I played for twi years too only that i got hacked and account stolen i was level 89 well i quited for 6 moths. i wonder what level it is. Account name is 175101144181. Easy to make money as member and non-member.
I played for twi years too only that i got hacked and account stolen i was level 89 well i quited for 6 moths. i wonder what level it is. Account name is 175101144181. Easy to make money as member and non-member.
Hmmm an account name of all numbers. I bet you're a gold farmer or botter lol.
Back on topic before this thread got hijacked by 360 and ps3 haters...
Letting people macro is RS would be rediculous. One of the main things that sets RS apart from other games is the fact that if you have the patience to reach a high level, then you are rewarded by the fact that your account is better than every other 10-year-olds. I've played for the last 6 years and i'd be the one quitting if they let some punk kids cheat because they had a cry about slow leveling. If you don't like endless grinding then go back to ebaumsworld. Because I sure as hell don't want kids like you ruining my gaming over something as small as your attention span.
I admire the skilling part of rs, but I damn hate it when they don't give you nothing else to do but skill. Just as I said before, Rs is run by skill cape addicts. Most of them are agsty-kids and teens. I also don't enjoy a game which prohibits socialites like me by censoring words,discouraging long term friendships, and hiring idiots to police the game . My conclusion is, justice had its chances. Nuff said.
The fact of which game takes more skill is that, In my opinion, World of Warcraft does. If you compare a simple skill that is in each of the games, it is evident that WoW has more of a challenge for players. Fishing for example, is a skill in both of the games. Runescapes approach to fishing is: You right click on a fishing spot and auto-fish a whole bag full of fish, then go bank them. Back to the spot, then bank them. No skill required whatsoever. if i taught a 6 year old where to click, i bet he could do it. World of warcrafts approach: find a body of water anywhere in the game. Equip your fishing pole. Cast Fishing. Wait for the bobber to move then right click to reel in. you get one fish. Repeat. Obliviously, WoW takes more skill. Runescape takes more time, but TIME DOES NOT EQUAL SKILL. Now, why dont we cook the fish we caught? good idea! Runescape: Get your fish, make or find a fire or stove, and right click the stove. Auto casts all the cooking. WoW: Take your fish. Find some Seasonings and maybe travel to some far off area or do some cooking daily quest to get some spice to make the fish. then, cook the fish by a fire. Third, how about we use the food to provide us with some health regeneration during combat? Good idea, maybe i can get some quests done while i'm at it. Runescape: Start the fight. I hit you. You hit me. I hit you. You hit me. I hit you. Oh no! A SPECIAL ATTACK!!! HALF HEALTH! EAT,EAT,EAT! (you can eat food during combat to easily heal yourself) WoW: Pull the Mob. You try to fear or stun him. He Trinkets out and uses Bladestorm. You fear again, but it's no use. a nearby paladin bubbles you in an attempt to save you. Perfect chance to heal some heal, but you are unaware that you cannot use food in combat in WoW. Tired of training skills? How about some PvP? Runescape: Wandering on the edge of the winderness on your low level alternative character. you see someone wearing terrible gear and half healthed. You swiftly jump into the wilderness and attack him. Use use your sword and run at him, but oh no. he equipes his staff and binds you in place, then casts an earth shock or whatever it is. maybe fire...and kills you. You lose all your armor because you attempted to attack him first. WoW: Standing at the Wintergrasp Keep, waiting for the horde to charge with sudden brute force. Suddenly you hear someone yell from a tower. the fight starts. a team of 10 is holding the west vehicle depot up, so the horde move in from the east. You alert your teammates and they move over there. There are Seige Engines, Demolisher, Catipults, and many, many horde. They charge. Rocks fly throught the air, slamming into the walls. Seige Engines slowly but surely approach the wall. The Tower next to you collapses, and with it, two of your teammates from a AV Battlegrounds 20 minutes before. The wall is destroyed, and your people retreat to the inner walls. You barely escape the fight. you move to the vehicle depot in the west side of the keep. you order for a demolisher to be made, and immediatly take it out of the keep. you drive to the south, to the Horde's unprotected towers. one by one, you destroy them. Just as you reach the outer walls of the keep, the battle is over. Any horde wandering around are hunted down and killed. soon the fortress is rebuilt and dailies and preparations start for the next battle.
My opinion of which company is the best would have to go to Blizzard. Why? Let's say you get keylogged and hacked. he sells all your stuff and sends it to his character, then changes your password. You cannot log on, so you have blizzard send a password confirmation email to your account the next day you have your account and Blizzard has been nice enough to mail you your stuff. Same thing happens in Runescape...To damn bad. there are so many more poeple that try to scam or hack you in runecape then in WoW. In runescape, people would try to rip you off or scam you by removing an item from trade right before you accept. In WoW, I hand the 1000g worth of materials over to the Blacksmith, and he makes me my mace. he hands over the mace and we go about our buisness. One thing that happened to me a while ago was that i thought the mats to a leatherworking item were different then what they accually were. I handed 2 extra Frozen orbs over to him. he made my 2 items and didnt notice that he didnt use the Frozen orbs. I left party and went about my day. About 3 hours later i got the two frozen orbs back in the mail from the guy. he said he didnt know how he got them and after reviewing the materials he knew they were mine.
As for the PS3, WII, and Xbox360 argument that somehow took over this threat, This kind of settles the argument as far as durability goes:
-- Lucifer
Edit: Sorry about the wall of text, just trying to prove a point.
The amount of hotkeys that are used, alone, are a testament to that. I must agree. What wow needs now is more nature interactive stuff like for example woodcutting, firemaking. What I LOVE about wow is their advanced transportation system. You can actually ride on animals/vehicles. And of course the diffrent races. One may say races doesn't matter, but thats bullshit. I love how elves look like compared to humans, and of course variety plays a big role. If only runescape had elves to choose from aside from those midget-size humans, I would play again for a while. And of course the graphics. Wow's models are far superior to runescape of course, especially when it comes to foliage and faces. I like to say runescape has smooth but dumb graphics, on the other hand, wow has sharp and refined graphics. it depends on your taste, whether you like cartoony style models rendered in full screen or realistic models rendered in full screen. Prices are also a problem for Wow compared to runescape, but as the say "you get what you payed for".
The amount of hotkeys that are used, alone, are a testament to that. I must agree. What wow needs now is more nature interactive stuff like for example woodcutting, firemaking. What I LOVE about wow is their advanced transportation system. You can actually ride on animals/vehicles. And of course the diffrent races. One may say races doesn't matter, but thats bullshit. I love how elves look like compared to humans, and of course variety plays a big role. If only runescape had elves to choose from aside from those midget-size humans, I would play again for a while. And of course the graphics. Wow's models are far superior to runescape of course, especially when it comes to foliage and faces. I like to say runescape has smooth but dumb graphics, on the other hand, wow has sharp and refined graphics. it depends on your taste, whether you like cartoony style models rendered in full screen or realistic models rendered in full screen. Prices are also a problem for Wow compared to runescape, but as the say "you get what you payed for".
I would agree with almost everything you just said. In World of Warcraft, they make some npc's chop wood and walk it over on their shoulders to the lumber mill, but the player can't do any of that. There is also no visible damage to the tree. Sure, there are stumps around, but they will always be stumps, while in runescape you can chop trees and it shows i cut down and has sound and all.
As far as paying goes, i have seen people quit WoW just because of the cost. While playing runescape, i had seen many people playing because they couldnt afford a game like WoW
To the OP....you are a WOWtard fool....I mean, I have nothing against the game, I've never even played it, but come on!...you are being a cry baby about it man!
And, as for the 360, PS3, and Wii war.......Wii is outselling both by far, but Wii is for casual gamers...I don't like it......I have a 360, and it is awesome.....it gets WAY better games than PS3, but it is getting some of what used to be Playstation exclusives......
PLAYING: NOTHING!!! PLAYED:FFXI, LotRO, AoC, WAR, DDO, Megaten, Wurm, Rohan, Mabinogi, RoM
I kinda get mad watching completely bias opinions getting thrown around...I have played Runescape, for like a year, got to level 98. I am currently playing WoW, level 80 rape sause mage. Playing both of these games for an extended time has given me the right to say (opinion) what game is better. I am going to say WoW is a better game. Better graphics, better gameplay, better world, better management, better everything. Can you really compare WoW to Runescape? I remember back when I was level 40 I walken from Darnarses or ,how ever you spell it, to Nigel Point (across map) and it took me 3 hours. 3! It takes me like 30 minutes to get from one corner of Runescape to the other. 3 hours on one island...and there is 4 islands. WoW is better. WoW has two add-ons out, what has Runescape done to better itself? The game looks like It was made in the 1900's. WoW for life.
Play me, I dont care, but you will get raped, shut down, and shut up.
To the OP....you are a WOWtard fool....I mean, I have nothing against the game, I've never even played it, but come on!...you are being a cry baby about it man! And, as for the 360, PS3, and Wii war.......Wii is outselling both by far, but Wii is for casual gamers...I don't like it......I have a 360, and it is awesome.....it gets WAY better games than PS3, but it is getting some of what used to be Playstation exclusives...... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are do you say "HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" At the end of your post? Does that make you somewhat of an 'higher' being then us? Smarter, perhaps? Furthermore, Why do you say i was being a crybaby about it? I was trying to prove a point, that WoW is the best MMORPG yet because WoW mixes the right amount of depth and simplicity better than any other game in the history of MMORPG'S. if you could, quote where i 'cried' in my post. Also you should have had some decent experience in each game to be putting your opinion forward. If you would like to know, i dont play WoW anymore. i quit, a long time ago.
As far as the consoles go, They all have their ups and downs. Wii is a more of a family system and is selling better than the other's. Thus it is a more successful console. The 360 and the Ps3 are both great consoles. I myself am a Xbox owner, but the think the Ps3 is just as great.
Originally posted by Palo_god If anything they should make the skills harder. I remember when it took a minimum of a year to get 99 prayer if you had the cash, now jagex has nerfed that skill to the point that you can get 1-99 prayer in 6 days if you have the cash. Macroing ruins games and it takes the point out of playing a game. I'm guessing you're a kid if you would actually want macroing in the game.
I agree with you, but what you have to understand is that the game's culture has changed drastically in the last few years. It's less and less about "earning enough money to get the things you want and then having fun doing whatever you like" and more and more about "getting the highest level and the most money so I can brag about it to anyone who will listen (and usually to those who won't)." Adding macroing is the logical next step for those who are willing to spend a solid year straight doing nothing but Prayer/Agility/Runecrafting or some other insanely grindy skill.
What really killed the game for me though is right around the time they added the Exchange, when they started adding item after item, each new one better than the one before it, and they set the price on each at 50 million or more. Jagex knows full well that people will do whatever it takes to be top player in Runescape, and so they go out of their way to make things more difficult and less fun, for no other reason than to drag out subscriptions. They are essentially a glorified Korean grinding MMO, without the item mall but with the same tactics. Adding in-game macros and bots would fall right within this pattern of behavior.
To the OP....you are a WOWtard fool....I mean, I have nothing against the game, I've never even played it, but come on!...you are being a cry baby about it man! And, as for the 360, PS3, and Wii war.......Wii is outselling both by far, but Wii is for casual gamers...I don't like it......I have a 360, and it is awesome.....it gets WAY better games than PS3, but it is getting some of what used to be Playstation exclusives...... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are do you say "HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" At the end of your post? Does that make you somewhat of an 'higher' being then us? Smarter, perhaps? Furthermore, Why do you say i was being a crybaby about it? I was trying to prove a point, that WoW is the best MMORPG yet because WoW mixes the right amount of depth and simplicity better than any other game in the history of MMORPG'S. if you could, quote where i 'cried' in my post. Also you should have had some decent experience in each game to be putting your opinion forward. If you would like to know, i dont play WoW anymore. i quit, a long time ago.
As far as the consoles go, They all have their ups and downs. Wii is a more of a family system and is selling better than the other's. Thus it is a more successful console. The 360 and the Ps3 are both great consoles. I myself am a Xbox owner, but the think the Ps3 is just as great.
What, are you 12 years old?
First, the "HA!!!!!!!" was me being an ass about the console war...nothing to do with you, so stay off it
Second, I did not give my opinion on WoW or Runescape, did you even read my post? I havent played them, don't plan on playing them, but do not have a problem with them.
And. as for you being a crybaby...go back and read post #9...you'll see what I mean.
PLAYING: NOTHING!!! PLAYED:FFXI, LotRO, AoC, WAR, DDO, Megaten, Wurm, Rohan, Mabinogi, RoM
I see you did not quote where i 'cried' in my post. And, for your informations, i just turned fourteen. Now, i know you'll point that out and laught at me, but i bet your alot older. If you are, why dont you get a god damn life and get off these pointless games that you spend so much of your pathetic life playing?
Furthermore, when you said explained why you said "HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and said it didnt have to do anything about me...Then why the fuck are you quoting my posts in the first time? They had nothing at all to do with you. You are a god damn hypocritical fool, and you really need to grow up and get a life if you think it's pathetic that i'm so young. Is it that hard? Get off these stupid games if you think so little of them or the people speaking about them.
What you say makes you sound like one of the fools that play Runescape. Always ripping each other off and trying to be the best on a game that Isnt worth the time and money they pay to play it.
Wow is a good game, and hopefully it stays that way. With all these expansion packs nothing can be better to satisfy your free time. The price is a little too demanding for now ,so Ill be playing Guildwars for now.
Originally posted by Palo_god If anything they should make the skills harder. I remember when it took a minimum of a year to get 99 prayer if you had the cash, now jagex has nerfed that skill to the point that you can get 1-99 prayer in 6 days if you have the cash. Macroing ruins games and it takes the point out of playing a game. I'm guessing you're a kid if you would actually want macroing in the game.
I agree with you, but what you have to understand is that the game's culture has changed drastically in the last few years. It's less and less about "earning enough money to get the things you want and then having fun doing whatever you like" and more and more about "getting the highest level and the most money so I can brag about it to anyone who will listen (and usually to those who won't)." Adding macroing is the logical next step for those who are willing to spend a solid year straight doing nothing but Prayer/Agility/Runecrafting or some other insanely grindy skill.
What really killed the game for me though is right around the time they added the Exchange, when they started adding item after item, each new one better than the one before it, and they set the price on each at 50 million or more. Jagex knows full well that people will do whatever it takes to be top player in Runescape, and so they go out of their way to make things more difficult and less fun, for no other reason than to drag out subscriptions. They are essentially a glorified Korean grinding MMO, without the item mall but with the same tactics. Adding in-game macros and bots would fall right within this pattern of behavior.
This is true. All of this really is evident when you look at the diffrent fansites...and even forums pertaining to runescape. Jagex actually thought that PVP worlds would balance the game which would re-incarnate the supply and demand that once was active in original pking. But but...I just killed a guy in full mith and I get a addy medium in return? The imbalances and restrictions in runescape are GOOD for short term uses...maybe for a month. But jagex thinks that putting restriction all the time would yield good results in the long term? You decide about that one. Jagex also thinks their are invulnerable and immune to economic depression. Do you think that is possible?
My question for Jagex and MG or anyone: Then why make mechscape? Didnt you say runescape was a game for 18+?
I see you did not quote where i 'cried' in my post. And, for your informations, i just turned fourteen. Now, i know you'll point that out and laught at me, but i bet your alot older. If you are, why dont you get a god damn life and get off these pointless games that you spend so much of your pathetic life playing? Furthermore, when you said explained why you said "HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and said it didnt have to do anything about me...Then why the fuck are you quoting my posts in the first time? They had nothing at all to do with you. You are a god damn hypocritical fool, and you really need to grow up and get a life if you think it's pathetic that i'm so young. Is it that hard? Get off these stupid games if you think so little of them or the people speaking about them. What you say makes you sound like one of the fools that play Runescape. Always ripping each other off and trying to be the best on a game that Isnt worth the time and money they pay to play it.
This is the OP now:
Lucifer777 - Apprentice Member
Real Name: Kyle Everett
Member since February 17, 2009 Last Visit: February 19, 2009
42 year old Male from Cohasser, MA, United States
This is the OP before:
xusheng - Novice Member
Real Name: xusheng zhao
Member since December 2, 2008 Last Visit: January 3, 2009
18 year old Male from pine brook, NJ, United States
Oh yeah and he says he's 14?
So do you make new accounts everytime you get embarassed by your pitiful posting? Why believe you anyway? You're obviously a liar and a WoW fanboy. Plus what you used for WoW fishing as an example as having more skill than Runescape is completely stupid. What you described was a unnecessary, simple MINI-GAME. Last I heard mini-games didnt actually consist of having to be "skillful" to do them especially when its just right clicking when you see the bobber. That's not skill thats just busy work.
I would gladly read the rest of the wall of text and tear it down piece by piece, but you already bored me before with your childish comebacks when I tore you apart so why even repeat it? I'm sure someone else will come in and correct you though.
You damn fool, my name is kyle but my last name is not Everett. I am not 42, i am 14. If you look, i put fake info in my account. My birthday on my account says June 6th, 1966. I did this so creeps like you wouldnt get my information. Furthermore, this is my first and only account here because its the first time i've came here. And lastly, tell me something you would like compared between the two games. As far as the fishing goes, i used it because in both games you fish then cook the fish then eat them to restore health. In runescape you can eat 28 god damn sharks in one fight if you have to, while in WoW you can't even eat in combat.
Oh, and i dont even play WoW.
This sites rating system :
Runescape = 6.52
World of Warcraft = 7.90
That's a big differance on a 10 point scale.
oh and Bonemare, when did i ever say anything about you or when did you "tore me apart"? i was mainly reffering to Rozenblade1... you never even posted after i joined this thread besides now... How the hell did you "tore me apart"? and thus, how would you be repeating it?
I see you did not quote where i 'cried' in my post. And, for your informations, i just turned fourteen. Now, i know you'll point that out and laught at me, but i bet your alot older. If you are, why dont you get a god damn life and get off these pointless games that you spend so much of your pathetic life playing? Furthermore, when you said explained why you said "HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and said it didnt have to do anything about me...Then why the fuck are you quoting my posts in the first time? They had nothing at all to do with you. You are a god damn hypocritical fool, and you really need to grow up and get a life if you think it's pathetic that i'm so young. Is it that hard? Get off these stupid games if you think so little of them or the people speaking about them. What you say makes you sound like one of the fools that play Runescape. Always ripping each other off and trying to be the best on a game that Isnt worth the time and money they pay to play it.
You see why I said you are crying now? Read your post kid, you get too damn worked up over these games man. Calm down.
it seems to me you are the only one getting mad, I just stated my opinion about you crying about people dishing on WoW.....Frankly, your age doesn't even matter, neither does mine, you just shouldn't let people on these posts get to you so much.
You basically attacked me in the post I quoted, but I don't give a shit...I laughed when I read it. That's one thing that I can count on, people getting so worked up on these forums. I am not attacking you, I may have insulted you, but that is just because you take this shit too seriously.
I'll admit, I am a lot older than you, so I will no longer respond to your posts. I'm 23 years old, I do play MMOs (obviously) but I can care less if someone trashes my favorite game (LotRO). They are just games kid, so please don't get too worked up over them, it's not worth it.
Now you'll probably come back at me, swearing and calling me "names" and what not, but you shouldn't. For your own good, don't worry about what people say to you, fuck them. You've gotta have a nihilistic attitude man, seriously.
Don't get overly wrapped up in these games or these forums okay.
PLAYING: NOTHING!!! PLAYED:FFXI, LotRO, AoC, WAR, DDO, Megaten, Wurm, Rohan, Mabinogi, RoM
It's not that, it just that people on these forums are soooo blind and bias. Read my post above your last one when i spoke about Bonemare...he said: "you already bored me before with your childish comebacks when I tore you apart so why even repeat it" when he has'nt even posted after i joined the thread. Honestly, how am i being childish if he is making up events that have not occured? why doesnt he see that? he says he has already "Tore me apart" when he never spoke in the first place. Furthermore, he did not read my whole post or he would understand where i was going, and it so god damn creepy that he tried to look for my information, im so glad i faked it all...
The PS3 is more powerfull then the 360, and the WII isnt better then the 360 or the PS3 imho.
at least both can play violent games like GTA
I played for twi years too only that i got hacked and account stolen i was level 89 well i quited for 6 moths. i wonder what level it is. Account name is 175101144181. Easy to make money as member and non-member.
Hmmm an account name of all numbers. I bet you're a gold farmer or botter lol.
The PS3 is more powerfull then the 360, and the WII isnt better then the 360 or the PS3 imho.
The 360 is better than the PS3, 360 gets all the games ps3 gets and more, and its cheaper
playing: Guild wars and WoW
waiting for: GW2
played: runescape, maplestory, eudemonsonline, Atlantica, conquer online, diablo2, dungeon runners, and flyff.
The PS3 is more powerfull then the 360, and the WII isnt better then the 360 or the PS3 imho.
The 360 is better than the PS3, 360 gets all the games ps3 gets and more, and its cheaper
There lots of good games that the 360 doesn't have like mgs4 gt5 etc
And you may think it's cheaper but when you buy all the add ons you'll find it isn't Anyway lets not get into a console argument lol
Back on topic before this thread got hijacked by 360 and ps3 haters...
Letting people macro is RS would be rediculous. One of the main things that sets RS apart from other games is the fact that if you have the patience to reach a high level, then you are rewarded by the fact that your account is better than every other 10-year-olds. I've played for the last 6 years and i'd be the one quitting if they let some punk kids cheat because they had a cry about slow leveling. If you don't like endless grinding then go back to ebaumsworld. Because I sure as hell don't want kids like you ruining my gaming over something as small as your attention span.
I admire the skilling part of rs, but I damn hate it when they don't give you nothing else to do but skill. Just as I said before, Rs is run by skill cape addicts. Most of them are agsty-kids and teens. I also don't enjoy a game which prohibits socialites like me by censoring words,discouraging long term friendships, and hiring idiots to police the game . My conclusion is, justice had its chances. Nuff said.
The fact of which game takes more skill is that, In my opinion, World of Warcraft does. If you compare a simple skill that is in each of the games, it is evident that WoW has more of a challenge for players. Fishing for example, is a skill in both of the games. Runescapes approach to fishing is: You right click on a fishing spot and auto-fish a whole bag full of fish, then go bank them. Back to the spot, then bank them. No skill required whatsoever. if i taught a 6 year old where to click, i bet he could do it. World of warcrafts approach: find a body of water anywhere in the game. Equip your fishing pole. Cast Fishing. Wait for the bobber to move then right click to reel in. you get one fish. Repeat. Obliviously, WoW takes more skill. Runescape takes more time, but TIME DOES NOT EQUAL SKILL. Now, why dont we cook the fish we caught? good idea! Runescape: Get your fish, make or find a fire or stove, and right click the stove. Auto casts all the cooking. WoW: Take your fish. Find some Seasonings and maybe travel to some far off area or do some cooking daily quest to get some spice to make the fish. then, cook the fish by a fire. Third, how about we use the food to provide us with some health regeneration during combat? Good idea, maybe i can get some quests done while i'm at it. Runescape: Start the fight. I hit you. You hit me. I hit you. You hit me. I hit you. Oh no! A SPECIAL ATTACK!!! HALF HEALTH! EAT,EAT,EAT! (you can eat food during combat to easily heal yourself) WoW: Pull the Mob. You try to fear or stun him. He Trinkets out and uses Bladestorm. You fear again, but it's no use. a nearby paladin bubbles you in an attempt to save you. Perfect chance to heal some heal, but you are unaware that you cannot use food in combat in WoW. Tired of training skills? How about some PvP? Runescape: Wandering on the edge of the winderness on your low level alternative character. you see someone wearing terrible gear and half healthed. You swiftly jump into the wilderness and attack him. Use use your sword and run at him, but oh no. he equipes his staff and binds you in place, then casts an earth shock or whatever it is. maybe fire...and kills you. You lose all your armor because you attempted to attack him first. WoW: Standing at the Wintergrasp Keep, waiting for the horde to charge with sudden brute force. Suddenly you hear someone yell from a tower. the fight starts. a team of 10 is holding the west vehicle depot up, so the horde move in from the east. You alert your teammates and they move over there. There are Seige Engines, Demolisher, Catipults, and many, many horde. They charge. Rocks fly throught the air, slamming into the walls. Seige Engines slowly but surely approach the wall. The Tower next to you collapses, and with it, two of your teammates from a AV Battlegrounds 20 minutes before. The wall is destroyed, and your people retreat to the inner walls. You barely escape the fight. you move to the vehicle depot in the west side of the keep. you order for a demolisher to be made, and immediatly take it out of the keep. you drive to the south, to the Horde's unprotected towers. one by one, you destroy them. Just as you reach the outer walls of the keep, the battle is over. Any horde wandering around are hunted down and killed. soon the fortress is rebuilt and dailies and preparations start for the next battle.
My opinion of which company is the best would have to go to Blizzard. Why? Let's say you get keylogged and hacked. he sells all your stuff and sends it to his character, then changes your password. You cannot log on, so you have blizzard send a password confirmation email to your account the next day you have your account and Blizzard has been nice enough to mail you your stuff. Same thing happens in Runescape...To damn bad. there are so many more poeple that try to scam or hack you in runecape then in WoW. In runescape, people would try to rip you off or scam you by removing an item from trade right before you accept. In WoW, I hand the 1000g worth of materials over to the Blacksmith, and he makes me my mace. he hands over the mace and we go about our buisness. One thing that happened to me a while ago was that i thought the mats to a leatherworking item were different then what they accually were. I handed 2 extra Frozen orbs over to him. he made my 2 items and didnt notice that he didnt use the Frozen orbs. I left party and went about my day. About 3 hours later i got the two frozen orbs back in the mail from the guy. he said he didnt know how he got them and after reviewing the materials he knew they were mine.
As for the PS3, WII, and Xbox360 argument that somehow took over this threat, This kind of settles the argument as far as durability goes:
-- Lucifer
Edit: Sorry about the wall of text, just trying to prove a point.
The amount of hotkeys that are used, alone, are a testament to that. I must agree. What wow needs now is more nature interactive stuff like for example woodcutting, firemaking. What I LOVE about wow is their advanced transportation system. You can actually ride on animals/vehicles. And of course the diffrent races. One may say races doesn't matter, but thats bullshit. I love how elves look like compared to humans, and of course variety plays a big role. If only runescape had elves to choose from aside from those midget-size humans, I would play again for a while. And of course the graphics. Wow's models are far superior to runescape of course, especially when it comes to foliage and faces. I like to say runescape has smooth but dumb graphics, on the other hand, wow has sharp and refined graphics. it depends on your taste, whether you like cartoony style models rendered in full screen or realistic models rendered in full screen. Prices are also a problem for Wow compared to runescape, but as the say "you get what you payed for".
I would agree with almost everything you just said. In World of Warcraft, they make some npc's chop wood and walk it over on their shoulders to the lumber mill, but the player can't do any of that. There is also no visible damage to the tree. Sure, there are stumps around, but they will always be stumps, while in runescape you can chop trees and it shows i cut down and has sound and all.
As far as paying goes, i have seen people quit WoW just because of the cost. While playing runescape, i had seen many people playing because they couldnt afford a game like WoW
To the OP....you are a WOWtard fool....I mean, I have nothing against the game, I've never even played it, but come on!...you are being a cry baby about it man!
And, as for the 360, PS3, and Wii war.......Wii is outselling both by far, but Wii is for casual gamers...I don't like it......I have a 360, and it is awesome.....it gets WAY better games than PS3, but it is getting some of what used to be Playstation exclusives......
PLAYED:FFXI, LotRO, AoC, WAR, DDO, Megaten, Wurm, Rohan, Mabinogi, RoM
I kinda get mad watching completely bias opinions getting thrown around...I have played Runescape, for like a year, got to level 98. I am currently playing WoW, level 80 rape sause mage. Playing both of these games for an extended time has given me the right to say (opinion) what game is better. I am going to say WoW is a better game. Better graphics, better gameplay, better world, better management, better everything. Can you really compare WoW to Runescape? I remember back when I was level 40 I walken from Darnarses or ,how ever you spell it, to Nigel Point (across map) and it took me 3 hours. 3! It takes me like 30 minutes to get from one corner of Runescape to the other. 3 hours on one island...and there is 4 islands. WoW is better. WoW has two add-ons out, what has Runescape done to better itself? The game looks like It was made in the 1900's. WoW for life.
Play me, I dont care, but you will get raped, shut down, and shut up.
Why are do you say "HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" At the end of your post? Does that make you somewhat of an 'higher' being then us? Smarter, perhaps? Furthermore, Why do you say i was being a crybaby about it? I was trying to prove a point, that WoW is the best MMORPG yet because WoW mixes the right amount of depth and simplicity better than any other game in the history of MMORPG'S. if you could, quote where i 'cried' in my post. Also you should have had some decent experience in each game to be putting your opinion forward. If you would like to know, i dont play WoW anymore. i quit, a long time ago.
As far as the consoles go, They all have their ups and downs. Wii is a more of a family system and is selling better than the other's. Thus it is a more successful console. The 360 and the Ps3 are both great consoles. I myself am a Xbox owner, but the think the Ps3 is just as great.
I agree with you, but what you have to understand is that the game's culture has changed drastically in the last few years. It's less and less about "earning enough money to get the things you want and then having fun doing whatever you like" and more and more about "getting the highest level and the most money so I can brag about it to anyone who will listen (and usually to those who won't)." Adding macroing is the logical next step for those who are willing to spend a solid year straight doing nothing but Prayer/Agility/Runecrafting or some other insanely grindy skill.
What really killed the game for me though is right around the time they added the Exchange, when they started adding item after item, each new one better than the one before it, and they set the price on each at 50 million or more. Jagex knows full well that people will do whatever it takes to be top player in Runescape, and so they go out of their way to make things more difficult and less fun, for no other reason than to drag out subscriptions. They are essentially a glorified Korean grinding MMO, without the item mall but with the same tactics. Adding in-game macros and bots would fall right within this pattern of behavior.
Why are do you say "HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" At the end of your post? Does that make you somewhat of an 'higher' being then us? Smarter, perhaps? Furthermore, Why do you say i was being a crybaby about it? I was trying to prove a point, that WoW is the best MMORPG yet because WoW mixes the right amount of depth and simplicity better than any other game in the history of MMORPG'S. if you could, quote where i 'cried' in my post. Also you should have had some decent experience in each game to be putting your opinion forward. If you would like to know, i dont play WoW anymore. i quit, a long time ago.
As far as the consoles go, They all have their ups and downs. Wii is a more of a family system and is selling better than the other's. Thus it is a more successful console. The 360 and the Ps3 are both great consoles. I myself am a Xbox owner, but the think the Ps3 is just as great.
What, are you 12 years old?
First, the "HA!!!!!!!" was me being an ass about the console war...nothing to do with you, so stay off it
Second, I did not give my opinion on WoW or Runescape, did you even read my post? I havent played them, don't plan on playing them, but do not have a problem with them.
And. as for you being a crybaby...go back and read post #9...you'll see what I mean.
PLAYED:FFXI, LotRO, AoC, WAR, DDO, Megaten, Wurm, Rohan, Mabinogi, RoM
I see you did not quote where i 'cried' in my post. And, for your informations, i just turned fourteen. Now, i know you'll point that out and laught at me, but i bet your alot older. If you are, why dont you get a god damn life and get off these pointless games that you spend so much of your pathetic life playing?
Furthermore, when you said explained why you said "HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and said it didnt have to do anything about me...Then why the fuck are you quoting my posts in the first time? They had nothing at all to do with you. You are a god damn hypocritical fool, and you really need to grow up and get a life if you think it's pathetic that i'm so young. Is it that hard? Get off these stupid games if you think so little of them or the people speaking about them.
What you say makes you sound like one of the fools that play Runescape. Always ripping each other off and trying to be the best on a game that Isnt worth the time and money they pay to play it.
Wow is a good game, and hopefully it stays that way. With all these expansion packs nothing can be better to satisfy your free time. The price is a little too demanding for now ,so Ill be playing Guildwars for now.
I agree with you, but what you have to understand is that the game's culture has changed drastically in the last few years. It's less and less about "earning enough money to get the things you want and then having fun doing whatever you like" and more and more about "getting the highest level and the most money so I can brag about it to anyone who will listen (and usually to those who won't)." Adding macroing is the logical next step for those who are willing to spend a solid year straight doing nothing but Prayer/Agility/Runecrafting or some other insanely grindy skill.
What really killed the game for me though is right around the time they added the Exchange, when they started adding item after item, each new one better than the one before it, and they set the price on each at 50 million or more. Jagex knows full well that people will do whatever it takes to be top player in Runescape, and so they go out of their way to make things more difficult and less fun, for no other reason than to drag out subscriptions. They are essentially a glorified Korean grinding MMO, without the item mall but with the same tactics. Adding in-game macros and bots would fall right within this pattern of behavior.
This is true. All of this really is evident when you look at the diffrent fansites...and even forums pertaining to runescape. Jagex actually thought that PVP worlds would balance the game which would re-incarnate the supply and demand that once was active in original pking. But but...I just killed a guy in full mith and I get a addy medium in return? The imbalances and restrictions in runescape are GOOD for short term uses...maybe for a month. But jagex thinks that putting restriction all the time would yield good results in the long term? You decide about that one. Jagex also thinks their are invulnerable and immune to economic depression. Do you think that is possible?
My question for Jagex and MG or anyone: Then why make mechscape? Didnt you say runescape was a game for 18+?
This is the OP now:
Lucifer777 - Apprentice Member
Real Name: Kyle Everett
Member since February 17, 2009 Last Visit: February 19, 2009
42 year old Male from Cohasser, MA, United States
This is the OP before:
xusheng - Novice Member
Real Name: xusheng zhao
Member since December 2, 2008 Last Visit: January 3, 2009
18 year old Male from pine brook, NJ, United States
Oh yeah and he says he's 14?
So do you make new accounts everytime you get embarassed by your pitiful posting? Why believe you anyway? You're obviously a liar and a WoW fanboy. Plus what you used for WoW fishing as an example as having more skill than Runescape is completely stupid. What you described was a unnecessary, simple MINI-GAME. Last I heard mini-games didnt actually consist of having to be "skillful" to do them especially when its just right clicking when you see the bobber. That's not skill thats just busy work.
I would gladly read the rest of the wall of text and tear it down piece by piece, but you already bored me before with your childish comebacks when I tore you apart so why even repeat it? I'm sure someone else will come in and correct you though.
You damn fool, my name is kyle but my last name is not Everett. I am not 42, i am 14. If you look, i put fake info in my account. My birthday on my account says June 6th, 1966. I did this so creeps like you wouldnt get my information. Furthermore, this is my first and only account here because its the first time i've came here. And lastly, tell me something you would like compared between the two games. As far as the fishing goes, i used it because in both games you fish then cook the fish then eat them to restore health. In runescape you can eat 28 god damn sharks in one fight if you have to, while in WoW you can't even eat in combat.
Oh, and i dont even play WoW.
This sites rating system :
Runescape = 6.52
World of Warcraft = 7.90
That's a big differance on a 10 point scale.
oh and Bonemare, when did i ever say anything about you or when did you "tore me apart"? i was mainly reffering to Rozenblade1... you never even posted after i joined this thread besides now... How the hell did you "tore me apart"? and thus, how would you be repeating it?
You see why I said you are crying now? Read your post kid, you get too damn worked up over these games man. Calm down.
it seems to me you are the only one getting mad, I just stated my opinion about you crying about people dishing on WoW.....Frankly, your age doesn't even matter, neither does mine, you just shouldn't let people on these posts get to you so much.
You basically attacked me in the post I quoted, but I don't give a shit...I laughed when I read it. That's one thing that I can count on, people getting so worked up on these forums. I am not attacking you, I may have insulted you, but that is just because you take this shit too seriously.
I'll admit, I am a lot older than you, so I will no longer respond to your posts. I'm 23 years old, I do play MMOs (obviously) but I can care less if someone trashes my favorite game (LotRO). They are just games kid, so please don't get too worked up over them, it's not worth it.
Now you'll probably come back at me, swearing and calling me "names" and what not, but you shouldn't. For your own good, don't worry about what people say to you, fuck them. You've gotta have a nihilistic attitude man, seriously.
Don't get overly wrapped up in these games or these forums okay.
PLAYED:FFXI, LotRO, AoC, WAR, DDO, Megaten, Wurm, Rohan, Mabinogi, RoM
It's not that, it just that people on these forums are soooo blind and bias. Read my post above your last one when i spoke about Bonemare...he said: "you already bored me before with your childish comebacks when I tore you apart so why even repeat it" when he has'nt even posted after i joined the thread. Honestly, how am i being childish if he is making up events that have not occured? why doesnt he see that? he says he has already "Tore me apart" when he never spoke in the first place. Furthermore, he did not read my whole post or he would understand where i was going, and it so god damn creepy that he tried to look for my information, im so glad i faked it all...
Let's get back to topic guys. Check out this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJEyeBvgw5s&eurl=http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Runescape
where a kid fights with his mom about playing runescape. Hah.
Lol nice...did they get that in vent? Did he have his push to talk key held down or something?