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Recently I've begun to look into Darkfall with its inticing promises of freedom that I so yearn for in an MMO. From what I've gathered this is going to be a pretty hardcore EVE style MMO what with all PvP servers, and full body looting rights.
They also seem devoted to freedom giving me the choice as to where to go and what to do. It is because of this devotion to freedom and harshnes of world that I ask will there be nudity?
What do you need cartoon boobies to have fun OMG look at what AoC started.
Assassin's like to do it in the dark and from behind.
Not really. I mean yes that is a possibility I mean they went crazy over the hot coffee mod in San Andreas.
But to clarify my question im not asking will there be avatar on avatar sex, I'm asking will there just be un censored nudity like in Age of Conan. Another thing to remember is that Age of Conan had full frontal nudity and it to my knowledge wasn't attacked for this. Hell in Second Life your avatar can have sex with other avatars, and while I've seen some articles about it for the most part there was no uproar about that.
I think that we are slowly adjusting to boobs in MMOs. I honestly don't think Darkfall would recieve bad press if it had boobs under a mature rating. Furthermore I can't help but wonder if they have a mature rating due to blood and the harshness of the world why not put that in for realism.
darkfall seems like theyr doing everything there fans want nothing else they just slammed a bunch of old ideas together that people want for a mmo i doubt theyl add nudity
I personally would prefer nudity in DF, easy kills as people strip their female Mirdains and fap to them.
You can decapitate people, so chances are it will be M rated. No nudity, though (that has been announced - looks like the best you'll get is leather thongs if you strip down).
same here but then the jesus bible wannabes would be all over it i can remember the aoc forums where people where whining like little girls about it omg no boobies plx
Heh, well that was just sarcasm. Boobies would add nothing to the game really and just take developing time that could be used for something much more useful. If i want boobies on my screen I'll just head to the nearest porn site.
Darkfall already has boobs.
Most people refer to them as "devs", though.
Haha, comical indeed.
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
"Luckily I know that while you make nonsnese baiting threads that get locked....threads I make get sticked by the mods on this forum...." -imbant (greatest board warrior EVER)
Darkfall Countdown:
The end of the twenty minute gameplay video. I think it was for show more than anything though.
At the turn of the century...
In 2008... voted Roosevelt as the most badass President of all time.
This is his story....
Well I am not a bible freak as a matter of fact in my group of friends I am the king of porn
but all the crying that goes on for boobs in mmo or nipples or g-strings just shows who
the real freaks are that get off cybering in a mmo.
But hey let there be boobs so while you are sitting there drooling over them I can sneak up behind you and create a new corpse
Assassin's like to do it in the dark and from behind.
Well it's not really about seeing boobs, per se.
It's about the gaming industry evolving past the belief that it's players are all 13 year old boys.
There was a time like this for movies. When you watch a thrilling movie that you really enjoy, something intense, engaging and intellectually stimulating and you happen to see a tit halfway through the movie; Do you stop everything you're doing and forget about the entire movie because of the boobs? I'll bet that if you're actually watching the movie, you wouldn't hardly take notice.
It can't be said for everyone.. but hey, you know.
Games need to get over this hurdle of being stereotyped as a childish second-rate form of entertainment.
Some of the greatest films ever made, such as the Godfather which featured a sex-scene or two.
Shawshank Redemption featured a prisoner being raped.
List goes on forever.. but you get the point. Do you watch the Godfather for that sex scene? I fucking hope not.
Three cheers to games evolving.
Well it's not really about seeing boobs, per se.
It's about the gaming industry evolving past the belief that it's players are all 13 year old boys.
There was a time like this for movies. When you watch a thrilling movie that you really enjoy, something intense, engaging and intellectually stimulating and you happen to see a tit halfway through the movie; Do you stop everything you're doing and forget about the entire movie because of the boobs? I'll bet that if you're actually watching the movie, you wouldn't hardly take notice.
It can't be said for everyone.. but hey, you know.
Games need to get over this hurdle of being stereotyped as a childish second-rate form of entertainment.
Some of the greatest films ever made, such as the Godfather which featured a sex-scene or two.
Shawshank Redemption featured a prisoner being raped.
List goes on forever.. but you get the point. Do you watch the Godfather for that sex scene? I fucking hope not.
Three cheers to games evolving.
Depends on who's boobs we are talking about
But yes I do get the point but if you go back and read up on the post made when AoC said they where going to censor the nipples the was alot of crying by what did appear to be 13 year olds.
BTW Shawshank was one of the best movies ever made.
Assassin's like to do it in the dark and from behind.
I wouldnt count too much on nudity... probably like most MMORPG.... bloody and girls fighting in there panties cause well... its a free game... how good could it get with full of idiots and noobs since there mommies didnt have too pay for the game lol.
darkfall will never be a mature game like aoc. I mean wolf-men, elves, dwarves and flashy lights. the art style and sound effects and even the community reminds me of runescape. there going to be ALOT of kids playing this game, MARK MY WORDS.
hopefuly good gameplay can remedy these issues.
My blog:
Well it's not really about seeing boobs, per se.
It's about the gaming industry evolving past the belief that it's players are all 13 year old boys.
There was a time like this for movies. When you watch a thrilling movie that you really enjoy, something intense, engaging and intellectually stimulating and you happen to see a tit halfway through the movie; Do you stop everything you're doing and forget about the entire movie because of the boobs? I'll bet that if you're actually watching the movie, you wouldn't hardly take notice.
It can't be said for everyone.. but hey, you know.
Games need to get over this hurdle of being stereotyped as a childish second-rate form of entertainment.
Some of the greatest films ever made, such as the Godfather which featured a sex-scene or two.
Shawshank Redemption featured a prisoner being raped.
List goes on forever.. but you get the point. Do you watch the Godfather for that sex scene? I fucking hope not.
Three cheers to games evolving.
The next stage in gaming evolution is nudity?!?!? Go watch some porn and do ur thing and you wont care about seeing nudity in games.
Well I think if Orks are allowed to squat and sh1t then it can have an M rating but as for bothering to look at pixel bumbs, i'll not have time to bother looking for things like this anyway. But should it be allowed then I may even role my first ever chick in an MMO to pervert, er I mean divert people's attention for my benefit.
Have It!!
I won't play DF if it has nudity. I don't play games to look at naked people. I was following AoC extensively until I opened a news letter and behold, a half naked avatar stood there, staring me in the eyes. Yeah, its pretty obvious that I'm a Christian and that is the number one reason why I would not play such a game - as I didn't play AoC..
and look how that game ended up.
Nudity is not required to make a game good - just like movies.
MMO migrant.
After some searching I found:
" We never tried to exploit the M rating, and we never felt there was a need to tease our players with promises of ultra violence or sexist sexual innuendo. For us, it's all about the features that come from offering full freedom gameplay with accountability. We've remained true to our original vision to this day."
So I doubt it.
The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best - and therefore never scrutinize or question.
same here but then the jesus bible wannabes would be all over it i can remember the aoc forums where people where whining like little girls about it omg no boobies plx
Priorities seem to be completly stupid atm for modern society as well as religions. "Sure they can show me decapatated heads but PLEASE GOD PLEASE dont let me see a pair of milk jugs" >< As if there eyes would turn to ash if they saw a pair :L
Why cant society just grow up already
For the decapitation or the nudity?
Decapitation was in the 17min video (right at the end), it was in one of the Tasos beta quotes (some player laughing because his mate got decapitated by an NPC), and I believe the devs also said you can decapitate people. It's random though - hit someone with a sword, if it's a killing blow there's a percentile chance you'll lop their head off.
As for nudity - it hasn't been announced. That's my source.
Are you kidding? Nudity!? Like the posters already said, go watch come porn. Its easy to find. Hell, you could probably google rocket science n somehow find some boobies.
I am all for blood, gore, and decapications but retarded dudes running around with their toons naked flirting with other retarded sausage legs is just plain, well, retarded. This is one topic that really gets under my skin. Whats the point in having nudity in a game? Immersion? please. If used only sparingly, i could see how it could be put into a game through a quest, story, joke, or something. But having the usual sausage leg bunny hopping naked around a community hot spot is completely out of context.
{ Mod Edit }
To get back on topic, I doubt the game will make it without the M rating in case it contains the shown level of violence in release.
Nudity hasn't been shown nor mentioned, so I'm pretty sure there won't be any. To be honest, the character models also don't really make that an option to beg for
AoC has nudity for the reason of it's setting and lore. It was good to keep it from FC's side, despite the uproar of people who still view some of history's greatest artists as some sort of porn freaks in their limited little worlds.
However on the other hand the hype around it was just as pathetic, - but that settled fast, leaving the nudity being just what it is, a logical and natural part of it's world and immersion, not more and not less.
Edit: While I don't question moderation in that edit, I'd like to point out that in that light, I highly question how on the other hand it can be tolerated to advertise ONE religion in the way the poster I referrred to obviously does.
You could take your opinion and switch the words "Blood" and "Gore" with "Nudity", for all what you said about nudity could also be said about violence. Does a game benefit from totally cool graphics of heads rolling? I personally have no problems with violence and nudity both, for both are part of what makes us human, as long as each have a point in the media it is portrayed in.
Given a choice, I would rather see nudity; being a former military person I have seen death for real. Nudity does not equal porn, or even sexuality. It simply is a state of unadornment. The connection of nudity to sexuality has solely to do with prudish views and a society that is so badly censored to the point that it cannot seperate the two.
Overt sexuality should be used very sparingly, but plain old nekkidness is no big deal. It just amazes me how violence (and hiddeous cruel acts) is OK but nudity is not. Sadly, vvistovv's remark is so common and is so why our society is so screwed up. People like him are legion.
You know why people say that stuff? Because nudity scares them. Sexuality scares them and makes them uncomfortable. It scares them more than any threat of violence could, for it reveals one's own inner insecurities. You can run from bombs and guns, but you can't hide from your true self.... naked or clothed.
I weep for our species.