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I quit over 8 months ago just because I got bored of farming Raid instances.. Mainly because I stuck with my friends in hope we could Bloom our raiding potential... We had Several Core members ( Including me) that could trump Top raiding guilds with a Blind fold.. but we were always dragged down by more inexperienced members making minor mistakes.
Another reason I quit playing because of annoyance of Carebear Blizzard was to the noobs.. after playing Warhammer I realized they are just as bad but that is how the game was built.. so I realize WoW wasn't that bad... But I am Curious if you guys think they will keep same shit going they had in TBC, Aka absolute Free epics... Do arena couple times a Week effortlessly and get free gear... or MAIN problem was Free epics inBattle grounds.. and how uncontrolled Afk'ing was...
I remember back in Pre BC where Battle Grounds actually where Fun... AV would last anywhere from 1 hour to 24+ hours... Like now that was fun.. not this 12 minute Rush stuff... Ever since they got rid of Rank System for Pvp the game went down the tubes in my option.
My Question is:
Do you think WotLK will be the Same rushed Gear gear gear type of Game as TBC or more geared like Pre BC?
I enjoyed playing WoW alot.. although I have to be alot more casual now.. doesn't mean I don't want to play it, Just want some second Opinions on my Choice.
"Not your Average Noob"
©Signore 2005
Sorry buddy, you are completely out of luck if you want 'raiding' to become more hardcore. In Wrath, both 10 man and 25 man progressions will use the same dungeons. The 25 man versions will get slightly better gear, but basically the fights use the same mechanims.
They have also completely redone the 'threat' mechansim as a way to control a fight. In the past, DPS had to really hold back sometimes in order to not pull aggro from the tank. Tanks now do considerably more threat and have a much easier time with AOE encounters.. so again.. raiding is easier than before.
This is all a good thing ( IMHO). They game continues to grow in populations and in my opinion, gets better with everty patch. I am absolutely thrilled that my smaller guild will be able to progress through the entire 'story' of Wrath.
OP. The biggest expansion ever for the biggest MMORPG is being launched in 8 days time.
Biggest, not only in sales and players, but also in budget and content.
Blizzard has spend 200 million dollars these last 2 years to blow everyone away. Please play all those other professional and so much better developped MMORPG's in your world.
I've had it with frustrated kids who don't even take the effort to play a game that redefined"polishment" in MMORPG's. I'll stick to the Beatles, go play along the Wow killers instead.
WoW is always going to do what WoW has always done: vomit a steady stream of gear into your lap and tell you it's not enough, and then make you reach for the next set of gear, over and over and over until you can't remember why you started playing in the first place. If you hated TBC, then don't waste your money or your time because Wrath is only going to be more of the same but with a few new gimmicks.
Eh don't wet your panties getting that excited and don't forget your Bliz check for serving us your rabid nolife geek propaganda.
well if you quit 8 months ago because it was too easy you arent going to want to come back, it's gotten quite a hefty chunk easier for soloing, leveling, raiding and pvp is even quite a bit easier.. if you come back roll a tank because they've been buffed a rediculous ammount in the dmg department.. i did BT last week and our tank was 7th in damage which is rediculous compared to him usually being the bottom
Still tempted to try it.. I mean as long as I am having fun in the Raid scene, thats all that matters ... Main issue that I don't have to money to buy Expansion since I recently bought the Warhammer and 2 Month card x.x...
Like For what I'm looking from Warhammer and what I'm receiving.. Essentially Decent PvE content.. is much better delivered in WoW I know that for a fact.. I still dislike how Epics are basically freely given to you, but I can get over that now. And not to mention one of the main reason is the New Talent tree's added... *drool* my restro druid is going to sleep tonight x.x
"Not your Average Noob"
©Signore 2005
Ok, I usually don't post on these damn boards, but whatever.
Pretty much everything said in this thread is 75% true and 25% false. BC didn't change much, in some ways. In other ways, it changed everything. Wrath is the same way. I'll talk about it re: raiders.
If you're mostly a raider, I think you'll be pleased. If you've been following the news, you know some of the bullshit already. Buffs and debuffs are being homogenized to a great extent. Plus every class is getting some kind of ability which they formerly lacked. AE tanking on a warrior is now very viable with the massive buffs to thunder clap. Druids also got a bit more in this regard. Hunter pets are now tanky enough to tank 5 mans, assuming you actually spec for it (hurray gorilladins). Bottom line? There aren't really anymore "must have" classes or buffs. This is especially important for ten mans.
Which gets to the main point, the new content tiers. First off, 5 mans are changing a lot. You can pretty much fuck CC completely in most 5's now, even on heroic. Seriously. Every run can be like a SH run now, even with a warrior tank. This is good because hunter AOE just shot through the roof with the new volley, and both locks and mages have solid AOE too. Rogues got a piece of shit AoE ability in FoN, but fuck them anyway.
If 5's are pretty casual friendly, 10's are basically the new heroics, imo. They're a great balance. BC heroics got too easy too fast, and T4 was pretty damn easy (with the exception of old mag), but it was a massive jump from that content to the T5 and T6 raids before they got nerfed (I'm talking the first round of nerfs). The new 10's are a nice balance between those. They're great as a main entree for casual raid guilds and as a training ground for hardcore raid guilds.
In terms of free PvP epics, they're attaching a massive arena point cost to almost all PvP gear now, and the epic arena pieces (non-support weapons, gloves, chest, shoulders, helm, legs) is all rated. Only the blue gear is unrated. So you can no longer just lose 10 arena matches a week and get your free epics.
What's your problem, though? Why does a raider really give a shit about PvP gear, anyway? It can't be used for tanking, and the very high sta and resi are useless to DPS specs. It has high crit, but it's so lacking in sp and ap that it's shit for DPS. They're designed for two different things. If you want epic gear to be completely unattainable through PvP, play another game.
Edit: If you're pissed off at the AFK'ing in BG's, that's not going away. Blizzard wants PvP to be arena-centered, and BG'ing to be considered second class PvP'ing. Trust me. It will be a honeymoon for like two months while people have fun with new BG's and WG and new skills in the old stuff, but after that, it will become a point grind again.
I agree 100% that they ruined PvP with TBC i use to love those hours of pushing and pulling back in AV and the whole removing rank was a huge mistake the arenas should have never been. Now i never really got into the new PvE raids because i just didn't have the time i spent all my time getting those 10 levels between work/friends/family. I honestly refuse to play WoW again i think every 1-2 years we are going to have to repeat the 10 level grinds each time making it more time consuming. It took me around 8 months pre-bc to get 60 from 60-70 it took me around 6 months and i think it will take me over a year to get 70-80. So with that i just decided to call it quits i don't have time for a game that wants to raise the level cap every few years and not being able to even get 1/4 way through end game before a new expansion is released. Also the fact they want to charge $40 for the expansion which in my eyes just does not have enough content for it.
In the end it is all up to you though you should not rely on other people to make decisions for you. I refuse to ask opinions on games now due to the fact everyone is just down talking them before they are released. I wont even ask for an opinion on coming vack to a game or trying a game that has been released for months/years. I prefere to make my own judgement and stick with it i don't like WoW due to the fact they change content way to much and for the most part it is for the worse. That is my own opinion and mine alone other people may hate the game for other reasons so thats why i don't ask for feedback on games just because i would rather try it out for myself.
Just think about what you want then decide.
Yeah... I miss the old days in AV, where the game would go on and on until someone summoned Lok'Holar (think that was his name, it's been a while) or the druids of the grove. I always LOL'd to see Lok one-shot some poor sap. Now you can barely get the one of the missions done in a round before one team wins the zerg rush. Ah well...
Gotta say I've got kinda mixed emotions about the new easymode raids and welfare pvp gear... as a fairly casual raider in a small guild, it's cool and all that they made it more accessible to everyone, but at the same time it kinda destroys the "leetness" of endgame content. Hell I almost miss the days back in my old guild, we basically farmed the first boss of AQ20 until everyone had some sorta gear upgrade out of him, at which point we were just barely able to drop the second boss. Same with ZG, basically had a couple bosses on farm so we could get geared enough to do the rest of 'em. Always a challenge and tons o' fun. Ah well, guess it'll be cool to see all the raids rather than just the easier ones in WotLK
Will be same as TBC with few improvement, but the main objective will be the same.
Personally I will play until better comes out.
Just going to respond to a few points.
1) If you were frustrated that you couldn't progress in raiding, Wrath should solve that issue for you because 10-man progression raiding is now viable (25-mans aren't strictly required any longer). This is going to be huge for casual guilds I think;
2) Epics will likely continue to be given out freely. People expect it now and I don't see this changing. Purple will be the new blue/green.
McWoW? If you like eating McDonalds everyday, you can play WoW every day as well...
If something is extremely popular, it doesn't mean that it has the quality.
That being said, if you love PvE/raiding, WoW is the best out there. Otherwise, just skip it... WotLK is the same shit as TBC, nothing new, nothing original, same old crap.
Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.
Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.
Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.
Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.
Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.