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Looking for….

taglios1taglios1 Member Posts: 14

Looking for….

A game that has open ended character development meaning similar to the mix and matching of Shadowbane or Eve online or Anarchy Online that you can design your char the way you want try new builds etc. All 3 have fairly open build policies to the let the players try new things. I like coming up with unique builds. For example a priest that wields dual swords using arranged fire attack etc. Just throwing that out there as something weird and off the wall.

The game has to have PVP and it has to be fairly open meaning I could get killed at any time once outside of safe areas by other players. A good idea would be like EVE online they have it about half and half with corp wars allowing fighting even in safe zones. Just using it as a example not a written in stone rule. I am trying to stay away from things that place you automatically on one side or the other for PVP I like open style PVP anyone can kill anyone in hot zones/non-safe areas.

A decent way to make money in the game be it crafting or mining etc whatever. I don’t mind grinding somewhat provided that it isn’t impossible to get up to the higher levels in a month or two with a few hours each day. I don’t need to be at the top right away but at a decent level I can solo away.


Over the years have tried the following

9 dragons

Anarchy Online

City of Heroes

Dungeons and Dragons Online

Eve Online

Final Fantasy

Guild Wars


Last chaos

Lineage 2




RF Online




Star Wars




World War II Online



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