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I just read an article on Yahoo saying that Atari was getting involed in the MMORPG business.;_ylt=AkDLWv2TilBi_wU6uJQxQhcDW7oF
infogrames, Atari and Cryptic is a pretty potent force, big mix of experience in promotion, publishing, branding and development, could be a pretty impressive combination.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
They are also doing some retail distribution for CCP w/Eve.
Seems that way. This seems to be more of an act of desparation than initiative. Unless they plan to DO something with these games, it'll fall to the:
like RF Online did. I liked RF Online... R.I.P. -_-
I would love to see Atari bring all this together with a persistant shared world NWN type MMORPG that focused on player created content.
Atari was in 1980 what Sony was in 1999. Both had cutting edge cool stuff, but have yet to produce anything worthwhile since. I respect Atari however, because they'd bowed out instead of taxing their gamers by any method possible. If Atari can bury it's recent faulty track-record:
Jag history here:
And get back to the innovation that made them famous in the first place, then I'd love to see them introduce a new era of gaming.
Yeah, I remember. I had a 2600
It's not really that Atari anymore. It's Infogrames Atari. Not even subtly related to the old one.
Ahh yeah. now you mention that I do remember reading about that whole thing... Your right.