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Below are links to info / videos that helped me decide to play The Chronicles of Spellborn. This post is not related to any other post and shouldn't be considered as a "best of the best info" list. It's just the info that helped me wrap my mind around what to expect when I first get started playing the game. For me, the beginning experience is what draws me into the game. It can also repel me away from the game. With that said... I hope this helps others in making that decision to either play TCoS or to keep looking.
1) FAQ's (updated on 11/27/08)
2) The Chronicles of Spellborn - Character creation VIDEO
3) The Chronicles of Spellborn - Starting Area VIDEO
4) Chronicles of Spellborn GC 2008 - Developer Walkthrough VIDEO
5) PVP Combat System Tutorial VIDEO
6) A journey into the Spellborn world VIDEO
That was it for me. There are tons of videos on YouTube and othe places. Tons of trailers and user created gameplay footage. Tons of posts and websites with info. Out of all I looked through... the 6 links above helped me decide to give this one a try.
I also found a good bit of info at the following two links:
Hope this helped!
Thanks for posting this! Those are some great links.
My pleasure.
Hope it helps!
I hope you find it to your liking.
For me, I was really excited and looking forward to the game, but then I got to try it out.
I don't like the combat system at all, and found the field of view extremely uncomfortable. Maybe they've added a user setting for that now though.
Everyone's tastes are different I guess. Do you normally enjoy action oriented combat systems in other games? Out of all RPG's which combat system did you enjoy the most from either single player or MMOG's?
Sorry for derailing this thread, but I'd like to respond to Aganazer. It's not often people ask sensible questions on this site.
I do play a lot of action games and that includes the shooters, so it's fair to say that I'm a fan of fast paced combat. However, the problem (for me) lies in the fact that TCoS has a very unique combat system, and I simply don't like it. I found it hard to understand and navigate at first, then I just found it destracting. Maybe with time it would become second nature, but it put me right off. The only other combat system to have such a negative impact on me was found in The Matrix Online.
Now, I'm not saying that this combat system is bad. I'm just saying that I don't like it.
As for my favourite combat system, well I think that would have to be a tie between Age of Conan and Mass Effect. I really like the way both of those games dealt with things.
Whether one likes the combat system really makes or breaks this game. Still, I would like to suggest to new players to give it some time to get used to it. It is quite difficult (or at least, it was for me ) and it takes a little practice.
Some things that helped me, was to lock the mouse (r). It made hitting the target sooo much easier. Also, I am playing AoC as well, so I was trying all the time to use the the keyboard to set of my combat skills and it was awful, because you need to move all the time. Then I switched to using the mouse buttons to trigger my combat skills and that has made it also much easier. So with one hand, I am moving around, with the other I am aiming and triggering the skills.
Contrary to other games, you die a lot during the first levels. On the other hand, it is also quite a challenge and that can be fun as well.
For example, I love the way, the mobs are running around in quite an unpredictable way. (They are also almost all aggressive from the start). You can't count on this lvl 1 bear standing there, next to the bush and waiting for you to come and kill it. It roams the area, sometimes starting a fight with another mob and then it can run quite a long way off and attack anybody, standing in its way. Makes live much more exciting... I was fighting a lvl 2 wolf with my new lvl 2 rogue and I was winning and the creature retreated and then came back with another wolf. In the end, I had to make a run for it...
I am a sucker for unique combat systems. I have always been willing to forgive the shortcomings of games like TR, HGL, and CoX just because each of them had such compelling combat systems.
Given that darwa likes AoC combat, which is relatively fast paced, makes me second guess if I'll like it. I wonder how TCoS combat compares to Tabula Rasa combat which required a lot of positioning and uses the mouse a lot for triggering abilities (at least in FPS mode). One thing I didn't like about the AoC combat system was how much it relied on the keyboard with all its button mashing. I never should have played a melee class in AoC! Generally, I prefer a more mouse controlled combat system.
Followed a link here from a different forum. Just wanted to say thanks for these links, they're really comprehensive.
As for the videos, I'm now officially a Tazjin fan. Adorable!