wow, sounds just like the libs that counted the bodies every day in Iraq. who wanted failure?
Liberals did not want failure in Iraq. Failure meant people being killed, nobody wanted that. Once it was realized that the war was failing, success was measured by how many soldiers we could save by bringing them home.
Rush Limbaugh said he wanted "big goverment" to fail. He also said he wanted those who seek to control others to fail.
Without watching the Rush Limbaugh speech your Youtube clip absolutely means zero. Those are the people being referred.
Believe or not I can only remember one time hearing Rush on the radio and haven't used a radio in so long I can't remember the device. However I did catch him today on one of the few times I see him on a TV appearance.
Whether you can accept it or not it shall be the people who restore this economy through opportunity/adaptation/learning and not a bailout to them. The bank bailout, which I was always against, is so far proven me correct on a bailout.
Let me be very clear for you people telling me what I think...I'll tell you what I think and save you the strain....
I do NOT want Obama to fail. I do not want our economy to fail. I'd be THRILLED if what Obama is doing would save all our butts and make prosperity for the nation.... Sadly, history proves his actions are the ABSOLUTE worst possible choices on the economy. So ya i'm the guy standing by and screaming that the bus you are on is about to go over a cliff. As are my conservative allies.
But... I'm very content to say I told you so.... why? because you libs been running your mouths full of hate for YEARS against Bush. And that man did his primary protect freedom. He did it better than Clinton did it too. So ya...I got some jabs to get in...and I'm not afraid to say it.
At this point, I think the republicans even agree they have no ideas, or alternative, to rebuilding and repairing our nation after nearly a decade or so of "supply-side" economics.
Out-of-ideas. Out-of-power. Out-of-control (see Jindal address the nation).
Time to rebuild, regrow, and repair our institutions, our economy, even our values (pro Constitution; pro Country; and pro American).
Obama's Foreign Policy Appears Bush-Like
We are confronting a culture that loves to fight, in their own background, and bring down empires
To be fair, I will tell you that Afghanistan cannot be salvaged. 7 years into this war. SEVEN YEARS.
The Soviets spent a decade there and the Soviet Empire fell as a consequence.
I look at Obama's foreign policy, and I question its wisdom, frankly.
At this point, I think the republicans even agree they have no ideas, or alternative, to rebuilding and repairing our nation after nearly a decade or so of "supply-side" economics.
Out-of-ideas. Out-of-power. Out-of-control.
Time to rebuild, regrow, and repair our institutions, our economy, even our values (pro Constitution; pro Country; and pro American).
Idea : give people control of their lives.when has Big government ever worked.DEC
Idea : promote freedom rather than state control.DEC
idea : You so love the Constitution what about the 10 Amendments,do you know what they are their for.DEC.
Idea : Reduce my tax burden.Boston tea party.DEC
as most of the left you have been neutered and submitted to the fact that others know better how to spend your money than you.Dec you surprise me.Chicago Politics sewer runs right into the white house you said it yourself.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Originally posted by frodus idea : You so love the Constitution what about the 10 Amendments,do you know what they are their for.DEC.
I know the 17 Amendments proposed by Madison to the Congress;
I know the 13 Amendments passed by the Congress; and
I know the 10 Amendments passed by the states.
Why are the state seeking to succeed from the a political ploy or do they real Merritt.
The feds have over stepped their boundary's,you know it and most here know it.
Citi bank is one their 3rd bail out .Their junk bond status,who is going to invest in a bank that has got the government fingers all over it...WHO will maybe your dad maybe you,who. The big 3 auto asking for more money to prop up the unions who in fact have kill the company's.
The founder were deathly afraid of what is happing now..out of control spending and power grabs
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
All of this occurred during the republican-domination of government, and you will not be successful in trying to say that the Democrats are responsible.
The Democrats are attempting to repair and rebuild, and the out-of-ideas and out-of-power republican party has nothing else to say or do other than blame Obama and Democrats.
If the republican party really believed in helping this country, as Obama reached-out to the republicans only to get nothing for it, then they will generate some ideas. Even the republican party knows it is to blame for the economic, military, and other messes made.
Now it is clean-up, responsible time. And republicans will go kicking and screaming and this country is rebuilt and repaired for the better.
All of this occurred during the republican-domination of government, and you will not be successful in trying to say that the Democrats are responsible.
The Democrats are attempting to repair and rebuild, and the out-of-ideas and out-of-power republican party has nothing else to say or do other than blame Obama and Democrats.
If the republican party really believed in helping this country, as Obama reached-out to the republicans only to get nothing for it, then they will generate some ideas. Even the republican party knows it is to blame for the economic, military, and other messes made.
Now it is clean-up, responsible time. And republicans will go kicking and screaming and this country is rebuilt and repaired for the better.
As if i give a rats ass if its a Dem or a republican..The FDIC is a f*cking joke..DEC
Do you know what this means..wait..wait the next shoe to drop...wait...bail out..bail you remember when Clinton tried to bail out Mexico some research.. did it help or prolong the problem?
they have over stepped their boundary's and its clear as day.Some growth and some tax cuts would have killed the republican party for yrs to come,but no they had to go with a humongous power grab.
When i like others stop spending money, it doesn't hurt us but it will kill the growth potential of the future,and the market is reflecting it now.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
At this point, I think the republicans even agree they have no ideas, or alternative, to rebuilding and repairing our nation after nearly a decade or so of "supply-side" economics.
Out-of-ideas. Out-of-power. Out-of-control (see Jindal address the nation).
Time to rebuild, regrow, and repair our institutions, our economy, even our values (pro Constitution; pro Country; and pro American).
Edit Obama's Foreign Policy Appears Bush-Like We are confronting a culture that loves to fight, in their own background, and bring down empires Look.
To be fair, I will tell you that Afghanistan cannot be salvaged. 7 years into this war. SEVEN YEARS. The Soviets spent a decade there and the Soviet Empire fell as a consequence.
I look at Obama's foreign policy, and I question its wisdom, frankly.
Actually Republicans had an idea to address the housing market. I didn't agree with the expenditure, I'm always against bailouts, but even it was still an idea.
They also offered to stop spending after a certain period when signs of economic resurgence were present.
So technically they offered ideas that was shot down by a one party majority system but I digress.
In Whig usage, it emphasized preservation of the union and constitutionalism (as opposed to abolitionism). However, the term "conservative" was omitted from Whig's final 1856 presidential platform.
If you have pro-Constitution in your thought lines then you're conservative by nature just an fyi.
I'll just end with it's the non-conservative part of the Republican party that has lost control and not the conservative part. There was opposition against spending and bailouts in Bush's terms.
One more thing. Outfctrl has a nice time line displaying the decline of the stock market as Democrats were gaining bit by bit control.
I know just exacly what will happen but I shall have no part in this because I would not want to get in trouble. I know lots about the economy and things that are happening around the world. It's all falling into place to me.
For most people when I say this, they get confused. I'd have to be knocking at your door with a brochure, you'll know what I'm saying someday, just someday you'll put it together.
Well thats vague. Come on, tell us which doomsdays is it?
Recession, nothing new. Pretty much ever 10 years or so, almost like clock work. This ones hit us a bit harder maybe because we skipped the one that would of hit in 98-2001 one maybe?
Last one the US was supposed to go into a civial war, based on some famous russian economist anyways.
The economy is going to get ahold of the this world and definately not for the better. After that, we'll all starve, and freeze to death or over heat to death. Most will die, few will live, and the governments will look for money, so they go to the religeons because they have lots stached away. All religeons will be attacked. Jehivah's Witnesses will be last standing since they are a Non-profit organasation. They will be beaten to the death. Then something will happen, AMMAGEDDON. I know. Believe me, I know.
Originally posted by RetroMonsterThe economy is going to get ahold of the this world and definately not for the better. After that, we'll all starve, and freeze to death or over heat to death. Most will die, few will live, and the governments will look for money, so they go to the religeons because they have lots stached away. All religeons will be attacked. Jehivah's Witnesses will be last standing since they are a Non-profit organasation. They will be beaten to the death. Then something will happen, AMMAGEDDON. I know. Believe me, I know.
Well. We now know the age in your profile is correct.
"I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone." Robin Williams
Originally posted by RetroMonsterThe economy is going to get ahold of the this world and definately not for the better. After that, we'll all starve, and freeze to death or over heat to death. Most will die, few will live, and the governments will look for money, so they go to the religeons because they have lots stached away. All religeons will be attacked. Jehivah's Witnesses will be last standing since they are a Non-profit organasation. They will be beaten to the death. Then something will happen, AMMAGEDDON. I know. Believe me, I know.
Well. We now know the age in your profile is correct.
Believe what you want to believe but write everything down.
The states that wanna sucede have a very good reason a reason. If you look at the list it includes Texas and California. The 2 biggest contributers to the US federal budget with most of it going to other states. With several trillion being added to the current budget, its these 2 states that will have its citizens picking up its bill. Quite a few states would be better off leaving the union.
The states that wanna sucede have a very good reason a reason. If you look at the list it includes Texas and California. The 2 biggest contributers to the US federal budget with most of it going to other states. With several trillion being added to the current budget, its these 2 states that will have its citizens picking up its bill. Quite a few states would be better off leaving the union.
Ascribing the HUGE increase of the national debt to Pres Clinton is a disney fantasy
As one can see the US debt was somewhat flat for 35 years (1948-1983) at about us$2TRILLION... through the pres carter D. (1977-1981, VP Mondale) admin.
Then came the Pres Reagan R. (Jan 1981-1989, VP GHW Bush [cia dir 1976-77]) "trickle down/supply-side" economics (the depression era policy of providing tax cuts or other benefits to businesses and rich individuals, in the belief that this will indirectly benefit the broad population, cut the marginal tax rate on the highest-income tax bracket from 70% to 28%) notice the HUGE increase of the US debt (nearly doubling).
Pres Bush1 R. (1989-1993, VP Quayle) continued pres Reagan's HUGE rate of increase in deficit spending.
The Pres Clinton D. period was 1993-2001, VP Gore; there one notices a marked deminishment in that increasing trend in the US debt (especially in the public debt).
Then came the moronic pres bush2 R. (2001-2009, VP cheney) where the US debt returned to reaganomics.
09.02.28 Ascribing the HUGE increase of the national debt to Pres Clinton is a disney fantasy
As one can see the US debt was somewhat flat for 35 years (1948-1983) at about us$2TRILLION... through the pres carter D. (1977-1981, VP Mondale) admin. Then came the Pres Reagan R. (Jan 1981-1989, VP GHW Bush [cia dir 1976-77]) "trickle down/supply-side" economics (the depression era policy of providing tax cuts or other benefits to businesses and rich individuals, in the belief that this will indirectly benefit the broad population, cut the marginal tax rate on the highest-income tax bracket from 70% to 28%) notice the HUGE increase of the US debt (nearly doubling). Pres Bush1 R. (1989-1993, VP Quayle) continued pres Reagan's HUGE rate of increase in deficit spending. The Pres Clinton D. period was 1993-2001, VP Gore; there one notices a marked deminishment in that increasing trend in the US debt (especially in the public debt). Then came the moronic pres bush2 R. (2001-2009, VP cheney) where the US debt returned to reaganomics.
The Republicans do not believe us that there darling Reagan grew government and raised their taxes. Reagan's was achieving modern records for his debts and deficits, and he was gutting or eliminating any programs for the social poor and so forth.
Similar to Bush, it was a transfer of wealth and resources UP, and there are so many working-class and lower middle-class republicans that love that.
Why? They think they are wealthy, or they think they will become wealthy . . . sometime in the future.
1. It wasn't just the republicans that caused this mess. It was also the democrates. The Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac fiasco was due to the democrates and Obama's friends lobbying for anyone and their stepsisters to get a house, despite their credit. So don't point the finger at just the right. This was the left's doing. The right was at fault for letting this shit happen. So in terms of the economy going down theshitter it was everyone's fault. 2. Obama isn't bolstering anything. He's using this time of crises to his greedy little polticial partisan advantages. 3. He's not just getting slammed on these forums. 11 States has signed a resolution to succeed from the United States if this dumbass continues to do the shit he's doing. He's getting slammed from all sides of the fence (including the liberal newspapers; they are critical of his bills). 4. Obama isn't doing his best to help the economy whatsoever. Like I said in point 2, he is using this time for his own self interests.
1. Deregulation led to the S&L crisis of the early 1990s because many S&Ls used there newly found freedom to invest in risky commercial ventures. The mortgage trading business is really caused the crisis we are in. It is very uncommon for a bank to hold in its portfolio the mortgages it creases. A bank creates a mortgage, keeps a fee and frees up its capital to make additional loans. Its mortgages are combined with other mortages and split up and reformed into securities called collateralized debt obligations (or collateralized mortgage obligations). Honestly, I do not fully understand them; it seems like something fishy to ME, probably because I do not have a full understanding of them. The purchasers of CDOs are institutional investors that include pension funds and insurance companies and investment banks. They have immense pools of cash to invest, and the CDOs are good investments because the risk of default is supposed to be low and the return is supposed to be higher than traditional debt.
The process of this entire system is administered by two QUASI-GOVERNMENT agencies, which are Faderal National MOrtgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac). They buy vast amounts of mortgage loans, combine them into pools, and resell them to institutional investors such as investment banks. The institutional investors are saved the trouble of examining credit worthiness anof borrowers because the lender is supposed to do that.
The homeowner has no idea that their mortgage is resold into this massive secondary market, and it gets annoying when I hear them get blamed for it.
2. Untrue, unsubstantiated, and Obama is actually trying to help the country, unlike Republicans.
3. Huh? Ya, right.
4. Untrue, unsubstantiated.
1.) You went off on an entirely meaningless tangent there, the point was that the environment of easy loan money came as a direct result of Democratic decisions.
2.) More than half of this stimulus plan is going towards private projects and various Liberal agendas, not key segments of the economy. I would definitely say the claim has substance.
3.) How the hell did you miss this one? They haven't actually given an ultimatum like the one above, but they have publicly objected to many of Obama's actions, both taken and threatened. They have also declared sovereignty, and listed specific cases in which a state can legally secede from the Union. The logical next step is just such an ultimatum. Link The man might stop short of causing the second US civil war, but he is still making great strides to nail a wedge between the states and the Federal government.
P.S. The ones in question are Washington, New Hampshire, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas. Just in case you thought this was related to any one party.
4.) Like I said before, there is a barndoor's width of room for doubt on this point, and if Obama turns out to be the first politician in over a century to not have fooled his followers in something, I will be listening hard for the sound of avian porcines.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. Hemingway
Nice try with the propaganda. Anyone older than 14 can tell that this statement is full of bs, and would probably correct the spelling errors.
The Official God FAQ
A lot of Conservatives want Obama to fail just so they can say I told you so. So much for putting country first.
The Official God FAQ
wow, sounds just like the libs that counted the bodies every day in Iraq. who wanted failure?
wow, sounds just like the libs that counted the bodies every day in Iraq. who wanted failure?
Liberals did not want failure in Iraq. Failure meant people being killed, nobody wanted that. Once it was realized that the war was failing, success was measured by how many soldiers we could save by bringing them home.
The Official God FAQ
Rush Limbaugh said he wanted "big goverment" to fail. He also said he wanted those who seek to control others to fail.
Without watching the Rush Limbaugh speech your Youtube clip absolutely means zero. Those are the people being referred.
Believe or not I can only remember one time hearing Rush on the radio and haven't used a radio in so long I can't remember the device. However I did catch him today on one of the few times I see him on a TV appearance.
Whether you can accept it or not it shall be the people who restore this economy through opportunity/adaptation/learning and not a bailout to them. The bank bailout, which I was always against, is so far proven me correct on a bailout.
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
Nice try with the propaganda. Anyone older than 14 can tell that this statement is full of bs, and would probably correct the spelling errors.
prove me wrong sweet pea.Here is your Obama
Arsonists Torch Berlin Porsches, BMWs on Economic Woe
Keep beating up the rich.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Let me be very clear for you people telling me what I think...I'll tell you what I think and save you the strain....
I do NOT want Obama to fail. I do not want our economy to fail. I'd be THRILLED if what Obama is doing would save all our butts and make prosperity for the nation.... Sadly, history proves his actions are the ABSOLUTE worst possible choices on the economy. So ya i'm the guy standing by and screaming that the bus you are on is about to go over a cliff. As are my conservative allies.
But... I'm very content to say I told you so.... why? because you libs been running your mouths full of hate for YEARS against Bush. And that man did his primary protect freedom. He did it better than Clinton did it too. So ya...I got some jabs to get in...and I'm not afraid to say it.
Turnabout can be a bitch too.
Nice try with the propaganda. Anyone older than 14 can tell that this statement is full of bs, and would probably correct the spelling errors.
prove me wrong sweet pea.Here is your Obama
So you post a video that does absolutely nothing to back-up your original statement?
The Official God FAQ
Nice try with the propaganda. Anyone older than 14 can tell that this statement is full of bs, and would probably correct the spelling errors.
prove me wrong sweet pea.Here is your Obama
So you post a video that does absolutely nothing to back-up your original statement?
Sure it does, these policys have failed before and their being repeated...Like ground hog day,with bill murry,over and over.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
At this point, I think the republicans even agree they have no ideas, or alternative, to rebuilding and repairing our nation after nearly a decade or so of "supply-side" economics.
Out-of-ideas. Out-of-power. Out-of-control (see Jindal address the nation).
Time to rebuild, regrow, and repair our institutions, our economy, even our values (pro Constitution; pro Country; and pro American).
Obama's Foreign Policy Appears Bush-Like
We are confronting a culture that loves to fight, in their own background, and bring down empires
To be fair, I will tell you that Afghanistan cannot be salvaged. 7 years into this war. SEVEN YEARS.
The Soviets spent a decade there and the Soviet Empire fell as a consequence.
I look at Obama's foreign policy, and I question its wisdom, frankly.
Idea : give people control of their lives.when has Big government ever worked.DEC
Idea : promote freedom rather than state control.DEC
idea : You so love the Constitution what about the 10 Amendments,do you know what they are their for.DEC.
Idea : Reduce my tax burden.Boston tea party.DEC
as most of the left you have been neutered and submitted to the fact that others know better how to spend your money than you.Dec you surprise me.Chicago Politics sewer runs right into the white house you said it yourself.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
I know the 17 Amendments proposed by Madison to the Congress;
I know the 13 Amendments passed by the Congress; and
I know the 10 Amendments passed by the states.
I know the 17 Amendments proposed by Madison to the Congress;
I know the 13 Amendments passed by the Congress; and
I know the 10 Amendments passed by the states.
Why are the state seeking to succeed from the a political ploy or do they real Merritt.
The feds have over stepped their boundary's,you know it and most here know it.
Citi bank is one their 3rd bail out .Their junk bond status,who is going to invest in a bank that has got the government fingers all over it...WHO will maybe your dad maybe you,who. The big 3 auto asking for more money to prop up the unions who in fact have kill the company's.
The founder were deathly afraid of what is happing now..out of control spending and power grabs
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
All of this occurred during the republican-domination of government, and you will not be successful in trying to say that the Democrats are responsible.
The Democrats are attempting to repair and rebuild, and the out-of-ideas and out-of-power republican party has nothing else to say or do other than blame Obama and Democrats.
If the republican party really believed in helping this country, as Obama reached-out to the republicans only to get nothing for it, then they will generate some ideas. Even the republican party knows it is to blame for the economic, military, and other messes made.
Now it is clean-up, responsible time. And republicans will go kicking and screaming and this country is rebuilt and repaired for the better.
As if i give a rats ass if its a Dem or a republican..The FDIC is a f*cking joke..DEC
AmEx paying card holders to close their accounts
Do you know what this means..wait..wait the next shoe to drop...wait...bail out..bail you remember when Clinton tried to bail out Mexico some research.. did it help or prolong the problem?
they have over stepped their boundary's and its clear as day.Some growth and some tax cuts would have killed the republican party for yrs to come,but no they had to go with a humongous power grab.
When i like others stop spending money, it doesn't hurt us but it will kill the growth potential of the future,and the market is reflecting it now.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Actually Republicans had an idea to address the housing market. I didn't agree with the expenditure, I'm always against bailouts, but even it was still an idea.
They also offered to stop spending after a certain period when signs of economic resurgence were present.
So technically they offered ideas that was shot down by a one party majority system but I digress.
In Whig usage, it emphasized preservation of the union and constitutionalism (as opposed to abolitionism). However, the term "conservative" was omitted from Whig's final 1856 presidential platform.
If you have pro-Constitution in your thought lines then you're conservative by nature just an fyi.
I'll just end with it's the non-conservative part of the Republican party that has lost control and not the conservative part. There was opposition against spending and bailouts in Bush's terms.
One more thing. Outfctrl has a nice time line displaying the decline of the stock market as Democrats were gaining bit by bit control.
Here's the link to the post.
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
Well thats vague. Come on, tell us which doomsdays is it?
Recession, nothing new. Pretty much ever 10 years or so, almost like clock work. This ones hit us a bit harder maybe because we skipped the one that would of hit in 98-2001 one maybe?
Last one the US was supposed to go into a civial war, based on some famous russian economist anyways.
The economy is going to get ahold of the this world and definately not for the better. After that, we'll all starve, and freeze to death or over heat to death. Most will die, few will live, and the governments will look for money, so they go to the religeons because they have lots stached away. All religeons will be attacked. Jehivah's Witnesses will be last standing since they are a Non-profit organasation. They will be beaten to the death. Then something will happen, AMMAGEDDON. I know. Believe me, I know.
Well. We now know the age in your profile is correct.
Well. We now know the age in your profile is correct.
Believe what you want to believe but write everything down.
The states that wanna sucede have a very good reason a reason. If you look at the list it includes Texas and California. The 2 biggest contributers to the US federal budget with most of it going to other states. With several trillion being added to the current budget, its these 2 states that will have its citizens picking up its bill. Quite a few states would be better off leaving the union.
so true.
Ascribing the HUGE increase of the national debt to Pres Clinton is a disney fantasy
As one can see the US debt was somewhat flat for 35 years (1948-1983) at about us$2TRILLION... through the pres carter D. (1977-1981, VP Mondale) admin.
Then came the Pres Reagan R. (Jan 1981-1989, VP GHW Bush [cia dir 1976-77]) "trickle down/supply-side" economics (the depression era policy of providing tax cuts or other benefits to businesses and rich individuals, in the belief that this will indirectly benefit the broad population, cut the marginal tax rate on the highest-income tax bracket from 70% to 28%) notice the HUGE increase of the US debt (nearly doubling).
Pres Bush1 R. (1989-1993, VP Quayle) continued pres Reagan's HUGE rate of increase in deficit spending.
The Pres Clinton D. period was 1993-2001, VP Gore; there one notices a marked deminishment in that increasing trend in the US debt (especially in the public debt).
Then came the moronic pres bush2 R. (2001-2009, VP cheney) where the US debt returned to reaganomics.
wowa. Insanity.
The Republicans do not believe us that there darling Reagan grew government and raised their taxes. Reagan's was achieving modern records for his debts and deficits, and he was gutting or eliminating any programs for the social poor and so forth.
Similar to Bush, it was a transfer of wealth and resources UP, and there are so many working-class and lower middle-class republicans that love that.
Why? They think they are wealthy, or they think they will become wealthy . . . sometime in the future.
1. Deregulation led to the S&L crisis of the early 1990s because many S&Ls used there newly found freedom to invest in risky commercial ventures. The mortgage trading business is really caused the crisis we are in. It is very uncommon for a bank to hold in its portfolio the mortgages it creases. A bank creates a mortgage, keeps a fee and frees up its capital to make additional loans. Its mortgages are combined with other mortages and split up and reformed into securities called collateralized debt obligations (or collateralized mortgage obligations). Honestly, I do not fully understand them; it seems like something fishy to ME, probably because I do not have a full understanding of them. The purchasers of CDOs are institutional investors that include pension funds and insurance companies and investment banks. They have immense pools of cash to invest, and the CDOs are good investments because the risk of default is supposed to be low and the return is supposed to be higher than traditional debt.
The process of this entire system is administered by two QUASI-GOVERNMENT agencies, which are Faderal National MOrtgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac). They buy vast amounts of mortgage loans, combine them into pools, and resell them to institutional investors such as investment banks. The institutional investors are saved the trouble of examining credit worthiness anof borrowers because the lender is supposed to do that.
The homeowner has no idea that their mortgage is resold into this massive secondary market, and it gets annoying when I hear them get blamed for it.
2. Untrue, unsubstantiated, and Obama is actually trying to help the country, unlike Republicans.
3. Huh? Ya, right.
4. Untrue, unsubstantiated.
1.) You went off on an entirely meaningless tangent there, the point was that the environment of easy loan money came as a direct result of Democratic decisions.
2.) More than half of this stimulus plan is going towards private projects and various Liberal agendas, not key segments of the economy. I would definitely say the claim has substance.
3.) How the hell did you miss this one? They haven't actually given an ultimatum like the one above, but they have publicly objected to many of Obama's actions, both taken and threatened. They have also declared sovereignty, and listed specific cases in which a state can legally secede from the Union. The logical next step is just such an ultimatum. Link The man might stop short of causing the second US civil war, but he is still making great strides to nail a wedge between the states and the Federal government.
P.S. The ones in question are Washington, New Hampshire, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas. Just in case you thought this was related to any one party.
4.) Like I said before, there is a barndoor's width of room for doubt on this point, and if Obama turns out to be the first politician in over a century to not have fooled his followers in something, I will be listening hard for the sound of avian porcines.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.