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i can do what i want, i cant find enough motivation to keep playing any of my characters after Level 25.
Only my DoK is 29 but retired because i got bored of him.
My Runepriest is 25, my Archmage is 25
i am always bored after Level 25
Maybe its the endless scenario grind and the same pve quests again and again.
i like WH but i dont feel like playing anymore.
and that after 1.5 month.. i was playing DAOC 3 years, every day, it felt like a true magical world.
WH has no magic and no reason to play, there arent any RvR goals like DAOC has. The Items in WH are boring.
I have more than 300gold and theres nothing i could buy with it. No gear upgrades nothing...
Best is that my healers all get their damage buffed in 1.0.5 > LOL nice but if i want to do damage i play a DPS class.
Just give me DAOC 2 and i am fine. Update the grafics and i buy it.
Edit: i forgot to add. STEALTH should never been added to Warhammer. Witch elf are ruining my fun as healer day by day, i am usually dead before someone can protect me it takes them 3-6 sec for 6000HP which is stupid and horrible designed . I dont know how bad Witch hunters are but i dont think they are as strong as Witch elfs.
when i enter a scenario and i see more than 3 Witch Elf then i just leave it because i am not in the mood to be the rabbit for them.
I hate Mythic for putting in Stealth, after they said they wont if i remember right. And they didnt just put in stealth, no they made the Destruction Stealth class a "all killer" design that can even kill Tanks 1:1...
1:1 game or group game i dont care, no class should be able to kill someone in 5 sec in no game ever because the victims just ask themselfes "why did i play weeks to get there, to die in 5 seconds ???"
Always the same mistakes, they did it in DAOC and they did it in WH too.....
I agree. My rune priest has been level 26 for about 2 weeks. I just cant handle logging in anymore to grind Tor Anroc scenarios over and over, especially when the queue times are 15 to 20 minutes between matches. Each match only gives about 1/4-1/3 of a bubble on the xp bar. I dont think I can run TA 40-60 times each level, even just up to level 30.
PVE questing is boring as hell and there arent enough quests. As a healer it is slow as fuck trying to grind out pve quests. PQ's take too much time for the xp given, if I can even find group to go through all stages of a PQ.
World RVR rarely happens in T3 on my server. It used to but not anymore. Even if there are RVR battles it consists of one group sitting outside of a castle, but not really sieging it, just staying out of range of siege weapons. This results in a few people getting killed every few minutes and a shitty xp and rp reward experience.
My subscription has been canceled until they fix this boring ass grind through the upper T3 levels.
It doesn't matter whether you are level 10 or 20 or 30 or 40. If you're bored by the gameplay, the endgame will not be the saviour.
I found myself playing the game less and less. Im not going to give up on it though.......
Aspects of the game have been disappointing.
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
I agree with this. Didn't take me until level 25 to get bored and cancel. I just couldn't see the game getting any more fun for me in the later levels.
It's a proven historical fact that beer saved humankind.
Oh, it was the opposite for me. I was having a blast right up until level 25 and it was like I hit a wall. I cant count how many times I ran through TA to reach 26 and I didnt really enjoy one minute of it. My alts are still alot of fun but im sort of scared to get them up to level 25 and then get bored of them.
Yea.. I canceled my account. Its over on the 16th or something.
I got to 29 on my IB and have no desire to log in any longer.
I was bored around level 24 but played it out cause I have 3-4 friends (locally) that play. They are canceling as well.
So that is 5 of us that are no longer in the game.
Please send feedback via the camelotherald If they get enough feedback, maybe they will do it or at least launch the "Origins" server.
T1 was great fun, and T2 not so much. T3 is boring as hell and I can't bring myself to play anymore. I did get into a good group one day, but after that I feel lucky to come across a player here and there.
Probably they should not have scenarios ingame, or maybe they should just be prepatory to get you in fighting shape for the upcoming rvr. Running around in T3 areas I can hardly find anyone. It feels like NGE SWG Theed cantina.
Lol @ the person yesterday who implied I was making stuff up when I said account cancellations were generally from T3+ people rather than T1/2 ^^
Lol @ the poster who thinks a few testimonials here is actual data.
Were definetly in a different era of mmorpgs is all I can say about this. People are -- SPOILED --
Being a Old timer to the EQ and Asherons Call era, alot of these new players to mmorpgs just dont get it or they cant learn to appreciate what they got now. Its all about --- I WANT IT NOW ---
1. I want to be level capped
2. I want endgame material
3. I want phat loots
4. I want a shitload of different mounts at level 10
5. I want to SOLO a mmorpg
6. I want to ONE SHOT players
7. I want GOD MODE
and I can keep going on and on..
Not all but MOST of the new MMO gamers are Lazy, Spoiled, unsatisfied gamers.
In (Original) Everquest you could never kill a critter in 2 shots at your level. You spawned camp a rare to complete a quest which took hours. You grinded Frost Giants for plat. You kept your computer on to vendor off items to other players with your ALT character. You RAIDED DUNGEONS without teamspeak or ventrillo. You couldnt complete quests unless you had help from another player with (fill in the class here)..
You new mmorpg players would not have survived in the old world of mmorpg's I hate to say. But its so damn true.
I have played MMOs since EQ, with Anarchy Online being my favorite, I played since release. I do not think the problem is the gamers now, I think its game design. In the older games you COULD solo it just wasn't nearly as good as grouping in rewards. The problem today is that the MMOs are going the nearly complete solo route without giving many options or even encouraging grouping. Without a benefit to grouping or socializing, MMOs get stale fast just like every other single player game out there. So I do not think it is really the gamers fault in this. WoW, Lineage 2, and Lineage are all the best selling MMOs and NONE of these are completely based off of solo. Sure, in WoW soloing plays a big part until max level, but socializing becomes extremely important in the endgame which is almost completely focused on other people being there. The problem with Warhammer and some of the newer MMOs is that they cater COMPLETELY to solo play. In these games you can pretty much get away without ever having to talk to another player and when that is possible people simply do not care about each other. So my point is, it is game design not the players that are the problem. It is human nature to do whatever benefits you the most.
Yea I decided in the beta that the game wouldn't be able to keep my interest long. Therefore, I never bought the retail version. My hopes now is for Warhammer to fail. NOT out of spite for the game. Actually I hope Mythic atleast breaks even or makes a bit of money off it before it fails. If it does fail im hoping they will finally see what their players want and give us back oldschool DAoC either in the form of a new server with old play. Or a total reworked DAoC 2 with everything we loved. WAR just isn't cutting it, so hopefully in its failure EA Mythic will learn a lesson but also acquire the resources to take the next step.
Looking for a new game to play
there are two sides of the story here.
I do agree that current players are spoiled. BUT
that doens't mean the OLD days of MMOS were FUN?
EQ was the only thing around, some of the stuff you mentioned like Spending hours to do a quest to killa rare mob. That isnt' fun. That is frustrating.
alot of EQ was frustrating
mainstream doens't want frustrating but I also vote that they shouldn't have it easy either.
"Hey.. you know. Console gamers have it all made now.. back in the day when we played old school games on Commedore 64 we had to write down game codes, remember clues to games, nothign was ever explained fully in the manual, and there was no internet with walk through.. you Wii players now adays are spoiled.. and woudln't live in a world of Comeddore and Vic 20 days.. where you had to Type "load * ,8,1" unto your command line to load your games."
older and more frustrating doens't always mean better.
This thread makes my cry of truth
I wanted SOO BADLY to love this game, i even told myself it it wasnt amazing id still play it..
in short i cant stand it anymore.. got to 27 on the WP, 2 bubbles from 28, and i figured... the next at least 3 levels will be worse ;(
I went back to wow, not as a fanboy, but a player of the better game imo.
Lol @ the poster who thinks a few testimonials here is actual data.
Lol @ the person having no idea what he's talking about, go read past threads and see what I said
I don't see anyone saying they want everything handed to them or they want god mode. They just want something fun to do and no sitting around waiting for 8 hours for the CHANCE to have something exciting happen isn't great game design that people are just to spoiled to appreciate. EQ was fun 10 years ago, but lets not look at it with rose colored glasses. I had some great times, but I pray we never have MMOs like that again.
Read what people are actually saying in this thread instead of just blaming them for not being old school EQ grinders. They are saying the JOURNEY to max level isn't entertaining. Something is missing in the game and it isn't compelling enough to keep people logging back in.
To rave,
I see where you are coming from and you should know you can't solo warhammer to level 40 and get the same end results as a person that grouped to level 40.
If you SOLO Warhammer, you will be a unhappy camper, mmorpg can be played either way now, but MOST of these new players like to take the SOLO route and wonder what went wrong as stated in my last reply.
If we are jumping the talk to Warhammer, well you cant take a battlekeep by yourself, you cannot solo Heroe's in WAR, you cannot finish PQ's in WAR unless you just want the INFLUENCE rewards. You cant do dungeons in WAR unless you want to PUG, which alot of people despise now.
The game mechanics can contribute to players on why they feel this way, but it is the way they chose to play it.
1. Most dont want to be in a guild.
2. Some only have time for about 1 to 4 hours a week of gameplay an expect if they subbed for a month, they should be at the same par as someone that has been religiously playing everyday.
A game is only as good as much time you put into it. People today want to be at level capped and raiding dungeons within a week. They dont stop and smell the roses anymore.
If GAMESHARK existed on a PC and worked for MMORPG's. It would be the best selling item.
lol I quit the game at level 28 Witch hunter, I feel the same way. The game has no soul its just pointless PvP with same old combat as every other mmo.
It doesn't matter whether you are level 10 or 20 or 30 or 40. If you're bored by the gameplay, the endgame will not be the saviour.
I came to this conclusion after 2 weeks. I kept telling myself that I will enjoy the game if I stick with it. However the stark reality is that if I don't enjoy combat now then nothing the game does will make me enjoy it enough. I was tempted to resub for 1 month and see if I missed something but then I tried a keep siege and like the post you replied to it consisted of 20 of us running around in circles just out of range. So after 1 hour of gameplay (and game time is precious in my life) I decided to quit because Team Fortress 2 or even AoC I can get so much more fun out of them in the same amount of time.
Ok i have just bought the game a week ago. Old DAoC vet and was looking for a good RvR game( And been waiting a long time for a good one sadly). Now after running arround solo in diferent contested zones where everyting belongs to opposite faction.
Not a single player from my side arround to help in capturing or reclaiming anything back. Maybe i meet a fellow player 1 or 2 times in 1h when im out questing... well the game seems deserted sadly. (im still low lvl so that might explain a little. But hey.... even DAoC on the classic servers were more populated then this i feel)
And not get started on the battlegrounds, feel like just the same as WoW. CTF or KotH tweaked instanced fight's. I was just thinking about the old bg's in DAoC where you acctualy had to do a effort and had loads of fun while doing it. now you just jump in and do a quick match in 5 min and get heaps of RP and XP.
Still the game has potential and im enjoing it so far. Im just affraid that this wont change even thou im getting higher and can venture out in to waste world. Afraid that this is an never ending loop off same content in a slightly diffrent wrapping.
Now i do bear in mind that is a newly released game and as such there wont be much content and still alot of tweaking to be done. and alot of patching. that is the way of the MMO genre.
Most MMO's started out this way and go better whit time. And as such is was whit DaoC also.
But if they were to start a DAoC 2. I would be on it in a heartbeat .
Now all that i have been writing here shoul be taken whit a grain of salt. As i havent really experienced all the aspects of the game. And i will be playing it for a while befor i make up my mind. but this is my first impression. And that might not be right.
And sorry for my bad spelling,
It is a simple as this when it comes to any MMO, FPS or RTS.
Not everyone likes Chocolate Ice Cream.
But for people to constantly tell other people that the (feel in your game here) should burn and die is just absolute hate. And I can agree to a certain point, then it just becomes absolutely ridiculous where (feel in your Troll here) becomes an idiot to this forum.
The end outcome a Troll wants to say is this... I TOLD YOU SO!
I got so many members on this website on block (esp their alts), now that is ridiculous.
Thats a good way to look at it. (the chocolate ice cream comment)
But my personly 5 cent addition to it is- Some games server more flavors.
I think for most, the magic level in Warhammer is between level 20- 28. It appears that that is the breaking point for most that leave across most posts. This is the midgame, when most games take off and people start feeling comfortable with a game and the characters. Where they can't wait to get home from work/school and get right on it. Its really weird that people flatline right here in this level and log on with a sense of coming dread and boredom.
These levels doshow that people have played the game long enough to get a flavour of what is happening, so its not like someone who played one week, then quit. This is something Mythic needs to address; to inject fun in these levels cause they seem the most boring and people have a hard time getting past them. This is also about the time the average gamer's one month runs out, hence the servers starting to get empty.
As someone who leveled a Ranger, Blackmage, Beastmaster and Redmage to maximum in Final Fantasy XI, the biggest grindfest of all time, I simply have no explanation for why I had no desire to take my BW past level 27.