The article is fairly pessimistic toward the end, but I am not so sure as it sort of makes sense that gaming could contuinue doing well since it provides better value for money than entertainment outside the home.
Provided the parent companies don't go bust, 2009 might actually be a good year for MMOs.
If you can't "Have your cake & eat it too", then how can "The proof of the pudding be in the eating"?
I agree, Nadia. I also doubt any new deaths of MMO's in 2009 (except those you mentioned).
Thanks for the list, I sometimes need a handy little list of the few closed mmos and now you made it easy for me
You are missing one mmo that died in 2006 though, Seed from Runestone. Granted the game was stillborn, but it was up and running for a few months :-P
The current finanial climate is causing many people to make economies but apparently not on gaming.
The article is fairly pessimistic toward the end, but I am not so sure as it sort of makes sense that gaming could contuinue doing well since it provides better value for money than entertainment outside the home.
Provided the parent companies don't go bust, 2009 might actually be a good year for MMOs.
If you can't "Have your cake & eat it too", then how can "The proof of the pudding be in the eating"?
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