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Pandion Knights: UK Based


This is a recruitment message but different to probably most other messages.

The best way to start is to probably introduce myself and my community - my name is Aldor and I am the community leader of Pandion Knights (PK). PK are a European Multi-Gaming Community with a strong UK base and a good mix of people from across many European Countries.

We have a very strong presence in World of Warcraft however we also have PK players in Warhammer and Lord of the Rings Online. In addition to MMO’s we have a dedicated Call of Duty Server and a Dedicated Games server hosting Trackmania, Hidden, Counter Strike and a whole host of other games.

Our goal is to create a community where like minded people can login and play a variety of different games with people they know. After all people start and stop different games all the time so why not have the option to do that without losing contact of people you have met? The type of people we “attract” tend to be full-time workers, people with families, full-time students and mature gamers. Basically its people who simply can't play 8 hours a day every day (even though sometime we wish we could!)

As a result out teams are never going to those that will do 'world firsts'. However we do have goals and we do strive for them (pre-Wrath on WOW we were raiding in Sunwell). The emphasis we have is on community and that it is about the person and not the on-line character.

Our goals for PK overall are to create a large gaming community with many different games to choose from.

Now I said this is a recruitment message with a difference.

Basically we are looking for people to join PK and setup a PK Guild on TCoS. We want a good solid base of people who don’t mind helping run things and a larger base of like-minded players. We are looking to recruit 4 or 5 people who will be happy doing a bit of extra work in making a new community on TCoS and integrating with our existing communities in our other games. To begin with it would simply be a case of been proactive in Forums, Recruitment and News. Further down the line it will be arranging events and helping us grow - all of the websites and support will be provided by our existing team.

Now you may be asking, why would I bother?

Well, if you wanted to do the above anyway, then surely it would be easier to set your own Guild up on your own. Well yes, it could be and I admire anyone who could do so. However, sometimes having the right resources on a regular and consistent basis, and having the know-how and support from others that share your passion means certain things either cannot happen or they start to deteriorate after a few weeks. At PK we already have the resources and know-how you need and can rely on - unlimited TS server and a full dedicated server are great for starters - I just need a leadership team to manage it.

The other question is why I don’t do it myself?

Well the simple answer is that I have tried to do it myself in the past, but running the whole community simply takes up too much time and I cannot dedicate enough time to any one game without neglecting another. Also, it takes more than one person to help run a community - our past successes are when we have great team efforts.

So hopefully I may have encouraged a few of you who want to be part of a big gaming community to join PK and help setup a TCoS community under the PK “umbrella”. We already have a few PK’s looking at playing TCoS, however we do really want to build a dedicated community of people who have TCoS as their main game.

If you are interested, please email me or visit the clan at

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