Meh people make mistakes, hard to trust anyone is telling the truth anymore, i think he is finally learning that. Besides the only people i see calling him the "one" or the "savior" of all is the people that hate/dislike him and have their secret fetish for anything Obama...because if you go on and on about him this much you must be following every little thing he does...kinda like a stalker.
They may not be calling him "savior", but supporters like this woman sure do act as though he is.
You're always gonna have groupie type when it comes to someone famous. Be they music groupies, art groupies, film groupies or political groupies. I even remember seeing a graphic that put George W. Bush in the same catagory as Jesus. As for the vid, I think the woman mean she hopes that Obama will help her keep her working so she can pay her bills off, not that the government is going to pay them for her. I'll bet it was taken totally out of context. That's one of the major pitfall of Youtube vids, they seldom tell the whole story and aren't at all reliable.
Kelitc, you have to admit, the Media was kissing Obama's ass all the way to the white house. One reporter was even quoted he had a "chill run up my leg" when he talked about Obama. Another MSNBC anchorman even said he may tear up as he talked about the inaugeration.
If Obama asked them for sexual favors, the media would have had mattresses ducked taped to their backs.
It's rather nice to see that Obama isn't all glorious NEO like the media portrayed him to be.
This is his second week in office and so far he's been picking some shitty high ranking people....even Bush wasn't that stupid.
Obama has three years and 11 months to go.
It's going to be one interesting ride; that's for sure.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Kelitc, you have to admit, the Media was kissing Obama's ass all the way to the white house. One reporter was even quoted he had a "chill run up my leg" when he talked about Obama. Another MSNBC anchorman even said he may tear up as he talked about the inaugeration. If Obama asked them for sexual favors, the media would have had mattresses ducked taped to their backs. It's rather nice to see that Obama isn't all glorious NEO like the media portrayed him to be. This is his second week in office and so far he's been picking some shitty high ranking people....even Bush wasn't that stupid. Obama has three years and 11 months to go. It's going to be one interesting ride; that's for sure.
eh the only canadate that would ever do anything truly differently would be raolph nader, but he would make everything one giant hippy commune and would turn everthing in the white house into a bong, and somehow name twinkies the national fruit.
point being while all politicians do the same crap over and over with red and blue flags, the ones who actually would be radically different would probable do a worse job then charles manson in most ways.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Kelitc, you have to admit, the Media was kissing Obama's ass all the way to the white house. One reporter was even quoted he had a "chill run up my leg" when he talked about Obama. Another MSNBC anchorman even said he may tear up as he talked about the inaugeration. If Obama asked them for sexual favors, the media would have had mattresses ducked taped to their backs. It's rather nice to see that Obama isn't all glorious NEO like the media portrayed him to be. This is his second week in office and so far he's been picking some shitty high ranking people....even Bush wasn't that stupid. Obama has three years and 11 months to go. It's going to be one interesting ride; that's for sure.
I'll give you that Enigma. The press really is blowing things out of proportion. I sort of expected it being that was since Obama was the first African-American to become President and that eventually the dust would start to settle down by now and he could get on with the business trying to fix our problems.
As for the two picks with the tax problems, better to find this out BEFORE the are appointed rather than after. That's pretty much what the whole vetting process is about after all.
Yes, it's going to be a very interesting 3 years and 11 months. Especially if the economic situation gets worse. Not only are the people of this country looking to its leaders to fix this situation but since everyones economies are linked together and we are one of the major economic powers, the rest of the world is looking toward us to fix things too. If we fail it's going to get very, very ugly here and around the world. Pray it dosen't come to that and that ALL our leader are wise enough to see the big picture.
Kelitc, you have to admit, the Media was kissing Obama's ass all the way to the white house. One reporter was even quoted he had a "chill run up my leg" when he talked about Obama. Another MSNBC anchorman even said he may tear up as he talked about the inaugeration. If Obama asked them for sexual favors, the media would have had mattresses ducked taped to their backs. It's rather nice to see that Obama isn't all glorious NEO like the media portrayed him to be. This is his second week in office and so far he's been picking some shitty high ranking people....even Bush wasn't that stupid. Obama has three years and 11 months to go. It's going to be one interesting ride; that's for sure.
eh the only canadate that would ever do anything truly differently would be raolph nader, but he would make everything one giant hippy commune and would turn everthing in the white house into a bong, and somehow name twinkies the national fruit.
point being while all politicians do the same crap over and over with red and blue flags, the ones who actually would be radically different would probable do a worse job then charles manson in most ways.
Actually, Ralph Nader would give us more of the same. Bigger government, less freedom, just like Obama, just like Bush -- just like the last fifty years or more. Only libertarians represent a change to the way things happen in Washington.
They are the only people who want less government and more freedom.
At least he apologized for it. I think had he not apologized, all of this criticism would be warranted. He has assembled his team faster than any prez before, and mistakes were bound to happen. I am from South Dakota, so I know a lot about Daschle. I was pretty shocked when I heard about it, and have lost all respect for him too.
No one saw this coming, and Obama should have vetted him more. However I don't think I have ever heard Bush or Cheney man up to their mistakes, so it is rather refreshing hearing that from the Oval Office. Don't mock him for apologizing, thats just rude.
While this man has a point, it's not very sharp. We have all come to know that politics equates the worst people running best of us.
The bigger question is why the media is not blowing this way out of proportion and trying to crucify these people. But of course the answer is that they are democrats. There are different rules for us and them. Different rules for Democrats and Republicans. We are so screwed and it's our own fault. Political correctness, lack of corporal punishment, lack of manners, the gimmie now revolution, it's not my fault, there are so many reason why everything is going downhill.
Ask "How are you doing?" to 10 or more people today and count how many look at you funny, don't answer the question or just mumble something. We are falling apart, the poor know it but can do nothing, and the rich just don't care.
And while your point is sharp and keen, it's just one point to a two faced sword.
The left always scream " RIGHT WING MEDIA".
and the right?
They scream "LEFT WING MEDIA".
The reasons they are not being "Crucified" is simple. It's not that big of a deal. Hell I evade some taxes, so do you I am sure, I am absolutely sure not one of us on these damned boards pays all tax laws or finds a way out of them.
I.E. If you live in CA and buy a car in Oregon, you are a tax dodger. Is it wrong? Nope not really, but it's dodging your local taxes .
And really how bad were the tax dodging? Compared to the cluster fuck that was the Bush Administration (Which I still say he did alright for being what he was. Hell technically we are safer, just a WHOLE LOT less if we ever were anyhow).
Tax dodging is the basis of the american life. It's our ROOT cause for not being colonies anymore.
It's why we prefer coffee over tea, it's why we do not need endure british foods.
It's why we are american. What the hell do you expect? It's as american as the welfare system that is abused. Go to the county office and ask yourself what your tax dollars are doing, you know after that one lady dumps 50 of her kids off for a physical .
Drudge and the rest of the "right crew" have been on this from the moment it hit the presses.
Radio stations, they help give you choice.
CLEAR CHANNEL is a good example.
Anyhow no side controls the media, the media are like bacteria they feed on anything.
Good media that makes money chooses no sides, it's what the people want to hear.
It's the people, WHY do you think they have so many POLLS on Fox/MSNBC/What-the-hell-ever?
It's so they can guage what YOU want to hear.
Some of you people act like this is a Good Vrs Evil type of thing.
It's one thing to be passionate, it's another to be a Zealot.
Which in my opinion is far more dangerous than a anti american suicide bomber rally.
*Obama has manned up three times thus far as well, he is the FIRST political figure I have ever heard/saw say "Sorry I screwed up" I'm not a liberal but I respect a man like that and am glad I voted for someone who can actually say he screwed up, where in the bush admin did you ever see or hear a sorry?
Originally posted by Astropuyo It's why we are american. What the hell do you expect? It's as american as the welfare system that is abused. Go to the county office and ask yourself what your tax dollars are doing, you know after that one lady dumps 50 of her kids off for a physical .
You forget, three tax evaders, (1 approved, two withdrew) have been appointed by the same administration who claimed it was a "patriotic duty" to not only pay your taxes, but higher taxes.
Originally posted by Astropuyo It's why we are american. What the hell do you expect? It's as american as the welfare system that is abused. Go to the county office and ask yourself what your tax dollars are doing, you know after that one lady dumps 50 of her kids off for a physical .
You forget, three tax evaders, (1 approved, two withdrew) have been appointed by the same administration who claimed it was a "patriotic duty" to not only pay your taxes, but higher taxes.
Hey I'm not going to awnser for their piss poor mistake, I am simply saying it's the american mentality.
You will be HARD HARD HARD pressed to find one man who has not dodged taxes in sometime in his life.
I am sure if we had dug deeper into bushes choices we'd of found all kinds of fun stuff, then a plane hit the building and that was "Thunder-bush GO!" and we never did get to question quality or qualifications of his crew. That whole Palpatine thing you know.
All I remember was "Bush elected, hey whats that guy do?" BAM "What was that noise?"
"Oh a plane hit the world trade center and pentagon."
"and parts of another it hit a dutch cabin or something"
Hell I wouldn't be surprised if bush did coke "once" (who does it just once) or if his businesses weren't all up and up with the tax system, or or or...I could go on but the damned left zealots have taken the piss out of making fun of bush or pointing out any flaws...
Point is we all screw up, he screwed up thrice. He apoligized thrice. He held himself accountable and that is something never once in my 15 years of political watching heard from the oval office (I am 27 but I didn't pay attention to politics until about 12). Was it because other presidents did not make mistakes? No.
It's just that most had their head so far up their ass they didn't care to apologize to the people they lead.
Was there any damage done to the american people?
Did it criple the economy?
Do we have to lie and say "Oh I'm Canadian" when we travel over this?
Did you have to choose food over gasoline?
Have thousands of men (both sides) died in a desert for profit margin ?
Exactly. There was no damage except making the man look stupid for not researching his people.
Hey I'm not going to awnser for their piss poor mistake, I am simply saying it's the american mentality. You will be HARD HARD HARD pressed to find one man who has not dodged taxes in sometime in his life.
I am sure if we had dug deeper into bushes choices we'd of found all kinds of fun stuff, then a plane hit the building and that was "Thunder-bush GO!" and we never did get to question quality or qualifications of his crew. That whole Palpatine thing you know. All I remember was "Bush elected, hey whats that guy do?" BAM "What was that noise?" "Oh a plane hit the world trade center and pentagon." "oooooooh." "and parts of another it hit a dutch cabin or something" "ooooh."
Hell I wouldn't be surprised if bush did coke "once" (who does it just once) or if his businesses weren't all up and up with the tax system, or or or...I could go on but the damned left zealots have taken the piss out of making fun of bush or pointing out any flaws... Point is we all screw up, he screwed up thrice. He apoligized thrice. He held himself accountable and that is something never once in my 15 years of political watching heard from the oval office (I am 27 but I didn't pay attention to politics until about 12). Was it because other presidents did not make mistakes? No. It's just that most had their head so far up their ass they didn't care to apologize to the people they lead. Anyhow.... Was there any damage done to the american people? Did it criple the economy? Do we have to lie and say "Oh I'm Canadian" when we travel over this? Did you have to choose food over gasoline? Have thousands of men (both sides) died in a desert for profit margin ? Exactly. There was no damage except making the man look stupid for not researching his people.
I like your attitude, and nearly everything you write, but your logic on tax-dodging is skewed at best. I have never cheated on my taxes, and do not condone this as an 'American' way of life. I work on 100% commission, and pay higher taxes than salaried employees as well.
I also stop paying Medicare/Medicaid benefits sometime in Q2. Up until this point, nearly 38% of my check goes to taxes. That is an insane amount. I bitch about it occasionally, crack jokes about it too, but I ALWAYS pay my taxes. If you dodge your taxes in any way, you are not doing your fair share as a citizen, and indirectly slighting me in the process. Please stop.
Originally posted by Astropuyo You will be HARD HARD HARD pressed to find one man who has not dodged taxes in sometime in his life.
I've never dodged taxes. It wasn't to difficult to look in the mirror.
So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever?
I dunno man, I generally find you very credible but on this my BS meter is detecting pretty high levels and it's not from me this time!
Never once in your entire life have you dodged a tax? Ever? Ever,Ever?
Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
If so, holy crap. How can you look in the mirror? You've never lived! :-D.
I've dodged a few in my time , either under the table or using Nevada as a corp homegrounds (thats legal tax dodging!) .
I look into the mirror everyday and go "Damn I'm pretty".
Hey I'm not going to awnser for their piss poor mistake, I am simply saying it's the american mentality. You will be HARD HARD HARD pressed to find one man who has not dodged taxes in sometime in his life.
I am sure if we had dug deeper into bushes choices we'd of found all kinds of fun stuff, then a plane hit the building and that was "Thunder-bush GO!" and we never did get to question quality or qualifications of his crew. That whole Palpatine thing you know. All I remember was "Bush elected, hey whats that guy do?" BAM "What was that noise?" "Oh a plane hit the world trade center and pentagon." "oooooooh." "and parts of another it hit a dutch cabin or something" "ooooh."
Hell I wouldn't be surprised if bush did coke "once" (who does it just once) or if his businesses weren't all up and up with the tax system, or or or...I could go on but the damned left zealots have taken the piss out of making fun of bush or pointing out any flaws... Point is we all screw up, he screwed up thrice. He apoligized thrice. He held himself accountable and that is something never once in my 15 years of political watching heard from the oval office (I am 27 but I didn't pay attention to politics until about 12). Was it because other presidents did not make mistakes? No. It's just that most had their head so far up their ass they didn't care to apologize to the people they lead. Anyhow.... Was there any damage done to the american people? Did it criple the economy? Do we have to lie and say "Oh I'm Canadian" when we travel over this? Did you have to choose food over gasoline? Have thousands of men (both sides) died in a desert for profit margin ? Exactly. There was no damage except making the man look stupid for not researching his people.
I like your attitude, and nearly everything you write, but your logic on tax-dodging is skewed at best. I have never cheated on my taxes, and do not condone this as an 'American' way of life. I work on 100% commission, and pay higher taxes than salaried employees as well.
I also stop paying Medicare/Medicaid benefits sometime in Q2. Up until this point, nearly 38% of my check goes to taxes. That is an insane amount. I bitch about it occasionally, crack jokes about it too, but I ALWAYS pay my taxes. If you dodge your taxes in any way, you are not doing your fair share as a citizen, and indirectly slighting me in the process. Please stop.
Like I said mate, I'm pretty evil.
One day I just stopped caring, quit my 9-5 and started my consulting gig.
I'm pretty sure one day it will catch up to me however....
I do not take in unemployment when I have no work.
I do not take in welfare.
My cigarettes and booze pay for the roads I drive on.
I ask NOTHING of my government except for the law of protecting people from harm.
Outside of that I operate like a cell, I am an american and will happily defend my country if called to do so..
However I will not pay for a 800 dollar toilet seat when I know that 800 dollar toilet seat is really a "Relay control trip for a missle", or pay for welfare which I as a "white" (I'm really rather yellow) male cannot get without having serious issues (unlike you know 60% of the populas on welfare).
It's under principle and not out hate for the system. I'm messed up like that but it's how I live and like I said I look into the mirror every day and go "Damn I'm pretty" followed "Evil".
Originally posted by Astropuyo So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever? Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
I have been paid cash on certain occasions, but never dodged. I have followed tax codes. Current tax laws (unless it has changed this year) state that you do not need to report untaxed income under $600. When I modded for, I made most about $650/year - I paid the small amount of taxes on that.
If I do work on the side, I make sure it is for less than $600/year. I look at that as my community service. When I do computer repair on the side, I charge a nominal fee, mostly to cover gas expense.
I don't pray at all as I am a Deist. I couldn't handle going to church one sunday per year. And, many times I think of naked women - my wife in particular. Sometimes she is naked with other women.
I don't, however, look at paying taxes as a patriotic duty. I look at it as a burden and a requirement so I don't get a lien placed upon my home or banking accounts.
Originally posted by Astropuyo So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever? Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
I have been paid cash on certain occasions, but never dodged. I have followed tax codes. Current tax laws (unless it has changed this year) state that you do not need to report untaxed income under $600. When I modded for, I made most about $650/year - I paid the small amount of taxes on that.
If I do work on the side, I make sure it is for less than $600/year. I look at that as my community service. When I do computer repair on the side, I charge a nominal fee, mostly to cover gas expense.
I don't pray at all as I am a Deist. I couldn't handle going to church one sunday per year. And, many times I think of naked women - my wife in particular. Sometimes she is naked with other women.
I don't, however, look at paying taxes as a patriotic duty. I look at it as a burden and a requirement so I don't get a lien placed upon my home or banking accounts.
Mmmm other naked women with wifey.
Well okay you are normal then (in that regard!).
See though technically "By just the way technically goes" you work for under the amount required to make a call into. So in the technical stance you are dodging the tax system . (see I can make anything pretty into evil errr well kinda not so good.).
Thats what I do in essence, to small accounts based WAY THE F**K away from untited hands reaching for it.
Never wanted to own a home as it's liability unless renting, and sure as hell make sure my corp bank accounts are always out of nevada.
As said "my views are skewed" . This is from years of martini's and weed defusing the slight guilt I might of felt if I had any love for the system at current
I don't dodge taxes so much as use the system against it self, legally. I don't have to report crap.
As long as I show no profit (which really profit is hard to show when it's all in advertising budgets) I am safe from worry. I pay my sales tax and my cigarettes alone have probably paid for 7 bunker busters.
And not once have I run to the government for anything. They can kiss my ass as far as taking even more out of my already dwindling funds...all they'll do it bailout some douchebag banking corp and they'll spend all the money on firewater and gambling...or an island... HEY THEY'RE RICH BUMS!
If you dodge your taxes in any way, you are not doing your fair share as a citizen, and indirectly slighting me in the process. Please stop.
*How exactly is anything slighting you or anyone else. As stated I take nothing from the government. Nothing, nada,zilch. Never once. Ever.
I pay my required sales taxes, my utility taxes, they just are not getting my fledling companies wages. Pure and simple and I have it locked up with legal power behind it. You are not paying extra because of me, you never will. I do my duties as a "citizen" and that's that. I own a LTD and am not required to pay out anything unless I show some profit. Which I rarely do. Don't like over taxation by all means your congressman has a mailing address. I simply found a better way. I stick my feet into the river of "if you fail you drown". You may be content with normal stuff like 9-5 income taxes, but my entire life teeters everyday due to my company and sheer fact I cannot show profit. My duty came in when I paid an insane amount for my business license and the paid dues into the state.
So I have not slighted a single soul. I just found a different way into life.
Regardless if a friend pays my 700 dollars to repair his abortion of a media plan, I am not reporting anything. They can kindly kiss my yellow ass.
*I use this in my case, simply to demonstrate how many feel about the current system of hyper taxation.
I write agressively so don't take this as a "Go %$^% yourself"
Originally posted by Astropuyo You will be HARD HARD HARD pressed to find one man who has not dodged taxes in sometime in his life.
I've never dodged taxes. It wasn't to difficult to look in the mirror.
So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever?
I dunno man, I generally find you very credible but on this my BS meter is detecting pretty high levels and it's not from me this time!
Never once in your entire life have you dodged a tax? Ever? Ever,Ever?
Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
If so, holy crap. How can you look in the mirror? You've never lived! :-D.
I've dodged a few in my time , either under the table or using Nevada as a corp homegrounds (thats legal tax dodging!) .
I look into the mirror everyday and go "Damn I'm pretty".
Then again I'm pretty evil.
forty two thousand dollars, that's $42,000 that the government KNOWS he owes, who knows what else he's done that he owes for
Your justification for this sucks.
Ps. Dekron is not looking to become secretary of treasury.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Originally posted by Astropuyo You will be HARD HARD HARD pressed to find one man who has not dodged taxes in sometime in his life.
I've never dodged taxes. It wasn't to difficult to look in the mirror.
So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever?
I dunno man, I generally find you very credible but on this my BS meter is detecting pretty high levels and it's not from me this time!
Never once in your entire life have you dodged a tax? Ever? Ever,Ever?
Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
If so, holy crap. How can you look in the mirror? You've never lived! :-D.
I've dodged a few in my time , either under the table or using Nevada as a corp homegrounds (thats legal tax dodging!) .
I look into the mirror everyday and go "Damn I'm pretty".
Then again I'm pretty evil.
forty two thousand dollars, that's $42,000 that the government KNOWS he owes, who knows what else he's done that he owes for
Your justification for this sucks.
Ps. Dekron is not looking to become secretary of treasury.
Meh my first employer is still dodging a million in back taxes, and 2 million from a suit from symantec.
Originally posted by Astropuyo You will be HARD HARD HARD pressed to find one man who has not dodged taxes in sometime in his life.
I've never dodged taxes. It wasn't to difficult to look in the mirror.
So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever?
I dunno man, I generally find you very credible but on this my BS meter is detecting pretty high levels and it's not from me this time!
Never once in your entire life have you dodged a tax? Ever? Ever,Ever?
Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
If so, holy crap. How can you look in the mirror? You've never lived! :-D.
I've dodged a few in my time , either under the table or using Nevada as a corp homegrounds (thats legal tax dodging!) .
I look into the mirror everyday and go "Damn I'm pretty".
Then again I'm pretty evil.
forty two thousand dollars, that's $42,000 that the government KNOWS he owes, who knows what else he's done that he owes for
Your justification for this sucks.
Ps. Dekron is not looking to become secretary of treasury.
Meh my first employer is still dodging a million in back taxes, and 2 million from a suit from symantec.
Would you want him to be your secretary of treasury?
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Originally posted by Astropuyo You will be HARD HARD HARD pressed to find one man who has not dodged taxes in sometime in his life.
I've never dodged taxes. It wasn't to difficult to look in the mirror.
So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever?
I dunno man, I generally find you very credible but on this my BS meter is detecting pretty high levels and it's not from me this time!
Never once in your entire life have you dodged a tax? Ever? Ever,Ever?
Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
If so, holy crap. How can you look in the mirror? You've never lived! :-D.
I've dodged a few in my time , either under the table or using Nevada as a corp homegrounds (thats legal tax dodging!) .
I look into the mirror everyday and go "Damn I'm pretty".
Then again I'm pretty evil.
forty two thousand dollars, that's $42,000 that the government KNOWS he owes, who knows what else he's done that he owes for
Your justification for this sucks.
Ps. Dekron is not looking to become secretary of treasury.
Meh my first employer is still dodging a million in back taxes, and 2 million from a suit from symantec.
Would you want him to be your secretary of treasury?
Google sam jain, lemme know if you think he'd make a good treasurer.
Really 40k is jack compared to most celebs and various other worshipped dip wads.
Shit look at athletes if you wanna see millions dodged, until it's a six digit he really hasn't done any damage.
Either way I think he was either stupid or completely oblivious to that point.
I bet that 40k is +fines anyhow, he probably dodged like 20k or so. (That they've found out so far).
They may not be calling him "savior", but supporters like this woman sure do act as though he is.
You're always gonna have groupie type when it comes to someone famous. Be they music groupies, art groupies, film groupies or political groupies. I even remember seeing a graphic that put George W. Bush in the same catagory as Jesus. As for the vid, I think the woman mean she hopes that Obama will help her keep her working so she can pay her bills off, not that the government is going to pay them for her. I'll bet it was taken totally out of context. That's one of the major pitfall of Youtube vids, they seldom tell the whole story and aren't at all reliable.
Kelitc, you have to admit, the Media was kissing Obama's ass all the way to the white house. One reporter was even quoted he had a "chill run up my leg" when he talked about Obama. Another MSNBC anchorman even said he may tear up as he talked about the inaugeration.
If Obama asked them for sexual favors, the media would have had mattresses ducked taped to their backs.
It's rather nice to see that Obama isn't all glorious NEO like the media portrayed him to be.
This is his second week in office and so far he's been picking some shitty high ranking people....even Bush wasn't that stupid.
Obama has three years and 11 months to go.
It's going to be one interesting ride; that's for sure.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
eh the only canadate that would ever do anything truly differently would be raolph nader, but he would make everything one giant hippy commune and would turn everthing in the white house into a bong, and somehow name twinkies the national fruit.
point being while all politicians do the same crap over and over with red and blue flags, the ones who actually would be radically different would probable do a worse job then charles manson in most ways.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
I'll give you that Enigma. The press really is blowing things out of proportion. I sort of expected it being that was since Obama was the first African-American to become President and that eventually the dust would start to settle down by now and he could get on with the business trying to fix our problems.
As for the two picks with the tax problems, better to find this out BEFORE the are appointed rather than after. That's pretty much what the whole vetting process is about after all.
Yes, it's going to be a very interesting 3 years and 11 months. Especially if the economic situation gets worse. Not only are the people of this country looking to its leaders to fix this situation but since everyones economies are linked together and we are one of the major economic powers, the rest of the world is looking toward us to fix things too. If we fail it's going to get very, very ugly here and around the world. Pray it dosen't come to that and that ALL our leader are wise enough to see the big picture.
drooling idiot smiley = dead on.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
eh the only canadate that would ever do anything truly differently would be raolph nader, but he would make everything one giant hippy commune and would turn everthing in the white house into a bong, and somehow name twinkies the national fruit.
point being while all politicians do the same crap over and over with red and blue flags, the ones who actually would be radically different would probable do a worse job then charles manson in most ways.
Actually, Ralph Nader would give us more of the same. Bigger government, less freedom, just like Obama, just like Bush -- just like the last fifty years or more. Only libertarians represent a change to the way things happen in Washington.
They are the only people who want less government and more freedom.
Something quite humorous I heard on the radio:
If Al Capone were alive today, he would be a shoe-in for a secretarial position in the Obama Administration.
At least he apologized for it. I think had he not apologized, all of this criticism would be warranted. He has assembled his team faster than any prez before, and mistakes were bound to happen. I am from South Dakota, so I know a lot about Daschle. I was pretty shocked when I heard about it, and have lost all respect for him too.
No one saw this coming, and Obama should have vetted him more. However I don't think I have ever heard Bush or Cheney man up to their mistakes, so it is rather refreshing hearing that from the Oval Office. Don't mock him for apologizing, thats just rude.
While this man has a point, it's not very sharp. We have all come to know that politics equates the worst people running best of us.
The bigger question is why the media is not blowing this way out of proportion and trying to crucify these people. But of course the answer is that they are democrats. There are different rules for us and them. Different rules for Democrats and Republicans. We are so screwed and it's our own fault. Political correctness, lack of corporal punishment, lack of manners, the gimmie now revolution, it's not my fault, there are so many reason why everything is going downhill.
Ask "How are you doing?" to 10 or more people today and count how many look at you funny, don't answer the question or just mumble something. We are falling apart, the poor know it but can do nothing, and the rich just don't care.
And while your point is sharp and keen, it's just one point to a two faced sword.
The left always scream " RIGHT WING MEDIA".
and the right?
They scream "LEFT WING MEDIA".
The reasons they are not being "Crucified" is simple. It's not that big of a deal. Hell I evade some taxes, so do you I am sure, I am absolutely sure not one of us on these damned boards pays all tax laws or finds a way out of them.
I.E. If you live in CA and buy a car in Oregon, you are a tax dodger. Is it wrong? Nope not really, but it's dodging your local taxes .
And really how bad were the tax dodging? Compared to the cluster fuck that was the Bush Administration (Which I still say he did alright for being what he was. Hell technically we are safer, just a WHOLE LOT less if we ever were anyhow).
Tax dodging is the basis of the american life. It's our ROOT cause for not being colonies anymore.
It's why we prefer coffee over tea, it's why we do not need endure british foods.
It's why we are american. What the hell do you expect? It's as american as the welfare system that is abused. Go to the county office and ask yourself what your tax dollars are doing, you know after that one lady dumps 50 of her kids off for a physical .
Drudge and the rest of the "right crew" have been on this from the moment it hit the presses.
Radio stations, they help give you choice.
CLEAR CHANNEL is a good example.
Anyhow no side controls the media, the media are like bacteria they feed on anything.
Good media that makes money chooses no sides, it's what the people want to hear.
It's the people, WHY do you think they have so many POLLS on Fox/MSNBC/What-the-hell-ever?
It's so they can guage what YOU want to hear.
Some of you people act like this is a Good Vrs Evil type of thing.
It's one thing to be passionate, it's another to be a Zealot.
Which in my opinion is far more dangerous than a anti american suicide bomber rally.
*Obama has manned up three times thus far as well, he is the FIRST political figure I have ever heard/saw say "Sorry I screwed up" I'm not a liberal but I respect a man like that and am glad I voted for someone who can actually say he screwed up, where in the bush admin did you ever see or hear a sorry?
You forget, three tax evaders, (1 approved, two withdrew) have been appointed by the same administration who claimed it was a "patriotic duty" to not only pay your taxes, but higher taxes.
You forget, three tax evaders, (1 approved, two withdrew) have been appointed by the same administration who claimed it was a "patriotic duty" to not only pay your taxes, but higher taxes.
Hey I'm not going to awnser for their piss poor mistake, I am simply saying it's the american mentality.
You will be HARD HARD HARD pressed to find one man who has not dodged taxes in sometime in his life.
I am sure if we had dug deeper into bushes choices we'd of found all kinds of fun stuff, then a plane hit the building and that was "Thunder-bush GO!" and we never did get to question quality or qualifications of his crew. That whole Palpatine thing you know.
All I remember was "Bush elected, hey whats that guy do?" BAM "What was that noise?"
"Oh a plane hit the world trade center and pentagon."
"and parts of another it hit a dutch cabin or something"
Hell I wouldn't be surprised if bush did coke "once" (who does it just once) or if his businesses weren't all up and up with the tax system, or or or...I could go on but the damned left zealots have taken the piss out of making fun of bush or pointing out any flaws...
Point is we all screw up, he screwed up thrice. He apoligized thrice. He held himself accountable and that is something never once in my 15 years of political watching heard from the oval office (I am 27 but I didn't pay attention to politics until about 12). Was it because other presidents did not make mistakes? No.
It's just that most had their head so far up their ass they didn't care to apologize to the people they lead.
Was there any damage done to the american people?
Did it criple the economy?
Do we have to lie and say "Oh I'm Canadian" when we travel over this?
Did you have to choose food over gasoline?
Have thousands of men (both sides) died in a desert for profit margin ?
Exactly. There was no damage except making the man look stupid for not researching his people.
I've never dodged taxes. It wasn't to difficult to look in the mirror.
I like your attitude, and nearly everything you write, but your logic on tax-dodging is skewed at best. I have never cheated on my taxes, and do not condone this as an 'American' way of life. I work on 100% commission, and pay higher taxes than salaried employees as well.
I also stop paying Medicare/Medicaid benefits sometime in Q2. Up until this point, nearly 38% of my check goes to taxes. That is an insane amount. I bitch about it occasionally, crack jokes about it too, but I ALWAYS pay my taxes. If you dodge your taxes in any way, you are not doing your fair share as a citizen, and indirectly slighting me in the process. Please stop.
I've never dodged taxes. It wasn't to difficult to look in the mirror.
So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever?
I dunno man, I generally find you very credible but on this my BS meter is detecting pretty high levels and it's not from me this time!
Never once in your entire life have you dodged a tax? Ever? Ever,Ever?
Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
If so, holy crap. How can you look in the mirror? You've never lived! :-D.
I've dodged a few in my time , either under the table or using Nevada as a corp homegrounds (thats legal tax dodging!) .
I look into the mirror everyday and go "Damn I'm pretty".
Then again I'm pretty evil.
I like your attitude, and nearly everything you write, but your logic on tax-dodging is skewed at best. I have never cheated on my taxes, and do not condone this as an 'American' way of life. I work on 100% commission, and pay higher taxes than salaried employees as well.
I also stop paying Medicare/Medicaid benefits sometime in Q2. Up until this point, nearly 38% of my check goes to taxes. That is an insane amount. I bitch about it occasionally, crack jokes about it too, but I ALWAYS pay my taxes. If you dodge your taxes in any way, you are not doing your fair share as a citizen, and indirectly slighting me in the process. Please stop.
Like I said mate, I'm pretty evil.
One day I just stopped caring, quit my 9-5 and started my consulting gig.
I'm pretty sure one day it will catch up to me however....
I do not take in unemployment when I have no work.
I do not take in welfare.
My cigarettes and booze pay for the roads I drive on.
I ask NOTHING of my government except for the law of protecting people from harm.
Outside of that I operate like a cell, I am an american and will happily defend my country if called to do so..
However I will not pay for a 800 dollar toilet seat when I know that 800 dollar toilet seat is really a "Relay control trip for a missle", or pay for welfare which I as a "white" (I'm really rather yellow) male cannot get without having serious issues (unlike you know 60% of the populas on welfare).
It's under principle and not out hate for the system. I'm messed up like that but it's how I live and like I said I look into the mirror every day and go "Damn I'm pretty" followed "Evil".
I have been paid cash on certain occasions, but never dodged. I have followed tax codes. Current tax laws (unless it has changed this year) state that you do not need to report untaxed income under $600. When I modded for, I made most about $650/year - I paid the small amount of taxes on that.
If I do work on the side, I make sure it is for less than $600/year. I look at that as my community service. When I do computer repair on the side, I charge a nominal fee, mostly to cover gas expense.
I don't pray at all as I am a Deist. I couldn't handle going to church one sunday per year. And, many times I think of naked women - my wife in particular. Sometimes she is naked with other women.
I don't, however, look at paying taxes as a patriotic duty. I look at it as a burden and a requirement so I don't get a lien placed upon my home or banking accounts.
I have been paid cash on certain occasions, but never dodged. I have followed tax codes. Current tax laws (unless it has changed this year) state that you do not need to report untaxed income under $600. When I modded for, I made most about $650/year - I paid the small amount of taxes on that.
If I do work on the side, I make sure it is for less than $600/year. I look at that as my community service. When I do computer repair on the side, I charge a nominal fee, mostly to cover gas expense.
I don't pray at all as I am a Deist. I couldn't handle going to church one sunday per year. And, many times I think of naked women - my wife in particular. Sometimes she is naked with other women.
I don't, however, look at paying taxes as a patriotic duty. I look at it as a burden and a requirement so I don't get a lien placed upon my home or banking accounts.
Mmmm other naked women with wifey.
Well okay you are normal then (in that regard!).
See though technically "By just the way technically goes" you work for under the amount required to make a call into. So in the technical stance you are dodging the tax system . (see I can make anything pretty into evil errr well kinda not so good.).
Thats what I do in essence, to small accounts based WAY THE F**K away from untited hands reaching for it.
Never wanted to own a home as it's liability unless renting, and sure as hell make sure my corp bank accounts are always out of nevada.
As said "my views are skewed" . This is from years of martini's and weed defusing the slight guilt I might of felt if I had any love for the system at current
I don't dodge taxes so much as use the system against it self, legally. I don't have to report crap.
As long as I show no profit (which really profit is hard to show when it's all in advertising budgets) I am safe from worry. I pay my sales tax and my cigarettes alone have probably paid for 7 bunker busters.
And not once have I run to the government for anything. They can kiss my ass as far as taking even more out of my already dwindling funds...all they'll do it bailout some douchebag banking corp and they'll spend all the money on firewater and gambling...or an island... HEY THEY'RE RICH BUMS!
If you dodge your taxes in any way, you are not doing your fair share as a citizen, and indirectly slighting me in the process. Please stop.
*How exactly is anything slighting you or anyone else. As stated I take nothing from the government. Nothing, nada,zilch. Never once. Ever.
I pay my required sales taxes, my utility taxes, they just are not getting my fledling companies wages. Pure and simple and I have it locked up with legal power behind it. You are not paying extra because of me, you never will. I do my duties as a "citizen" and that's that. I own a LTD and am not required to pay out anything unless I show some profit. Which I rarely do. Don't like over taxation by all means your congressman has a mailing address. I simply found a better way. I stick my feet into the river of "if you fail you drown". You may be content with normal stuff like 9-5 income taxes, but my entire life teeters everyday due to my company and sheer fact I cannot show profit. My duty came in when I paid an insane amount for my business license and the paid dues into the state.
So I have not slighted a single soul. I just found a different way into life.
Regardless if a friend pays my 700 dollars to repair his abortion of a media plan, I am not reporting anything. They can kindly kiss my yellow ass.
*I use this in my case, simply to demonstrate how many feel about the current system of hyper taxation.
I write agressively so don't take this as a "Go %$^% yourself"
I've never dodged taxes. It wasn't to difficult to look in the mirror.
So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever?
I dunno man, I generally find you very credible but on this my BS meter is detecting pretty high levels and it's not from me this time!
Never once in your entire life have you dodged a tax? Ever? Ever,Ever?
Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
If so, holy crap. How can you look in the mirror? You've never lived! :-D.
I've dodged a few in my time , either under the table or using Nevada as a corp homegrounds (thats legal tax dodging!) .
I look into the mirror everyday and go "Damn I'm pretty".
Then again I'm pretty evil.
forty two thousand dollars, that's $42,000 that the government KNOWS he owes, who knows what else he's done that he owes for
Your justification for this sucks.
Ps. Dekron is not looking to become secretary of treasury.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
I've never dodged taxes. It wasn't to difficult to look in the mirror.
So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever?
I dunno man, I generally find you very credible but on this my BS meter is detecting pretty high levels and it's not from me this time!
Never once in your entire life have you dodged a tax? Ever? Ever,Ever?
Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
If so, holy crap. How can you look in the mirror? You've never lived! :-D.
I've dodged a few in my time , either under the table or using Nevada as a corp homegrounds (thats legal tax dodging!) .
I look into the mirror everyday and go "Damn I'm pretty".
Then again I'm pretty evil.
forty two thousand dollars, that's $42,000 that the government KNOWS he owes, who knows what else he's done that he owes for
Your justification for this sucks.
Ps. Dekron is not looking to become secretary of treasury.
Meh my first employer is still dodging a million in back taxes, and 2 million from a suit from symantec.
I've never dodged taxes. It wasn't to difficult to look in the mirror.
So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever?
I dunno man, I generally find you very credible but on this my BS meter is detecting pretty high levels and it's not from me this time!
Never once in your entire life have you dodged a tax? Ever? Ever,Ever?
Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
If so, holy crap. How can you look in the mirror? You've never lived! :-D.
I've dodged a few in my time , either under the table or using Nevada as a corp homegrounds (thats legal tax dodging!) .
I look into the mirror everyday and go "Damn I'm pretty".
Then again I'm pretty evil.
forty two thousand dollars, that's $42,000 that the government KNOWS he owes, who knows what else he's done that he owes for
Your justification for this sucks.
Ps. Dekron is not looking to become secretary of treasury.
Meh my first employer is still dodging a million in back taxes, and 2 million from a suit from symantec.
Would you want him to be your secretary of treasury?
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
its sad to hear that 2 of his chosen cabinet members are indeed not paying right taxes. obama apologizes regarding this matter rather blatantly.
I've never dodged taxes. It wasn't to difficult to look in the mirror.
So you've never been paid under the table for anything ever?
I dunno man, I generally find you very credible but on this my BS meter is detecting pretty high levels and it's not from me this time!
Never once in your entire life have you dodged a tax? Ever? Ever,Ever?
Come on, next you'll say you go to church every sunday, pray before bed and never think of naked women/men (if men are your thing, hell I dunno if you are male or female so I thought I'd add that in, I'm P.C like that),or whatever vice people have issue with these days.
If so, holy crap. How can you look in the mirror? You've never lived! :-D.
I've dodged a few in my time , either under the table or using Nevada as a corp homegrounds (thats legal tax dodging!) .
I look into the mirror everyday and go "Damn I'm pretty".
Then again I'm pretty evil.
forty two thousand dollars, that's $42,000 that the government KNOWS he owes, who knows what else he's done that he owes for
Your justification for this sucks.
Ps. Dekron is not looking to become secretary of treasury.
Meh my first employer is still dodging a million in back taxes, and 2 million from a suit from symantec.
Would you want him to be your secretary of treasury?
Google sam jain, lemme know if you think he'd make a good treasurer.
Really 40k is jack compared to most celebs and various other worshipped dip wads.
Shit look at athletes if you wanna see millions dodged, until it's a six digit he really hasn't done any damage.
Either way I think he was either stupid or completely oblivious to that point.
I bet that 40k is +fines anyhow, he probably dodged like 20k or so. (That they've found out so far).
Nope. I'm not corrupt enough for this administration.
Nope. I'm not corrupt enough for this administration.
All american administrations have been corrupt.
TwitchTV: iNeoki
Nope. I'm not corrupt enough for this administration.
All american administrations have been corrupt.
Says the man from Germany.
Sieg Heil, mein Führer!