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Says it all. Are you having a good time. Are any problems that have not been addressed with your accounts etc. Highly recommend that you join a squad to help with the learning curve. Welcome aboard and hope you are enjoying the war:-)
I am not exactly a freebie player or anything.
I tried WWII Online twice and both times I had a bad experience due to huge lag and to really bad community.
Please allow me to elaborate on those two points.
On the official website, the requirements for PC show
Windows XP
1.2 GHz CPU (2 GHz Recommended)
512 MB of RAM (1GB Recommended)
128 MB 3d Video Card (OpenGL v1.2 compliant)
DirectSound-compatibile Audio Card
32X CD-ROM (installation only)
56K Modem or with Internet connection (broadband internet connection recommended)
1GB free hard disc space
DirectX 9.0 or higher
USB joystick highly recommended
Well,I meet those requirements well above and still lag like crazy.Even Eve Online is not lagging as much.
As far as community,both times I tried it,the community was less than helpful,expecting me to know everything and rarely answering questions.
To make matter worse,people were recommending I join a squad and when I said I would rather wait to do that,there was no more talking to me and such.
So you know,two times bad experience.
Personally if I was the devs,I would pull out the game and fix the lag issues.Then I would make sure that any player that logs in is always welcome by dedicated help players.Maybe the devs should hire players to help newcomers
There was a loading lag from flying that was fixed a couple of updates ago. You told the minimum but not what your machine is. You hve to have the latest updates for motherboard video and sound and btw those minimums have changed some time ago. I am surprised at your expericence with the community. I have always found them more than helpful to the new guys. Post your system specs and maybe get a key here and try again. If I rremember corectly EVE does lag in big fights and I never saw 128 players in view at one time. There are a lot of settings chenges necessary to play ww2ol if you dont have a top of the line system. Even the minimap is a FPS hog and can drop your FPS more than 15%.
Hardcase, the other poster didnt need to post his exact specs. I run a VERY over the min spec system and still get some pretty stupid low frame rates. I can run CoD4, Fallout3, GTR:Evolution, and BF2142 at max settings without frame rate hits as bad as some of the ones I suffered in WWIIOL. And I played WWIIOL for 7 years... The frame rates have steadily dropped over the years even though I have gone from a stripped down celeron 600 to a rig that is almost 4 times as fast.
I was and still am in a squad, and I see it all the time, new players or trial players given the short end of the stick. I am guilty of it myself. I often thought of them as cannon fodder, I would yell at them or tell them flat out to figure it out offline or on the training server. I have also tried to help out a few, but they often are short on attention and only want to learn how to kill something... So I get fustrated with them and leave them to their fates.
Sometimes even the devs themselves are less than helpful to newbs on the forums. I have rarely seen a responce to any tech help questions to a noob on the forums unless by a player who happened to see the question. It is not uncommon to find DOC, a lead developer for the game, belittling the playerbase in the forums with snyde or offcolor comments.
So I think his assesment is correct about the game.
So much crap, so little quality.
I must be missing the lags then. My 8400 is OC to 3.6 runing at 1920x1080 and infantry is always 50+ and flying alone is 265:-) Why not wait and see what Unity 2 will do. I believe a lot of that fix is coming in 1.29. We all did lag in 1.27 I think it was when flying was almost impossible and rats put some of unity 2 in 1.28. CRS is first to admit that their video core is so out of date that they can no longer put fixes on it. But you know, lastest drivers, vertical sycing and runahead off, minimap off, and if you machine is not top of the line you can drop the players in view and drop your sound voices to the number that your sound card can run in hardware to help with fps and lags I have found many players with onboard sound trying to run 128 voices and losing a lot of cpu cycles to that high sound. Lot of things that can be done to enhance midlevel systems. The number of lag complaints has dropped dramatically since 1.28 was loaded. I can fly over towns and keep my fps near 80. Looking forward to 1.29 and 1.30.
I am a long time vet (7 years). With my new comp I have zero lag and run about 80-110 FPS all the time no matter what I am doing.
BUT there are other issues effecting whether or not these playwers stay.
The ranking system is arcaic. I have recruited MANY players over the years and 98% of them leave after a week of game play. Do you know why? I do, playing as a riflemen is not fun. Trying to get rank as a new player is just not fun. Getting killed by the rank 9 guys that can use any weapon and see you with thier inf binoculars and then kill you without you ever knowing what shot you is annouying.
New players should start out at rank three minimum! Being able to use the better weapons right off the bat might letr them see and experience more of the game and want to stay.
Cali, is right, the biggest problem besides some of the balancing issues, both ways.
Is the rank system and equipment usage. It should never be rank 5 gets EVERYTHING. I think that you should have to unlock certain things. If I dont want to EVER use a Tiger, why should I try and get it. But if all I want is to play infantry, then I should just have a infantry persona, there should also be JUST a tanker persona. Same for fighter pilots and bomber pilots.
I never quite understood the rank system in WWIIOL it never really made any difference in the game, not like anyone listens to anyone of a higher rank anyway.
So much crap, so little quality.
They STILL don't give binos to the newbies? I remember some big arguments in the kiddie forums about that, it's still my opinion that it's the number one dumbest thing about the rank. Not only does it put the newb rifleman at a huge disadvantage, he can't even just park his butt somewhere safe and watch a battle with the binos. Learn about cover (hard VS soft), the units, see the attacking lanes + MSPs etc. but instead he gets running around in town with a rifle VS SMGs (pwned) or going outside with rifle VS rifle+bino (pwned). Man, give him the binos and the 10 minute defense mission back to build up rank while he learns. It's a big curve to begin with.
But to be honest, other than basic game mechanics don't know how much good info you'll get from a squad, depends on which I guess. Last time I was playing a tanker defending Ciney kept driving past friendly ATGs and going over the ridge to get blown up... all the while reporting to the squad what he was doing. Three tanks later he reports they are out of tanks. Man years back if I had done that.... been torn a new one from my squad (or strongly instructed not to do that if I was a newb). . So much of just driving tanks to meet tanks head on, become much more instant action and less patience.
Waiting for Unity 2 and another freebie. Love the zoom back on the clm38 also, loved shooting planes and being able to see the bits come off due to the zoom.
if the minimum requirements have changed,that means that the devs are really lazy,because when something as important as specs changes,that should be the first thing to be changed on the website and on any other website carrying or promoting the game.
By the way,I would be interested in seeing a dev response to this thread wil load up, you can go to a fight with 8 fps, it you enjoy playing with a minimum machine continue to do so, but that is not the develepers fault. If your machine is hot and isn't getting good fps and others are getting them, how is it the sims fault? Plays well on some 32 player standalone with 200x200 meter maps with hit bubbles for a damage model and doesnt on ww2ol is not the fault of the sim. Apples and very small Oranges. The FPS increase in 1.29 may have dropped the minimums acutally.
seems like the mmorpg promotion without credit card for the trial doesnt work anymore
I finished the game 2 years ago but now i come back and see what happened in the game.
I saw several post here and i dont understand the fps problem i tested this game 2 PC.
1.This is my old computer:AMD 2800+ 1GB Ram 6600gt i can play with it.(Settings was balanced with high player numbers)i has 15-60 fps on ground and 25- 90 in air.
2.Dual core 3.1ghz 4gb ram 8800gt i dont have lagg i can play without lagg in evrey battle.(settings was FULL)
I think CRS made fantastic work with engine.
Good Job!
Well evreybody knows who is played with BE the real values in the game the Damage model and realistic fight.Now see it:
1.Infranty fight:Its very good and fun.(i have 1 problem Low level rank players cant fight without scope)
2.Air fight:flight model and other things not as good then IL2 but this is not air simulator (but i dont understand something Game have very much fighters and crs modeling new fighters why dont make Bombers?)
3.Tank fight:Im disappointed because i have trying experience.I dont know what was WW2 but i red several book and saw several documentaion and i think this isnt historical.
Crs finished the historical game they will be make a poplar arcade war simulator this is how i see it but i recommend evreybody who is dont like hard simulator but want more than a simpel fps.
My mind engine is better than it was but game isnt historical this is an arcade war simulator not more.
This game sucked when i tried it from The graphics were shite and the gameplay was even worse... getting stuck in door ways and what not. Do yourself a favor and buy battlefield: 1942 lol
Real as Reality Television!!!
Graphics arent that bad and they are not standalone or will nver be standalone quality. 200x200 meter maps allows very high polygon countswith 32 players to total and not all fo those in view. It has been gone over in many posts and I wont do it again. As for getting stuck in doors..I have nver gotten stuck..are you sure the door was even openenble. You didnt like it, you didnt spend much time learning, you didnt join a squad as your post is short on information , I suspect you went in with a tude and left with one. ..Stuck in a door..that is a first..LOL.
Well i could test the game with my new pc and get ingame around 40-100 fps on the ground as infantry unit. Gtx260 BE, 4gbram, E8400 ..not overclocked system. 40-50 fps in more heavy battles.
The graphics are not that bad for me, but the gameplay especially the dmg modell system of tanks is quiete nice. You just cant just kill everything like with a hit point system or like in modern warfare just hit n forget. Thats why ww2 in general with a better dmg model system is superior for tactical gameplay.
On the other hand if you play arma or operation flashpoint, you have a lot better graphic and the visibility is up to 20km+. Unfortunately the dmg model is not available in those games and due to warfare weapon systems you just often hit n forget., means you die a lot more easy with less tactical options. But thats the graphical standard most people demand nowadays, at least like the old operation flashpoint game.
All in all the game ww2online needs a new graphical engine, i know speed trees got implemented some years ago and that was great for the days but that doesnt will help in the next 2-3 years. The engine was written in the late 90ies and they squeezed out a lot and improved if you compare it to the release screens but.... The gap between the games out there if you compare the graphics is getting bigger and that wont help to raise population again. I remember 3-4 years when you could find on promo days over 100 players on the ground in just one mission, those days are over i guess. The game just needs a major graphical improvement in the next 2-3 years, the changes in form of new buildings or other things are just not noticeable for new players they need a really bigger step.
Maybe you LOL people should try to first understand what this game is and what Battlefield game is. Your ignorance on this makes you look just worthless poster here. lol that
Played: Quite a few Mmos
Playing: Something
I have tried WW2O a few times over the years. Back in 2004 (I think) to start (beta) and more recently in 2008 ( advertised trial).
Both times I found that the game was hard to learn (not because it was complicated, but because it plays like a 3 legged donkey rides). And its about as pretty too. The game could really benifit from a training zone (boot camp perse AKA tutorial).
I admire the vision of WW2 online. What they need though is to have a real dev team take over. Ditch all the exisitng staff (with the exception of the original visionary who started the game) and move forward with the concept. Real artists, coders, level designers, sound engineers, and QA could make a world of difference.
I have always found the community elitest and stand-offish, with every third one of them claiming to be some sort of PHD in military history. This game could really benifit from a built in voice communication system. Like Vent or Skype or TS only solidly built in. FPS's do not have the time for typing (IMHO).
I know its harsh... but its true.
Thats just my 2 cents.
You're a little off on your beta estimate, as the game was released on June 6, 2001.
I haven't had the chance to resub since the 1.29 patch (working too much these days) but the release notes indicated that it does indeed have some form of tutorial.
The built in voice communication would be fundamentally pointless, as most squads tend to use their own voice servers anyway, and would continue to do so.
The problem with the people working on the game isn't that they aren't good at it, it's that there's too few of them and they're being forced to work with an out of date system. Rather than continue to improve the game as it currently exists, they should probably consider creating a new one from scratch. Assuming they could get financing, of course.
Finding the community standoffish seems odd. WW2OL probably has the most noobie friendly community online anywhere. The Rats are building a new engine with some parts of it already released in 1.29. I got almost a double of fps..SSE2 compatible cpu got the most but I did see some drop in fps in the patch of the patch but still I get 80+fps in town as infantry.
This is definately one of the worst MMOs I've ever tried, and as an FPS is just terrible. I quit after about two days of getting shot down instantly by superior fighters piloted by max rank players. Sorry, but getting owned over and over again does not equal a fun time to me, and I won't be coming back.
I wonder why this surprises you, a newbie fllyer flying against 7 year vets with state of the art HOTAS and flyhing higher tierred aircraft and what really surprises me is you blame the game. You would have done better playing infantry and practicing flying offline or in the training areana till you were a bit more are you "good at flight sims"? I an an 8 years vet with an older x45 and Elite Pedals and I still get my clock cleaned flying. Most people do not get their first kill for several days. This is not a frag fest 32 player standalone bubbled hit, questionable physics otc game.
Yeah, I was in the beta a long bloody time ago but then the game ran so bad on my computer that I gave up after a while, I usually couldn't even logg on. But my rigg at the time were around min specs so I had to give up...
Maybe I should give it a go again now but I'm more a sucker for WW1 air combat than WW2. A WW1 online or Vietnam online would both be more of my style today, I kinda got tired of WW2 since almost all war movies, books and games are about it. Still I do know these weird re-enacters (who have their own T-34 BTW) and WW2 do have some charm... Maybe...
It IS the game mechanics that bother me. I play IL-2 quite a bit, so I naturally compare how the game works to whats widely regarded as one of the best WWII flight sims. I am not a 'newbie flyer', nor do I consider myself 'a pro'; but you can't expect someone who is offered a POS fighter (like a Spitfire Mk I or H-75) to have much of a chance against someone flying a top of the line Spitfire mk IX or Focke-Wulf 190.
I will blame the game for allowing such unbalanced mechanics that permit 'vets' to have an unfair advantage against new players. New players who choose to play infantry don't even get binoculars for crying out loud. You can't expect people to sit there and get killed by high rank players repeatedly (most of who do nothing but play this one game); who all have the best equipment, and enjoy it.
It doesn't take that long to reach the rank that would have allowed you fly current tier aircraft. You got your hat handed to you and you didn't want to take the time or practice to advance. This is not the game's fault. Every vet went thru the same problems you did. I think you expected to burn the skies cause you did well in IL-2 and I am surprised you didn't try the other aspects of the game. WW2OL has a steep learning curve and flight combat has the steepest. A couple of days will not make an ace even if you had access to top tier aircraft, you still would have burned. It is simply not the game you expected.. Many of us think a lower rank requirment for binocs should be allowed. I think there should be a random addition of binocs up to some max, so that newbies with binocs would attract players without. Not every infantry man in ww2 had binocs, but in ww2ol they do have a radio on their back:-) and newbies simply ask where are the ei, plus the map reports gives a great idea where they are. If you have any time left why not struggle the same way all of us did and you might find the fun in the game. Everyone dies, we all die a lot, vets die all the time to the guns of newbies. It is the only MMO that does allow a green tagged newbie to kill 7 year vet.
Its true that not everyone had binocs and a radio, but didnt they have at least a big frontline. This is a game, you often fight 1-2 mm pixels, its so tiny that you need glases in real life almost. And without binocs you dont have any chance to see enemy infantry ahead hiding in bushes. Since the pixels/player characters are so tiny in this game i really wished they would offer binocs for every player. The radio is fine but since the game doesnt offer always realistic frontlines and instead often guerilla warfare, newvbies just have it really hard to see anything. Thats not really that great for beginners who start playing a trial.
Many of us agree about the binocs, either all or none have them or the rank level should be lowered. They are good to have when you are approaching a town offensively from an MSP which is why I recommend that newbies do a lot of para drops to get them into a town..or do a lot of defensive missions where you know where they are coming. If you cannot see them because they are too small and can with binocs, you still won't be able to hit them with a non scoped rifle even when you know where they are. I also suggest that newbies run with a ranked player and just ask him what he sees. Not the best solution but it does work and I also suggest that every newbie join a squad the moment they log in the first time.