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I mean seriously, look at that list of MMOs on this site. Even if you take only the bigger titles, there are so many MMORGPs at the moment, and more and more coming with every year, I really get the feeling new MMOs just dont have a chance anymore since there are way too many now. Every time a new MMO is published, say AoC or WAR, player try it out a while, then many return to their former games where they have fame and name already. The bottom line is, new MMos have to be unnaturally better than existing ones to really convert people.
Somehow I get this feeling the industry should just agree that every publisher shuts down about 50% of his MMOs, and that every MMO older than a couple of years and with only a few player left is either shut down or reduced to free-to-play and no longer supported status. There are so many old trash MMOs, I mean, sorry for those who like them, but they just all drain people away.
First of all we start shutting down WOW, of course, hrhr.
Seriously, guys, its just too much. Who the heck is going to play all that stuff. It happens so rarely now that I meet some player who really has NOT played another MMOs before, so the number of people who really can be brought new into the genre is considerbly smaller than companies assume. They always say "we dont compete against WOW, we find new players", but thats mainly balderdash.
So, what would you put on this list of MMOs to be shut down? I mean besides WOW, naturally, heh.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
no and there is nothing wrong with WoW [not that i like it myself].
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
As long as a company is making profit and the gamers are enjoying themselves, i see no reason to close down a game.
And as long enough people play a game, it could stay. Not all games are feature equivalent to all other games. Take Planetside, If planetside go down, something unique will die.
There is nothing wrong with having many options available to gamers out there on the market. Being able to choose from hundreds of games only makes this industry stronger and more accepting of new players and give current players more options to find a new title if they so choose.
I do agree though that some games need to go. I would say the games that simply show no signs of uniqueness or inovation need to be removed or shut down.
Most of these games consists of the Korean Free 2 play Genre. Lets face it, when it comes to inovation that transcends the industry the Free 2 play Genre is lagging behind our economic advisors.
There has never been anything trully innovative to come from a Korean Free 2 play game that becomes so widely popular it calls for a massive globalization of the feature in the industry. Pay 2 play games however often find their unique ideas and innovation cheeply imitated by the F2P companies who are trying to make a quick buck.
I am a frim believer in pay 2 play games as is probably obvious by now. I happen to have tried many free 2 play titles including some of the so called best. There is no doubt in my mind the Free 2 play Industry does not provide the mmorpg Genre with any services except give the good developers who focus on making fun solid pay 2 play titles a bad name. Having your first impression of the genre come from a F2P game is nothing short of devastating to your long term enjoyment of mmorpgs in my opinion, and these kinds of games the Korean Grinder as its called should all be shut down or taken off the Western and European Markets. This is only my opinion from my own experience and observation but I think there's many people out there who feel a similar way as well.
The Free Market is a bitch sometimes.
I've said numerous times on this site, for better or worse, Blizzard's greatest contribution to the genre is a level of polish. Prior to WoW players, including myself, had an expectation in some sense to co-develop a game along with the studio. If the game had 'potential' then gamers would tend to stick around. SWG is a prime example of what I'm talking about.
Nowadays though, players expect a feature rich stable game; notice I didn't say 'feature complete'. Studios are now expected to deliver a polished game, those that don't suffer from immediate population loss. When Funcom released AoC, the game simply wasn't finished and the game quickly declined. Now Funcom has the onnerous task of getting those players back.
Studios need to learn that 'potential' isn't sustainable.
Added to that the genre seems fixated on fantasy themeparks. As much as I enjoy WoW, I'm done with playing orcs and elves in a (mostly) pre-defined setting.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
2012 the world ends but world of warcraft will live on
I wonder what would happen IF WoW did die <- if your bored at work
Games like EQ, DAoC, WoW, UO need to stay up there forever, they are milestones in the MMO history and a good amount of players still play them.
I don't care about most of the new F2P and if they want to take some of those down, fine, but don't touch the iconic MMO please.
If anything they should be the first ones to show up so people see how much crap games are released now.
This assumes most players stick with a given game indefinitely. I'm sure it varies, but what if you think of MMOs more like any other genre - lots of people only play them for a month or two, before looking for something new. For those players, there are never enough.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
If you really liked a fairly obscure game that wasn't terribly popular, would you volunteer your favorite game as the first one that should be shut down?
A great game is one that you'll still play from time to time at least five years after the first time you played it. A great game should never be shut down. I can still go back and play Super Mario World, Tecmo Super Bowl, or Zelda II--and I do from time to time.
This is SILLY. First, no money making MMO will shut down voluntarily.
Secondly there is nothing wrong competing with existing one. If the new one is not good enough and die, so much the better. This will motivate publisher to worker even harder to make their games good. Survival of the fittest and all that.
Plus, why would anyone shut down WOW when there are MILLIONS of people still enjoy it? If it is better and more fun than a newer game, the newer game can die. I won't shed a tear.
The list actually wouldn't be that big if people stopped hosting Korean games. Korean free to plays come in by the dozen and non of them are unique. I think the only games that need to really be shut down are the Korean games that we get every month.
Well obviously the OP's idea is absurd, as others here have pointed out. If someone is making money from a MMO, they have no reason to shut it down. As for the idea of "making room for new" MMOs, that will be decided by us, in terms of where we choose to subscribe. New MMOs are not necessarily going to be good ones; I think we've seen that well-illustrated of late, no?