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It is funny

nileqnileq Member Posts: 476

That all <Mod edit> where screaming;
-"Let someone from outside Aventurine in to play the game and write a review THEN I will believe"
Well that just happend, and they show their true nature and all go:
-"ITALIAN!? wth!"
-"There are DFO LOGOS ON THE screenes, Tasos have full control"
-"Tasos have an iron grip on these guys, they will also lie"

For crying out loud stop with the bullshit! 
Point is, the to italians, played the game (screens show us that) and they are not bound by NDA and will write a revew.
Tasos have invited MEDIA ( pack your bags!) to visit, and play if they like

I have nothing clever to say.


  • MahloMahlo Member UncommonPosts: 814

    Someone has written a review? Do you mind pasting it here for us all to enjoy?

  • Zayne3145Zayne3145 Member Posts: 1,448

    No way! The whole DF debacle has been one of the most entertaining things on for a long time. Makes a change from the perennial WoW-bashing which is just passé now.


  • SeggallionSeggallion Member UncommonPosts: 684

    The Sceptics, yes they're special but we've need them to.. I guess.
    And if they're put more effort can create a 'Team Sceptic'
    and send them to the Special Olympus.

  • AthekiAtheki Member Posts: 26
    Originally posted by Mahlo

    Someone has written a review? Do you mind pasting it here for us all to enjoy?



    Review from

    DARKFALL BETA REVIEW Allora si logga, si sceglie la razza tra le sei disponibili. il sesso e la solita pletora di personalizzazioni: altezza, stile dei capelli e cosi' via atraverso numerosi slider. Si sceglie la locazione di partenza tra le tre disponibili per ogni razza, tutte diverse (saranno disponibili 18 location di partenza quindi).

    Inizialmente il sistema di controllo risulta piuttosto incasinato, perche' e' assolutamente diverso da qualsiasi altro MMORPG. Si impara comunque velocemente, e' molto intuitivo e si puo' personalizzare senza troppi problemi: si puo' rebindare qualsiasi tasto, ma Aventurine ha fatto un'ottimo lavoro e occorre davvero fare solo un po' di pratica.

    Abbiamo dunque preso le prime quest dall'NPC iniziale. Il gioco non e' assolutamente quest driven, ma queste prime aiutano a imparare a orientarsi e a prendere dimestichezza col sistema di combattimento, totamente in tempo reale: equipaggiando l'arma di passa dalla prima alla terza persona (al momento non c'e' alcun livello di zoom), e si comincia ad utilizzarla: ogni colpo va calibrato. Se il bersaglio si sposta, non lo si colpisce. Occorre studiarne il movimento e intuire dove sara' mezzo secondo dopo, e puntare li' perche' il colpo vada a segno. L'arco e' ancora piu' complesso da utilizzare: a breve distanza e' inutile, e a lunga distanza occorre studiare la traiettoria parabolica che le frecce seguiranno, puntando piu' o meno sopra il beersaglio.

    Le aree iniziali sono popolate dai goblin, che Aventurine ci ha presentato come i "ratti" di Darkfall. I mob appena ci vedono ci attaccano dalla lunga distanza (si parla di decine e decine di metri) con i loro archi scagliando delle frecce, e mentre corriamo verso di loro per colpirli con la spada che abbiamo equipaggiato (all'inizio nell'inventario abbiamo solo una spada, un'ascia e una mazza), passano all'attacco melee equipaggiando ascia e scudo. Si muovono cercando di evitare i nostri colpi e scappano quando sono in difficolta', mentre siamo noi a scappare se ci attaccano in due o tre. Una volta sconfitti, lootiamo esattamente cio' che prima gli avevamo visto utilizzare: un arco, delle frecce, un-ascia e uno scudo.

    I goblin hanno un'intelliugenza artificiale davvero elaborata, e l'unico modo per sconfiggerli e' usare un approccio tattico allo scontro, utilizzando l'ambiente a proprio favore: recarsi su una collina che sovrasta il loro accampamento se vogliamo usare l'arco, oppure attirarne l'attenzione e poi nascondersi dietro le rocce per prenderli di sorpresa.

    Abbiamo provato anche il sistema di magie: ogni incantesimo va selezionato premendo uno dei tasti veloci cui lo abbiamo assegnato, e poi eseguito usando il tasto sinistro del mouse: si carica e poi va rilasciato al momento giusto, stando ben attenti a non colpire qualcuno dei propri compagni, o gli avversari se si tratta di uno spell di cura. Per castare li spell si ha bisogno di una staffa, acquistabile da un vendor: le staffe base permettono di castare la maggior parte degli spell, ma vi sono staffe speciali per spell speciali.

    Arriviamo dunque a uno degli aspetti piu' discussi del gioco: la grafica. Beh questa sara' davvero l'ultimo problema del gioco: e' assolutamente eccezionale, fluida e dettagliata. Gli effetti poi sono davvero fantastici: qualcuno potrebbe nascondersi dietro un'albero e voi potreste vederne l'ombra, oppure il riflesso del chiarore di luna su un'armatura in metallo potrebbe svelarvi la posizione di un nemico nascosto nell'oscurita' notturna.

    C'e' il tempo meteorologico che cambia, ed e' un altra cosa che influenza decisamente il gameplay: un esercito potrebbe decidere di aspettare un giorno di nebbia per sferrare un poderoso attacco, oppure la pioggia potrebbe mascherare il rumore dei passi di un assassino.

    Vi e' poi il sonoro, un aspetto che anche se dal punto di vista della colonna sonora non abbiamo ancora potuto valutare, perche' abbiamo preferito concentrarci sui rumoi ambientali: assolutamente accurati e realistici. Si sente il rumore dei passi in lontanza, se ci accucciamo facciamo molto meno rumore e potremo tentare un attacco alle spalle.

    Passando all'interfaccia, essa si segnala per la totale diversita' con qunato siamo abiutati a vedere nei MMORPG. All'inizio potreste rimanere spiazzati e chiedervi dove essa sia, ma cliccando col tasto destro ecco apparire un menu' a tendina, tramite cui potremo aprire tutte le finestre che vogliamo: minimappa (il cui livello di zoom e' bloccato, e che non segnala niente se non i possibili punti d'interesse - ad esempio la posizione degli accampamneti di goblin - e i nostri compagni di party), l'inventario, il pannello dell'equipaggiamento e tutto il resto.

    Ogni singola finestra puo' scomparire una volta che riclicchiamo il destro, oppure possiamo tenerla sempre su schermo a seconda di come preferiamo. In poche parole: personalizzazione assoluta. Non avremo alcuna interfaccia predisegnata e precostituita, nessun mod che la renda piu' figa. Ce la creiamo letteralmente noi come piu' ci piace.

    Ebbene, in conclusione: Darkfall c'e', e' realmente innovativo e pare proprio confermare le attese. Provandolo qui ad Atene piu' che delle sorprese, abbiamo avuto delle conferme: il gioco e' davvero interessante, tecnicamente al passo coi tempi (anzi, ribadiamolo: una roba del genere non si e' mai vista) e pare pronto a mantenere tutte le promesse fatte sinora.

    In due parole: e' un'approccio completamente nuovo al Massive Multiplayer Game, ed e' questo che la community si aspetta. Forse e' presto per dire che sara' il degno successore di Ultima Online, ma i presupposti ci sono proprio tutti.


    Ciauz By

    Von Ti@TiX


  • DarthRaidenDarthRaiden Member UncommonPosts: 4,333

    How muchground these gimps lost over the year ...

    March/april --> game isn't in developemnt

    Juni/Juli --> game is vapor no gameplay vid will be released

    September -> gameplay vid  was scripted  we want a first person perspective

    November --> there is no beta ..



    gimps back to basement !

    $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
    -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!

    "There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)

  • nileqnileq Member Posts: 476

    I think I'll wait for one of the italian guys on dfo board to translat that.. google-translate isn't really working that good.. hehe

    I have nothing clever to say.

  • zantaxzantax Member Posts: 254

    This game looks amazing, I really think the problem with them not really pushing it in North America is that they are having trouble with the name.  I don't think they can copyright it for some reason, at least I thought I read that somewhere.  If that is the case once they nail the copyright then we will probably see a slew of reviews.

    Either way this will be my next Asherons Call, when it comes out.

  • ZorvanZorvan Member CommonPosts: 8,912
    Originally posted by nileq

    That all the trolls (TenSpotting, Zorvan and the rest of the gang) where screaming;
    Ah, I'm flattered. You remember my name.
     -"Let someone from outside Aventurine in to play the game and write a review THEN I will believe"
    Well that just happend, and they show their true nature and all go:
    -"ITALIAN!? wth!"
    -"There are DFO LOGOS ON THE screenes, Tasos have full control"
    -"Tasos have an iron grip on these guys, they will also lie"
    Damn skippy. Why don't you keep up with the times? Since Tasos pretty much admitted this:
    "We have allowed 2 journalists from MMORPG Italia to do a review of Darkfall beta. They have been playing for a few hours here at our offices and we've been helping them out. They requested this visit over a month ago and we agreed. We'll do the same for any professional gaming media that's interested to come here and get a hands-on experience of the game. We will allow media wider access to the beta soon enough, but for now this can only happen on site.
    We have not lifted the NDA, but we have allowed them access just for their review, but not to answer questions after this is out. We will ask you to respect this, and our willingness to share information about the game, even when there's an active NDA. We take the NDA very seriously, for the good of the game. This is still a testing process.
    They have taken some screenshots and I'm sure they'll have a lot to say about the game in the days to come: "

    For crying out loud stop with the bullshit! 
    I think perhaps you should take your own advise.
    Point is, the to italians, played the game (screens show us that) and they are not bound by NDA and will write a revew.
    And as already shown in the statement by Tasos I provided above, you're right. They're not under NDA, they're under Tasos.
    Tasos have invited MEDIA ( pack your bags!) to visit, and play if they like
    I think has provided them with more than enough free publicity. Let Aventurine work for it now.


  • originaleggoriginalegg Member Posts: 1,099


    not like anyone who had 1/2 a brain needed any more confirmation....but at least this may silence the basement dwellers so we can actually have some conversation about the game now.

  • IhmoteppIhmotepp Member Posts: 14,495
    Originally posted by originalegg

    not like anyone who had 1/2 a brain needed any more confirmation....but at least this may silence the basement dwellers so we can actually have some conversation about the game now.


    No one is stopping you from   discussing the game, instead of calling everyone that says Darkfall is Vaporware a troll.

    Stay out of the discussions about whether or not DF is vaporware, and quit screaming at everyone that calls DF vaporware, and just stick to the topics that discuss the gameplay.


  • ShadowoakShadowoak Member Posts: 236
    Originally posted by Zorvan 



    I said that to polar before, not allowing to speak about certain aspects of their game doesn't mean they can't give the game a bad review.


    Keeping NDA isn't the same with telling them what to write.


    Of course, I'm not expecting a logical answer to this.

  • HotjazzHotjazz Member UncommonPosts: 742
    Originally posted by nileq
    Well that just happend, and they show their true nature and all go:
    -"ITALIAN!? wth!"
    -"There are DFO LOGOS ON THE screenes, Tasos have full control"
    -"Tasos have an iron grip on these guys, they will also lie"

    For crying out loud stop with the bullshit! 


    Haha they will never go. Darkfall forum is their mmorpg, and they play it like a MUD. The grapics in here sucks, but you got alot of freedom.

  • nileqnileq Member Posts: 476
    Originally posted by Zorvan

    Originally posted by nileq

    That all the trolls (TenSpotting, Zorvan and the rest of the gang) where screaming;
    Ah, I'm flattered. You remember my name.
     -"Let someone from outside Aventurine in to play the game and write a review THEN I will believe"
    Well that just happend, and they show their true nature and all go:
    -"ITALIAN!? wth!"
    -"There are DFO LOGOS ON THE screenes, Tasos have full control"
    -"Tasos have an iron grip on these guys, they will also lie"
    Damn skippy. Why don't you keep up with the times? Since Tasos pretty much admitted this:
    "We have allowed 2 journalists from MMORPG Italia to do a review of Darkfall beta. They have been playing for a few hours here at our offices and we've been helping them out. They requested this visit over a month ago and we agreed. We'll do the same for any professional gaming media that's interested to come here and get a hands-on experience of the game. We will allow media wider access to the beta soon enough, but for now this can only happen on site.
    We have not lifted the NDA, but we have allowed them access just for their review, but not to answer questions after this is out. We will ask you to respect this, and our willingness to share information about the game, even when there's an active NDA. We take the NDA very seriously, for the good of the game. This is still a testing process.
    They have taken some screenshots and I'm sure they'll have a lot to say about the game in the days to come: "

    For crying out loud stop with the bullshit! 
    I think perhaps you should take your own advise.
    Point is, the to italians, played the game (screens show us that) and they are not bound by NDA and will write a revew.
    And as already shown in the statement by Tasos I provided above, you're right. They're not under NDA, they're under Tasos.
    Tasos have invited MEDIA ( pack your bags!) to visit, and play if they like
    I think has provided them with more than enough free publicity. Let Aventurine work for it now.



    Actually I was thinking of Arcken, but I must have read your name just before I wrote the OP.

    You are not the top troll here

    I have nothing clever to say.

  • DameonkDameonk Member UncommonPosts: 1,914

    Out of all of the Darkfall fans on this site, I like you best of all nileq.

    "There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."

  • nileqnileq Member Posts: 476
    Originally posted by Dameonk

    Out of all of the Darkfall fans on this site, I like you best of all nileq.


    Cool ,-) I'll swing a beer in your name!

    I have nothing clever to say.

  • ArckenArcken Member Posts: 2,431
    Originally posted by Dameonk

    Out of all of the Darkfall fans on this site, I like you best of all nileq.

    I like downtoearth, evasia, and darthraiden the best. I know their primary language isnt english. But everytime I read a post from them I see Toki and Skwissgar arguing in my head complete with the hilarious accents.


    Skwissgar : Yous knows that Darkfalls is totallys brutal right?

    Toki : Its the mosts brutal game on the wholes planet!

    Skwissgar : Stops copies me.

  • AnsgarIsenAnsgarIsen Member Posts: 118

    I vote for closing the topic. - It's outragious to see this level of generalization.

    After all the fun one could have here, putting people like Tenspotting, Arcken and Zorvan in the same boat is potentially destroying it.

    Rethink and correct completely at least!

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