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This is an attemp to decribe a MMORPG I would like to play. Maybe some day it will be made.

Monster ecology

Monsters originate from a certain spot on the map (the Abyss) - all types and levels, with different frequencies. They travel the world and construct lairs, where they mate and breed. Lairs must be located at minimum distances from each other. For instance lairs of dragons and other high-level monsters will be very far apart, so that low-level societies will have a chance to grow without being destroyed by high-level monsters. When the amount of monsters outrates the capacity of the lair, some of them will leave to construct new lairs elsewhere. Some monsters will fight other types. Some might be intelligent enough to launch coordinated attacks upon human settlements.

Player society

Players originate from the other end of the world. A new player will not begin with fighting monsters right away (unless barehanded and with no skills). He will start by picking a spot for his home/shop, then go farming or hunting in the woods, harvesting raw materials such as stone, gold and iron, making coins, swords and armor, in other words make a living. Part of his income will be spent on food from the local butcher/farm/bakery (which is an automated process) and if there is a king or a town hall, part will be payed as taxes, which pay for city protection (guards, city walls, castles). In order for a society to function properly there has to be citizens of all professions.

Persistent world and automated players

When you lock out you have the opportunity to set you character to perform an automated activity such as taking care of the shop. This allows you to earn money and improve in skills while you are not playing (unless your character is killed).

Skill progression

You earn experience in skills by using them. After having earned 10% of the experience needed to progress naturally you can be trained by another player with sufficient skill for a fee. The first players will have to progress naturally, but then they can train other players, reducing the progress time to 1/10. Magic is learned by researching spells and casting spells and can be taught in the same way as other skills. Some skills have prerequisites.

Mayors and monarchs

All players living within a certain distance from a town hall can run for mayor and vote for a mayor.

The mayor sets the town tax rate, hire city guards and hire masonry workers to build city walls. All players may run for monarch (king or queen) in the realm in which they live. And all players may vote for a monarch within their own realm. Mayors and monarchs are elected for a fixed period. The monarch sets the state tax, recruits an army to protect the kingdom and hire masonry workers to build a castle. It should be possible to conquer a realm by taking control of the monarchs castle. And to conquer a town by taking control of the town hall. Mayors and monarchs should also be able to set a bounty on named monsters.


When a player has earned enough money to buy a weapon and perhaps some armor he may choose to go searching for monsters to fight. Apart from the experience and looting it may also serve the purpose of defending existing settlements and to clear land for later settlement. This is when you improve in sword play, spell casting, roque skills and other adventuring skills. This may not make you rich in the first place (monsters only have what they have looted from players) but it may make you famous and powerful, and later you can train other players for a fee, become a city guard or a soldier in the monarchs army. And when that great dragon come swooping down on a city, only the very powerful players can save the citizens. You may also go on a city adventure, stealing from other players, joining a guild, solving crimes, picking fights etc.


When a player dies he reappears at the spot where new players appear, but without his belongings. He keeps his skills and his house and everything he has stored away. Items can be enchanted to follow him in his death.


The aim is to create a realistic virtual world that is not static as in most MMOs. And where the adventure is created by player interaction as well as the computer controlled monsters. It is a bit more fun killing the dragon Smaug when you know you are the only one who ever will because the dragon truly dies. This realism I think is the true potential of MMOs, something that sets them apart from an ordinary single player or multiplayer adventure game.

What do you think? Does it appeal to you? Could it be improved?


  • HellsMajestyHellsMajesty Member UncommonPosts: 204

    sounds pretty good to me, although i have my doubts as to whether or not we have the technology to create or maintain something that in depth.

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