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Killed on Sight are now Recruiting.
The Guild is a Neutral-Choice Guild.
The Neautral-Choice is a decision wise Guild.
We Make Decision by either groups or individually.
That means we can support each other or not.
This will leave you a decision to either participate with us in an Event or Not.
However, If you do not participate, points are taken away, lowering your rank.
Participating will allow you to gain Points to advance your Rank.
Our Rank system is in progress and are by Points.
The Guild will have more Advances Concepts and Ideas.
Which means, so much more is still to come!
The Website is yet to be done. But should be alive and working very well in the Weekends.
If you wish to Join, Make a post here or P.M or Mail me your e-mail.
Allegiance can be made with any Guild. Just Post.
Feel free to make any comments.
[Edit] - November 06, 2004
-- Now Recruiting MATURE PLAYERS!
[Edit] - September 12, 2004
--Website is up!
---------Site Down
-----Hoku Knights change name to Killed on Sight
perhaps you would liek an allaince with the thieves of the symboliuc shadow we have been around a long time and would like to invite you to the competition
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
I accept your alliance. If you are in dire need of help be sure to send a messenger and we can see if we can be your savior. I also hope you can return that favor to us.
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
We are now publicly recruting!
My fists have shatterd men`s dreams,
destroyed families and crushed hopes.
But when i open these hand I can hold my wfe,make my childrens lough and even aid others.
The path we take is not right,
it`s simply the path that we choose.
there are some rules, top priority is to respect each other.
i will have those progress later tomorrow.