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This is my humble suggestion..
Close down NGE SWG. It's probably not going to survive that new Starwars game for one or another reason anyways.
Open SWG "classic" (pre CU1) version and continue develop and bug fix that game, in the sandbox style that was so dearly loved.
Im sure that a version like that would have had a few hundred thousand players overnight. Lots of vets and their friends would have returned. It would not have been the numbers that wow has, but you sure would have got a strong, growing and FAITHFULL base of players. Due to the nature of the game, lots of them with more than one account ( the one char pr. server thing ).
... and , most important, you would have had a mature, sandbox game that could have lived its own life strongly side by side with the new Bioware SW game.
I miss that game, the community, freedom, classes, skill trees, doctors buffing in starports, cantinas full of life, bioengineers, pikemen and so on so much that I still get a tear in my eye when thinking back.
Those were the days ( In a galaxy far far away... )
Too late.
By this point in time, I wouldn't even play on a classic server if they had one.
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pre-cu ftw
Classic servers would certainly bring in many more players than SWG currently has now, but I honestly believe LA/LEC is blocking Smed from making that lucrative cash grab. Unfortunately, Pre-CU (or even CU) is a more complex game and the the talented, competent devs and support staff that would be needed fix and maintain the Pre-CU version have either quit or have been harvested and planted in another $OE project. Also, I doubt $OE could lure back any experienced and talented devs, and the current dev nooblings are very limited in ability.
Sure, there are many vets that would never return under any circumstance after such a betrayal on the part of $OE, but even if only 50k players came back, that would still be five times more than they have now and would add $9 million/year to $OE's coffers. Considering the Smedster's NGE caused the loss of over 200k players ($36+ million/year), any appreciable gain in players now would be a windfall for $OE. I won't say classic servers are impossible, but they are highly unlikely to be operated by $OE.
Another observation I have made is that the Smedster honestly prefers playing WoW like games and this is a reason he believes the way the SWG now is the way it should have been at launch. I wonder if 'teh Smedz' himself had actually played and enjoyed pre-CU SWG if he would have allowed the CU/NGE abominations to come to life. He needed to improve the games $OE owns through quality fixes and innovation, but he spent too much time playing WoW....and opted for cut & paste development.
I'm not convinced that many people would go back under these circumstances.
You'd either be waiting for them to take it all away again with drastic changes or for the plug to be pulled on the servers.
With Bioware's MMO announced, LA will be wanting all the cash their grubby little fingers can get hold of from that.
This post is a treasure trove of fresh thinking and original ideas
Doing classic servers is a no brainer, has been so since the NGE was released.
It is definitely too late to get back more than a fraction of the old player base, but they could release it today, tomorrow, or next year and it'd still bring more players than the NGE ever will.
Personally I'd not come back for it, mainly because we are getting it back anyway, WITHOUT SOE, and at this late date, SOE couldn't beat the "ducks" to release even if they started now (and they already have the code), but their Devs are noobs.
The only reason why I'm even considering SWTOR is that SOE isn't involved. If it's a SOE product, I won't buy it, no matter what it is. SOE stated as plainly as they can since 2005 that they don't want my business. Unless Smed and other holdovers from the NGE (such as Cao) are fired and fired very publically I won't ever consider a SOE product in the future.
Theres already new SW game coming.