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Hey guys, not sure if it was mentioned before on the open beta forum, but here it goes anyway
[Edit: Pre Live review on my blog]
Space sci fi MMORTS.
Its a 1 server sandbox mmorts, it has great features and the graphics arent to bad at all, go to theire site and try it out, EVE and E&B fans will most surely like the game, its a very hard game which allows alot of player costumization of anything found ingame, it has some intensive designing and researching features which make combat intense, unpredictable and full of strategy.
Quick explanation of basic mechanics:
If playing for the first time, do the tutorial, its very needed, might take a while to complete it but if you dont, you'll end up hitting the exit button 5min after.
The galaxy has alot of systems, and theres always new systems being added for new players, so its unlikely that you will end up on a system with other Empires alot more powerfull then you.
When you spawn for the first time, you start by building your colony and once you have the money you can create a starport to expand your empire to other planets.
The moment you build a starport you can start building ships, for that you have to use a research center to design the ship at your like, research the design and build the ship Its alot more complex then this as each ship component needs to be designed, takes a while to understand the designer but once you get the hang of it you can do lots and lots of different kinds of ships.
Anyway not going to write more, go try it and see for yourself
Live starts in 6 days for pre-orders, so if you wanna try the game for free, do it asap.
wow I find it interesting that a space scifi mmorts is moved from the open beta to offtopic because its not a mmorpg but theres always a bunch of mmorts's being majorly advertised on the main page of the site. Good job!
The game is a day from live, pre orders will start today (20th) at 11am EST (4pm GMT+0). Its still possible to pre order :P
Wrote a Pre Live review but totally forgot to put it here
Anyway you can read on my blog: BP pre live review