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"We live in an amazing, amazing world, and it's wasted on the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots."
I think everyone complaining needs to watch this:
No its not a rickroll or a keylogger. It's a comedic but true rant by a very funny man.
You paid 50 bucks for a game. Love it or hate it, just fucking live with it already and be thankful the internet even exists.
Thanks to Al Gore mind you. - Video Game News, Reviews, and More!
Amen to that
when I was a kid I used to go outside and play everyday.. oh times have changed now with these internet addicts
OMFG. So true! So true! You made my day, no my week with this post!!!!
Let's all say what we're thankful for!
I'm thankful for trees
I stumbled across that vid the other day. It is very funny and very apt too.
Very nice video indeed
HEH, I still chuckle when I see Al Gore quotes about the internet.
TBH the darkfall forums are comedy gold today.
A very simple policy that I've had since Asheron's Call was released:
Never pay money for a game you haven't played yet.
Would have saved a lot of people in this forum an awful lot of heartache.
But I have to say the fallout from their lack of patience is quite entertaining.
Popcorn anyone?
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
I just love how he says 'How quickly the world owes you something you didn't know existed until 10 minutes ago.' I bet half the people complaining here have only been following Darkfall for a month or less, jumped ship from their current MMO for something new, and now demand instant gratification from another source.
I FREAKING LOVE YOU!!! This is the point I've been trying to get across from the get-go. ZOMG dude lol...
Thankfull for this post OP!
Yes people cannot realize how far we have gone and yet they whine about everything like someones owes them anything.
Well nobody owes us anything, and we may as well lose it all soon. Economic crisis anyone?
Enjoy the God damn internet while you have it and your online games even if they don't work 100% like promised. Yes, enjoy them like they're going to disappear tomorrow and be happy like little bitches, you never know when nature will feel a "rebalancing" should be in order.
The video is true but people did the exact same thing 40 years ago. The thing about advances, no matter what the generation is, once that advancment breaks down and is not longer functional people will be mad. Why would peolpe be mad you ask? Because they PAY for it and expect it to work.
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|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
Anyway, to the OP, that was a great vid there, and it really is so damn true. I grew up in those days as well, where I played outside, and when I had to use the phone it was attached to the wall with a rotoary dial! And my T.V. had two knobs, one for UHF and one for VHF Yes I am old. But I love seeing technology evolve before my very eyes. Its amazing how fast we are progressing in that area!! Thanks again OP!!
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