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Bought a new computer, now looking to buy a new MMO

So I just bought my new desktop and said goodbye to the era of the not so great laptop.  Now I'm ready to get back into the MMO game seeing as I can actually run em now without having the graphics all the way down.  So let me just give some of my MMO background.  I played FFXI on PS2 for almost 3 yrs and loved it.  I than moved on the WoW and played it for about 3 mnths and hated it.  After that I went on a AWOL from MMO's.  Most recently I bought WAR but my laptop couldnt run it without lagging and I didnt enjoy it that much neways.  So overall I really liked FFXI.  I loved the graphics and the almost manditory grouping.  I would go back to FFXI but I want to know if while I was away where there any MMO's that came out that maybe had taken these things I liked from FFXI and maybe made it a little better.

Any suggestions?

I was looking at maybe LOTR or Lineage 2, mostly because of the graphics......

I hate cartoony graphics personally.

So anything you guys might suggest that I could try out?


The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
Frank Zappa


  • PrintscreenPrintscreen Member UncommonPosts: 100

    If you like FFXI, i'd suggest LoTR. Lineage 2 is on the opposite spectrum and is centered around solo grind, pvp (ganking is what people mostly do) and clan raids, which aren't really fun and you have to be at least 70+ to be useful (which takes a long time to get to and is not cheap either....getting money fresh as a noob is REALLY HARD / LONG without help).

  • Z3R01Z3R01 Member UncommonPosts: 2,426

    I suggest you try each one of those games Trials before you buy.

    If you want to push your system graphics wise try Vanguard and AoC also.

    give em all a try then figure out what you want to play.

    Hell you could always play FFXI again lol

    Playing: Nothing

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  • robbykl1415robbykl1415 Member Posts: 294

    Yea I am just a cheapass and don't want to buy the game for $20.00 if it sucks ya kno?

    Vanguard huh? Havent looked at that one.....

    Good graphics huh?

    Yea I am starting to narrow it down and just thinkn Ima have to go back to FFXI, although LoTR seems ight but I just don't know about the selection of races and classes.  Seems limited to me.....

    The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
    Frank Zappa

  • VarkingVarking Member UncommonPosts: 542

    Of those I would pick Lineage 2.

  • Calintz333Calintz333 Member UncommonPosts: 1,193

    I am a 4 year FFXI veteran, And trust me I have also looked at something to replace it already. It is a good group oriented game in its own right, and it has its merits. The fact is It gets old after 4 years.


    I have for the past 11 months looked for a game that scratched my FFXI itch, What I liked from FFXI was the Skill chain system, the group based game play, the massive world, and the fact quests you did at level 10 could give you benefits up to level 75, such as Warp scroll quest, and Teleport Crag quests.

    I can tell you right now there is no game out there that has these features other than FFXI.


    There is this new F2P game out there called Runes of Magic, It basically takes FFXI's sub job system (Soon they are putting in the skill chain system as well) and also they take WoW's style and quest based game play and make it into one game.


    To be honest I feel dirty and cheep playing it. Don't get me wrong the game is GREAT Runes of Magic is a superb title, but the fact they so blatantly ripped off all the ideas for the game off FFXI and WoW makes me feel ashamed to play it, so I just cant enjoy it. The developers put no originality or creativity into the game what so ever. I can't bring myself to play it. It feels as bad as buying online currency or downloading a movie illegally off torrents sites. Thats how playing RoM feels to me a FFXI veteran and a 1 year WoW vet.


    Now, to your question and sorry I keep getting a bit off track,


    No there is nothing out there like FFXI but there are games that I,  A  FFXI veteran did enjoy.


    Atlantica online is a solid Free 2 play Free 2 win Pay 2 keep your sanity game. Very fun you can do almost everything without the cash shop, but eventually you will fork over money at high levels if you want to keep your sanity.


    Guild wars- Free 2 play pay 2 buy. Very nice game story driven and cinematics just like FFXI but guild wars actually has Voice in their cinematics, The game play is mostly group based however it is NOT an open world and the game progresses more like a linear story than a mmorpg. Still its a good online RPG game with all the great elements of last gen mmorpgs.


    Requiem Bloodymare, If you did  not mind the grind that FFXI gave you might find yourself enjoying Requiem Bloodymare, It is also a Free 2 play game with a cash shop, the most fair cash shop in mmorpg History by the way. 10 bucks buys you a package with almost all the temporary benefits in the game at 20-25%, and 15 bucks buys you that same package with the benefits set to 50% I would say if you don't mind a grind and want a gore more mature feel for an mmorpg, play Requiem bloodymare. Its a quest based MMORPG with a very mature look and style.


    There is also this last game called Dungeons and Dragons online, again its not FFXI and its not an open world game, its more of a Hub or Lobby -- Mission -- Lobby kinda game. Still the grouping on that game is superb and the quests are also very enjoyable. The game is more skill based than most mmorpgs as well. you may find yourself enjoying it I did but Not enough to pay 15 dollars a month for it.


    Sadly games like FFXI are dying, the mmorpg genre is turning more for casual gamers than the hard core gamers like us that like to work hard and spend months trying to get that one peace of armor or finishing that one boss battle or ZM mission,  New mmo gamers (The "WoW" crowed") as they call them on these forums like things handed to them and like almost instant gratification for their work, so the way games like FFXI worked back then where you worked ur butt off for 2-4 months for a HUGE reward does not really work anymore. Sorry to say you will probably never find a game like FFXI again :(  But give the games I mentioned a Try, I think you may enjoy a few of them.


    And hell if not, just get the new Total war game comming out next month


    Empires total war, Great RTS/Diplomatic game I really enjoy it and Spend almost as much time playing Medieval 2 total war with all the mods that I do playing any mmorpg, at least the last 11 months I have.





  • Z3R01Z3R01 Member UncommonPosts: 2,426
    Originally posted by robbykl1415

    Yea I am just a cheapass and don't want to buy the game for $20.00 if it sucks ya kno?
    Vanguard huh? Havent looked at that one.....
    Good graphics huh?
    Yea I am starting to narrow it down and just thinkn Ima have to go back to FFXI, although LoTR seems ight but I just don't know about the selection of races and classes.  Seems limited to me.....


    Dude it's  a great time to be a cheap ass LOL!

    Right now almost every mmo with nothing to hide has a nice 10-21 day trial.

    Try em all, have a goodtime and then stick with one.


    Playing: Nothing

    Looking forward to: Nothing 

  • robbykl1415robbykl1415 Member Posts: 294
    Originally posted by Calintz333
    Sadly games like FFXI are dying, the mmorpg genre is turning more for casual gamers than the hard core gamers like us that like to work hard and spend months trying to get that one peace of armor or finishing that one boss battle or ZM mission,  New mmo gamers (The "WoW" crowed") as they call them on these forums like things handed to them and like almost instant gratification for their work, so the way games like FFXI worked back then where you worked ur butt off for 2-4 months for a HUGE reward does not really work anymore. Sorry to say you will probably never find a game like FFXI again :(  But give the games I mentioned a Try, I think you may enjoy a few of them.


    I hate to say it but I have to agree with you on the part that the games like FFXI are dying.

    But why?  FFXI is such a good MMO idk why more MMO's dont try and emulate it.

    Awww I think Ima have to go back to FFXI.  I love it so.

    The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
    Frank Zappa

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