last post that the vast majority of the parties I've gotten in all my time playing have been PUG's with people I'd never met before. I'll let others speak for themselves, but I suspect their experiences wouldn't be too different.
The "thousands of linkshells" comment falls under the same category of presumption as the previous bit and is equally ridiculous. For the record, I have 2 linkshells: one social and one for Dynamis.
(continued) ... whose only experience with the game from a noob standpoint was back when the game launched five years ago, and there were thousands of other players who were also noobs and were looking for a group just the same.
News Flash: New people start the game all the time. They get parties. They level up. They complete quests and missions. They enjoy the game.
Your logic is flawed and you are way out in the weeds here.
Lastly, I also didn't like the burrito supreme I ate from my local Taco Bell last night, so I recommend you don't eat there. I did not like my burrito supreme, because it tasted like shit. If you don't like your burrito supremes to taste like shit, then you should not eat at my local Taco Bell.
I'm seeing a pattern here.
*You* thought it tasted like shit. Others may, and probably, do not.
That doesn't even mention the fact that I had to wait in line for 15 minutes, and then return it because they got my order wrong. You should listen to me, because I ate there last night and I have the most current and accurate opinion on how good the service and food is at my local Taco Bell.
It's the most current information on *your* experience.
I bet if you drove by there during normal hours, they'd have customers sitting inside, who didn't have to wait in line for 15 mintues and didn't have to return their order. They might even be enjoying a Burrito Supreme that you personally think tastes like shit.
As was said in Satimasu's post, the Taco Bell analogy is flawed.
Unlike food, whose quality and taste could depend on numerous factors (who's making it, how fresh are the ingredients, etc), FFXI doesn't change from one person to the next, based on who's "working the kitchen" when you log in. There aren't people "behind the scenes" cooking up a unique experience of FFXI for each new person who starts or plays.
It's exactly the same game for every player. The only thing that differs is how each individual plays the game.
edit: shortened it up a bit
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops