Uhmmm, client emulated? If this would happen server need to be emulated which is quaite impossible 3 days after launch.
Beta didnt run for only 3 days.
I dont know if this is true, but if it is and they rewriten the server based on spying client, then, ironically, it will run faster and with less lag and sync issues, since everything is faster than java (in terms of data manipulation).
It almost brought my rig to it's knees. Spyware doctor, Norton, AVG, PCGuard identified it but couldn't get rid of it. I had to manually go thru a load of files and reg keys. Took over an hour. I'm not saying that I DID wipe my HD, but I almost had to.
as far as im aware it may be running the beta version.
Uhmmm, client emulated? If this would happen server need to be emulated which is quaite impossible 3 days after launch.
All your source code belongs to us ?
Oh and your CC card information too ?
Teh hacked.. oh god I hope not. I was hoping for next weeks drama to be spread out a bit ?
Beware, if it's the server I think it is it's a scam.
It drops ZLOB.32.backdoor Trojan and a bomb-load of adware into your rig.
Avoid as you would Dr Lecter
Lord Haart
Beta didnt run for only 3 days.
I dont know if this is true, but if it is and they rewriten the server based on spying client, then, ironically, it will run faster and with less lag and sync issues, since everything is faster than java (in terms of data manipulation).
It almost brought my rig to it's knees. Spyware doctor, Norton, AVG, PCGuard identified it but couldn't get rid of it. I had to manually go thru a load of files and reg keys. Took over an hour. I'm not saying that I DID wipe my HD, but I almost had to.
Lord Haart