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Our group was formed upon the demise of Uru, hence the different name.
We are a group of mature members, with a few younger ones We have started with Matis but have allowed the possibility of Zorai also becoming part of the group. Matis and Zorai have a higher fame rating.
We are a helpful group, friendly and believe in sharing our knowledge plus assisting other players in Ryzom. This will be a fun group with no serious role playing as RL also plays a part in our online life.
Interested? Check out
Or send me a message
Wow. Over half a year after Taffy's post and the Out of Cavern guild still rocks.
We've had a few leadership changes, but the guild basically stands for the same things it did when it started: friendship and fun. We are still mainly Matis but we have members from all 4 races now, and all are welcome to join. You can still check out the website at, or contact me or my officers in game.
Leader - Amcyr
Officers - Akjohn, Keiko, Lathaniel, Navra, Pubgal, Sekhmet
Whew! It's been a while now hasn't it?
The Out of Cavern guild is still around, but much smaller now.
Lathaniel is now guild leader in case you want to contact us.
PS. In case you haven't heard, Uru Live may be coming back.
Btw, Akjohn is now guild leader.