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Established guild eXile is recruiting active PvP'ers and crafters for Darkfall!

GohmaGohma Member Posts: 2

Primary Language: English

Races: Undecided until further information is available.


Recruiting Status: Currently Open.

Server: English EU

eXile MMO history

Most of us met on an old-school PK game called the Myth of Soma around 6 years ago, This game has a very similar PK rules to UO and Darkfall and since the Myth of Soma we have been eager to play a 3D game with player looting and real PK'ing so Darkfall is sure to be the game for us.

After we left the Myth of Soma we started on Star Wars Galaxies and enjoyed great success on EU-Chimaera becoming the strongest most powerful guild on the server and ultimately dominating until we decided to leave the game when the NGE hit.

We took an hiatus from MMORPG's for a few a year or so waiting for the next big MMO to hit, Which was Age of Conan. eXile became the strongest most hated guild on the server dominating EU-Wildsoul for a long period of time making our everlasting mark on the server.

We are coming to Darkfall to repeat out success.


Goals, aims and general Darkfall related info:

Our Primary aims are City Building, PvP and server infamy. There are only so many available city locations per server and we will have at least one of them and will expand as necessary.

As for our alignment: As soon as we get our city up we will go red. Everyone will be a target and we will toss our alignment status into the wind. If you don't want to be red don't apply.

Relating from the above we will be an infamous clan, we will PK you, we will full loot you and we will laugh at your whines over vent.

What we expect of our members:

You must have a good understanding of written and spoken english, if you've translated this page over google then look for another guild

Activity: We encourage all our members to be as active as possible, however we understand that we all have a real life so if you don't play every hour of every day, that's no problem - so long as when you are active you are activly helping the guild instead of promoting your own interests.

Don't act as if your 12, we may be PK'ers but we're not 12 - if you get killed in PvP and reply to your killer with "zomg I'm telling my mum" then quit reading this and do your homework.

Ventrillo: We expect you to have ventrillo - you can't fight and get tactics across at the same time with just a keyboard.

Popular Questions

"I enjoy PvP but in darkfall I want to focus a decent amount on crafting, can I still join?"

Of course! a war machine is no good without its supplies. So long as you don't leech of the guild for your own interests and are able to fight when needed.

"I'm not sure this is the right guild for me" Let me give you a wee hand sunshine:

If you:


won't be around with the guild

Put yourself before the guild

are 12 years old

act like your 12 years old

Refuse to PvP

Then we are not the guild for you, go and look for a guild with flowers and cuddly toys.

If you:

Enjoy PvP

Understand what being in a guild means and are willing to put the guild over yourself at key times.

Want to enjoy being in a successful guild in Darkfall

Can take the game seriously but still have a laugh

Then we are the guild for you, head to and apply.

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