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I was wondering the expansion is it worth coming back for. I have a friend who wants to play this time so is there enough people in the starting zones. That is my main concern.
I'm the same, considering a return but not wanting to come back to dead servers (play in EU). Elder account so subs isn't an issue but I'm bored with WoW clones after playing Warhammer.
Due to the recent mines of moria expansion alot of people have rejoined lately. I recently started playing myself, about a month ago, and having achieved level 30 so far, ive had no problems finding people for groups quests and also there seem to be alot of kinships looking for players. A good time to rejoin id say, im looking forward to seeing the new content, especially the legendary weapons.
Wolfenpride: <--Giant fucking sword syndrome.
Probably cause im trying to compensate for miniscule manhood.
Just another observation re: starting-zone populations, from a long-time player. Due to the relatively fast leveling cycle in the game (you can reach max level in a matter of months), you'll find that many players choose to create new toons quite often... so even the low-level areas almost always have folks running around in them.
That's an observation from the "Landroval" server. Your mileage may vary...
Mines of Moria is awesome, depends if your level 50, with being level 50 as you know you can now get to level 60, they got whole new regions and Moria looks fantastic, along with 2 3-man instances, 7 or 8 6-man instances (some for pieces of teal armor that gives you radiance) and last but not least the 12-man watcher raid. all great new additions to the game that is very very fun, and dont forget the 2 new classes, the Rune Keeper and Warden, in my opinion the warden is the funnest class of all and not very hard to play.
I just resubbed yesterday and made a new character on Brandywine. There were a lot of players in the starting area, and it was easy to find someone to help you if you needed it.
I bought the game at launch and stopped after less than a week because i was too addicted to another game and i was trying to play the game like i did with WOW,by that i mean dont read quests,try to level as fast as possible,dont grab any profession until im max level,etc.I decided to give it another try this week and i really enjoy it so far.I like that fact that you have to read the quests to know where to go and what to do.When you complete a quest,you feel like you did something because you had to find the spot yourself and not follow arrows on your minimap.I'd say that if you want to enjoy this game,you have to take your time and read the quests and stories,read the tutorial because this game has things you gotta learn like destiny points,traits, the crafting system,learn what your spells do and how to play your class,etc. Population wise,i started on Brandywine and i'm level 12 so far,i see a LOT of people at any time of the day.I find group easily so far,i see a lot of guild recruiting on General chat too,so if your only concern is population,i would not be worried,theres plenty of people...i even had to wait for respawn twice because other people were killing the mob i needed.The people playing this game seem more mature too,sure theres always some idiots in general chat,like in every games,but when you ask for help or informations,someone usualy respond to you.Thats what i experienced so far.... took me almost a year to hit max level. But then, I'm casual even for a casual game
It's a proven historical fact that beer saved humankind.
At this moment, most players have their lv60 already but occasionally they will playing their alts. Today, my lv 6 hunter just got blind invited to a new kin. At that time, there were about 15 players online and all range below lv30. And then, my LM joined another kin which just happened someone advertising for kin recruitment, and around 20 kinmen online, range from 10 up to 50. Mostly are 20ish. Least 10 kinmen said Welcome....
The thing is you may need to grow up with your kinmen together otherwise, if you joined another kin at high level, they may see you as immigrant.
Just a note about this. I was fooling around with a champion (as that was my first character in closed beta and half of open) and was in Celondim about an hour and a half ago. I was very surprised to find all the people in the very first town in the elf area, questing, some were role playing (or just wasting time with emotes... sometimes I can't tell) and just running all over the place.
So it's never too late. However, since the expansion is 50+ with the exception of the new classes, the op might want to just try the game again before he spends the money. Unless of course he is interested in the new classes.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I'd play LOTRO if it weren't for the goofy character animations when they run.
Life of an MMORPG "addict"
For 7 years, proving that if you quote "fuck" you won't get banned.
I made a search in the social panel last night to see how many low level players were around. I play on Evernight who is one of the least populated EU servers. The search is capped at 100 and this was my result:
Lvl 1-10: 100+
Lvl 11-20: 100+
Lvl 21-30: 100+
So it seems like there is alot of people around even at lower levels even if most people are in Moria now.
If WoW = The Beatles
and WAR = Led Zeppelin
Then LotrO = Pink Floyd
Somehow I don't think you would.
I've been playing for two months now and am really happy with the game. So far the community has been one of the best I've dealt with!.
If you play this game like WoW you'll hate it. If you take it slow, enjoy it as an RPG with other ppl - you'll love it. I know that was the difference for me.
I made a LM , took my time (only level 18 and started playing almost a month ago), leveling my professions, reading the quest text, and the game really rocks if you just enjoy it for a well made game.
If you are looking for a game to level like crazy in for end-game; this game will not make you happy