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How many generations of MMOs have there been?



  • luckypotatoluckypotato Member Posts: 251
    Originally posted by dcoleman07

    I break it down like this. 
    Pre UO ere (pre 1997) - age of text MMO's and everything preceeding UO
    UO era (1997-1999) - Ultima Online was the best of the best as a 2D sandbox MMO and established that there was money to be made in this industry.
    Age of Everquest (1999 - 2003) - The Golden Age of MMO's when EQ original was the end all to end all games and companies were trying to really make quality games.  Set the precedent for 3D MMO's and gained strong following and massive numbers.
    Reign of Fail (2004 - Present)  - Dethroned Everquest as the dominant MMO due to easy learning curve and playability.  Brought MMO's too the mainstream and broke records in profit and player numbers.  Inspired a lot of competition with companies trying to create the "Next Gen" MMO that will dethrone this giant.  All have failed so far.   (Many consider this games reign to be a carebearish and insist that it has dumbed down the MMO player base and spoiled them,  the death of "hardcore" if you will)  
    I'm ready for the next generation and I hope it gets here quick (hopefully DFO or Mortal Online will get it done)


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